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Colin Douthwaite Ascii Art Collection [HUGE]

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Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
Here's what I found when searching for Colins art...mostly diddles
and stuff, but it shows the great humour this man had.
There are more posts from on my site, Wicked Ascii Art, but it's mostly
collections of other peoples art.

His memory will truly live on online.
(Hope you see this Colin, whereever you are...)

< ->

_....- - """ - -...._
.-' o o o o '-.
/ o * o o \
/ o o \ o o o \
~~~~~~~~~~~~ /\ ~~~~~ +---- ~
(___) // \\ | || Beefburger
(x x) // \\ +-/@||
\~ \ / ~~ m ~~~~~~ m ~~~ ^^ ~/
\ O -`.__.`-~`._.~`-`~.-~. '/ -after jgs-
`-. .-'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, the globe didn't look quite round enough on my 80 x 24 monochrome
monitor so I put your horse back into Laura's globe and put some
snow back in there again...

.-"" o .""-.
/ ` . | . ' \
| ' _ |,;;;/ |
| ,;( )_ )~\| .|
`.' // |\\ . ,'
\ `` | '' ./ -Laura Michaels/jgs-
/ \

emma bywaters ( wrote:
>would you believe i need an ascii pic of a carrot? well its true, and
>im begging all you artistes out there to help me out!
>i dont want it too big, but at this stage anything u have is what i

Now you've been and gone an done it with that've triggered
off a hang-up about stunted carrots...

([][]) "I have this recurring dream
__\/_--U about stunted carrots.".. (__)
/\ \__ ^ :..("")
/\\\ / / //\ ____\_____\/ //
/----^/__/\ /\ // \\/ \___ / //
\\\____/--\-- // /-/__________/ //
/====== \/ =======/==============//
*_/ / \ /^ // / \\
/ \ ^ // \\


the masked karrot

|_| ---------- [==]
if it doesn"t | \--o--o--/ /
fit use a |===\ ^ /===/
bigger hammer | \ -- / /
==\ /==
= \/ =
== ==

/ \
/ e e \
/ \
( )
) --- ( Said to be a bird's eye view of
/ \ a hippopotamus but it's really a
( -- ) stunted carrot ! Eek.
| |
| -- |
( )
\ --- /

| \ \ | |/ /
| |\ `' ' /
| ;' a a \ / ,
| ; _, | / / ,
| | ( `-.;_,-' '-' ,
| `, `-._ _,-'_
|,-`. `.) ,<_,-'_,
,' `. / ,' `;-' _,
; `./ /`, \-'
| / | ;\ |\
| ;_,._|_, `, ' \ Stunted carrot thumbing
| \ \ ` `, its nose at the world ?
` __ ` \ ;,
\ ,' ` \, ;;
\_( ;, ;;
| \ `;, ;;
| |`. `;;, ;'
| | `-. ;;;;,;'
| | |`-.._ ,;;;;;'
| | | | ``';;;' FL

Er....and is that a carrot, or a rolled up umbrella, in gratien's Sig ?

|~~~\/~~~| |~~| ,,,,;;,,-', `````````---------.........__
| |\/| | |~~|_| | ,;;;;;;;;;;| ; ________)
|__| |__| \_____/ ```;;;;;''-._______........--------'''''''

I have these recurring dreams about stunted carrots !!

,,,,;;,,-', ```````........
,;;;;;;;;;;| ; /

>>Daniel Au ( wrote:
>> -__
>> ;" \/Y%%\\
>> , (WY~ \\/VYllX\/ ),
>> |Y\/llY\ /Ylll|\/X\/
>> | /vYl`V \/YlYUY\| <--- leaves!
>> \/ |YY\/ VYYY\/
>> \ |Y\/ V \/llV\/
>> V_\_\/ \/\ll_|/
>> \ / \/
>> stem! --> || _V
>> ||//
>> / \
>> | | <--- carrot!
>> \ /
>> ||
>> || <---- carrot tip!

Yes, yes, yes ! That's it ! That IS it - STUNTED CARROTS !!!

You get them in your dreams.....all the time !

-__ -__ -__
;" \/Y%%\\ ;" \/Y%%\\ ;" \/Y%%\\
, (WY~ \\/VYllX\/ ), , (WY~ \\/VYllX\/ ),, , (WY~ \\/VYllX\/ ),
|Y\/llY\ /Ylll|\/X\/ |Y\/llY\ /Ylll|\/X\/ |Y\/llY\ /Ylll|\/X\/
| /vYl`V \/YlYUY\| | /vYl`V \/YlYUY\| | /vYl`V \/YlYUY\|
\/ |YY\/ VYYY\/ \/ |YY\/ VYYY\/ \/ |YY\/ VYYY\/
\ |Y\/ V \/llV\/ \ |Y\/ V \/llV\/ \ |Y\/ V \/llV\/
V_\_\/ \/\ll_|/ V_\_\/ \/\ll_|/ V_\_\/ \/\ll_|/
\ / \ / \ /
\|/ \|/ \|/
|_| ---------- ---------- [==] ----------
| \--O--O--/ \--o--o--/ / \--o--0--/
|===\ ^ /===/ |===\ ^ /===/ |===\ ^ /===|
| \ -- / \ -- / / \ -- /
==\ /== ==\ /== ==\ /==
= \/ = = \/ = = \/ =
== == == == == ==

AND...they D A N C E !!!
>Here's my try at it:

> __________________,.............,
> /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/,-', ,. -,-,--/|
> /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/,-' // /-| / /--/ /
> /_/_/_/_/_/_/,-' `-''--' `' '--/ /
> /_/_/_/_/_/_,:................../ /
> |________,' -Shimrod |/
> """""""""""""""""""""""'

How about leaving more of the wrapper on ?

/ .-. , ,.--. .-,/_/_/_/_/_/,-', ,. -,-,-- /|
/ / /- // / / ._/_/_/_/,-' // /-| / /-- / /
/ `-' ' '`--' '-'_'/_/_/,-' `-''--' `' '-- / /
/..................'_/_/_,:.................. / /
| .'_|_|_|_; -Shimrod | /
""""""""""""""""" '"""""""""""""""""""'

Joan Stark wrote:

> , # _
> (\\_(^> _. >(')__,
> (_(__) || _.||~~ {^--^}.-._._.---.__.-;(_~_/
> || (\../) || (\(__)/) || {6 6 }.')' (. )' ).-` ||
> __||____(oo)____||___`(QQ)'___||___( v )._('.) ( .' )____||__
> --||----"- "----||----) (----||----`-.''(.' .( ' ) .)----||--
> __||__@( )___||___(o o)___||______#`(.'( . ( (',)_____||__
> --||----"--"----||----`--'----||-------'\_.).(_.). )------||--
> || || `||~|||~~|""|| `W W W W ||jgs
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> "My Barnyard" * Joan Stark *
> ascii art gallery:

See you around the funny farm!

(/~~\) - CT (/~~\)
((0 0)) ((O O))___
,_______------/ | | \ / ~~~
# // / (oo) (oo)\ #
--#---x---x---x---x---x---- --< > >_,< ->,_< -x---x---x---x---#--
# | | | | | | (oo) (oo) (oo) - \ #
--#---x---x---x---x---x--x--x (..) /(o_o)-(o_o)\ -x---x---x---x---#--
\#// \\|~~ \\~ ~/// .../ ||W--'|| \||/// ||/- \\\\\|||/// \|/#\||

(/~~\) (/~~\)
((0 0)) __ ((O O))___
,_______------/ | | '/..\^ \ / ~~~
# // /# (oo) # ( 00.) # (oo)\ #
--#---x---x---x---x--#--x--x----x---#--x-" -- "--x-#--x---x---x---#--
# | __________ # | # ( . ) # \ #
--# | / \ # | # (\__/) # | #--
\#/ \|/ \\||// \#/ \\\||/ \||/// \\#|// \\\\-cfbd-//|/#\|

[ cows by CT, pig by Daniel C. Au, diddling by me ! ]

((O O))___
\ / ~~~
# # # (--)\ #
# # # \ #
\#/ \|/ \\||// \#/ \\\||/ \||/// \\#|// \\\\\|||/// \|/#\|
O u t s t a n d i n g i n t h e f i e l d !

No animals were >_,<
killed in (oo)
the creation or ,-------(._.)
testing of / | ||
this picture! * ||W--'||

From: (Colin Douthwaite)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Bull request.
Date: 19 Jul 1996 19:09:31 GMT

/ \
/X/ \X\
|XX\ _____ /XX|
|XXX\ _/ \_ /XXX|___________
\XXXX / \ XXXXX/ \\\
| 0 0 | \
| | \
\ / |______//
\ / |
| O_O | \ |
\ _ / \________________ |
| | | | \ /
No Bullshit, / | / | \______/
Please... \ | \ | \ | \ |
__| |__| | __| |__| |
|___||___| |___||___|

| |
| |
| __ __ |
| \ \/ / |
| > < |
| / /\ \ |
| /_/ \_\ |
| |
| (___) |
| (o o) |
| /--------\ / |
| * o| ||O |
| ||,----|| |
| ooo^^ ^^ |
| |
| |

| |
| |
| |
| |
| __ __ |
| \ \ / / |
| \ \ / / |
| > < |
| / / \ \ |
| / / \ \ |
| /_/ \_\ |
| |
| (___) |
| (o o) |
| /--------\ / |
| * o| ||O |
| ||,----|| |
| ooo^^ ^^ |
| |
| |

| |
| |
| |
| |
| __ __ |
| \ \ / / |
| \ \ / / |
| > < |
| / / \ \ |
| / / \ \ |
| /_/ \_\ |
! |
| |
| (___) |
| (o o) |
| /--------\ / |
| * o| ||O |
| ||,----|| |
| ooo^^ ^^ |
| |
| |

The fleecy cloud may kiss the sky.
The rose may kiss the butterfly.
The morning dew may kiss the grass.
And you my friend may...

. .
| |
j : l
/ \
/ \
Y . Y
| | |
l "----~Y~----" !
\ | /
Y | Y -Row
| I |


>I have a Scooby... but I'm afraid he kindof looks like a
kangaroo too.
> /\/\
> /, \ \
> \\|/_/_
> .` (o)o) _...._ __
> | ~ ~'' `\_)
> | |
> | `-. /
> | `--.___/
> | `. |
> _/______|``---'
> (_________) _
> jgs / \`(_)
> / \

Yeah, now you come to mention it there is a slight resemblance...

/, \ \
.` (o)o) _...._ __
| ~ ~'' `\_)
| |
| `-. /
| `--.___/
/ `. |
_/____/ ``---'
/ /`(_)
/ /
_ _ _ - - ' /
/ ~ '~ ~ ~\
/ / ~ \/~
/ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~\
| / ~ ~ \/~
| / /
| | { /
| | : /
| | : /
| | | /
| | | /
| | / /
| | / _ /
| | < /
| | \ |
| / \ \
_./ / \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \
/__ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I guess I ought to join in this " My First Ascii Art " game because
someone requested it.

I tend to be a collector and diddler rather than a creative ascii-
artist but I have done a few originals and I think " The Lamprey "
was my first ever original.

Someone was trying to create a new newsgroup named "alt.lampreys"
and opponents said the idea was stupid.

I had to find out what a lamprey actually was because it was being
said that lampreys liked biting cows. Anyway, here is my Very Own
Lamprey of mid-1993 vintage...

_,-,,__,- ~~~~~- _ _
_,,,, ( ~~-_
,''' O ', '~',__ _ _,,,'''--_ -_
_'_ _ _ ', ''' ' ~-_ -
( ), / ', -_ ',
~"'"'"'"~ ', / ', _- _'
', / '-,_,,,_,,_,,__ ,_ _ _ ,- _-
', _- -cfbd-
lamprey '-,-,.,_.,_, _ ,,_ , -'-'-''

And the interpretation that Colin did of me as a response to
Joan's to love this man :))

>And finally- how about this for an ascii representation of you? ;)

> ,#####,
> #_ _#
> |a` `a|
> | u |
> \ = /
> |\___/|
> ___ ____/: :\____ ___
> .' `.-===-\ /-===-.` '.
> / .-"""""-.-"""""-. \
> /' =:= '\
> .' ' .: o -=:=- o :. ' `.
> (.' /'. '-.....-'-.....-' .'\ '.)
> /' ._/ ". --:-- ." \_. '\
> | .'| ". ---:--- ." |'. |
> | : | | ---:--- | | : |
> \ : | |_____._____| | : /
> / ( |----|------| ) \
> /... .| | | | |. ...\
> |::::/'' jgs / | \ ''\::::|
> '"""" /' .L_ `\ """"'
> /'-.,__/` `\__..-'\
> ; / \ ;
> : / \ |
> | / \. |
> |`../ | ,/
> ( _ ) | _)
> | | | |
> |___| \___|
> :===| |==|
> \ / |__|
> /\/\ /"""`8.__
> |oo| \__.//___)
> |==|
> \__/

Hmm...I imagined someone more like this...

/ .. \
(| > |)
__/ \__
/ / \ \
/ /| , ,|\ \
( ( | | ) )
\ \| |/ /
\\| . |//
W| |W
| | | |
| || |
| || |
( )( )
| || |
| || |

Colin Douthwaite

-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

Veronica Karlsson

Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
to wrote:
> Here's what I found when searching for Colins art...mostly diddles
> and stuff, but it shows the great humour this man had.
> There are more posts from on my site, Wicked Ascii Art, but it's mostly
> collections of other peoples art.

Hmmm.... doing a search for "cfbd" in my collection gives this result:


Joan, that would make a lovely ski sweater:

`~^` `" \ " Dougal, dear boy,
) someone has brought
/ _._ you sugar lumps
/ /~ ~\ again. "
__ ( __ / \
( ) _\__( )_ - - - _ _ / _ _ \
\ , ... '_'_(\. - ~ ~ - _\_/)_
| :;: :;;;: ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
| :;: \__/,,.,.,,,.,,,,,.,,,`\_/
| ... | O O |
| ;;; .::: | |
\ ;; :::` | |
\ ;; : ( ) ;
-cfbd- ( \ , , ,.' ', `~~~~~` ,'
\/\) \\ ' ' '\/\) ` '>'\' '
( \ \/\)

" Thank you very .%;;;;;;;%`\ \ /
much indeed. / ` /`"'''"'`\ \ \ _ /
Very kind. " / / ~ 6 6 ~ \ \ ("'";
/ / .,,,,,. \ \``'.,,,.. ;"'"
/ : ::;;;;;:: ; \ \ ```'' \
/ : `'''''` ; \ \ \ \ \ \ \
/ `, _ ,' \ \ \ \ \
-cfbd- / \ `''`(_)``''` / \ \ \ \
/ // \ : . . . : / \ \ ; \ \ \ \ ;
/ // \\ ; ; ; ; // \ /\ ; ; , ' ^ ^ '^ ^ '
_______'' ` `` '' `' ` ' `
/\ \
/ \ \
/ \ \
/ \_______\
\ / /
___\ / ____/___
/\ \ / /\ \
/ \ \/___/ \ \
/ \ \ \ \
/ \_______\ \_______\
\ / / / /
\ / / / /
\ / /\ / /
\/_______/ \/_______/ logicko

Colin Douthwaite



. : .
.-~~~-. `. .-. .'
.- ~ ~-( )_ _ .~ ~.
/ ~ -. . . . : : . . .
: ' ~. .~
, .' .' ~-~ `.
~- . . , . , . , . . -~ ' : `

__ __
(__)____/~\_____(__) __________________,,,,,,,/|
/ \'''---____/ ,,,,,,,,,,-------'''''''~~
/ :\_ _ _ _ _/: \ /__________________
| : \/ \/ \/ : | :: ------___
| : : | :: :: -_
| : : | :: :: \
\ : /\ /\ /\ : / :: :: ::|
\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / :: :: :: |
\_____ __________' ____---~~~~~~~---____::______ :: |
\ \ ~~~~~~~~ -:: |
'\ \ ______________________/; \ |
'\ ,,,,,,,,----------------' THE MEGABITE | |
-cfbd- | |\ |
_-_ \_| \_|
/~~ ~~\
_-_ /~~ ~~\
/~~ ~~\ _-_ { }
_-_ /~~ ~~ /~~ ~~\ \ _- -_ _-_
/~~ ~~\ /~~ ~~\ ~~ \\ // /~~ ~~\
/~~ ~~\ - -{ } | | /~~ ~~\
{ }\\ // \ _- -_ / | | { }
\ _- -_ / | | ~~ \\ // ~~ // \\ \ _- -_ /
~~ \\ // ~~ | | | | ~~ \\ // ~~
| | // \\ | | | |
| | // \\ | |
// \\ \|/ \#/ \|/ \\||// \#/ // \\

GIANT KITE - The Megabite

Constructed by Peter Lynn of Ashburton, New Zealand, the kite is 55
metres long and 22 metres wide and weighs 150 kg. It is modelled on
a Trilobite pre-historic animal which it imitates by "swimming" in
the air.

20 March 1996



Nice one.. but as far as I know, the kite is still named "Trilobite"

Jack Sawyer


Chorus gentlemen, please !

(___) (___) (___) (___)(___) (___) (___) (___) (___)(___)
(o o(___)o o) (___) o) (o o)((___)(o o(___)o o) (___) o) (o o)((___)
\ /(o o)\ / (o o) /(___)/ (o o) \ /(o o)\ / (o o) /(___)/ (o o)
O \ / O \ / O (o o) \ / O \ / O \ / O (o o) \ /
(___) O (___) O(___) (___)(__O) (___) O (___) O(___) (___)(__O)
(o o(___)o o) (___) o) (o o)((___)(o o(___)o o) (___) o) (o o)((___)
\ /(o o)\ / (o o) /(___)/ (o o) \ /(o o)\ / (o o) /(___)/ (o o)
O \ / O \ / O (o o) \ / O \ / O \ / O (o o) \ /
(___) O (___) O(___) (___)(__O) (___) O (___) O(___) (___)(__O)
(o o(___)o o) (___) o) (o o)((___)(o o(___)o o) (___) o) (o o)((___)
\ /(o o)\ / (o o) /(___)/ (o o) \ /(o o)\ / (o o) /(___)/ (o o)
O \ / O \ / O (o o) \ / O \ / O \ / O (o o) \ /
O O \ / O O O \ / O

,'-00 Mool Voice Choir
/ /\_| / in Concert
/ | _/__________________
| \===^__| __|
_|___ /\ |___________________|
|=====| | I I
*I I| | I I
I I^ ^ I I -cfbd-


(O O)
\ /
@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@
@@@ @@ WOOLLY @@ @@@
@@@ @@ JUMPER @@ @@@
@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@
@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
=== @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ===
WW @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WW
/ \
( ) -cfbd-
\ /
) ( ) (\_______________

A Woolly Jumper

( cross between a Sheep and a Kangaroo )


/~~ ~~\
|\ |\ /~~ ~~\
()__() _-_ }
\o o / /~~ ~~\ -_ / _-_
() / /~~ ~~\ // ~~ /~~ ~
(^) \ { }| /~~
\ \ \ _- -_ / | {
\ \ ~~ \\ // ~~ \\ \ _-
_ _ | \ | | ~~ \\ //
' _ _/ ) ~- _ | | | |
'/,_ _ _/ ~ , // \\ | |
/ /)/) ', // \\
( (ų.ų) _ _',
\ __) (__ / } '- - - - - - - - - - -,
\ { ,- - - - - - - - ' ' ' '
\ > /
#----x---x--x----# .--- \ ' / --x---x---#---x---x--x--x---x---#--
# # "----~ ~ / / # #
#---x---x--x--x--#---x- (_/ x---x---x----#---x---x--x--x---x---#---
# # " # -cfbd- #
#/ \|/ \\||// \#/ \\\||/ \||/// \\#|// \\\\\|||/// \|/#\|/


Baby Roo was practising very small jumps in the sand and
falling down mouse-holes and climbing out of them...
" Look at me jumping," squeaked Roo, /~~ ~~\
and fell into another mouse-hole. /~~ ~~\
_-_ _-_ }
/~~ ~~\ - Winnie-the-Pooh /~~ ~~\ -_ /
/~~ ~~\ /~~ ~~\ // ~~
{ { }|
\ _- -_ / \ _- -_ / |
~~ \\ // ~~ ~~ \\ // ~~ \\
| | | |
| | | |
// \\ /)/) // \\
/ \|/ \\||// \#/ \ ( /> \\#|// \\\\\|||/// \|/ \||
--------------------- __/ _\ // _--------------------------------
. . . . . : '~( '~ )// - . . . ()()_____ . .
. . . : _\ '}/ - . /** ) _ .
. . : "--~(/ : . . . O_\\-m--m-/____)
-cfbd- . : .....".. : . . .
__ __-- __ _-- _-- _-- _-- _-- __ _-- _ __-- _-- _-- _-- _-- _-- _--



" Tie me Kangaroo down, Sport.
Tie me Kangarooo down.
/| /| Tie me Kangaroo down, Sport...
\ = =/ Tie me Kangaroo...
/\ () Tie me Kangaroo...
/ / (^) Tie me Kangaroo down !!!
( ( ~
_ _ | \ - Rolf Harris
' _ _/ ) ~- _
'/,_ _ _/ ~ ,
/ ',
( _ _',
\ _______ / } ', ____
\ { ,\ ', \__/
\ > / ', ' || - - - - -,,
.--- \ ___/ ' || - ' ' ' '
"----~ }___{=o=o=o=o=[__]
(_/ || -cfbd-
" ||
#// \\||// \#/ \\\||/ \||/// || #/ \|/ \\||// \#/


.,,,/ ,~~~\. /~~~\ \ \
/ __/ / \_'''',,,/ )) ))
\_O--/ | \ __ ",, // //
| / \_ / @) ''//_ //
| ',,,/ ~~ // ~~__
| ) ( __// ---___ _/OO
\ ) / ) ( ,,,, (_Q '''----_______,_/
\ |--.-- #| |,,,/\_ ~~\/
\____________#| / \_ ''\___ ~O O
/ / _/ / ~~\ __ \ /\_ /\/
/__/ #|__/ |## _ /_ _ /_
|## ~~ -cfbd- \/ \, \/ \,
When you and a friend are being chased by an elephant
don't even bother running.

" It never rains unless it pours ! "


.-~ ~- "~-. _,. ~ ~ - _
/ /_ )--"~ ~-..
/ ;~ | `.
|-@- | / \ _O_/
\ .-, l / / \ |
| |Q/ \_/ | __|_ |
| | \ | \ /
| | \ / } \ _ _ _ _\ -cfbd-
| |_ | / _ - ~ ^ - - - \\.
\__() | | | | \\ ~ ~
/ [____| ~ [____| \\ ~
/ ~ ~~~\\~~~~~~ ~
/ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
/ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
/ ~ ~~~~~~~ ~
/ ~ ~
/ ~ ~ ~
| __ ~~ ^ ^
|_______________________________ / \ / ~ )###) _______
\ / < ] (~~\ /
||= > / ~~~||
/ \ /====\ /~ ~\
~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~\ /~~~~~~~~\
| | | | | |
-Steve Shannon-



_.- ~~^^^'~- _ _ .,.- ~ ~ ~ ~ - _
________,' ::. ~ -.
(( ~_\ -s- :: _ - ;,
\\ ______<.._ .;;;` ,' } `',
``~~~~~ ~` ~- _ ; ; `\
_ _- _ ( } { , \, `,
/ ((/ _ _i ! _ , ,' \, ,
/ ((((____/ ~ - - - - _ _'_-_,_,` \, ;
< ----,____ (,(,(, ____> \,'
\ ________`--.__ _ _ ____ ____ __ ______ _ _ ____ ____ __
`------__------- ______ _ _ ____ ____ __



From: (Colin Douthwaite)

I guess I ought to join in this " My First Ascii Art " game because
someone requested it.

I tend to be a collector and diddler rather than a creative ascii-
artist but I have done a few originals and I think " The Lamprey "
was my first ever original.

Someone was trying to create a new newsgroup named "alt.lampreys"
and opponents said the idea was stupid.

I had to find out what a lamprey actually was because it was being
said that lampreys liked biting cows. Anyway, here is my Very Own
Lamprey of mid-1993 vintage...

_,-,,__,- ~~~~~- _ _
_,,,, ( ~~-_
,''' O ', '~',__ _ _,,,'''--_ -_
_'_ _ _ ', ''' ' ~-_ -
( ), / ', -_ ',
~"'"'"'"~ ', / ', _- _'
', / '-,_,,,_,,_,,__ ,_ _ _ ,- _-
', _- -cfbd-
lamprey '-,-,.,_.,_, _ ,,_ , -'-'-''



Entwistle's Dog meets Schrodinger's Cat

()() ____
(..) /|o |
/\/\ /o| o|
__c\db/o.. /o_|_o_|_________
/ \
/ \
/________________________________\ , ,
/ \ |\___/| ,-.
/__________________________________\ |o o|_______________ | |
{ } \ w / \`. ,','
<____________________________| _`---' , |.`--' ,'
| DOG BOX > (____``\ |```` ( \ `---'
{____________________________| ______ (________|````````\ /)
< } / DOG \ ) //
|____________________________| /___________\ (_//
\\/ \||// |// \\/ -cfbd- \||//

[ mouse & cheese by Row ]

Was the dog dead or alive ?

Did the cat take a free lunch ?

Around this part of the world, anyone ending up in the dog-box would be
considered more dead than alive :-)


_____/ - - \
/~____ \ ="= /


db ,B##a {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;}
,HHAo#####b {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;}
6HHHHH##### {;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;}
_ HHHHHH#####, {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||}
m####m======+++m#### {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||}
`*###'~~##~~~\^9#### {|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||}
T|::;/ \`::|-//H# | /~~\ |
``~7 `== /#7 = ;) | |
| `-+ } /_ \_/ |
| .---, / /// |
\ (_ , ,'\ ~~~ |
`,_ ,' \ / |
,,-~/_ ~-,-~_______ /_____ |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ / -cfbd-
Scott A. H. Ruggels
Colin Douthwaite ( cfbd )


// o o \\ ("";
// ,,,,, \\,,..,,,.. ;""
/: :;;;;;: ; \ \`'' \
/`, `'''` ,' \ \ \ \ \ \ \
-cfbd- / `(_)' / \ \ \ \ \
/ \; ;/ \ ; \ \ \ ; \ : ;

Dougal awards it 3.3 sugar lumps...

___ ___ ___ _
/___/| /___/| /___/| /_/|
| | | | | | | | | | | |
|___|/ |___|/ |___|/ |_|/



.-. .-.
.****. .****.

" Sweet Dreams Llizard "

__ __
|| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ||
|| { | } ||
|| { > YAWWWWN! \ | | | / } ||
|| { / \ | | | / } ||
|| { / \|_|_|/ } ||
|| { ( _.--~_@.__ ~~-._ } ||
|| { \ :..____~ ~-. } ||
|| { \ ________'' ~_ } ||
|| { (/~~^^'' ~~-.. ~ ._ ; } ||
|| { `-._ `. ~. } ||
|| { ~~\. ~\ } ||
|| .......................... (((((((((((((... ||
|| . .|
|| . .
||\ ..............................................
~~ \ . . _-- __
\ . . ~~--__
\ . . ~-.
\ . .
\ . .,- _ |`.
\ . `-. / |
\ . ;' |
\ . _,-' /
\ . _______.......----~~~ _,'
\ . ~~""""---......._________...--
\ . .
\ . .
\ . .
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\ ( )
\ ( )
\ | |
|| | || |
|| | " Sweet Dreams Llizard " -cfbd- || |
`~~ `~~

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



/ . . . . . | PORK | . . . . . \
/ . . . / _n_ ______ \ . . \
|\/ . . . / _/o \/ \@ \ . . . .\/|
|| . . . . ( O_ ) ) . . . ||
|/\ . . . . \ \___/\______/ / . . . . /\|
\ . . \ || || / . . /
\___ . . . . . | SAUSAGE |. . . . ___/

/ . . . . . | PORK | . . . . . \
/ . . . / ______ _n_ \ . . \
|\/ . . . / @/ \/ o\_ \ . . . .\/|
|| . . . . ( ( _O ) . . . ||
|/\ . . . . \ \______/\___/ / . . . . /\|
\ . . \ || || / . . /
\___ . . . . . | SAUSAGE |. . . . ___/


(\ (\
\\ \\
'\_ """" _/`
(-s s-)
,\ /
_ - - - - - - - - - - ' ,\ /
__- , ""
/ ,
) | ) /
| / _ _ _ _ \ /\ / PADDY McGINTY'S
/ _/ / - - - |/ |/ GOAT
| / | / )> )>
| | | | |/ |/
| / |/ -cfbd98- || (\
|| (\ (\


/ \
/ o __ o \
( \/ )
) (
( - - - )
( )
( )
[ ]
------------------/l\ /l\-------------------

( )
( __ _) -cfbd-
Susan Harmon


''.. )
'''. .' ( ( (
.' '. ) ( ) ) ( )
''.. '. ( ) ( ( ) (
}#{ (\*/) ) ( ) ) ( )
" " ( ) ( ) (
) ) ___.--. )
) ) .''. .''...' ..'''.. \\\\
( ( _.-~~~-.'''.'' ''-. ; `**
) ) ;****......._____.......****; `*.
( .* `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' * `*.
) ';`*. A steaming bowl of .*' `*.
..''; `**. pasty turds. .**' `*.
..'''.. '. `***. .***' `*


I think they would look better in a Gozunda or Bedpan...just my

( ( ( ) )
) ( ) ) ( ) ( (
( ) ( ( ) ( ) )
) ( ) ) ( ) ( .
( ) ( ) ( ) ';
) ) ___.--. ) ..'';
) ) .''. .''...' ..'''.. ..'''.. '.
( ( _.-~~~-.'''.'' ''-. ; `.......'..''.
) ) :' .----------------------- ..''; -------------.
( .' ( )'.. ;'( )
) '; \ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% `------' %%%%%%%%%% /
-cfbd- ..''; \ /
after ..'''.. '. \______________________________________/
Lester `.......'..'

( ( (
) ( ) ) ( )
( ) ( ( ) (
) ( ) ) ( )
( ) ( ) (
) ) ___.--. )
) ) .''. .''...' ..'''.
( ( _.-~~~-.''';''., ''-. ; ;
) ) :' .----------------------.
-cfbd- ( .' (______________________)
after ) '; (~| . |~)
Lester ..''; \| oOo |/ Gozunda
..'''.. '. | \|/ |
`.......'..' \____________________/

Colin Douthwaite


|. . . . . . . .|||. . . . . ||| . . . . . . . |
| . . . . . . . ||| . . . . .|||. . . . . . . .|
|._._._. . . . .|||. . . . . ||| . .. . . ._._.|
|/ \. . . . /// . . . . . \\\ . . . ./ \|
| |. . . /// . . . . . . \\\ . . .| |
| \. . /// . . . . . . . \\\ . ./ |
\ |. /// . . . . . . . . \\\ .| /
| \/// . . . . . . . . . \\\/ |
\ \/ . . . . . . . . . . \/ /
| |. . . . . . . . . . .| |
\ \. . . . . . . . . ./ /
-VK/cfbd- | \. . . . . . . . ./ |
\ \. . . . . . . ./ /
\ |- - - - - - -| /


From the archives... Bikini...

_.--. _.---. _.-.
| ""__ \-._ .-' /|
`.__.-"" ). ) ")-"""-. / .-' `.
.-' \_ |-"" .'_.;.-"--.)
._.-'"--.__.-" `-.__.-""-' Ojo 98


Ojosh!ro, may I suggest that you separate the neck straps?

`---. _.-.
_ __ \-._ .-' /|
' `.__.-"" ). ) ")-"""-. / .-' `.
.-' \_ |-"" .'_.;.-"--.)
._.-'"--.__.-" `-.__.-""-' Ojo 98

(straps altered by ejm)


| " One , two, three, four..
@' Tell the people what she wore!

It was an...itsy bitsy teeny weeny
Yellow polka dot bikini
That she wore for the first time today.

It was just'n itsy bitsy teeny weeny
Yellow polka dot bikini.
And there isn't any more! " |\

Ojo 98/cfbd ``-----.. __..-..
\ ..-'' |
___ \--.__ / o |
`..___..--"""" )., \ o "" \-""""""-.. / o `
) o '\ | o o ) / o `..
.-'' o \ | o / .' o )
; o o \__|-"""" . ' o o )
'.__.--''""---..____.--"" ` -..___..--"""--''

Cha Cha Cha,
Colin Douthwaite


I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I
/ \
/ o \
/ ~ ~o~ ~-~ ~ ~_~o~ ~ ~ \
[ - . - _ - - ]
I . . - _ _ I
I |\__/| o .~ ~. I
I /x x `. / .' I
I {o__, \ . \ { I
I / . . ) ) \ I
I `-` '-' \ . \ } I
I .( _( ) )_.' I -cfbd-
I '---.~_ _ _| o _ - I

"Preserve wildlife, pickle a squirrel!"

- attributed to Denny E. Miller -


_....----"""----...._ Buttered Beefburger
.-' o o o o '-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <--,

/ o * o o \ |

/__o___o____\ _____o__o_____o_\ |
~~~~~~~~ w~~ \ ~~~w ~~~+----~~~ <------- butter ---------'
(___) \\ /\ // | ||
(x x) \\/ \// +-/@||
-cfbd- \~ \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^ ~/
after \ O -`.__.`-~`._.~`-`~.-~. '/
jgs `-._______________________.-'


=>> The runes were cast, the portents thundered and then Colin Douthwaite
warbled on about "BeeHive NZ" in alt.ascii-art <<=

> Z Z
> Z Z
> Z Z Z Z
> Z Z Z Z
> Z Z Z Z
> Z
> /
> @@@@@@@@
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ________________
> @@@@@ = APOs Only = @@@@@ | Hataitai ___>
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (__) | ___________/
> @@@@@@@@ = KEEP OUT = @@@@@@@(oo) ||
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@-\/ ||
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ -cfbd- ||
> ______ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@______________||_________________
> BeeHive NZ

You're bringing politics into alt.ascii-art? How like a cantabrian. It
does explain why we hear a lot of Mooing comming from Wellington though.
I'll have to call out "The BoyZ" to deal with this....

From atop a nearby hill we get to see the full scene:

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,_, <##.
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /_0 \ `#
@@@@@ = APOs Only = @@@@@ \ )> ,#
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _T_ m==/ \ ,##'
@@@@@@@@ = KEEP OUT = @@@@@@@ |TNT| ( ,*###'
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ _|___|____\_>______
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ __,-"
______ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@______________,"

Mr Lemur! You do realise that, if you push that detonator, NZ will be
suddenly, and yea - even fatally, bereft of all its politicians?



M:<<! <<H<<48$RM
$8 MM<<!< <!!<<9$$ M MM?!<<%
$$$ M <<~ ~~~<X$R MM M !<~ k
R$$$$ .n~ #R.# MM ?<~~ .n ,_, <##.
M$Pu! n" "+ "h! !!~ :@M /_0 \ '#
"*RM M @ * " .nMM \ )> ,#
Mx < " .u. 4'M MMM _m==/ \ ,##'
MX M @P #$ 4 MM |TNT|( ,*###'
M ! '$ $! ' M M _|___|_\_>________
R4 H #$. @$ H __,-"
__________M>M __ "` ___ .~i <!?MM ________."
P! : % H @ $NRMHx<<<!! /
<<HMk!i *u .* x*xR$$$$8 /
RM MH.*n: :*.HR M$$
M M$RM<::: :<<XMM
M<<<<< `!<<M


Oh well! Anarchy in NZ then.....

/ / __/ "-.
,-" ) \
( ( \ )) )| ,_, <##.
\ ____ . / ____ / /_0 \ '#
'--" \ | / '--' \ )> ,#
| | | _m==/ \ ,##'
| | |TNT|( ,*###'
,-' '\_ _|___|_\_>________
_/ || + \ __,-"
_____________,--" .- ||" \ "--. ._____________."

/ / " / /
" " /

Nice greenhouse effect there, Mr Prosimian! - radioactive sunsets from now
on I s'pose? Wait.... Hold on, how did you get a mushroom cloud from TNT?

"Frink. Ptang!"

Oh I see.... you used non-radioactive mushroom atoms....


This has been a 21st Century Lemur Production.

Written and directed by snark^

Based on the original post by Colin Douthwaite

Cinematography - snark^
SF/X explosions - The Scarecrow
Catering - snark^ Food Inc.



^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ (`,,===
"He left it dead, and with its head he went galumphing back." _).,==
-- from Lewis Carroll's 'Jabberwocky' ~..~ `\9
snark^ leonidas(at) (oo)_____/
ICQ No.: 1471203 earthlight(dot)co(dot)nz WW WW


, /\/\ _/\/\/\/\/\__ />
<_n_ / (00 )__/ \__/ >
)+)-^ / /\___ / /___ / /______>
_/^>_ 'oo/ /__\ /__\
St. George & The Dwagon


8 : 8
8 : 8
8 : 8 |~~\_____/~~\__ |
-cfbd- 8 : 8 _____________________ \N1____====== )-+
8 : 8 ~~~|/~~ |
8 : 8 ()
8 : 8
,8o,"' aircraft by
// -Wil Dixon-

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a bananna."

- Groucho Marx


Now a girl may look nice @ - - @
/~~~ @ o @ ~~~~~~/;
In a bath, crystal white, / o . | | . o /;'
/ -- - - /;'
And in its embrace / o - o o o /;'
/ o o o /;'
she may frolic ! / o - /;'
/ o - - - /;'
/ - - - _ /;'
\ /;'

@ - - @
@ o @ But give me the girl
| |
(*) (*) Who will stand in a bowl
) . (
( v ) And do what she can - with Carbolic.
\ | /
\ /
\==============/ -cfbd-


) ( ( (
( ) () @@ ) (( (
( ( )( @@ ( )) ) (
//////// ( ( ( ()( /---\ (()( (
|:: \ | ) ) )(@ !O O! )@@ ( ) ) )
|( = \ @@@@@@@@@@@@@)( ()@ \ o / (@@@@@ ( ()( )
| ^ /_| @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ((@@(@@ !o! @@@@(@@@@@)() (
\ (_@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)@@)@ /---\-/---\ )@@@@@()( )
| /_ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)@@@( // /-----\ \\ @@@)@@@@@( .
/ ~~~ \ @@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@ // @ /---\ @ \\ @(@@@(@@@ . .
| ( \ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ O @@@ /-\ @@@ O @@(@@)@@ @ .
| \ | @@@@@@@@@@ !! @@@@ % @@@@ !! @@)@@@ .. .
\ \ | . @@@@@@ !! @@ /---\ @@ !! @@(@@@ @ . .
\ \------. ) . @@ /MM /\O O/\ MM\ @@@@@@@. .
|\_______|_)) ( . @ !!! !! \-/ !! !!! @@@@@ .
---------- ) . . @@@@ !! !! .(. @. .. .
| |-\ \ ( / .( . \)). ( !! )( !! @@@@ . ) .
| | \ \ ) ( )). (( .) !O ((( O! @@ (. ((. . .
| | \ \ )) .( ( ( ) ). ( !! )( !! ) (( )) ..
| | / / ) ( ) ).) (( !! ( !!\( )) ((. ).
| | / / )) .( ( ( ) ). ( !! )( !! ) (( )) ..
| |_< / ) ) (( ) )).) ((/ | ( | \( )) ((. ).
___<_____\\__\__ _____ __((_(____))__(_(___.oooO_____Oooo.(_(_)_)((_
-cfbd/after others-


Henry Segerman <> wrote:

> _.-+.
> _.-"" '.
> +:"" '.
> J \ '.
> L \ _.-+
> | '. _.-" |
> J \ _.-" L
> L +" J
> + | |
> \ | .+
> \ | .-'
> \ | .-'
> \| .-'
> +'

Hmm...could it be a Sugar Lump?

" Mmm, a sugar lump ? .,,,,,.
Thank you very .%;;;;;;;%`\ Dougal's \ /
much indeed. / ` /`"'''"'`\ \ Perspective \ _ /
Very kind. " / / ~ 6 6 ~ \ \ ("'";
I love sugar lumps." / / .,,,,,. \ \``'.,,,.. ;"'"
/ : ::;;;;;:: ; \ \ ```'' \
/ : `'''''` ; \ \ \ \ \ \ \
/ `, _ ,' \ \ \ \ \
-cfbd- / \ `''`(_)``''` / \ \ \ \
/ // \ : . . . : / \ \ ; \ \ \ \ ;
/ // \\ ; ; ; ; // \ /\ ; ; , ' ^ ^ '^ ^ '
` '' ` `` '' `' ` ' `

_.-"" '.
+:"" '.
J \ '.
L \ _.-+
| '. _.-" |
J \ _.-" L
L +" J
+ | | -Henry Segerman-
\ | .+
\ | .-'
\ | .-'
\| .-'

Colin Douthwaite


/ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | / \
\.___;;;;;;;___./ | THAT'LL Be The DAY... |
\_____________/ | |
/ - -/ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /
| J | /
\ Q / /
_ _ __/~()\_ _ _ _
/ ; / /"'\) ; ;
/ / ; (/ | | ; |
/ / ; | | ; |
/ / ; | | ; |
| | ; | | ; |
| | ; | | ; | / ~'(|====='
| | ; | | ; |/\._;`
| | ;,,,,| |,,,,; ./
-.. | |\./
''/~~|: /\ :|~~\
| |: : : :| |
\_|: : : :|_/
; : : : : ;
` : : : : `
: : : :
: : : : JOHN WAYNE
: : : :
: : : :
/: : : :\
/: : : :\
-cfbd- /\_ _/ \_ _/\
| |_ | |__
((__) (_- _)


| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | |
| | a a | |
| | | | , | | | |
| | | \ ___ / | | |
| | | \ ~~~ / | | |
| ___ ___ ___ |
| * * |
/ / \ / \ \
/ ( ) ( ) \
/ \ * / \ * / \
\ \ / /
\ ) ( /
\ / * \ /
* / \ *
'( . , )`
\ \/ /
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
/ | \
( | )
-cfbd- \ | /
* *
' ___ ___ `


||| |||
||| a a |||
|||| o ||||
|||||\ _ /|||||
||||||||) (||||||||
|||||.--' _ `--.|||||
|||.' `.|||
||/ / \ / \ \||
|/ ( ) ( ) \|
/ /|\_*_/ \_*_/|\ \
\ \|||\ /|||/ /
\ \|||) (|||/ /
\ \|/ * \|/ /
) / \ (
''| . . |``
| \ / |
\ | /
\ | /
\ | /
) | (
/ `'|`' \
| | |
-cfbd- \ | /
VK \ | /
) | (
.' | `.


Shanaka Dias <> wrote:

>And isn't it time for a male nude?

> ,,,,,,, ,,
> ,#######;####,
> ###############
> ## #
> ## """ """#
> ## <0> <0>|
> ( : /
> ' ,\, )
> | _____ :
> | '-.-' /
> | \_ /
> / '---'\
> _.----------' '---------._
> / \
> / \
> / \
>******************** aaaaah but not me :) :) ***********

Oh I'm quite relaxed about that...provided I am allowed to wear my
Russian hat at all times...

d - - b
\ V /
_| |_
/ \
//| . . |\\
\\| |//
| . |
( ~!~ )
-cfbd- || ||
(| |)
|| ||
.---'| |`---.
'~~~~' `~~~~'

Colin Douthwaite


Shanaka Dias <> wrote:

>Well I'm not used to strutting around naked in cold weather
>like you Swedes and New Zealanders! :P

Actually I usually wear shortie pyjamas except when going to
the shower or bathroom...wouldn't want to frighten the neighbours.

d = = b
\ V /
__ | | __
/ < > \
//| \ / |\\
\\| . |//
| . |
| . |
-cfbd- |__| |__|
|| ||
(| |)
|| ||
.---'| |`---.
'~~~~' `~~~~'

Colin Douthwaite


HeHeHe, actually...he looks the Ivan Zamorano, that great player of
the Chile soccer team in the World Cup 98, although, as far as I
know, Zamorano does not play his games in the nude.

/` / _\
) ( '\'
(__| -_|
___/ /___
/` (___) %%\/-__/ Ivan Zamorano
/ / %% \/ | -Chile-
/ _/% %% / |
\ |%% %% \`-'
\ |\%% %% |_____
_ /_/~/~~~~~~~~ /')
/// | |\___/ /
\____| ( /
\ | \ /
)` ) )(__
/ ( (_,___> -cfbd-
\ / ,:'|':, after b'ger
)( ; /:::\ :
/ | ; \:::/ :
_____ \__> ____ ':,|,:' ______


/ -
- |
| -
; /:::\ : _ |
; \:::/ :
':,|,:' / -

/|, .''''' ,|\
\)) e/e D ((/
)| \_7 ( |(
/ |_____| |_____| \
\__/_ # \_/ # __\_/
\ # # # /
| # # # | Argentina taking
| # # # | a throw-in at
\ # # # / Soccer World Cup '98
/ ( \
(, / (, (
\ ) | )
\ | | /
-cfbd- \| |/ _
after _/( )\_ ___,/ ',_
b'ger ,,,,, <'___\,/___'> ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


//~~\ / \ \
/ \\\ // \ __)
(__/\__\%%%% __(``
{{ /^^^^^\ {=
<( ((=)(=) ) />_
w/ ~_ ~ \ w DYLAN
/ ( { } ) \\
/ \ {{i| \__/,\___./ |_}} An American rabbit who
< o o.> "'"'''\_|_/'____""'" spends most of his time
// \/~ \ / / ( \ asleep or yawning.
\ \ | / \ \
\/`U,__| | /--,|~~\ )
(/ | (UUU/--_ _ /
(/~~)__/ \| |
/ \\\ // \~~~~~~~~
(_ \\/ | | The Magic Roundabout
) / / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/ | \
-cfbd- / | \
) | \
__/~~~~~( ~~__/~~~~~( ~~~
(_________) (_________)


Kirsten *aka Nursie* <> wrote:

> ___
> \ + / .------------------------------------------------------------.
> ('v') | Nursie *aka Kirsten* | ~~ nursie at geocities dot com ~~ |
><(\-/)> | presents Nursie's Desk | |
> ^ ^ '------------------------------------------------------------'

>"Be careful who's toes you step on today...
> ...they may be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow!"

"Be careful who's ass you kiss tomorrow they may not like it!"

/\ /\
( \\ // )
\ \\ // /
\/ _ _ \
\/ | |
___________________\/ \ /
// // |____|
___ // || / \
\_+_/ //| \| \ 0 0 /
{{/ \}} // \ ) V / \____/
}}^.^{{ ') // \ / ( /
}\ 0 /{ /'/ "" \ /_________| |_/
(' )_(__/ ,_ / /\ / | ||
\ `--' .' `. _ _ _ / / / / \ ||
`---....__/ | /_/ _ _ _ / | | | ||
/______\ | | | ||
( (.'( ( |_| |_||
\ ) \ ) \_\ \_\\ Hard'96
-cfbd- \( \__.
_`- `--'

Colin Douthwaite


(__ __)
| |
| |________........--------........________ __
| |\\ ~~~~~~~~------~~~~ ||
| | \\ o ||
| | || o^/|\^o ||
| | || o\*`'.\|/.'`*/o ||
| | || \\\\\\|////// ||
| | || {><><@><><} ||
| | || }}} _ _ {{{ ||
| | || }}}} 6 6 {{{ ||
| | ||::::::::::::::::: {{{{{ ^ }}}} :::::::::::::::::||
| | ||::::::::::::::::: {{{{{{\ -=- /}}}}}} ::::::::::::::::||
| | ||::::::::::::::::: {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} ::::::::::::::::||
| | ||:::::::::::::::::: {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}'' ::::::::::::::::||
| | ||::::::::::::::::::: `""'"': :'"'"'` ::::::::::::::::::||
| | ||::::::::::::::::::::::::: `@` ::::::::::::::::::::::::||
| | ||::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::||
| | ||::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::||
| |//::::::''''''''~~~~~~~~''''''''::::::::::::::::::::::::::''~~
| | ~~~~~~~~~~
| | -cfbd98-
______ _ __ _ _____ _
/ / ' ) ) // / ' // _/_
--/ /_ _ /--' __ __ , __. // ,-/-, o _, // _ /
(_/ / /_</_ / \_(_)/ (_/_(_/|_</_ (_/ <_(_)_</_</_<__
/ /|
' |/


I simply cannot understand how You and I don't see Eye to Eye. Can you?

`, %%%%%%%%
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|/ ? \ V /
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-b'ger/cfbd- / \_/ \ / < > \
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______ /___/ ,___/____) ___________ \\| _______ |_\\________
/ /|
/____________________________________________________________ / /
joris bellenger (b'ger) Colin Douthwaite (-cfbd-)

But you CAN see who is the real artist though can't you? *8-)


Colin Douthwaite


.%;;;;;;;%`\ \ /
/ ` /`"'''"'`\ \ \ _ /
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/ // \ : . . . : / \ \ ; \ \ \ \ ;
/ // \\ ; ; ; ; // \ /\ ; ; , ' ^ ^ '^ ^ '
_______` '' ` `` '' `' ` ' `
/\ \
/ \ \ Dougal says...
/ \ \
/ \_______\ " Thanks for the Sugar Lumps "
\ / /
___\ / ____/___
/\ \ / /\ \
/ \ \/___/ \ \
/ \ \ \ \
/ \_______\ \_______\
\ / / / /
\ / / / / -Jiri Matejicek-
\ / /\ / /
\/_______/ \/_______/ 'logicko'

Jiri Matejicek & Colin Douthwaite


! o o !
\ V /
_| |_
/ \
//| . . |\\
\\| |//
| . |
( ~!~ )
|| || -cfbd-
|| ||
.---'| |`---.
'~~~~' `~~~~'


Veronica Karlsson ( wrote:
>Colin Douthwaite wrote:
>> Veronica Karlsson ( wrote:
>> >surely _this_ must be a hyper-cube:
>> > ________
>> >|\ \
>> >| \ ______\
>> >| | |
>> >| | hyper |
>> > \ | |
>> > \|_______|

>> Hmm...that depends who or what you are...Dougal can't read so he
>> thinks it's a Sugar Lump. :-)

>> .,,,,,.
>> .%;;;;;;;%`\ \ /
>> / ` /`"'''"'`\ \ \ _ /
>> / / ~ 6 6 ~ \ \ ("'";
>> / / .,,,,,. \ \``'.,,,.. ;"'"
>> / : ::;;;;;:: ; \ \ ```'' \
>> / : `'''''` ; \ \ \ \ \ \ \
>> / `, _ ,' \ \ \ \ \
>> -cfbd- / \ `''`(_)``''` / \ \ \ \
>> / // \ : . . . : / \ \ ; \ \ \ \ ;
>> / // \\ ; ; ; ; // \ /\ ; ; , ' ^ ^ '^ ^ '
>> _______` '' ` `` '' `' ` ' `
>> |\ \
>> | \ ______\
>> | | |
>> | | hyper |
>> \ | |
>> \|_______|

>Pleeeeeeeease, show us the "before and after" pictures... :D

OK's Dougal _after_ eating the hypercube...

/ /`"'''"`\ \
// -# @- \ \
// .,,,,,. \ \``'.,,,..
/: ::;;;;: ; \ \ ```'',
/: `'''` ; \ \ \ \ \ \ \
/`, _ _ ,' \ \ \ \ \ ("'";
" `` V ''` ' ` `' ` ' ` `'` ' `"" "'"
. h
|\ y


/ \
/_ _\
// \ / \\
|\__\ /__/|
\ || /
\ /
\ __ / \ / ________________________________
'.__.' \/ / \
| | /\ | This is my Fourth Encounter |
| | O O | of the Third Kind ! |
---- // O \_________________________________/
( ) // O
(\\ // o
( \\ ) o
( \\ ) /\
___[\______/^^^^^^^\__/) o-)__
||| || //|| |||
||| || @.|| |||
|| \/ .\/ ||
. .

Colin Douthwaite / jgs


oOO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOo
oOO At long last. We have sufficient quantity OOo
oOO for you to have one of your own. Guard it with your OOo
oOO life. These TUITS are hard to come by, especially the OOo
oOO round ones. For years you've been saying " I'll do that OOo
oOO as soon as I get a round tuit." Now that you have a OOo
oOO ROUND TUIT of your own, many things that you OOo
oOO meant to do just may get done ! OOo
oOO So get tuit ! OOo
oOO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOo
oOO oOO -cfbd-


Subject: Troll FAQ
From: Colin Douthwaite <>
Date: 1998/07/03
Message-ID: <>
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,alt.ascii-art.animation

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
/_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/

.:\:/:. ___________ .__ .__
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:=.' - - '.=: | | | | \/ ( <_> ) | |__ | |__
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/_// /^\ \\_\ | \ / | \ / \_/. \
WW( ( ) )WW \___ / \____|__ / \_____\ \_/
__\,,\ /,,/__ \/ \/ \__>
jgs (______Y______)

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
/_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/

***What is a troll?

A fisherman would say it means to trail worms through water teeming
with fish, hoping for a bite. In newsgroup terminology, it means
pretty much the same thing.

***What is the objective of the troll?

The hobbyist may want nothing more than to provoke a reaction from
the newsgroup. Some do it merely to call attention to themselves.
There are career trolls who are dedicated to filling newsgroups with
off-topic posts, flames, and general confusion. Some trolls are
simple, while some are quite elaborate and long-running. Some
trolls have achieved a degree of infamy. You can find out who they
are by looking for the word 'troll and usenet' using any search engine.

***Is trolling only for the lonely?

No! The happiest trolls travel in packs. The more the merrier.
They give aid and encouragement to one another in their mission to
destroy the newsgroups they infest.

***What are the tools of the trolling trade?

Well, you have asked a big question there. For the creative and
enterprising troller, there are just too many to list. Here's a
brief sampling:

1. Hidden identities work well. As has been noted in the past, AOL
gives 5 screen names. Now, those can be used to good advantage.
The troller can appear to be 5 altogether different people as
he/she/it carefully fans the flames. Seemingly endless off-topic
threads that say nothing and go absolutely nowhere can be
constructed in this fashion. But if someone notices that there seem
to be 'too many' AOLers in the group, there's always:

2. REMAILERS. You can have all of these you want. A different
identity for every day of the week. Or, if this isn't anonymous
enough for your purposes, try:

3. ANONYMOUS remailers. It is said these are not easy to learn how
to work, but well worth the effort to the would-be troller.

4. Cultivate other trollers for *buddies*. They are handy for
backing up your ludicrous claims and other falsehoods. They will
add to the general chaos in the newsgroup you are attacking. You
will have need of your *buddies* as the posts grow further and
further off-topic.

And as the other people in the group begin objecting to your nonsense.

5. Never underestimate the power of e-mail. A troller can stay just
behind the scenes, but still participate in the fun via e-mail.
That person can use e-mail to encourage others to do their dirty
work. Posting objectionable comments and so on. The beauty of
staying disengaged in the nasty on-board comments, is that the
troller's reputation remains dainty. It's very important to have at
least one troller of the bunch free to appear to smooth things over
with the general population of the group.


***This is the Help Section for Trollers in Distress***

1. HELP! I've been identified as a troll! Whatever will I do?
Call them a troll right back. (Optional: Get your friends to agree
with you.)

2. HELP! I've been accused of making off-topic posts. Whatever
will I do?

Forthrightly declare that their own posts complaining about you are
off-topic. Remind them that the group is unmoderated and you can
post anything you please, so there. Bring out some of your extra
addresses to flame them.

3. HELP! I've been caught in a lie.

Take your pick: Change the subject, claim your posts were tampered
with/nuked, claim the person who is calling you a liar is a liar,
declare that you are afraid of the person, say the person has a
mental problem, say it's a free country and you have the right to
lie if you want to. Failing all that, get one or all of your
aliases to say it.

4.. HELP! Nobody likes me.

Well, what did you expect? Look at what you do for a living. Grow
a thicker skin.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
/_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/



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-cfbd- (O____)
after unknown


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///'/';\;\;;\\;;\\ /'/'/';\;\;;\\;;\\\

Couple of Clueless Newbies frying their own heads!



So I suppose you never were a newbie, Colin? Hmm? Dear, oh dear, oh

The newbies come back to haunt Colin in the middle of the cold southern
winter night ...

Whoooo, Colin! Whooooooo! Whoooo! Whooooooooo!
Oh, shut up, Fred. @@@@@@
\\\|/// \ @@@@@@@@@
)/////( Sorry I spook ... @@M@O O@T@@
C/O/O/D / @@\HHH/@@
O====\________\HHH/-_________ __________ )_( ________/====O
\______/___\________/ \________/___\______/cfbd+mt-2
_,-' `-._ _,-' `-._
_,-' `-._ _,-' `-._
/ | | \ / ( ) \
|/| | | |\| |/| | | |\|
/ ' / \ ` \
, , , , . . . .

Matthew Thomas


________________ ___/-\___ ___/-\___ ___/-\___
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(-------------------|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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|| / / . . \ \ / / . . \ \ |
[ |_____| | . . | |____________________________| | . . | |__]
| . . | | . . |
\_____/ -cfbd- \_____/


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/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \___/ \



The Pizza Hut presents...


* _ - - _ *
* - ~~~~~~|~~~~~~~ - *
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- / ~~~~~~~~| <__>< \ ~ -
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-~~_~~~ ~| * _ - -cfbd-
- -


\ | | | | | | | | | | | | |/
\ (() ^ ` ` ^ @@ /
\ *^ _ `@@`` ` ^ /
\` (_) ^`_`* ` ^ / PIZZA
\ `^ `(_) ^_ ^* / w/ anchovies, onions, sausage,
\ ^@ ^*(_) `/ / pepperoni, olives, mushrooms,
\ ^ (_) ^ ^` / shrimp and green peppers!
\ ^`* ^_ ` /
\ `^ (_)*/ Mmmmmm-Mmmmmm!
\ ^ /
\ ^*`/
\ ^/ -DerNemster-

Hello? \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/
\ * (() ^ `@@ *` ^ @@/
Did you order a \ *^ _ `@@` `(_) ` ^ /
DOMINOES PIZZA? \` (_) ^`_`* `^ ^ /
\ `^^ `(_) ^_ ^* /
\ ^@@ _ ^*(_) `/
\ ^ (_) ^ ^` /
\ ^`* ^_ ` /
\ `^ (_)*/
\ ^@@ /
\ ^*`/
\ ^/

Large size pizza:
__--~~~ ~~~--__
,/' m%%%%%%%=@%%m `\.
/' m%%%o(_)%%o%%o%%%o%%m `\
/' %%@=%o%%%%o%%%o%%(_)o%%%% `\
/' %%%o%%%%%=@%%%(_)%%o%%%o%@=%% `\
/ %(_)%%(_)%%%o%%%o%%%%=@(_)%%%o%%% \
/ @=%%%o%%%%o%%%(_)%%o%%o%%%%o%%%o%%% \
| %%o%%%%=@%%%o%%%%@=%(_)%%=@%%(_)%o%%% |
| %%%%(_)%%%%o%(_)o%%o%%%o%%%%o%%o%o@=%o% |
| %%o%o%%o%%%%o%%o%%o%%%%=@%o(_)%%o%o%%%% |
| %(_)%%%%(_)%=@%%%(_)o%%%o%%o%%@=%%(_)%% |
| %%o%(_)%%%%%o%%%%%%=@%%(_)%%o%%%o%%%%%% |
| %%o%%%%o%%%%(_)o%%%%o%o%%@=%(_)%%=@%% |
\ %@=%%o%(_)%%%%%o%(_)%%%o%%o%%o%%%%% /
\ %%(_)%%%=@%(_)%o%o%%(_)%o%(_)%@=% /
\. ~%%%o%%%%%o%o%=@%%o%%@=%%o%%o%% ,/
\. ~o%%(_)%%%%%o%(_)%%o%(_)o%% ,/
\_ ~%%o%=@%(_)%%o%%(_)%%~ ,/
`\__~~~o%%%%o%%%%%~ __/'

Your personal size:
_,--~~ ~~--._
,/' m%%%%%%=@%%m `\.
/' m%%o(_)%%o%%%%o%%m `\
/' %%@=%o%%%o%%%o%(_)o%%% `\
/ %o%%%%%=@%%%(_)%%o%%@=%% \
| (_)%(_)%%o%%%o%%%%=@(_)%%% |
| %%o%%%%o%%%(_)%%o%%o%%%%o%%% |
| %%o%(_)%%%%%o%(_)%%%o%%o%o%% |
| (_)%%=@%(_)%o%o%%(_)%o(_)% |
\ ~%%o%%%%%o%o%=@%%o%%@%%o%~ /
\. ~o%%(_)%%%o%(_)%%(_)o~ ,/
\_ ~o%=@%(_)%o%%(_)%~ _/

And how about a slice?
| ~~--.
__ |%%o/
_,--~~ | |(_/ ._
,/' m%%%%| |o/ / `\.
/' m%%o(_)%| |/ /o%%m `\
/' %%@=%o%%%o| /(_)o%%% `\
/ %o%%%%%=@%%| /%%o%%@=%% \
| (_)%(_)%%o%%| /%%%=@(_)%%% |
| %%o%%%%o%%%(_|/%o%%o%%%%o%%% |
| %%o%(_)%%%%%o%(_)%%%o%%o%o%% |
| (_)%%=@%(_)%o%o%%(_)%o(_)% |
\ ~%%o%%%%%o%o%=@%%o%%@%%o%~ /
\. ~o%%(_)%%%o%(_)%%(_)o~ ,/
\_ ~o%=@%(_)%o%%(_)%~ _/

Choose your own fillings...

.....=={=={==.=.========.]=.~.=$.===~. -Tom Schneider-

key to this electronic pizza:
. crust
~ sauce
= cheese
* meatball
O olive
& anchovy (lop off the top part and you have a little fish)
] [ green peppers
} { red peppers
=) (= mushrooms
/\ pineapple
$ coin (heads or tails, 8 bits = 1 byte)
R red herring (the head is on top, tail on bottom)
@ pepperoni
# spinach
H ham (aka pork)
! little dried hot pepper seeds



SoMEoN1 <So...@Some.Where> wrote:
>Anyone in a Sombrero, or just a big old sombrero would do.

Here ya go then...

_ 0 - 0 _
0 0
- -
0 0
- ___ -
0 / \ 0
- | : | -
0 \___/ 0
- - ,-,
0 0 [=]
- - [=]
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- 0 - 0 - [=]
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[=] o o
[=] - -
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o /"""\ o
- I = I -
o \ _ / o
- -
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[=] o o
[=] - o - o -
[=] [=]
_ # - # _ [=]
# # [=]
- - [=]
# # `~`
- -
# ,''''', #
- : + : -
# ',,,,,' #
- -
# #
- -
# #
- # - # - -cfbd-

An aerial view of " The Three Amigos " riding bicycles and
wearing their sombreros.

.... OlS !

And if you want to turn this picture into a movie just use the Down
Arrow key and the riders will just mosey along - before your very
eyes. :-)


Colin Douthwaite



-David Green-

', -cfbd-


| o ___ |_
|__/ \ O |_)
| | |
_...______|_____|__ -cfbd-

| ___ |_
| o| \ o |_)
__/ | |
| | | -cfbd-
_...______| |__


llizard <> wrote:

>Not likely, Colin. I'm pretty well finished with font making for now.
>Maybe PJP can be enticed into making a PJPAXE font.

Too late! Too late! I've now made the FigFont " HATCHET.FLF ". Hah!

I always fancied myself as A Hatchet Man. HeHehe!

-||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||-

" To sit in solemn silence in the dull dark dock
Of a pestilential prison with a lifelong lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock,
From a Chippy Chippy Chopper on a big black block.

A big black block, a short sharp shock,

To sit in solemn silence in a pestilential prison and awaiting
the sensation of a! "

-- " The Mikado " by Gilbert & Sullivan

-||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||-

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-||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- cfbd98 -||=||-

Anyone got an axe to grind? *8-)


Colin Douthwaite


-||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||-

" To sit in solemn silence in a dull dark dock
In a pestilential prison with a lifelong lock,
Awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock,
From a Chippy Chippy Chopper on a Big Black Block.

A Big black block...A short sharp shock,

To sit in solemn silence in a pestilential prison
And awaiting the sensation of
A.......Short........Sharp.........SHOCK! "

-- " The Mikado " by Gilbert & Sullivan

-||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||-

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`._________________________ | |)
~~~---...--~| HTML |
-ip- | |
Chippy Chippy Chopper / \

| ^ ^ |
CI s s ID
__ ( .L ) __
__OOOO__\ ~~ /__OOOO__
/ .( ____ ). /|
/ . - _ . / |
The Big / . - _-. / |
Black Block |~~~~~~~~~( ____ )~~~~~~| |
| | |
| | /
-cfbd- | | /

ASCII FANATIC awaiting the sensation of the Short Sharp Shock
from an HTML axe. Hah!

-||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||- -||=||-


Colin Douthwaite


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/( /( /(
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/( /( /( /( /( /( /(
( -||=]\\ ( -||=]\\ ( -||=]=| ( -||]\\ ( -||=]\\ ( -||=]=| ( -||=]\\
\(|| || \(|| || \(|| \(|| || \(|| || \(|| \(|| ||
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/( /( /( /( /( /( )\
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\(|| || \( \\ // \(|| \(|| || || \(|| || \(|| || ||)/
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__/{\U/}\_ ___/vvv
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| /\ ~ /_/ []
|_| (____)
snd (_,_||_,_)

Colin Douthwaite


( MVOF My Very Own Figfont, HeHeHe )

/( /( /( /( /( /( /(
( -/|=]\ ( - //=\\ ( -||=]\\ ( -||=]\\ ( -||=]=| ( -/|=]\ ( -||=||=||
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\|=]/ \\=// || || || || ||=]=| \|=]/ ||

Colin Douthwaite


/|__--__ . __--__
|\ '__ /|\ _{ _
`.' / `.,_ _________ | _________ _,.' (/ `.
/ ||``._.' ASCII ART CHAT! `---'|:||,/
.' /| /|:| \
.' /\ \ __ __ _ `/|'\'
` `,/ /`,\ \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _ /,'\ \
.'.' /| \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` | |\ `.`.
,' / / | \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_| | \ \ `,
- `- -- `-'- -ejm-------------------------------------VK-- -`-' -- -' -


Mar 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/6/99
to wrote:

> Here's what I found when searching for Colins art...mostly diddles
> and stuff, but it shows the great humour this man had.
> There are more posts from on my site, Wicked Ascii Art, but it's mostly
> collections of other peoples art.
> His memory will truly live on online.
> (Hope you see this Colin, whereever you are...)

<art & memories gently snipped>

This is excellent! If memory serves me correctly, he sent me this cow once
during a split debate in 1996:

From: (Colin Douthwaite)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art
Subject: Re: Bull request.
Date: 19 Jul 1996 19:09:31 GMT

/ \
/X/ \X\
|XX\ _____ /XX|
|XXX\ _/ \_ /XXX|___________
\XXXX / \ XXXXX/ \\\
| 0 0 | \
| | \
\ / |______//
\ / |
| O_O | \ |
\ _ / \________________ |
| | | | \ /
No Bullshit, / | / | \______/
Please... \ | \ | \ | \ |
__| |__| | __| |__| |
|___||___| |___||_

Dolores (thinking there aren't enough folks like Colin in Cyberspace)


Mar 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/8/99
>Message-id: <>

> / \
> /X/ \X\
> |XX\ _____ /XX|
> |XXX\ _/ \_ /XXX|___________
> \XXXX / \ XXXXX/ \\\
> | 0 0 | \
> | | \
> \ / |______//
> \ / |
> | O_O | \ |
> \ _ / \________________ |
> | | | | \ /
> No Bullshit, / | / | \______/
> Please... \ | \ | \ | \ |
> __| |__| | __| |__| |
> |___||___| |___||_

Did Colin create this bull? I have it uncredited
in my files. I know that he posted it several
times-- but Colin posted LOTS of ASCII art--
his own creations and that of other people.
Does anyone know?

I've been working on a tribute page for Colin and
his contribution to ASCII art. Feel free to check
out what I do have so far...

.~ `~.
,_ / } joan stark
,_\'--, \ _.'`~~/
\'--,_`{_,} -(
'.`-.`\;--,___.' ASCII ART GALLERY:
'._`/ |_ _{@}
/ ` |-';/
/ \ / | _ {d}_
/ '--;_ _ {c} _Y{@}
_\ `\ {@}\Y/ {b} Y/
/ |`-.___. / \Y/\|{f}Y/\|//

Mar 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM3/8/99
In article <>, (Spunk1111) wrote:
> >Message-id: <>


> Did Colin create this bull? I have it uncredited
> in my files. I know that he posted it several
> times-- but Colin posted LOTS of ASCII art--
> his own creations and that of other people.
> Does anyone know?

I have no idea....I copied a lot of stuff from his mails.
It might have been another ones drawing, it doesn't have his
signature on it...

> I've been working on a tribute page for Colin and
> his contribution to ASCII art. Feel free to check
> out what I do have so far...

Hmmm :)
I also had that idea....just a collection of his arts that is.
For now you can find it on the recent additions page on my site.
(will be added to the collection soon...)

Wicked Ascii Art <> (finally up again :)

Procyon Lotor

Nov 11, 2021, 7:55:25 AM11/11/21
guys!ascii is still bigger :)
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