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Youngstown, Ohio and the Ruby connection

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James K Olmstead

Jul 30, 2000, 3:00:00 AM7/30/00
For years now I have been examining police records, FBI reports and
Keafuer Hearings in the State of Ohio. My very first concerns delt with
Jack Ruby and his sister Eva Grant, making the circuit of the various
"Illegal Gambling Spots" in the state between 1929 and 1959. Area's that I
have focused on were Toledo, Cleveland, Columbus, Akron, Canton,
Cincinnati, East Liverpool, Warren and Youngstown, Ohio.

Why Youngstown, well that's a complex issue. Many of the mob families
used various Youngstown and Warren, businesses to go legit, for the most
part these were resturants and small shopping malls, but other operations
in the Mahoning Valley were ripe for "investment" and there was a very
large labor pool with money to spend. Especially by the Mayfield Road Mob
and the Jewish Sydicate of Cleveland to the north of the Valley.

My Ruby concerns deal with family members, Anne Rubenstien and Sam Ruby,
who are two confirmed residents of Youngstown and I feel that it was only
natural that Jack and Eva may have "stopped in" on various occassions, for
at least family considerations. It has been the other connections
possiblilities that I have looked for.

Anne Rubinstein, aka Mrs Ralph Volpert, lived in Youngstown for at least
20 years. She lived at 2430 Elm Street (odd how Elm Street sounds familar)
her husband worked for the National Home Improvement Company...also listed
as the National Improvement Company, which specialized in "pushing tin"
the metal siding business, which in the period of 1939 and 1945 sufferred
greatly from the war effort......all metals became scarce, espeically

Sam Ruby, during the period of 1939 to 1941 also lived in Youngstown and
worked for his brother in law Ralph Volpert. There are seperate Sam Ruby
considerations that I will not address, however I will state that in 1941
he entered the U.S. Army Air Force, newly re-structsured from the Army Air
Corps, and worked in the area of U.S. Army Air Force Intelligence.

The Mahoning Valley and the Mob.....recently various national publications
have taken a interest in Youngstown, Ohio due to the number of government
officals, proscecuted for various mob related crimes, our Congressman
James Trafficant last year had a great deal of trouble concerning one of
his "aides" and the mob connections of this man. Jimbo fully expects to
be indiated soon for mob activities as well as campain contrubutions
problems. Jimbo has had "other" probelms related to the mob during his
career...he was the former Sheriff of Mahoning County, he was prosecuted
and won, but fined for not reporting "bribes" from various mob members. At
this time he is pushing Congress for a special investigation agency to
police the Justice Department, claiming the local FBI officals are all on
the "Take" which due to the history of the Mahoning Valley is considered
fact by most of the voters, btw regardless of Jim's mob problems, he
continues to win elections and for the most part serves the Valley in a
manner supported by residents...myself included.

For years the Mahoning Valley, named after the river that flows through
it, has been a center of the steel industry since it's foundation, and
regardless of the industry setbacks, continues to produce quality steel.
In the 60's it was the Soviets number one "strike target", in the 20's it
was also the number one target for various "labor" organizations, which
included, Socialist and Communists...JEH made a special effort concerning
this area for several reasons. ( Gus Hall, of the CPUSA, got his start in
the Mahoning Valley during the 1937 "Little Steel Strike" taking over the
operation of one of the steel mills, where two individuals were killed and
he was arrested for bombing a bridge to the mill). In the mid 20's five of
the Valley cities governments were controled by members of the KKK. In the
30's and 40's it was a "gamblers" paradise.

As I finish my primary investigation I would like to ask if anyone else
has any concerns dealing with Anne Rubenstien or Sam Ruby, If any has
looked into the North East Ohio area there are many other connections
relating...David Ferrie comes from the area and Nancy Perin had many
incidents of note in the area. So if you have any intersting details
concerning Sam or Anne, I would like to read them.

I have yet to confirm Mrs. Harold Kominsky, aka Eileen Rubinstein and a
branch of Cobo Cleaners, owned by Earl Rubinstein and operating in
Cleveland with Eileen part of the operation, but if somebody has facts
dealing with Cobo Cleaners, I would welcome any and all information.


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