a...@southern.co.nz (Tony Pitman)
>On 7 May 1999 03:37:04 GMT,
drei...@aol.com (Dreitzes) wrote:
>>In "On the Trail of the Assassins," Jim Garrison spends the better part of
>>pages agonizing over Ms. Jean Aase (1991 ed., pp. 128-31). The reason? Aase
>>seemed to provide a link between Garrison suspect Dave Ferrie and Jack Ruby.
>>But did she?
>>The facts: On September 24, 1963, somebody at G. Wray Gill's office other
>>Gill -- possibly Ferrie -- made a long distance call to Chicago, WH 4-4970.
>>Garrison declared that this was the phone number of Jean Aase, a woman
>>connected to Jack Ruby.
>>Problems? First of all, we don't know for certain whether it was Ferrie who
>>made the call or why. Second, we don't know that it was Aase who received
>>call or someone else in her apartment building. (The building, according to
>>Aase's friend Lawrence Meyers, had a "reputation for party girls.") Third,
>>AASE DID NOT KNOW JACK RUBY ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1963. In fact, she only met
>>once in her life. So what kind of "link" does Aase provide?
>>The following is Commission Exhibit 2266 (25 H 190).
>> December 4, 1963
>>JEAN AASE, 20 E. Delaware, Apartment 1405, Chicago, Illinois advised that on
>>November 20, 1963, she accompanied a friend, Mr. LAWRENCE V. MEYERS, to
>>Texas from Chicago. She described this as a business trip of Mr. MEYERS. She
>>stated that they arrived in Dallas, Texas via Braniff Airlines at
>>8:00 pm, November 20, 1963 and checked into the Ramada Hotel where they
>>remained that night. On November 23, 1963 they moved to the Cabana Motel.
>>She stated that on Thursday, November 21, 1963 she and Mr. MEYERS had dinner
>>and then he asked if she would care to meet a friend of his who ran a "strip
>>show." She agreed and they then went to the Carousel Club which is operated
>>JACK RUBY. On arriving at the club, MEYERS introduced her to RUBY and the
>>of them sat at a table near the doorway and chatted. She advised they stayed
>>the club for approximately one hour at which time they returned to the
>>Motel. She estimated this to be at approximately 11:00 pm. Shortly
>>RUBY joined the party at the Cabana Motel where he stayed for "a few
>>and then departed saying he had to return to his club. During this period
>>said there was no discussion of the President of the United States and their
>>conversation was limited to small talk and show people and personalities.
>>stated that they stayed in Dallas until Monday night, November 25, 1963, at
>>which time they returned to Chicago. She advised she did not see Ruby again
>>during this stay.
>>She stated her contact with Ruby was limited to this one occasion and she is
>>unable to furnish any information regarding him other than that he was
>>introduced to her as the owner of the Carousel Club in Dallas, Texas.
>>On December 3, 1963 at Chicago, Illinois by Special Agent[s] George H.
>>and Richard B. Lee. Date dictated: December 3, 1963.
>>Researcher Peter Whitmey recently interviewed Ms. Aase, the first person to
>>interview her since December 1963. Whitmey is expected to report on his
>>interview for *The Fourth Decade.* Here is what he recently had to say in a
>>newsgroup posting:
>>Subject: Jean Aase - "go-between"
prwh...@yahoo.com>>Date: 2/13/99 7:43 PM Eastern Standard Time
>>Message-id: <7a55t5$8np$
>>In response to the message of Feb. 13, 1999, Ms. Aase did not know David
>>Ferrie, did not recall receiving a 15-minute phone call originating in New
>>Orleans from Ferrie on Sept. 24, 1963 and did not know Jack Ruby before
>>meeting him with Lawrence Meyers shortly before the assassination. I'll
>>provide more information in the near future. - Peter Whitmey
>>Another Garrison factoid down the drain.
>>Dave Reitzes
>Yeah righto Dave.
>But I'm afraid you loners will believe anything.
>Just a bunch of pussycats those Chicago people eh?
I notice you don't dispute any facts in the post, Tony. Why is that?
You won't win any arguments with innuendo.