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Android file/directory permissions

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John Williams (News)

Jul 19, 2019, 4:12:35 AM7/19/19

I've just got myself a Huawei T5 MediaPad (Android) tablet and am enjoying
playing with it using my RISC OS RPi.

With a USB adapter I can get stuff onto it - like a music collection - off
my RPi HD.

I can also use FTPc with it having downloaded an FTP server app.

FTPing with the internal storage works as expected - I can RW the Documents
folder and others like a Music folder I have created, and the JPEGs folder
using the path: //storage/emulated/0/DCIM/100MEDIA.

These all RW except for the Downloads folder - which is understandably
read-only, as it's solely for internal use.

So despite the path looking as though it might be a symlink, permissions
are working fine for me.

For some reason the external SD card path comes up as //storage/3339-3363/
where I find the usual folders, and am able to create new ones like my
Music folder which I was able to populate from the USB stick.

However, all folders come out as read-only under FTPc.

I've tried to change the permissions to RW using CHMOD under FTPc, but the
permissions don't actually change, and the log shows:

502 Command SITE not implemented for CHMOD.

I was wondering if this was because I am inadvertently using it on a
symlink rather than the real full path? If so, what might the actual path

Or is there any mileage in taking the card out and altering the permissions
using a Linux Pi? I hesitate to try this i case I lose the progress I have
so far made!

You will see that my understanding of Linux is less than rudimentary!

John Williams, now back in the UK - no attachments to these addresses!
Non-RISC OS posters change user to johnrwilliams or put 'risc' in subject!
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John Williams (News)

Jul 23, 2019, 3:23:01 PM7/23/19
In article <>,
John Williams (News) <> wrote:

> However, all folders come out as read-only under FTPc.

I have worked round my immediate problem by FTPing to an "internal" FTP
directory, and then copying files over on the tablet itself to the
appropriate destination on the "external" SD card.

It's a 2 step procedure, but it works OK.

Larger or multiple files I can transfer via a USB stick using a USB adapter
as supplied with the Pi Zero.

I am now grappling with PlayLists for my music.

I have created a Playlists directory from which I would like to reference
the files in the parallel Music directory.

I have tried invoking:


but this doesn't seem to work as I might expect (go up a directory and then
play a named file in the Music directory).

Unfortunately the app I have which can create M3U files seems to store them
internally, so I can't examine how they work!

It would be easier for me, if I had the syntax right, to create them on the
RISC OS Pi where I have a good file editor, and then transfer them to the
tablet as a 'fait accompli'.

So that's where I'm at ATM. Any pointers with that welcome!

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