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Bugliosi's Upcoming JFK Book

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Dale Myers

Jun 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/5/98

>From W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.'s Fall catalog:



The True Account of the Murder
of John F. Kennedy

It was the crime of the century, the most shattering public event most of
us will ever live through. Much has been written about that day in Dallas,
but never an account that laid all questions to rest - until now.

At 1:00 p.m. on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was
pronounced dead, the victim of a sniper attack during his motorcade
through Dallas. That may be the only fact generally agreed upon in the
vast literature spawned by the assassination. Polls reveal that 85 percent
of Americans believe there was a conspiracy behind Lee Harvey Oswald -
some even believe Oswald had nothing to do with it - and in this
astonishingly encylopedic and readable book, Vincent Bugliosi shows how we
have come to believe such lies.

Bugliosi, brillant prosecutor of Charles Manson, best-selling author of
the book, "Outrage," that hammered a chain of circum- stantial guilt
around O.J. Simpson, is perhaps the only man in America capable of
"prosecuting" Lee Harvey Oswald for the murder of John F. Kennedy. His
book is a narrative compendium of fact, ballistic evidence, reexamination
of key witnesses, and, above all, common sense. Every detail and nuance is
accounted for, every conspiracy theory revealed as a fraud upon the
American public. While reading it we have the eerie feeling that we are in
Dallas the day a lone gunman changed the course of history. Buglisosi's
irresistible logic and absolute command of the evidence shed fresh light
on this peculiarly American nightmare. At last we know what really
happened; at last it all makes sense.

Vincent Bugliosi lives in Los Angeles.

Publication date: November 22, 1998
$35.00 (Can. $48.99)
ISBN 0-393-04525-0
6-1/8" x 9-1/4"
992 pages

National radio, print, and television interviews
20-city author tour

Robert Harris

Jun 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/5/98


Robert Harris

Check out my website, The JFK Assassination Home Page

the FTP site is:


Jun 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/5/98

Yeah Bugliosi's right and 85% of americans are wrong.

When presented with a suspect, all prosecutors are convinced he's guilty,
all defense attorneys are convinced he's innocent.

I'm sure given the scant evidence that Oswald acted alone if at all,
Bugliosi would be quite capable of getting Oswald convicted. After all
he's no Marcia Clark.

As per OJ trial, the court system has very little to do with the truth.

Remember this is a guy who convinced a jury that someone should get murder
1 for listening to Beatles albums and brainwashing kids that a race war
was coming. Manson deserved murder 1 but the truth of the matter is he
didn't actually do the killing. What's your premise this time prosecutor?
I would imagine it goes something like this : well Oswald probably did it,
at least we have some evidence and what the hell he deserved the title of
assassin anyway. 'Cause he went to Russia and was a Marxist.

I like Bugliosi, I liked Helter Skelter. But he was involved in the
Manson trial. What makes him any more credible than Cyril Wecht as far as
Kennedy goes?. OK so the conspiracy haters have another hero a la Posner.

And another fish in the barrel for conspiracy non-deny-ers to shoot at.

Score : Conspiracy books - a ca-jillion
WC 'lovin, believin' what yo' mama told you books - 2

Kingus J. Fateus

ritchie linton

Jun 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/5/98

Dale Myers wrote:
> >From W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.'s Fall catalog:
> The True Account of the Murder
> of John F. Kennedy
> It was the crime of the century, the most shattering public event most of
> us will ever live through. Much has been written about that day in Dallas,
> but never an account that laid all questions to rest - until now.***************


I feel sorry for Vince already. He's going to get trashed as Posner did,
but of course by his profile he will be protected from the difficulty of
answering the real evidence.As Posner was.

Unlike Posner he risks a real reputation here.Sad. His ego has pushed his
neck out longer than it will reach and it will be cut off.As things go in
life, being right about a couple of things tends you to the belief that
you can always be right.Especially if the prior events were relatively
easily understood.Thats where this one is different.

BTW, I read that you also have a book-congratulations, for its not easy to
get published-and let me ask you this: How does your book succeed in
getting the Tippit .38 into Oswald's hand in the first place, given the
Dodd Committee Report of the time? They said they never shipped any at all
during March, which is when it was supposed to have been received.


Dale Myers

Jun 5, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/5/98

Ritchie Linton wrote:

BTW, I read that you also have a book-congratulations, for its not easy to
get published-and let me ask you this: How does your book succeed in
getting the Tippit .38 into Oswald's hand in the first place, given the
Dodd Committee Report of the time? They said they never shipped any at all
during March, which is when it was supposed to have been received.

The paper trail showing Oswald's purchase
of the revolver under an assumed name is
direct, clear, and unequivocable.

He had himself photographed wearing it
strapped to his hip, took it to Mexico
City (according to KGB agents), and admitted
owning it to police (although he lied about
the time and location of its purchase).

(See "With Malice"[],pp. 243-250)

How - *exactly* - does the Dodd Committee's Report
refute these facts? Your source?

John McAdams

Jun 6, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/6/98

On 5 Jun 1998 21:35:45 -0500, (MrOldDude) wrote:

>Yeah Bugliosi's right and 85% of americans are wrong.

Mr. Old Dude, it seems you are very proud of the fact that you don't
believe what the government tells you, but you're very proud of the
fact that you think like everybody else.

How is thinking like everybody else any better than believing what the
government tells you?

On the face of it, either the government or a popular majority could
be wrong.


ritchie linton

Jun 7, 1998, 3:00:00 AM6/7/98
> refute these facts? Your source?*****************


Its not clear and unequivocal at all.He is said to have ordered it in
January, yet not apparently shipped until March, as it turns out arriving
on the same day the rifle did from Chicago. Neither event is properly
documented at the post office, there being no proof of receipt for either
weapon into Oswald's hand. Unless you have one.The pistol was sent C.O.D.,
which means a cash transaction, and yet no proof of where the cash came
from-only a piece of paper by Railway Express that says they got paid for
dropping it off.Paper. How did it get picked up at their office on the
outskirts of Dallas, since we know Oswald did not drive?Why did it go
there in the first place, since if you believe the order, it was to be
sent to his PO. Box?

As to the Dodd Committee, they produced the shipping records of Seaport,
and they show that they did NOT ship ANY .38's in March at all! The
source, obviously, is the Dodd Committee.Fred Newcomb first brought this
out in "Murder From Within".


David Von Pein

Feb 23, 2019, 3:23:43 PM2/23/19
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