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Oswald's Weight and Height

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Cosimo de' Medici

Mar 11, 2014, 1:31:11 AM3/11/14
Lee Oswald was 5'9'' slender and 24 years old. When arrested, he gave his
weight as 140 pounds. On other occasions he gave weights of both 140 and
150 pounds. The New Orleans police records of his arrest in August of 1963
show a weight of 136 pounds. The autopsy report indicated an estimated
weight of 150 pounds.

Warren Report page 144

Ralph Cinque

Mar 11, 2014, 3:18:12 AM3/11/14
The key word in the autopsy report is "estimated" which means they didn't
put his body on a scale. The doctor just looked it and picked the found
figure of 150 pounds. My understanding is that the N.O. Police weighed him
and found him to be 140. But, it looks like Oswald was much thinner in
Dallas. I estimated his weight at 132, but Dr. Gerald McKnight said that
there was an official recording of 131. So, I was darn close. The FBI
weighed Lovelady in Feb 1964 and found him to be 170 pounds. Plus, he was
an inch shorter than Oswald. So, one was decidedly thin and the other was
quite stocky. How does Doorman look? He looks thin.


Mar 11, 2014, 3:47:02 PM3/11/14
Ralph Cinque
Doorman is thin because he spends his lunch hours standing in the doorway.
He should have tucked a cheese sandwich or two in the brown wrapping with
his rifle. Like Oswald did.

Jason Burke

Mar 11, 2014, 8:54:28 PM3/11/14
But, uh, Ralph. Since there's absolutely NO you know, evidence, that
your "doorman" boy was Ozzie, why even bother?

Well, I guess it does keep you off the streets at night. So, you know,
you don't hurt yourself.

Time to go find a new hobby "Doctor" Cinque.

Юрий Иванович Носенко

Mar 11, 2014, 9:47:35 PM3/11/14
Oswald carried a Manlicher Carcano SUBMARINE SANDWICH to work.

Mar 12, 2014, 10:38:01 PM3/12/14
In case one would want to look into it further:

On September 3, 1959 a 19-year-old U.S. Marine named Lee Harvey Oswald
reported to the El Toro, California medical examining facility at the U.S.
Marine Corp Air Station. There he received his standard physical
examination, upon leaving active duty after almost three years of military
service in Japan, the Philippines and California. The medical report,
published in the Warren Commission's supporting documents,(1) indicated
that Oswald was in good physical health at that time, with a significantly
reduced pulse rate. and blood pressure level compared to the results of an
initial medical exam conducted on Oct. 24, 1956. He had also grown
considerably during that period, from 68 to 71 inches, with a
corresponding increase in weight from 131 to 150 pounds. In more ways than
one, the Marines had made a man out of Lee Harvey Oswald.

After being placed on inactive duty on Sept. 11, 1959,(2) Lee returned to
his mother's home in Ft. Worth, Texas, having been granted a disability
discharge due to her poor health.(3) It was quite apparent, however, that
a minor injury incurred by his mother earlier that year while working at a
candy store in no way required her son's assistance. In fact, he informed
her on Sept. 14 that he planned to leave for New Orleans to resume
employment with an import-export company, having worked in that field as a
teenager prior to enlisting.(4)

While in Ft. Worth, Oswald made a point of registering with the local
draft board on the 14th, as required, providing both his mother's address
and that of his brother, Robert, whom he visited that day.(5) He indicated
he was born in New Orleans, La. on Oct. 18, 1939. His military service
number was listed on his Selective Service registration card, along with
his date of entry and separation from active duty, his date of entry into
the reserves, his rank of private, and a physical description: 5' 11", 150
lbs., blue eyes, and brown hair.(6)

> Warren Report page 144

Юрий Носенко

Mar 13, 2014, 12:37:16 AM3/13/14

Ralph Cinque

Mar 13, 2014, 1:12:06 AM3/13/14
Curt, as per John Armstrong, there were two Oswalds, and you must be
talking about the other Oswald, who was 5'11" 150 pounds. The Lee Harvey
Oswald we know was never that big or that heavy. he was 5'9 140 pounds in
New Oleans in August 1963, and he certainly didn't shrink 2 inches.

Mar 13, 2014, 2:03:19 AM3/13/14
Ralph, it sure is my opinion that it was the Lee of Lee and Harvey. This
was not from John, the two paragraphs. I do that so people can get beyond
their prejudices. If one goes to the updated H&L site and look in the
Marines link at the bottom, the picture of Lee, there shows his true body
type Much more defined and stronger, and thicker. Also, the El Toro base
cited in the artcles paragraphs is a Lee base. Harvey was never there,
thus one can get one of the few Lee weights listed without confusion.
And I am sure by 1963 he was heavier than 150.


Mar 13, 2014, 2:05:33 AM3/13/14
Oswald did have a genetically identical alter ego named A. Hidell.
Oswald was in the doorway while A. Hidell was firing from the 6th floor.
Do you agree or disagree?

Ralph Cinque

Mar 13, 2014, 10:09:24 PM3/13/14
Curt, the Lee Harvey Oswald of fame was 5'9" 131 pounds at the time of the
assassination, and you are deluding yourself if you think he weighed 150
pounds. For goodness sake, look at how skinny he was:

He was gaunt and bordering on frail.


Mar 14, 2014, 2:28:40 AM3/14/14
Doorway Man most certainly was not gaunt and bordering on frail.

Ralph Cinque

Mar 14, 2014, 2:29:34 AM3/14/14
It is true that Lee's passport when he went to Russia listed his height as
5'11", but it also had an image of the stockier "Lee" with the bull neck.
The LHO that we know was never built like that.

And if you look at the many pictures of LHO being led around by Dallas
Police, you know he was only 5'9". 5'11" is almost 6 feet tall, which was
still quite tall for the 1960s. Look at the heights of professional
basketball players in the 1960s: significantly shorter than today. But
Oswald was always surrounded by cops who were taller. If he was 5'11, it
means the Dallas PD was swarming with giants. No, no, no; he was 5'9".

Jason Burke

Mar 14, 2014, 3:26:01 AM3/14/14
Ooooh. No OIC membership for you.

Anthony Marsh

Mar 14, 2014, 11:07:57 PM3/14/14
People change height and weight over time.
5 Years ago when I renewed my CDL I was 5;11".
Today I am 5'9" and I lost 50 pounds over 8 months.

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