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Yod in my daughter's natal chart- Please help

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Jun 11, 2014, 8:20:03 AM6/11/14

Hi everyone!

My daughter, Maria, has 1 Yod, with: Saturn (scorpio, house 4) in a sextile aspect with Pluto (capricorn, house 5), and both in aspect with J�piter ( Gemini, house 11). I've read a lot about this Yod, produced in December-2012, but it's difficult to understand for me the meaning of it in my daughter's natal chart.

Also, I see a figure that I don't know if it's a Yod, because it has one point in a sextile instead of a planet: Pluto (�pex), Ascendant (leo)-J�piter (sextile). I've read that a real Yod has as an apex, the fastest planet of the three of them. Is it ok?

Can you help me to interpretate this natal chart. I would really appreciate it!.

Thank you very much!

Mar�a was born : November 20th 2012 in Barcelona (Spain) at 20:35.


Jun 17, 2014, 4:10:02 PM6/17/14
Hi Pilar,
I've just drawn up this chart, and as far as I can tell, there actually
isn't a Yod there. In any usual system of calculating aspects, a valid
"quincunx" aspect has to be an angle of 150 degrees, or no more than 3
degrees more or less than that at the most. In your daughter's chart,
Jupiter is 143 degrees from Saturn and 155 degrees from Pluto - so neither
is a quincunx and that isn't a Yod. Who told you it was a Yod?

Anyway, I enjoyed thinking about what it might mean, before I actually got
around to drawing the full chart and realised that, so thank you! Is there
anything else you wanted to know?
All the best,
A. B.
My e-mail address is zen177395 at zendotcodotuk, though I don't check that
account very often.
Post unto others as you would have them post unto you.

"pilar" <> wrote on 11th June:
> Hi everyone!
> My daughter, Maria, has 1 Yod, with: Saturn (scorpio, house 4) in a
> sextile aspect with Pluto (capricorn, house 5), and both in aspect with
> J�piter ( Gemini, house 11). I've read a lot about this Yod, produced in
> December-2012, but it's difficult to understand for me the meaning of it
> in my daughter's natal chart.
> Also, I see a figure that I don't know if it's a Yod, because it has one
> point in a sextile instead of a planet: Pluto (�pex), Ascendant
> (leo)-J�piter (sextile). I've read that a real Yod has as an apex, the
> fastest planet of the three of them. Is it ok?
> Can you help me to interpretate this natal chart. I would really
> appreciate it!.
> Thank you very much!
> Mar�a was born : November 20th 2012 in Barcelona (Spain) at 20:35.


Jun 17, 2014, 4:10:05 PM6/17/14
"pilar" <> wrote on 11th June:
> Hi everyone!
> My daughter, Maria, has 1 Yod, with: Saturn (scorpio, house 4) in a
> sextile aspect with Pluto (capricorn, house 5), and both in aspect with
> J�piter ( Gemini, house 11). I've read a lot about this Yod, produced in
> December-2012, but it's difficult to understand for me the meaning of it
> in my daughter's natal chart.
> Also, I see a figure that I don't know if it's a Yod, because it has one
> point in a sextile instead of a planet: Pluto (�pex), Ascendant
> (leo)-J�piter (sextile). I've read that a real Yod has as an apex, the
> fastest planet of the three of them. Is it ok?
> Can you help me to interpretate this natal chart. I would really
> appreciate it!.
> Thank you very much!
> Mar�a was born : November 20th 2012 in Barcelona (Spain) at 20:35.

Hi Pilar,
Just to say I'm looking at this. Sorry for the delay; I didn't see this
posting until a day or two ago, and since then I haven't had time to do
anything about it in detail! I may be able to answer (as far as I can)
later today, but if not, I just wanted to let you know I've seen it.


Jun 18, 2014, 6:30:03 AM6/18/14
Thanks A.B for your response.

I've read a lot about this Yod in many astrological webs. I know that orbs have to be very tight in Yod patterns, and I think quincuxs have orbs less than 1 in this case, but may be I'm not right.

Can you tell me a little bit about the chart?

Thank you very much!


Jun 21, 2014, 11:10:06 AM6/21/14
"pilar" <> wrote on 18th June:
I've never heard that about Yods needing tighter orbs than the aspects would
individually - in fact, I thought that slightly *larger* orbs were allowable
if the aspects were part of an aspect pattern, such as a Yod. But you may
be right all the same.

What kind of thing did you want to know?

There seems to be a bit of confusion about what's in the chart. When I
calculate a chart based on the data you gave (20th November 2012, 20:35,
Barcelona), I get a chart with a Cancer Ascendant and no Yod. The 20:25 is
Spanish time, isn't it, not GMT? Where exactly did you get the information
about it having a Yod and a Leo Ascendant - do you study astrology yourself,
or did you get it from another astrologer? I'd like to be quite sure that I
do have the chart right before I start trying to tell you anything about
what it might mean!

Best wishes,


Jun 24, 2014, 5:40:01 AM6/24/14
Excuseme, A.B!!!
Of course you are right. I'm not right about my daughter's birthday. It was a big mistake: december 20th 2012, not november!

Sorry to have lost your time!

Please, if you can help me, I would appreciate it.




Jun 25, 2014, 3:30:02 PM6/25/14
"pilar" <> wrote on 24th June:
Not to worry, accidents happen. What kind of thing did you want to know?


Jul 8, 2014, 4:00:02 PM7/8/14
P.S. Bother. That bit about the goatherd and the stockbroker should say
"For instance, Jupiter in the 2nd House is associated with "success with
money" - but an illiterate goatherd's son with Jupiter in the 2nd isn't
likely to make a fortune on the Stock Exchange...", but I forgot to put in
the actual "Jupiter in the 2nd"! I just thought I'd better explain that in
case you wondered what I was talking about.


Jul 8, 2014, 4:00:05 PM7/8/14
Hello Pilar,
I really must apologise for the delay. I've been so busy I just haven't had
a moment to type this up and send it.

This looks an impressively colourful and energetic chart, with all those
things in Fire signs, and one that I'd have thought had lots of potential.
I can imagine it might be pretty exhausting at 18 months old! Kids do calm
down a bit once they get past 2 or 3 years old, so I'm told...

You were quite right, with the correct birth data (20th December 2012 20:35)
there is a Yod. In fact, according to the orbs I usually use, there are two
Yods. I'll give you what I know about the meaning of a Yod in general, but
it's not possible for an astrologer to tell anyone very much about a
particular chart unless they know something about the situation. The reason
is that most of the things an astrological chart shows are quite abstract.
For instance, is associated with "success with money" - but an
illiterate goatherd's son with isn't likely to make a fortune on the Stock
Exchange (and nor is a stockbroker's son likely to make a fortune selling
prize goats). Is there a particular reason why you asked, or just general
curiosity? I'd need to know before I could say any more.

Also, I don't want to mislead you; I'm really not the best qualified person
to do this. I'm only an amateur astrologer (though I've been doing it for a
long time) and I'm out of practice. If you do want me to go into it any
more, let me know, but if you don't that's fine too. Either way, don't take
what I say as entirely reliable. Or what any other astrologer says, for
that matter; it's never been an exact science.

Well, about the Yod. As you've probably read, it's often associated with a
sort of destiny, and its other name is "the Finger of God". It's by no
means as doomy as that sounds, though. Its general meaning is that
something will come up that the person almost has no choice but to do
something about. When they do, though, the rewards for doing it can be
impressive. The two examples I can find at the moment are Winston
Churchill, the great general and statesman, and Anna Kingsford, a famous
19th-century animal rights campaigner and one of the first women to achieve
a medical degree - astonishing story, do look her up!

My own opinion, from looking at charts, is that the two planets in sextile
represent the motive, the thing that has to be dealt with, and the one at
the point represents what has to be used to act on it. For instance, in
Anna Kingsford's chart, Saturn (sense of duty and self-discipline, among
other things) in Aquarius (reforming, humanitarian) is sextile Pluto
(drastic change, mysticism - she saw visions) in Aries (a much more
explosive placing than your daughter's!), describing the "obligation". Both
are quincunx Mercury (communication) in Virgo (organised, interested in
health/diet, communication again) in the 11th House (groups and societies,
and also ideals); she acted on her convictions by writing incessantly, by
public speaking, and by organising other like-minded people (she was a
leading light of all kinds of charitable organisations and religious
movements). That's roughly how you read a chart, by the way: planet = what,
sign = how and house = where.

Two planets connected by a quincunx never quite see eye to eye, adding to
the impression that the Yod's obligation is something that's almost visited
on the person from outside. The planet at the point - I mean, of course,
the abilities and the side of the person that it represents - may sometimes
have a feeling of "What's all this got to do with me?" But the symmetry and
the sextile give it more stability than a single quincunx has, so it's

My feeling would be, don't worry about it - it'll attend to itself. But if
you have some reason to want more details of how it might work out, then I
can try if you'll explain the situation, and if you like.
With best wishes to you both,

don hindenach

Sep 8, 2014, 5:50:05 AM9/8/14
On Wed, 11 Jun 2014 07:10:27 CST
pilar <> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> My daughter, Maria, has 1 Yod, with: Saturn (scorpio, house 4) in a sextile aspect with Pluto (capricorn, house 5), and both in aspect with J_piter ( Gemini, house 11). I've read a lot about this Yod, produced in December-2012, but it's difficult to understand for me the meaning of it in my daughter's natal chart.
> Also, I see a figure that I don't know if it's a Yod, because it has one point in a sextile instead of a planet: Pluto (_pex), Ascendant (leo)-J_piter (sextile). I've read that a real Yod has as an apex, the fastest planet of the three of them. Is it ok?
> Can you help me to interpretate this natal chart. I would really appreciate it!.
> Thank you very much!
> Mar_a was born : November 20th 2012 in Barcelona (Spain) at 20:35.

I am a loose-aspect kinda guy. I see three yods, a huge slightly blurry kite, and a T-square in there.

Whoever's chart this is, I would say to them:
Nothing is what it seems
It ain't as easy as it looks
Use long-term type birth control - nothing "of the minute", use IUD, implant, etc
Find a world-view that includes both yourself and others and stick to it.
This person will likely oscillate hard between self-centered headstrong and total sacrifice to others - they NEED to live in between those extremes.

Betcha she's beautiful! :-)

donh at audiosys dot com

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