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Obamacare - just kicking ass ...

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Nov 1, 2013, 12:54:16 PM11/1/13
This should be self-explanatory, even to the staunchest and densest Liberals

And remember, chillun: Liberalism is a Mental Disorder !!!

Brad Guth

Nov 1, 2013, 1:51:37 PM11/1/13
It's all good, because at your income status means that you'll be paying at least tenfold as much as the rest of us. At least that seems fair enough.


Nov 1, 2013, 4:16:52 PM11/1/13

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
*** Spoken like the true Liberal blood sucker you are.
Dumb as a rock, which qualifies most Liberals to lots of free suckling from
the Federal teat ...

Brad Guth

Nov 1, 2013, 9:01:44 PM11/1/13
Why Hagar, according to most truly and honestly wealthy individuals, they love paying their greater percentage as federal income tax, because it proves that they've made a lot of loot off of the rest of us.

You must have something to hide, as unreported income(s) that would put your taxes owed up another notch or two, as well as making you pay the maximum going rate for that private, state or federal health insurance policy, whereas 90+% of what you get to pay goes for subsidizing the health insurance of us lower caste folks that were never getting overpaid for any job we ever had.


Nov 3, 2013, 4:10:40 PM11/3/13

"Brad Guth" wrote in message
*** It really must eat on you Losers that there are people who
actually fend for themselves and are successful at it ... retirement
accounts, saving accounts, IRAs, a 401K, Cadillac health care etc.
and yet, I pay more in taxes than you make, you despicable, hallucinating

But just like the faggot losers absolutely want to get "married", even
though they had the same rights all along in Civil Unions, you low-life
opportunists aren't happy until you get preferential treatment for simply
being the losers in life, over the producers in life.

It'll come to a screeching halt when you run out of other people's money, as
the Iron Lady was so fond of saying, or when you get smart and realize the
errors of your Liberal ways ... but I would bet on that sudden surge in
intelligence on your part.

Brad Guth

Nov 3, 2013, 4:44:17 PM11/3/13
Yes indeed, we all have been fully aware of your intent upon promoting and/or allowing your 90+% culling of humanity. Of course by then no food would be grown, harvested or processed at any price that even you could possibly afford, however the oligarchs and Bilderbergs that you obviously brown-nose and worship while extorting at least tenfold more of our hard earned loot than yourself, will be able to afford those $100 Happy Meals and paying $1/kwhr.


Nov 3, 2013, 6:29:20 PM11/3/13

"Brad Guth" wrote in message
*** Well, Goth ... we didn't think we'd ever see gasoline at $4.00 + per
gallon, but the Magic Nigger made it happen ... just think of it, 2008 (end
of Bush tenure) $1.80 per gallon ...

So keep the faith, me lad ... Obama will make your $1/KWHr come true ... you
whiny piss ant.

Brad Guth

Nov 4, 2013, 2:43:18 AM11/4/13
And the next Democrat will pile it on just as well if not by way of another 9/11 or WW3 (especially if you were in charge).

Brad Guth

Nov 4, 2013, 5:17:55 AM11/4/13
Where are your Republican friends that still have nothing new or improved to offer us?

But of course you're actually a born-again Democrat that's only pretending at being a Republican, just like you pretend being an Atheist that just so happens to act/react exactly like a Semite.

Since your ruse intent of putting a Republican or tea-party whatever as our next President isn't exactly looking good, perhaps you can tell us what blonde and blue-eyed Democrat gets to take charge of running this nation further into the nearest toilet.


Nov 4, 2013, 3:11:29 PM11/4/13

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
*** Exactly, Goth ... the Democrats caused 9/11 ... the same guy who
sanctimoniously wagged his finger and said "I did not have sexual relations
with that woman, Lewinsky" while wiping her lipstick marks of his Hillary
sausage ... the same guy who was too busy getting blown and totally missed
the three occasions on which the Saudis offered OBL on a silver platter ...
even you can't be stupid enough to believe that the "retarded" Bush and
Cheney could pull this off in a short 6 months in office ... after all, your
Nigger had 6 years to set up Obamacare and it is a total disaster, but then
you and Bast are the kind of mental midgets who would eagerly swallow such
hog slop ...

Brad Guth

Nov 4, 2013, 3:46:00 PM11/4/13
How exactly is a Democrat any different than a ZNR redneck certified Republican?

Are you still suggesting that one mafia/cabal is any better than the next?

You claim that our mostly Democrat Operation Paperclip mafia run DARPA/NASA was always right and perfectly honest about everything. So, what changed?


Nov 4, 2013, 7:34:36 PM11/4/13

H�gar wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
Which part of "politicians are ALL puppets" are you having problems
understanding ?
Bush was as much of a patsy as Obama, and Carter, And Clinton,....and the
next one in that office will be a puppet too.

Dean Markley

Nov 5, 2013, 12:41:37 PM11/5/13
On Monday, November 4, 2013 2:34:36 PM UTC-5, Bast wrote:
> Hägar wrote:
> > "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
> >
Ooohhhhh, you's a conspiracy?

Brad Guth

Nov 5, 2013, 2:16:30 PM11/5/13
Two or more plotting to either do something or allow something of skulduggery to happen for either faith-based, social, political or personal gain, such as insider trading, bogus loans, insurance fraud, assassinations or 9/11 would be interpreted as a conspiracy. Obviously you wouldn't consider any of that conspiracy worthy or much less treasonous as long as only you and your buddies were involved.


Nov 5, 2013, 8:12:24 PM11/5/13
"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 4:41:37 AM UTC-8, Dean Markley wrote:

<<snipped to conserve virtual paper >>

> Ooohhhhh, you's a conspiracy?

Two or more plotting to either do something or allow something of
skulduggery to happen for either faith-based, social, political or personal
gain, such as insider trading, bogus loans, insurance fraud, assassinations
or 9/11 would be interpreted as a conspiracy. Obviously you wouldn't
consider any of that conspiracy worthy or much less treasonous as long as
only you and your buddies were involved.

*** And the above are the ramblings of certifiable insanity.

Brad Guth

Nov 5, 2013, 8:21:45 PM11/5/13
What's the interpretation by a certified redneck ZNR, as to what constitutes a conspiracy or an act of treason? (besides being Muslim or a Democrat)


Nov 7, 2013, 12:42:39 PM11/7/13
Nope it's a "conspiracy fact".

As hagar pointed out,....the Saudi's have had their noses in the whitehouse
for decades.
And interestingly,...they are the ones that stand to gain the most, in these
endless attacks on other arab countries the U.S keeps starting.


Nov 7, 2013, 1:35:38 PM11/7/13
"Bast" wrote in message news:l5g1o2$n68$

Dean Markley wrote:
> On Monday, November 4, 2013 2:34:36 PM UTC-5, Bast wrote:
>> Hägar wrote:

,, Snipped to conserve virtual paper >>

> Ooohhhhh, you's a conspiracy?

Nope it's a "conspiracy fact".

As hagar pointed out,....the Saudi's have had their noses in the whitehouse
for decades.

*** Can you please post the reference you quoted ... I think your head is
buried in a dark place once again, Bastie ...


Nov 8, 2013, 6:20:53 PM11/8/13
You posted this O4/11/2013

" the same guy who was too busy getting blown and totally missed
the three occasions on which the Saudis offered OBL on a silver platter ...

Is your ADHD acting up again ?
Double up on the meds for the next few days.


Nov 8, 2013, 9:15:11 PM11/8/13

"Bast" <fake...@nomail.invalid> wrote in message
*** You obviously don't know the difference between a long-distance phone
call and a White House in-residence presence.

And yes, The Saudis were our friends until the Nigger made them puke in
disgust with his apology tours and excessive bowing before the raghead
princes of the realm. On the other hand, they are also Muslims, like Obama
and therefore will always back their own rather then Westerners. But OBL
became a liability for them and they knew something was in the air (9/11)
and they thought to score some brownie points. Now if you weren't so hung
up on GWB being responsible for 9/11, you could probably have figured that
out all by your lonesome ... but I forget, you only have half a brain.

Brad Guth

Nov 9, 2013, 4:44:54 AM11/9/13
HVCA(Harlow) required multiple IVs. and he was still an ass of a racist bigot.

With Hager it'll take a whole case of those horse sized enimas for treating his ZNR redneck version of his bipolar ADHD.

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