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Corsican Mafia hitmen and Operation Zipper

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Jack Anderson

Dec 15, 2005, 12:20:55 PM12/15/05
Analysis of the "Operation Zipper" documents from the book "Regicide":

According to these documents, the CIA justified killing JFK because he was
accused of high treason. The reason was that he allowed the Soviet Union to
place missles in Cuba that could potentially strike the United States. The
two people in the CIA that were the organizers of the assassination were
James J. Angleton and Robert T. Crowley. Robert Crowley was the Assistant
Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations of the CIA. He and four other
people were the only ones allowed to posess the Operation Zipper documents
along with the DIA analysis of the Soviet Intelligence Report of the
assassination. After Crowley's retirement he supposed to have a chest
operation which was due to cancer. He then gave the all of his documents in
his collection to the author, Gregory Douglas, with the understanding that
they were not to be opened or used until after his death. Robert Crowley
died on Tuesday, October 10 2000. Douglas was then free to use the Crowley
papers since Crowley was now dead.

The documents show that J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, Lyndon B. Johnson(Vice
President), and General Lyman Lemnitzer(Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff) had been brought into the plan. Robert Crowley was in charge of
finding assassins for the assassination of JFK. Crowley then contacted Sam
Giancana of the Chicago Mafia and asked him to supply the assassins.
Giancana recruited 3 assassins out of the Corsican mafia in Marseille,
France. The reason for this is if the assassins were captured or the truth
came out, they could only implicate the Chicago Mafia in the execution of
the assassination. Another reason that French assassins were chosen is that
they would blend in with the people in Dallas. The recruitment of the
Corsican Mafia assassins alerted French Intelligence who then contacted the
U.S. Embassy and alerted them that a political assassination was planned in
the U.S.. The documents also implicate the help of the Israeli Mossad in
the assassination. Lyndon B. Johnson was concerned that he was also
targeted and was assured by J. Edgar Hoover that he was not a target.
Robert Crowley was convinced that the assassination was in the best interest
of the country.

The direct reason I believe JFK was assassinated was because of top-secret
documents called "Operation Northwoods". General Lyman Lemnitzer and his
fellow Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up plans to execute terrorist attacks
against the U.S. population as a pretext for war with Cuba and the Soviet
Union. They talked about blowing up a ship and blaming it on Cuba. They
considered hijacking aircrafts. They talked about bombing Washington DC.
They even considered flying an airliner into the CIA headquarters in
Langley, VA. They elaborated on how the casualty list in U.S. newspapers
would cause a helpful wave of indignation. When Robert Kennedy and JFK
found out about the plans, they were not amused. He then fired the joint
chiefs of staff and promised to splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces. He also
signed an executive order to abolish the federal reserve system and he began
to pull the troops out of Vietnam. It was at that point that he was
assassinated. JFK decided to be a leader of the people and defend their
interests, but the Power Elite could not allow that to happen. It is very
possible that the people who are more powerful that the U.S government,
known as the Power Elite, were the ones responsible for JFK's death.

JFK and his cabinet were referred to as "Camelot" and he was the King. His
death was an occult ritual known as "The Killing of the King".

According to new theories and supporting evidence in the 9/11 conspiracy,
the CIA along with high levels of MI6(british intelligence) and the Israeli
Mossad were involved in the preperation and execution of the 9/11 Attacks.

Just like we were warned about the JFK assassination by French Intelligence,
the French Intelligence also learned that the U.S. treated Osama Bin Laden
at a U.S. Army hospital in Dubai in July of 2001. There Bin Laden met with
two local CIA agents met with Bin Laden to plan the 9/11 attacks for 10
days. Bin Laden is a CIA asset and his terrorist network was trained,
funded, and protected by the CIA. French Intelligence was so upset with
what they had learned that they tried to get media reports published before
9/11 stating that Bin Laden was planning to hijack aircrafts and fly them
into buildings in lower Manhatten.

Who really stands to gain from the 9/11 attacks? The Power Elite and the
U.S. government of course. If you are interested in seeing documented
evidence proving government involvement in the first WTC bombing in 1993,
the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the 9/11 attacks, watch the movie "911 The
Road to Tyranny".

Gregory Douglas will soon be releasing another book with documents from
Robert Crowley. The documents expose the CIA drug trade. They prove that to
this day the CIA is the largest trafficer of illegal narcotics in the world.

Dec 15, 2005, 4:24:36 PM12/15/05
Analysis of the "Operation Zipper" documents from the book "Regicide":

They are fakes.

Dec 15, 2005, 4:28:41 PM12/15/05
I suppose if the crisis of the moment was falling asteroids, they would
have been up to that too...

The first portion of your report is acceptable for many reasons. In
order for extreme measures, there must be extreme need, and for
reasonable men: an undeniable factor. I don't think the Russian
missiles found anywhere in the world would have warranted the
assassination, and would have been used as a window dressing of excuse
for the faint at heart, but expect fully that the survival of the CIA
would have been considered above all else. The world faced entire
destruction, and the CIA was the secret weapon at the time for that
concern. The CIA did it for survival, to avert nuclear war by their
own exclusive ingenuity. We all, who lived through it, found the Cuban
Missile Crisis an awesome danger to have put behind us; the CIA didn't
think it was behind us for a minute.

voice from the past


Dec 16, 2005, 12:03:34 AM12/16/05
Jack Anderson wrote:

> Analysis of the "Operation Zipper" documents from the book "Regicide":

I've never heard of this book before, but I'll try and track it down.

> According to these documents, the CIA justified killing JFK because he was
> accused of high treason.

Who accused him of this? Richard Helms? Who made the CIA the rulers
of the world in 1963?

> The reason was that he allowed the Soviet Union to
> place missles in Cuba that could potentially strike the United States.

I'm sure there were many unhappy over this. What did the CIA want instead
- a nuclear war with the Soviets?

> The
> two people in the CIA that were the organizers of the assassination were
> James J. Angleton and Robert T. Crowley.

So these two got it in their heads that they were going to kill their
president. I suppose it is just as likely for crazed lone nuts to occur
in the CIA as it is for them to occur at the TSBD, but I would hope that
the CIA has some kind of checks and balance system in place that prevents
unhappy idealogues from abusing their power within an intelligence
gathering agency and start organizing assassinations.

By the way, who was James J. Angleton?

> Robert Crowley was the Assistant
> Deputy Director of Clandestine Operations of the CIA.

Not the Director, not even the Deputy Director, but the Assistant Deputy
Director. Why would such a secret and vitally important task be

> He and four other
> people were the only ones allowed to posess the Operation Zipper documents
> along with the DIA analysis of the Soviet Intelligence Report of the
> assassination.

Wouldn't such documents have been destroyed? Better yet, not even have
been created at all. But no, apparently, details on how to assassinate
the President have all been outlined in memos for easy prosecution

> After Crowley's retirement he supposed to have a chest
> operation which was due to cancer. He then gave the all of his documents in
> his collection to the author, Gregory Douglas, with the understanding that
> they were not to be opened or used until after his death. Robert Crowley
> died on Tuesday, October 10 2000. Douglas was then free to use the Crowley
> papers since Crowley was now dead.

Apparently Crowley wanted posterity to know his importance to history -
he managed to assassinate a President and get away with it completely.
He didn't even get fired.

> The documents show that J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI, Lyndon B. Johnson(Vice
> President), and General Lyman Lemnitzer(Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
> Staff) had been brought into the plan.

Really? These three individuals were approached by these Angleton and
Crowley fellows, and told what exactly, "Hey, Mr. Hoover, we're going to
kill the President this fall. Want to join us? You better, or we'll kill
you too!"

> Robert Crowley was in charge of
> finding assassins for the assassination of JFK.

Again, this task was DELEGATED to middle management?

> Crowley then contacted Sam
> Giancana of the Chicago Mafia and asked him to supply the assassins.

Un hunh. There were no sharpshooters within the CIA, apparently, so
Crowley thought, "Hey, I'll call the mob! They LOVE helping us -
they'll totally keep their mouths shut, too."

> Giancana recruited 3 assassins out of the Corsican mafia in Marseille,
> France. The reason for this is if the assassins were captured or the truth
> came out, they could only implicate the Chicago Mafia in the execution of
> the assassination.

They would implicate the Chicago mafia, even though they were Corsican
mafia? And the Corsican mafia boss was OK with this? "Yeah, you boys
go ahead and kill the American President. Just don't mention me."

What, were the hitmen of the Chicago mafia on strike that month? Or
was the Corsican mafia much cheaper to hire?

> Another reason that French assassins were chosen is that
> they would blend in with the people in Dallas.

Because Dallas is such an attraction for Corsican tourists.

> The recruitment of the
> Corsican Mafia assassins alerted French Intelligence

Well, the French are much more on the ball, since the recruitment of
Giancana has not apparently alerted anyone in U.S. Intelligence. Or was
every single field agent in the FBI and CIA in on this Crowley/Angleton

> who then contacted the
> U.S. Embassy and alerted them that a political assassination was planned in
> the U.S..

That's very responsible of them. Let's see, the U.S. Embassy would be the
State Department. So who in that organization was part of this
Crowley/Angleton plot, and made sure the warning was buried? Or did the
U.S. Embassy in France not pass this warning along at all?

> The documents also implicate the help of the Israeli Mossad in
> the assassination.

It's a small world after all.

> Lyndon B. Johnson was concerned that he was also
> targeted and was assured by J. Edgar Hoover that he was not a target.

Oh, what a relief. "Yeah, Hoover, go ahead and kill my boss, just don't
point the gun in my direction." So the Vice President of the U.S., who
could easily have had Hoover, Angleton and Crowley all fired, if not
incarcerated for life for all of this, decides to go in on it instead.

And once he became President, he allowed all of these murderers to keep
their jobs, when they could just as easily plot to kill him?

> Robert Crowley was convinced that the assassination was in the best interest
> of the country.

So why didn't we go to war with Cuba afterwards?

> The direct reason I believe JFK was assassinated was because of top-secret
> documents called "Operation Northwoods". General Lyman Lemnitzer and his
> fellow Joint Chiefs of Staff drew up plans to execute terrorist attacks
> against the U.S. population as a pretext for war with Cuba and the Soviet
> Union. They talked about blowing up a ship and blaming it on Cuba. They
> considered hijacking aircrafts. They talked about bombing Washington DC.
> They even considered flying an airliner into the CIA headquarters in
> Langley, VA. They elaborated on how the casualty list in U.S. newspapers
> would cause a helpful wave of indignation.

There may very well have been plans like this drawn up. However, none
of them were executed. Probably because common sense prevailed.

> When Robert Kennedy and JFK
> found out about the plans, they were not amused.

I'm sure they weren't. Were these the only two people who weren't
amused? Wouldn't any sane individual who received such plans have had
the same reaction.

> He then fired the joint
> chiefs of staff and promised to splinter the CIA into 1000 pieces. He also
> signed an executive order to abolish the federal reserve system and he began
> to pull the troops out of Vietnam.

I keep hearing about all of these major actions JFK did - I'll have to
go back and check the documentation that verifies this.

> It was at that point that he was
> assassinated.

Why? So Angleton and Crowley wouldn't get fired? What's to say Johnson
or some future leader wouldn't do the same thing? Oh, no problem, we'll
assassinate them too. So the CIA is absolutely immune from change because
they'll just have any leader who opposes their will assassinated.

> JFK decided to be a leader of the people and defend their
> interests, but the Power Elite could not allow that to happen. It is very
> possible that the people who are more powerful that the U.S government,
> known as the Power Elite, were the ones responsible for JFK's death.

I thought you said it was Angleton and Crowley and Giancana and
Corsican mafia hitmen. And who are the Power Elite? The Forbes 500?

> JFK and his cabinet were referred to as "Camelot" and he was the King. His
> death was an occult ritual known as "The Killing of the King".

Ahh, now we have the occult too.

[snip of the 9/11 stuff]

Thanks for the interesting CIA-oriented conspiracy theory. I don't
think it washes at all, but it makes for interesting reading.


Martin Shackelford

Dec 16, 2005, 11:54:26 AM12/16/05
From what you said earlier, Jack AKA Geoffrey AKA various other names,
Regicide is your own book. The documents in the book, claimed to have
been leaked by a CIA employee, are known to have been misrepresented.
Please don't waste our time with this any further.


Jack Anderson

Dec 16, 2005, 7:02:42 PM12/16/05
Martin, I am not the writer of the book Regicide, and I also do not post to
this newsgroup with any other aliases except "Anonymous".

A document that has nothing to do with the "Operation Zipper" documents also
shows Corsican Mafia involvement.

A declassified CIA document released in 1977 states that a french assassin
by the name of Jean Soutre was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Soutre
belonged to an anti-Kennedy French terrorist organization known as the OAS.
Soutre or somebody using his name was detained by U.S. authorites and
deported within 48 hours of the assassination. However the document
mentions that Soutre had also gone by the name of Michel Mertz. It is very
likely the man was Michel Mertz using Soutre's name. Mertz was a ruthless
member of the French Mafia. The French Mafia also had a strong motive to
kill Kennedy which shows that they would have likely played a role in his
assassination, for example supplying the assassins. Mertz and Soutre were
enemies. It seems that Mertz was using Soutre's name to possibly frame him.
Within 48 hours of the assassination, the French mant hey arrest was picked
up in Texas by U.S. authorities and immediately deported. Evidence has now
surfaced that the FBI was also looking for Soutre, or someone using his
name, BEFORE the assassination. The KGB found evidence that Mertz may
played a role in the assassination and that he was hired by the Corsican

The CIA document also mentions that Soutre received mail from a dentist
named Alderson. The FBI located this man, Dr. Lawrence Alderson, who had
met Soutre while stations in France as a first lieutenant in the U.S. Army.
Alderson told Henry Hurt, a former Rockefeller Foundation scholar, that the
FBI agents interviewed him informing him that the FBI felt Soutre "killed
Kennedy, or knew who did".

The Russian KFB investigated the assassination and concluded "Kennedy was
shot by a professional assassin hired by French and South Vietnamese agents"
This information comes directly from Colonel Semyonavitch Pavlotsky, who was
the highest ranking office in the KGB's investigative unit.

Why would the French Mafia want JFK dead? Simple, they French Mafia feared
that JFK was going to disrupt or halt its lucrative HEROIN ENTERPRISE.

From the "Operation Zipper documents, they claim that two of the three
Corsican Mafia assassins were killed with 24 hours of the assassination.
The other they claim got away and has never been found.

This sheds more light on the fact that one of the three shooters may still
be on the loose. I also strongly agree that the shooters would have been
killed because dead people don't talk. Just like Oswald, he was killed in
police custody. I believe the man who was supposed to kill Oswald killed
that police officer Tippit instead, a reason I can't think.

Martin Shackelford

Dec 18, 2005, 11:51:30 AM12/18/05
You referred to yourself in an earlier post as the author of
Regicide--that's where I got the idea.
The Souetre information has been known for thirty years, and was
published in the Penn Jones journal The Continuing Inquiry.


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