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The Moon and Astrology (and the World) - Part 2

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Dec 28, 2014, 11:50:05 AM12/28/14
(continued from part 1)


The moon is "white" at full moon, black-and-white for most of the time
and at new moon slightly reddish dark. Since the female period is
associated with the lunar cycle, the red is also the red of the
menstrual blood (or of birth).

The growth towards full moon is also like the growing of the pregnant
belly until birth. In mythology the lunary female is often threefold,
also for three phases in life, girl (not yet able to have children),
adult woman and then old woman (cannot have children any more).

*Aesthetics in Art*

Im art you often see these three colors, but then also often round
things and symmetry. Also in photography, which is (or was before
digital photography) based on silver, the metal of the moon.

Simply visualize a few famous images or sculptures and yes, often it is
then exactly a lunar element that makes the difference, resp. if you
would imagine it removed it would often remove a big part what makes of
the work of art a work of art.

In there also lies a great familiarity with the Moon, with what is
motherly, with what you see after birth, like e.g. immediately the eyes
and breasts of the mother.

Conversely, Artemis is searching (at least since modernity) often the
aesthetics of a newborn child, which is from a sober angle often very
ugly compared to what is usually considered "beautiful" - not smooth,
round, but wrinkled and clotted - and, yet, is able to bind its parents
in love like nothing else can. Exactly this is what Artemis tries to
achieve in art.

*Golem, Robots, Large Cities and Prague*

Artemis, the wild huntress close to nature is, yet, also a goddess of
cities, from Zeus himself she got 50 cities.

Prague is mytstically considered the city of all cities, and yes, there
you can find lots of lunar things, but it is also often rather in the
shadow than in the light.

The name "Prague" apparently means "passage", possibly a ford in ancient
times, but for which there is apparently no historical evidence, but
symbolically one is immediately reminded of the spring point, the
passage between death and life.

In the painting "La Plume" by the czech Art Nouveau painter Alfons Much,
Mucha has, as an artistic trick, extended the Zodiac to 14 signs,
between Pisces and Aries, hidden in the neck of the beauty, he has put
two new star signs, symbolizing also the passage between death and
rebirth as also with the ancient Egyptians.

* La Plume:

In Egypt it was Heqet and Khnum who at the headwaters of the Nile
created new life out of clay, as in the tale in Prague the Golem was
made out of clay at the shore of the river Vltava. Also robots are, if
you want, an attempt to create life artificially, and the word "robot"
comes from a theater play by Karel Capek (the word is the invention of
his brother Josef).

There is lots of art in Prague, but most of it is invisible to all the

*Sleep, Dream, Flush*

Artists or maybe the "Bohème" (Prague is in Bohemia) create there art
often not consciously, analytically and linearly, but often in search of
circles, in dreams and also in intoxication, exactly in order to get as
close as possible to the secret of the Moon.

The "automatic writing" of the Surrealists also comes to mind.


Even if Artemis has 50 cities, she herself is certainly no "Bourgeois",
she rather lives in an urban jungle, maybe in houses that are to be
demolished and which she furnishes.

But in theater two worlds come together like black and white in the
moon. The audience in the darkness, the stage in the light. The
Bourgeoisie in the audience, the Bohème on the stage. And the actors
reflect on stage what is going on in the "bourgeois" world in a very
dense and lunar way. And the bourgeois then even applaud to it. The is
serves then (I should maybe justify this a little more, but out of
space) to flush the Bourgeoisie unconsciously, so that they somehow
unconsciously recognize what they are doing and afterwards unnoticeably
change it a bit.

But time to come to what I promised:

*The Moon and Astrology*

In astrology, destiny is determined by the moment of birth, i.e. exactly
the point at which Artemis, the point around which her interest into the
world circles.

And destiny does not unfold linearly, but in circles, namely the circles
that the planets do in the sky (geocentrically, with all the crystal
spheres and epicycles).

That's already it, as so often with the Moon, at the end it is almost
empty and somehow banal and yet the whole world is contained in it.

(continued in part 3)

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