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America's #1 CT is also our #1 conspirator

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Robert Harris

May 29, 2017, 9:52:10 AM5/29/17
There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.

But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.

By now, I imagine everyone has seen Trump rudely shoving
aside Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of the soon to be
newest member of NATO, Montenegro, and then snub him by not
even looking his way. We might think this is just typical
Trump, but there is more to the story.

The Balkan nation of Montenegro is the first in a very long
time, to defy Vladimir Putin who has threatened and
intimidated the tiny nation, even going so far as to attempt
a coup to seize control of it.

As reported by the Associated Press, "Montenegro has stood up
against Russia, which has sought to maintain strong historic,
political and cultural influence in the country it considers
a zone of interest. Russia has threatened economic and
political retaliation. Montenegro says Moscow was behind a
foiled coup attempt in October, which Russia denies."

It's hard to imagine that Trump's rude treatment of our
newest ally, was just a coincidence. This was the only person
he did that to. This was obviously, a clear message to this
ex-Soviet satellite that they shouldn???t expect any help from
the United States if Mr. Putin exacts his revenge against them.

How much more will Trump have to do, to repay this dictator
for hiring 1000 Russian trolls to spread fake news, attacking
Mrs. Clinton during the election?

Robert Harris

Anthony Marsh

May 29, 2017, 7:05:07 PM5/29/17
On 5/29/2017 9:52 AM, Robert Harris wrote:
> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald Trump. Ted
> Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese conspired to make us
> believe global warming exists. Hollywood, the American elite, the
> newspapers, television news, US intelligence and countless others,
> conspire against him.
> But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a very
> dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes beyond the
> Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
> By now, I imagine everyone has seen Trump rudely shoving aside Dusko
> Markovic, the prime minister of the soon to be newest member of NATO,
> Montenegro, and then snub him by not even looking his way. We might
> think this is just typical Trump, but there is more to the story.
> The Balkan nation of Montenegro is the first in a very long time, to
> defy Vladimir Putin who has threatened and intimidated the tiny nation,
> even going so far as to attempt a coup to seize control of it.
> As reported by the Associated Press, "Montenegro has stood up against
> Russia, which has sought to maintain strong historic, political and
> cultural influence in the country it considers a zone of interest.
> Russia has threatened economic and political retaliation. Montenegro
> says Moscow was behind a foiled coup attempt in October, which Russia
> denies."

True, but the ONLY reason Trump pushed him aside was to get in front of
him for the photo op.


May 29, 2017, 7:26:14 PM5/29/17
On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
> Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
> conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
> Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
> news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
> But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
> very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
> beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.

I'll start to put more credence in these claims when I see something other
than reports by liberal "news" organizations based on anonymous sources.
That means somebody who is willing to go on the record and own it and be
willing to testify to it under oath if need be. Until that happens, it
could just be somebody with an agenda and that somebody could be a
holdover bureaucrat from the Obama years.

> By now, I imagine everyone has seen Trump rudely shoving
> aside Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of the soon to be
> newest member of NATO, Montenegro, and then snub him by not
> even looking his way. We might think this is just typical
> Trump, but there is more to the story.
> The Balkan nation of Montenegro is the first in a very long
> time, to defy Vladimir Putin who has threatened and
> intimidated the tiny nation, even going so far as to attempt
> a coup to seize control of it.
> As reported by the Associated Press, "Montenegro has stood up
> against Russia, which has sought to maintain strong historic,
> political and cultural influence in the country it considers
> a zone of interest. Russia has threatened economic and
> political retaliation. Montenegro says Moscow was behind a
> foiled coup attempt in October, which Russia denies."

Oh, goody. The mouse that roared.

> It's hard to imagine that Trump's rude treatment of our
> newest ally, was just a coincidence. This was the only person
> he did that to. This was obviously, a clear message to this
> ex-Soviet satellite that they shouldn???t expect any help from
> the United States if Mr. Putin exacts his revenge against them.
> How much more will Trump have to do, to repay this dictator
> for hiring 1000 Russian trolls to spread fake news, attacking
> Mrs. Clinton during the election?

1000? Do you have a list of them?


The Huffy Post? Now there's a perfect example of the kind of "news"
organizations I was referring to. No chance they would have a vendetta
against Trump. <chuckle>

May 29, 2017, 11:12:30 PM5/29/17
Imagine that? Robert Harris critical of people going on the internet and
incessantly promoting conspiracy theories? And being unwilling to listen
to other views?

In any case, I want Trump out of office ASAP. He's completely unsuited for
the presidency. Fortunately, he has some good people around him to
mitigate whatever damage he can do.

But there isn't a shred of evidence that I've seen that shows he
coordinated anything in his campaign with the Russian government. Even if
he did, what's the crime? There isn't one. I keep hearing this treason
charge made by people who think communicating with Russia constitutes
treason. It doesn't.

As Alan Dershowitz, certainly no supporter of Trump, has said: where's the
crime? Where's the evidence of one?

The recklessness and hysteria by the media - CNN is absurd - has been

It's possible to keep two ideas in your head at the same time. That is,
Trump is an absurd person who is completely unsuited for the office AND
his critics in the media have thrown out any semblance of fairness and

John McAdams

May 30, 2017, 9:08:33 AM5/30/17
On 29 May 2017 09:52:09 -0400, Robert Harris <>

>There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
>very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
>beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
>By now, I imagine everyone has seen Trump rudely shoving
>aside Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of the soon to be
>newest member of NATO, Montenegro, and then snub him by not
>even looking his way. We might think this is just typical
>Trump, but there is more to the story.

Fake news.

Trump is just getting past him to be at the front of the group.

Markovic is smiling. He doesn't interpret it the way the Trump haters

While Trump is not very presidential, he has one political asset: he
drives his adversaries crazy:


Anthony Marsh

May 30, 2017, 3:11:53 PM5/30/17
On 5/29/2017 7:26 PM, bigdog wrote:
> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
>> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>> Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>> conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>> Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>> news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>> But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
>> very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
>> beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
> I'll start to put more credence in these claims when I see something other
> than reports by liberal "news" organizations based on anonymous sources.

No, never. You've never studied history so you've never learned from it.
You never even heard of Watergate. What would have happened to their
source if Woodward and Bernstein had named him? What happened to Jack
Anderson's 2 Mafia sources when he accidentally revealed them in his
reporting on the CIA plots to kill Castro? Do you even remember what an
oil barrel was?

> That means somebody who is willing to go on the record and own it and be
> willing to testify to it under oath if need be. Until that happens, it
> could just be somebody with an agenda and that somebody could be a
> holdover bureaucrat from the Obama years.

And what happened to those brave enough to go on the record and testify?

>> By now, I imagine everyone has seen Trump rudely shoving
>> aside Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of the soon to be
>> newest member of NATO, Montenegro, and then snub him by not
>> even looking his way. We might think this is just typical
>> Trump, but there is more to the story.
>> The Balkan nation of Montenegro is the first in a very long
>> time, to defy Vladimir Putin who has threatened and
>> intimidated the tiny nation, even going so far as to attempt
>> a coup to seize control of it.
>> As reported by the Associated Press, "Montenegro has stood up
>> against Russia, which has sought to maintain strong historic,
>> political and cultural influence in the country it considers
>> a zone of interest. Russia has threatened economic and
>> political retaliation. Montenegro says Moscow was behind a
>> foiled coup attempt in October, which Russia denies."
> Oh, goody. The mouse that roared.

It just shows his personality.

>> It's hard to imagine that Trump's rude treatment of our
>> newest ally, was just a coincidence. This was the only person
>> he did that to. This was obviously, a clear message to this
>> ex-Soviet satellite that they shouldn???t expect any help from
>> the United States if Mr. Putin exacts his revenge against them.
>> How much more will Trump have to do, to repay this dictator
>> for hiring 1000 Russian trolls to spread fake news, attacking
>> Mrs. Clinton during the election?
> 1000? Do you have a list of them?


> The Huffy Post? Now there's a perfect example of the kind of "news"
> organizations I was referring to. No chance they would have a vendetta
> against Trump. <chuckle>

You are self-identifying as an Alt-Right Trump supporter.
Look at how many people said the same things during Watergate.

John McAdams

May 30, 2017, 3:53:44 PM5/30/17
On 29 May 2017 09:52:09 -0400, Robert Harris <>

>As reported by the Associated Press, "Montenegro has stood up
>against Russia, which has sought to maintain strong historic,
>political and cultural influence in the country it considers
>a zone of interest. Russia has threatened economic and
>political retaliation. Montenegro says Moscow was behind a
>foiled coup attempt in October, which Russia denies."

It seems we have the Cold War back, with the liberals shouting "The
Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming."



May 30, 2017, 6:35:41 PM5/30/17
CNN is bad but MSNBC is even worse. They have become a non-stop 24/7
Trump-bash. The traditional networks are a little more subtle about it but
their agenda is clear too as is the case with the major newspapers which
are trying to stave off extinction. What they don't realize is they aren't
swaying anybody. Anyone who didn't already hate Trump is for the most part
tuning them out. They should take a cue from The Boy Who Cried Wolf story.
If they are going to continue to attack Trump everyday no matter what he
does when there is something of real substance to report, nobody is going
to listen to them. I know I don't.


May 30, 2017, 6:47:59 PM5/30/17
He also has some people around him that can cause more trouble for the
USA. And many of them have an undying urge to stay in contact with
Russia, a proven adversary of many years.

> But there isn't a shred of evidence that I've seen that shows he
> coordinated anything in his campaign with the Russian government. Even if
> he did, what's the crime? There isn't one. I keep hearing this treason
> charge made by people who think communicating with Russia constitutes
> treason. It doesn't.

If you think there was no coordination with the Trump people, think
about Michael Flynn speaking to the Russian ambassador not to react to
Obama's punishment for interfering in the election, that Trump would make
it good when he got into office, and sure enough the usual Russian reply
to the Obama action, which always followed, did NOT follow this time. As
well, the change in the Republican plank concerning Russia and their
efforts toward Ukraine was made very mild. All the many contacts with
Russia more than likely had some effects that we've seen, I only wonder
what we have not yet seen.

> As Alan Dershowitz, certainly no supporter of Trump, has said: where's the
> crime? Where's the evidence of one?

I consider it a crime for Trump to give the impression to his
followers that Russia is nor so bad and contact with them is useful.
They have already picked up that song and sing it now and then. Russia
has NO interest in doing us any favors, on the contrary, they would like
us to shuffle off the world stage, which Trump is accomplishing since his
Recent trip abroad. Germany's attitude now is that they're on their own
and can no longer depend on the USA if a war comes. Trump's attitude in
not renewing our support for section five of the NATO agreement has made
Putin very happy, while we get nothing but bad feelings from Europe.
Section 5 is the one that says basically, one for all and all for one.

> The recklessness and hysteria by the media - CNN is absurd - has been
> appalling.
> It's possible to keep two ideas in your head at the same time. That is,
> Trump is an absurd person who is completely unsuited for the office AND
> his critics in the media have thrown out any semblance of fairness and
> objectivity.

At least you echo Hillary's knowledge of Trump, no matter what you
think of her. She tried to warn us.


John McAdams

May 30, 2017, 7:01:26 PM5/30/17
On 30 May 2017 18:47:58 -0400, mainframetech <>

>On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 11:12:30 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
> He also has some people around him that can cause more trouble for the
>USA. And many of them have an undying urge to stay in contact with
>Russia, a proven adversary of many years.

So contact with Russia is bad.

Welcome to the ranks of Cold Warriors!

And please condemn John Kennedy, who had his own back channel.

>> But there isn't a shred of evidence that I've seen that shows he
>> coordinated anything in his campaign with the Russian government. Even if
>> he did, what's the crime? There isn't one. I keep hearing this treason
>> charge made by people who think communicating with Russia constitutes
>> treason. It doesn't.
>> As Alan Dershowitz, certainly no supporter of Trump, has said: where's the
>> crime? Where's the evidence of one?
> I consider it a crime for Trump to give the impression to his
>followers that Russia is nor so bad and contact with them is useful.

Then John Kennedy is guilty of the same crime.

Check out the American University speech.

>They have already picked up that song and sing it now and then. Russia
>has NO interest in doing us any favors, on the contrary, they would like
>us to shuffle off the world stage, which Trump is accomplishing since his
>Recent trip abroad. Germany's attitude now is that they're on their own
>and can no longer depend on the USA if a war comes. Trump's attitude in
>not renewing our support for section five of the NATO agreement has made
>Putin very happy, while we get nothing but bad feelings from Europe.
>Section 5 is the one that says basically, one for all and all for one.



May 30, 2017, 7:02:24 PM5/30/17
On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
> > There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
> > Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
> > conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
> > Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
> > news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
> >
> > But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
> > very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
> > beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
> >
> I'll start to put more credence in these claims when I see something other
> than reports by liberal "news" organizations based on anonymous sources.
> That means somebody who is willing to go on the record and own it and be
> willing to testify to it under oath if need be. Until that happens, it
> could just be somebody with an agenda and that somebody could be a
> holdover bureaucrat from the Obama years.

The term "liberal" has been indicative of America to many of the
peoples of the world who have come here and made our country great. The
term 'conservative' is more like the old England we came from. Many
authoritarian regimes are conservative, and have to be as they contain the
news reporting and keep information away from the public.
If Trump had called you the names he called the media, while
continuing to use them to push his agenda, you'd be angry and want to
respond to, but they've kept their control very well, considering.


John McAdams

May 30, 2017, 7:05:11 PM5/30/17
On 30 May 2017 19:02:22 -0400, mainframetech <>

>On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
>> > There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>> > Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>> > conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>> > Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>> > news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>> >
>> > But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
>> > very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
>> > beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
>> >
>> I'll start to put more credence in these claims when I see something other
>> than reports by liberal "news" organizations based on anonymous sources.
>> That means somebody who is willing to go on the record and own it and be
>> willing to testify to it under oath if need be. Until that happens, it
>> could just be somebody with an agenda and that somebody could be a
>> holdover bureaucrat from the Obama years.
> The term "liberal" has been indicative of America to many of the
>peoples of the world who have come here and made our country great. The
>term 'conservative' is more like the old England we came from. Many
>authoritarian regimes are conservative, and have to be as they contain the
>news reporting and keep information away from the public.

The "liberalism" that made America great was classical liberalism:
that of John Locke, Adam Smith and John Stuart Mill (on free speech).

If wasn't socialist economics, and identity politics, where your
rights depend on your skin color, gender, and sexual orientation.


Anthony Marsh

May 30, 2017, 8:05:30 PM5/30/17
On 5/30/2017 9:08 AM, John McAdams wrote:
> On 29 May 2017 09:52:09 -0400, Robert Harris <>
> wrote:
>> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>> Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>> conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>> Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>> news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>> But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
>> very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
>> beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
>> By now, I imagine everyone has seen Trump rudely shoving
>> aside Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of the soon to be
>> newest member of NATO, Montenegro, and then snub him by not
>> even looking his way. We might think this is just typical
>> Trump, but there is more to the story.
> Fake news.
> Trump is just getting past him to be at the front of the group.

Correct. Because Trump must always be the center of attention. Even if
he has to break protocol. He has no manners.

> Markovic is smiling. He doesn't interpret it the way the Trump haters
> do.

Well, I would hope you'd give me the courtesy of ASSuMING that I am a
Trump hater. Please, pretty please with sugar and molasses on it. So just
a day or two before you said this about Trump, I said exactly the same
thing. You were not copying me. You came to the same conclusion by
watching his body language. Markovic was annoyed, but kept his diplomatic
kool. Wait until you see what he said in private.

> While Trump is not very presidential, he has one political asset: he
> drives his adversaries crazy:

It's not just about Presidential. No one expects that of Trump.
It's about manners and common decency which Trump lacks.
He is like the schoolyard bully.

Even you would not be so crass as to walk up to a stranger and grab her by
her pussy. But Trump says he can do anything he wants because he's rich.
You might not be able to get away with going down to Fifth Avenue and
shooting people. But Trump says that he can because he's rich. He is
suffering from a mental disease called Affluenza. This is what can
trigger using the 25th Amendment to remove him from office before he
actually does go down to Seventh Avenue and start shooting people.


You support a Madman. Watch The Dead Zone.

> .John
> -----------------------

Anthony Marsh

May 30, 2017, 8:06:58 PM5/30/17
False. Name them. You mean the people who are acting as agents for the

> But there isn't a shred of evidence that I've seen that shows he
> coordinated anything in his campaign with the Russian government. Even if

Of course not and you should not. You never see the Mafia Don
advertising in the newspaper what crimes he is going to commit. He tells
those working for him what he wants done. That's why FLynn wants
immunity, so that he can testify about what Trump told him to do.
That's how a conspiracy works. Nixon did not break into the Watergate.
He hired people to do the dirty work for him.

> he did, what's the crime? There isn't one. I keep hearing this treason

The major crime is firing the people who were investigating him.

> charge made by people who think communicating with Russia constitutes
> treason. It doesn't.

Yes, it is. Remember that guy who defected to Russia and offered them
our military secrets? He could have been prosecuted for Treason if they
could have proved exactly what secrets he did give them.
The Espionage Act of 1917.

> As Alan Dershowitz, certainly no supporter of Trump, has said: where's the
> crime? Where's the evidence of one?

The crime? Well, not a petty crime like shoplifting or breaking and
entering. A high crime that only a President can commit. Firing the
Director of the FBI for investigating him.

> The recklessness and hysteria by the media - CNN is absurd - has been
> appalling.

Sounds like a typical Trump supporter.
Just keep saying Fake News every day until he resigns or gets thrown
out. Are you still a Nixon supporter?

> It's possible to keep two ideas in your head at the same time. That is,
> Trump is an absurd person who is completely unsuited for the office AND
> his critics in the media have thrown out any semblance of fairness and
> objectivity.

Who else is going to do it if not the media? YOU? The Trump apologist?
It's the media's job. Their only reason for existence.
Ever hear of Watergate? Would you ever have heard of Watergate if there
was no media reporting on it?

Robert Harris

May 30, 2017, 8:31:35 PM5/30/17
John McAdams wrote:
> On 29 May 2017 09:52:09 -0400, Robert Harris <>
> wrote:
>> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>> Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>> conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>> Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>> news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>> But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
>> very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
>> beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
>> By now, I imagine everyone has seen Trump rudely shoving
>> aside Dusko Markovic, the prime minister of the soon to be
>> newest member of NATO, Montenegro, and then snub him by not
>> even looking his way. We might think this is just typical
>> Trump, but there is more to the story.
> Fake news.

Wrong as usual.

Fake news is factually incorrect.

What you are claiming, is your subjective blurtation.

> Trump is just getting past him to be at the front of the group.

If you actually believed that, why would you snip the
animation which allows everyone to see what he did?

> Markovic is smiling. He doesn't interpret it the way the Trump haters
> do.

Trump's incredibly rude action caught him off guard. Yes, he
was smiling but look at his face at the very end of the clip.

Notice also, that Trump never bothered to apologize or excuse
himself. In fact, he totally snubbed this guy. He wouldn't
even look at him after shoving him aside.

Amazing coincidence that the ONLY person he did that to, just
happened to be at the top of Mr. Putin's shit list, eh?

> While Trump is not very presidential, he has one political asset: he
> drives his adversaries crazy:

Yeah, we had the same problem with Adolph Hitler.

Robert Harris

Anthony Marsh

May 30, 2017, 8:47:45 PM5/30/17
On 5/30/2017 3:53 PM, John McAdams wrote:
> On 29 May 2017 09:52:09 -0400, Robert Harris <>
> wrote:
>> As reported by the Associated Press, "Montenegro has stood up
>> against Russia, which has sought to maintain strong historic,
>> political and cultural influence in the country it considers
>> a zone of interest. Russia has threatened economic and
>> political retaliation. Montenegro says Moscow was behind a
>> foiled coup attempt in October, which Russia denies."
> It seems we have the Cold War back, with the liberals shouting "The
> Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming."

Ok, so now YOU'RE on Russia's side, Comrade?
Have you set up a back channel communications to cover up the Russians
involvement in the JFK assassination?
Can you pronounce Kostikov?

John McAdams

May 30, 2017, 8:59:50 PM5/30/17
On 30 May 2017 20:31:34 -0400, Robert Harris <>
That's the exact same clip in the link I posted.

>> Markovic is smiling. He doesn't interpret it the way the Trump haters
>> do.
>Trump's incredibly rude action caught him off guard. Yes, he
>was smiling but look at his face at the very end of the clip.

Here is a much more complete clip:

>Notice also, that Trump never bothered to apologize or excuse
>himself. In fact, he totally snubbed this guy. He wouldn't
>even look at him after shoving him aside.

This is like your z285 business.

Your entirely subjective opinion, driven by what you *want* to

>Amazing coincidence that the ONLY person he did that to, just
>happened to be at the top of Mr. Putin's shit list, eh?
>> While Trump is not very presidential, he has one political asset: he
>> drives his adversaries crazy:
>Yeah, we had the same problem with Adolph Hitler.

Harris never heard of Godwin's Law.


Robert Harris

May 30, 2017, 9:00:53 PM5/30/17
I am happy to listen to other views. I have responded to
every argument you have made, which I am aware of.

But if you or anyone else has an argument that I have
overlooked, I would urge you to post it again, perhaps in a
new thread.

Unlike almost anyone else in this newsgroup, I have publicly
acknowledged when I was wrong, and I will do so again, if the
argument merits it.

> In any case, I want Trump out of office ASAP. He's completely unsuited for
> the presidency. Fortunately, he has some good people around him to
> mitigate whatever damage he can do.
> But there isn't a shred of evidence that I've seen that shows he
> coordinated anything in his campaign with the Russian government. Even if
> he did, what's the crime? There isn't one. I keep hearing this treason
> charge made by people who think communicating with Russia constitutes
> treason. It doesn't.

It is sad that you would try to minimize this crime by
calling it only "communicating with Russia", when in fact it
was a direct (and sadly, successful) attempt to subvert the
US election process.

That should be considered very close to being an act of war,
and Trump, who obviously colluded with them, committed acts
of treason.

There is a reason why he fired the FBI director who was
investigating him and told endless lies, denying his
connections to Putin.

The announcement about the 1000 Russian trolls, posting lies
to gullible Americans about Mrs. Clinton, was made jointly by
a Republican and a Democrat - both members of the Senate
Intelligence committee.

"What really concerns me [are reports] there were upwards of
1,000 paid internet trolls working out of a facility in
Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are
then called botnets that can generate news down to specific
areas,??? said Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the ranking Democrat
on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He appeared Wednesday
with GOP intel chair Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) at a press
conference before committee hearings began."

I'm sorry you think it's OK to allow an enemy who has
threatened our country with nuclear war, to subvert our
elections and install this stooge as our President.

I find it unbelievable that supposed conservatives cheer on
things like this that must have Ronald Reagan spinning wildly
in his grave.

Robert Harris

John McAdams

May 30, 2017, 9:19:27 PM5/30/17
On 30 May 2017 21:00:52 -0400, Robert Harris <>

> wrote:
>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
>>>> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>>>> Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>>>> conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>>>> Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>>>> news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>> In any case, I want Trump out of office ASAP. He's completely unsuited for
>> the presidency. Fortunately, he has some good people around him to
>> mitigate whatever damage he can do.
>> But there isn't a shred of evidence that I've seen that shows he
>> coordinated anything in his campaign with the Russian government. Even if
>> he did, what's the crime? There isn't one. I keep hearing this treason
>> charge made by people who think communicating with Russia constitutes
>> treason. It doesn't.
>It is sad that you would try to minimize this crime by
>calling it only "communicating with Russia", when in fact it
>was a direct (and sadly, successful) attempt to subvert the
>US election process.

What crime? Are you actually claiming collusion between the Russians
and the Trump campaign?

As for "back channel communication:"

>That should be considered very close to being an act of war,
>and Trump, who obviously colluded with them, committed acts
>of treason.

So both Kennedy and Obama were traitors (see above).

>There is a reason why he fired the FBI director who was
>investigating him and told endless lies, denying his
>connections to Putin.
>The announcement about the 1000 Russian trolls, posting lies
>to gullible Americans about Mrs. Clinton, was made jointly by
>a Republican and a Democrat - both members of the Senate
>Intelligence committee.
>"What really concerns me [are reports] there were upwards of
>1,000 paid internet trolls working out of a facility in
>Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are
>then called botnets that can generate news down to specific
>areas,??? said Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the ranking Democrat
>on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He appeared Wednesday
>with GOP intel chair Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) at a press
>conference before committee hearings began."

Were these "reports" ever confirmed?

>I'm sorry you think it's OK to allow an enemy who has
>threatened our country with nuclear war, to subvert our
>elections and install this stooge as our President.

So it was all Russia's fault.

The Democrat's very poor candidate had nothing to do with it?

>I find it unbelievable that supposed conservatives cheer on
>things like this that must have Ronald Reagan spinning wildly
>in his grave.

A fair number of conservatives are rather amused that the anti-Trump
crowd is so deranged.


BT George

May 31, 2017, 10:38:33 AM5/31/17

Steve said:

It's possible to keep two ideas in your head at the same time. That is,
Trump is an absurd person who is completely unsuited for the office AND
his critics in the media have thrown out any semblance of fairness and


Exactly. Even as it is possible for the conservative media to do the
same. (National Review generally has done a good job of this when it comes
to Trump and his foibles.)

Unfortunately, the Left has chosen to disprove this ability to think and
chew gum at the same time from day -30 of "The Donald's" taking office,
and certain segments of the Right have done likewise to defend and

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 10:40:40 AM5/31/17
Trump would have done that to ANYONE who got in his way. Merkle or some
other woman, some little child, some handicap person, doesn't matter. He
thinks that HE is the only thing that matters.

> Amazing coincidence that the ONLY person he did that to, just happened
> to be at the top of Mr. Putin's shit list, eh?

There is a term for that. It could have been anybody, but you see what
you want to see and make your own interpretation.

Jason Burke

May 31, 2017, 10:41:43 AM5/31/17
And Anthony Anthony *still* has never heard of it.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 3:51:48 PM5/31/17
On 5/30/2017 7:02 PM, mainframetech wrote:
> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
>>> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>>> Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>>> conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>>> Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>>> news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>>> But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
>>> very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
>>> beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
>> I'll start to put more credence in these claims when I see something other
>> than reports by liberal "news" organizations based on anonymous sources.
>> That means somebody who is willing to go on the record and own it and be
>> willing to testify to it under oath if need be. Until that happens, it
>> could just be somebody with an agenda and that somebody could be a
>> holdover bureaucrat from the Obama years.
> The term "liberal" has been indicative of America to many of the
> peoples of the world who have come here and made our country great. The

Not exactly. Not only Liberals have come to this country and many people
around the world see the US as one of the most Liberal countries, but
certainly not the most Liberal.

> term 'conservative' is more like the old England we came from. Many

Well, kinda different. Old England was a monarchy and people did not
always flee it to be Free or Liberal. Many were conservative.

> authoritarian regimes are conservative, and have to be as they contain the

Sorta. Do you call Communist dictatorships conservative?
But the CIA not so much.

> Chris

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 3:53:16 PM5/31/17
On 5/30/2017 7:01 PM, John McAdams wrote:
> On 30 May 2017 18:47:58 -0400, mainframetech <>
> wrote:
>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 11:12:30 PM UTC-4, wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
>> He also has some people around him that can cause more trouble for the
>> USA. And many of them have an undying urge to stay in contact with
>> Russia, a proven adversary of many years.
> So contact with Russia is bad.
> Welcome to the ranks of Cold Warriors!
> And please condemn John Kennedy, who had his own back channel.

False comparison. His back channel was approved by the President, went
through regular processes and reported back to proper authorities.
Kushner's Treason was not authorized and approved by the President. He
lied on his classification forms and did not reveal his illegal contact
with foreign spies.

And Kennedy's back channel was a one-time contact to relay a specific
negotiating agreement, not an open ended use of communications to divulge
secrets to the enemy.

I am getting sick and tired of the Nazis lying on TV to minimize Trump's
treason. It reminds me of the junior high school punks who get caught
smoking in the boys room and their defense is, "Everybody does it."

>>> But there isn't a shred of evidence that I've seen that shows he
>>> coordinated anything in his campaign with the Russian government. Even if
>>> he did, what's the crime? There isn't one. I keep hearing this treason
>>> charge made by people who think communicating with Russia constitutes
>>> treason. It doesn't.
>>> As Alan Dershowitz, certainly no supporter of Trump, has said: where's the
>>> crime? Where's the evidence of one?
>> I consider it a crime for Trump to give the impression to his
>> followers that Russia is nor so bad and contact with them is useful.
> Then John Kennedy is guilty of the same crime.

Typical Alt-Right propaganda. JFK was the President at that time and had
the authority to authorize communicating secrets with the Russians. Trump
was not President on December 1, 2016 and did not have the authority to
negotiate with the Russians. It's called Treason.

> Check out the American University speech.

I did. So what? That was not a back channel communication using Russian
encryption. It was a public speech. Just as Krushchev's response was a
public speech.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 3:54:07 PM5/31/17
Maybe Trump gave Putin the nuclear codes. And McAdams would find a way to
excuse that. Maybe he'd say Trump was only trying to make the world safer
from a nuclear war.

>> As Alan Dershowitz, certainly no supporter of Trump, has said: where's the
>> crime? Where's the evidence of one?
> I consider it a crime for Trump to give the impression to his
> followers that Russia is nor so bad and contact with them is useful.
> They have already picked up that song and sing it now and then. Russia
> has NO interest in doing us any favors, on the contrary, they would like
> us to shuffle off the world stage, which Trump is accomplishing since his
> Recent trip abroad. Germany's attitude now is that they're on their own
> and can no longer depend on the USA if a war comes. Trump's attitude in
> not renewing our support for section five of the NATO agreement has made
> Putin very happy, while we get nothing but bad feelings from Europe.
> Section 5 is the one that says basically, one for all and all for one.

It's not just about destroying the US from within. It's also about the
money. Putin wants the sanctions lifted so that he can make a lot of money.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 3:57:42 PM5/31/17
Hey, it's a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Your favorite network,
Fox News, won't do it.

> their agenda is clear too as is the case with the major newspapers which

Exactly, which is why I listen to MSNBC all day as I read this
newsgroup. And try to read the Boston Globe instead of the Herald.

> are trying to stave off extinction. What they don't realize is they aren't

They are doing quite well financially. They are well bankrolled. In case
you didn't realize it, Liberals are also rich. Not just the rightwing

> swaying anybody. Anyone who didn't already hate Trump is for the most part
> tuning them out. They should take a cue from The Boy Who Cried Wolf story.

Sometimes Trumpies accidentally stumble onto Liberal sources and learn
things they never knew before.

> If they are going to continue to attack Trump everyday no matter what he
> does when there is something of real substance to report, nobody is going
> to listen to them. I know I don't.

Who else are they going to attack? Hillary and Obama are not in power.
Their rhetoric can not destroy the country.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 3:59:06 PM5/31/17
That is a false comparison.

>> That should be considered very close to being an act of war,
>> and Trump, who obviously colluded with them, committed acts
>> of treason.
> So both Kennedy and Obama were traitors (see above).
>> There is a reason why he fired the FBI director who was
>> investigating him and told endless lies, denying his
>> connections to Putin.
>> The announcement about the 1000 Russian trolls, posting lies
>> to gullible Americans about Mrs. Clinton, was made jointly by
>> a Republican and a Democrat - both members of the Senate
>> Intelligence committee.
>> "What really concerns me [are reports] there were upwards of
>> 1,000 paid internet trolls working out of a facility in
>> Russia, in effect taking over a series of computers which are
>> then called botnets that can generate news down to specific
>> areas,??? said Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), the ranking Democrat
>> on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He appeared Wednesday
>> with GOP intel chair Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) at a press
>> conference before committee hearings began."
> Were these "reports" ever confirmed?
>> I'm sorry you think it's OK to allow an enemy who has
>> threatened our country with nuclear war, to subvert our
>> elections and install this stooge as our President.
> So it was all Russia's fault.

It takes two to Tango.

> The Democrat's very poor candidate had nothing to do with it?
>> I find it unbelievable that supposed conservatives cheer on
>> things like this that must have Ronald Reagan spinning wildly
>> in his grave.
> A fair number of conservatives are rather amused that the anti-Trump
> crowd is so deranged.

So you think Treason is accceptable. You liked Oswald giving the KGB our
military secrets.

> .John
> -----------------------


May 31, 2017, 4:17:11 PM5/31/17
On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 7:02:24 PM UTC-4, mainframetech wrote:
> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
> > On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
> > > There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
> > > Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
> > > conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
> > > Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
> > > news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
> > >
> > > But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
> > > very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
> > > beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
> > >
> >
> > I'll start to put more credence in these claims when I see something other
> > than reports by liberal "news" organizations based on anonymous sources.
> > That means somebody who is willing to go on the record and own it and be
> > willing to testify to it under oath if need be. Until that happens, it
> > could just be somebody with an agenda and that somebody could be a
> > holdover bureaucrat from the Obama years.
> >
> The term "liberal" has been indicative of America to many of the
> peoples of the world who have come here and made our country great.

If liberal is such a glowing term why do most modern day liberals call
themselves progressives instead?

> The
> term 'conservative' is more like the old England we came from. Many
> authoritarian regimes are conservative, and have to be as they contain the
> news reporting and keep information away from the public.

That depends on whose definition of the term conservative you want. I
adhere to the Goldwater brand of conservatism which advocated individual
liberty and limited government. That was the same type of conservatism
Ronald Reagan championed.
Kept their control? Are you serious? If the reporting they do against
Trump is an example of them keeping their control, I'd hate to think what
it would be like if they lost control. True journalists don't let their
personal feelings affect their reporting. They simply report facts without
regard to who it helps or hurts. They are supposed to be like the
officials in a sporting contest. They aren't supposed to engage in a
vendetta against one side or the other. It would be like the referee at a
basketball game deliberately making a call against a team just because a
coach yelled at him. Sadly, that sort of impartial reporting has all but
vanished. Just about everyone reporting the news has an agenda and they
are putting their spin on every story. I want a reporter to tell me what
he knows, not what he thinks. I can't think of a single electronic or
print reporter who does that.

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 9:19:21 PM5/31/17
I've only discussed it about 1,000 times. He's dead and his law is

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 9:27:49 PM5/31/17
On 5/31/2017 10:38 AM, BT George wrote:
> Steve said:
> It's possible to keep two ideas in your head at the same time. That is,
> Trump is an absurd person who is completely unsuited for the office AND
> his critics in the media have thrown out any semblance of fairness and
> objectivity.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Exactly. Even as it is possible for the conservative media to do the
> same. (National Review generally has done a good job of this when it comes
> to Trump and his foibles.)

But those are TRUE conservatives not Nationalists.

> Unfortunately, the Left has chosen to disprove this ability to think and
> chew gum at the same time from day -30 of "The Donald's" taking office,

Ah, how about since the day he announced he would run?

Anthony Marsh

May 31, 2017, 10:24:54 PM5/31/17
On 5/31/2017 4:17 PM, bigdog wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 7:02:24 PM UTC-4, mainframetech wrote:
>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 7:26:14 PM UTC-4, bigdog wrote:
>>> On Monday, May 29, 2017 at 9:52:10 AM UTC-4, Robert Harris wrote:
>>>> There is probably no greater conspiracy theorist than Donald
>>>> Trump. Ted Cruz???s father conspired with LHO. The Chinese
>>>> conspired to make us believe global warming exists.
>>>> Hollywood, the American elite, the newspapers, television
>>>> news, US intelligence and countless others, conspire against him.
>>>> But as we are now learning, Trump has been taking part in a
>>>> very dangerous conspiracy with Vladimir Putin, and it goes
>>>> beyond the Russians spreading fake news about Hillary Clinton.
>>> I'll start to put more credence in these claims when I see something other
>>> than reports by liberal "news" organizations based on anonymous sources.
>>> That means somebody who is willing to go on the record and own it and be
>>> willing to testify to it under oath if need be. Until that happens, it
>>> could just be somebody with an agenda and that somebody could be a
>>> holdover bureaucrat from the Obama years.
>> The term "liberal" has been indicative of America to many of the
>> peoples of the world who have come here and made our country great.
> If liberal is such a glowing term why do most modern day liberals call
> themselves progressives instead?

Because the term Liberal has been misused and turned into a pejorative.
JFK was proud to call himself a Liberal and defined the term.

>> The
>> term 'conservative' is more like the old England we came from. Many
>> authoritarian regimes are conservative, and have to be as they contain the
>> news reporting and keep information away from the public.
> That depends on whose definition of the term conservative you want. I
> adhere to the Goldwater brand of conservatism which advocated individual
> liberty and limited government. That was the same type of conservatism
> Ronald Reagan championed.

As in True Conservative rather then RINO.
What planet are YOU from?

> regard to who it helps or hurts. They are supposed to be like the
> officials in a sporting contest. They aren't supposed to engage in a
> vendetta against one side or the other. It would be like the referee at a
> basketball game deliberately making a call against a team just because a
> coach yelled at him. Sadly, that sort of impartial reporting has all but

OMG. Of course that has never happened in the real world.
Keep living in your fantasy world.

> vanished. Just about everyone reporting the news has an agenda and they
> are putting their spin on every story. I want a reporter to tell me what
> he knows, not what he thinks. I can't think of a single electronic or
> print reporter who does that.

Yeah, like weathermen put their spin on the weather when they tell you
it is going to rain or snow. Yeah, sure.

BT George

Jun 3, 2017, 9:33:45 AM6/3/17

Is it Feb. 30th yet? I can't believe I'm about to say it, but Tony's
comments above are spot on!

Anthony Marsh

Jun 3, 2017, 9:05:37 PM6/3/17
Thanks, but I hate to be the one to tell that it is the 8th sign of the

Ralph Cinque

Jun 3, 2017, 9:18:11 PM6/3/17
John, Harris is on a tear going off-topic. You going to rein him in? This
forum has a particular subject, doesn't it?

Jason Burke

Jun 4, 2017, 9:05:59 PM6/4/17
On 6/3/17 6:18 PM, Ralph Cinque wrote:
> John, Harris is on a tear going off-topic. You going to rein him in? This
> forum has a particular subject, doesn't it?

Seriously, Ralph? The topic isn't your never ending bullshit and
wild-ass nonsense either, Ralph, but John still lets you post here.

Anthony Marsh

Jun 6, 2017, 2:12:38 PM6/6/17
McAdams does not have the right to ban anyone from posting here.
And yet he rejects my messages all the time.


Jun 6, 2017, 8:39:55 PM6/6/17
Are your rejected messages any more truthful than the ones that get
posted? I sincerely doubt it.

0 new messages