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Israel 1st Temple. Palestine 2nd Temple. Stonehenge 3rd Temple. The Alamo USA 4th Temple.

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Jesus Christ

Oct 10, 2021, 12:12:58 PM10/10/21
Israel 1st Temple. Palestine 2nd Temple. Stonehenge 3rd Temple. The Alamo USA 4th Temple.

King of Salem

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File: 20CCC6A6-106D-4344-A3EF-B(...).jpg (337 KB, 1600x1200)
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Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)14:47:15 No.12078925▶>>12079363 >>12079757 >>12080877 >>12082263 >>12082366
I’m going to post this every day until you remember it
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)16:29:06 No.12079363▶>>12079914 >>12079925 >>12081809
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>>12078925 (OP)
Bless you, Alamoposter. You are doing God's work.

We Americans must also remember what perfidious Israel did to the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967.

The Liberty was an unarmed U.S. Navy surveillance ship in international waters monitoring the Six Day War between Israel and some of its Muslim neighbors, mainly Egypt. Israeli jets had spent 5 hours flying recon missions at low altitude over the Liberty. The jets were so close that the sailors could see the pilots and wave to them. The Liberty's holiday colors were flying in a stiff breeze, clearly visible. Then, suddenly and without warning, Israeli jets began strafing and napalming the Liberty. The Israelis also jammed the Liberty's radio frequencies, including its distress frequency, which is a war crime. Then Israeli boats began firing torpedoes at her. They even machine-gunned the lifeboats that the crew of the Liberty had lowered into the water--another war crime. Israel wanted to make absolutely sure that no one survived the attack.

The attack lasted 90 minutes and did not stop until the Liberty finally managed to get a distress call out, at which point the Israelis retreated and tried to pretend that they had mistaken the Liberty for an Egyptian ship. But declassified Israeli comms prove that Israel had positively identified the Liberty as an American ship early on, yet continued the attack for another hour and a half. When it was over, 34 American sailors had been murdered and 174 wounded.

Why would our "greatest ally" want to sink one of our ships and kill everyone on it? So that it could be blamed on Egypt in order to bring the U.S. into the war on Israel's side. President Lyndon Johnson, who was in on this evil plan, had already ordered bombers to head toward Cairo, but hastily recalled them when he found out that the Liberty had survived. The surviving sailors were threatened with court martial if they ever spoke of what happened that day. [Embed]
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)17:42:45 No.12079757▶>>12082312
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>>12078925 (OP)
Israel sure does not deserve our Tabernacle Mishkan
for attacking its Owner's United States country Texas.

>Israel 1st Temple
>Palestine 2nd Temple
>Stonehenge 3rd Temple
>The Alamo USA 4th Temple

Good thing Israel did not waste its time building a 'third temple'
since it was already built; Ark's been inside 3rd for 2622 years.
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)18:20:27 No.12079914▶>>12080260 >>12082312 >>12082336
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Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)18:23:31 No.12079925▶>>12079959
So I googled it, and the source for the claim was in the article was the US ambassador to Lebanon, who said he had seen a document.
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)18:29:23 No.12079959▶>>12079968
>So I googled it
Why are you still using that dogshite censorship search engine?
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)18:31:50 No.12079968▶
It got me the article as the first result, so I'm pretty cool with it. Here's another article some guy wrote on the same event if you're interested
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)19:40:09 No.12080260▶>>12080276 >>12082312
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Looks like the Alamo to me :-)
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)19:46:08 No.12080276▶>>12082312
File: The Alamo USA 4th Temple.jpg (201 KB, 901x642)
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Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)19:56:54 No.12080316▶>>12080337 >>12080820 >>12082312
File: 1st and 2nd Temples.jpg (1.24 MB, 2656x1664)
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Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)20:00:24 No.12080337▶>>12080820 >>12082312
File: de_tempel_van_S'alomo.jpg (2.89 MB, 2304x3072)
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Israel 1st Temple, it'S Alamo!
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)21:40:08 No.12080820▶
Tempel van Salomo... TexaSalamo :-)
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)21:51:05 No.12080877▶
>>12078925 (OP)
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)01:38:50 No.12081809▶>>12081810
>Shortly after the boats left the scene, from far off in the distance but closing in fast, came the unmistakable “whomp, whomp, whomp” sound of a very large, troop-carrying helicopter approaching the ship on the starboard side. Now the 1MC system blared, “ALL SHIP’S PERSONNEL PREPARE TO REPEL BOARDERS.” So now, after all the other precision military arsenals of our close ally were brought to bear on our ship, and failed to sink her, we were about to be boarded by Israeli marines armed with sub-machine guns against us, after the only machine guns on the ship had been destroyed in the first wave of attacks. Even if we could get to them in time, the only other guns on the ship were small fire arms, pistols, and a couple of shotguns that we might use to set up a last line of defense. Aimetti and I tried to open the locker with our fire axes, since the master at arms was not to be found, who was the only one with a key. Even after beating that lock nearly to pieces, we could not break it.
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)01:40:03 No.12081810▶>>12081814
>The commandos on board the helicopter above appeared to be ready to rappel onto the ship, ready for close-quarter combat with a bunch of defenseless, bedraggled sailors worn out from two hours of sustained attacks. It would have been a “turkey shoot,” but we were not about to go without a fight for our lives. Had they proceeded, they could have murdered the entire crew and then they could proceed to use whatever explosives they had on board the helicopter to guarantee the ship’s destruction.
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)01:41:32 No.12081814▶
>As the helicopter hovered overhead, no more than 75 feet away, I locked eyes with one of my would-be assassins who was sitting on the floor of the helicopter. His legs were hanging out, and he had one foot on the skid below as he waited for the order to rappel down to the ship’s deck and finish us off. As I stood on the deck of my bloody and battered ship, I thought about everything that had happened over the course of that afternoon, and about my good friends, Francis Brown and David Skolak, and all the other men, whose remains were strewn all over the ship. The only tool I had left was my middle finger, and I used it to let him know what I thought of him and the rest of his team. He simply gave me a sneering kind of “smile” and returned the gesture. Then, suddenly, instead of a team of commandos streaming down ropes to murder us all, the helicopter revved up its engine and hauled ass out of there like a vampire being exposed to sunlight. The sight of them scurrying off sent a wave of euphoria through the crew.
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)03:56:25 No.12082225▶
File: William Robbins.jpg (92 KB, 956x978)
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>>12078168 →
al-Allah-moe (pbuh), al-Ali-moe (pbuh)
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)04:11:49 No.12082263▶>>12082312
File: God's 4th Temple.gif (3.52 MB, 500x398)
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>>12078925 (OP)
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)04:17:44 No.12082282▶>>12082287
File: Wakȟáŋ Tȟáŋka.jpg (109 KB, 1200x616)
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Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)04:18:46 No.12082287▶
File: Texas Navy Caddo Canoe Routes.jpg (186 KB, 1104x1042)
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Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)04:28:43 No.12082312▶
File: Mishkan Staging Areas.gif (564 KB, 1200x600)
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>>12080337 1
>>12080316 2
>>12080260 3
>>12079914 4
>>12080276 5
>>12082263 6
>>12079757 7
Israel 1st Temple
Palestine 2nd Temple
Stonehenge 3rd Temple
The Alamo USA 4th Temple
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)04:36:49 No.12082336▶>>12082374 >>12082429
File: Seven (7) Core Drillings.gif (333 KB, 1029x1018)
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>Good thing Israel did not waste its time building a 'third temple'
>since it was already built; Ark's been inside 3rd for 2622 years.
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)04:52:09 No.12082366▶>>12082419 >>12082439
File: Commander-in-Chief of UK.jpg (174 KB, 1268x838)
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>>12078925 (OP)
When in the fuck is that Skank shipping US our ark of our covenent?! Our tabernacle mishkan was agreed by all parties to be here in 1985!
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)04:54:22 No.12082374▶>>12082429
File: Seven (7) Drilling Cores.gif (358 KB, 1050x950)
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Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)05:11:23 No.12082419▶>>12082480 >>12082692
File: Two-Shilling-Street-Whore.jpg (142 KB, 948x632)
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She's a 1961 dadgum Ark-crushing Back-stabbing Deal-changing Two-Shilling-Street-Whore! [Embed]
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)05:14:18 No.12082429▶>>12082456
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Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)05:18:10 No.12082439▶>>12082480 >>12082654
File: Skank Whore.jpg (91 KB, 883x1027)
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1961 bitch!
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)05:24:30 No.12082456▶
File: Heel Stone Tabernacle.gif (450 KB, 1060x962)
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>Our tabernacle mishkan was agreed by all parties in 1961 to be here in 1985!
Scrivener's error. Sorry hoss boss.
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)05:34:04 No.12082480▶>>12082537 >>12082654

wtf is this schitzo shit
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)05:58:51 No.12082537▶
File: Jacob Rothschild and Prin(...).jpg (95 KB, 540x600)
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Someone eager to deflect blame from a certain group and pin it all on the British Royal Family as the real shot-callers.
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)06:36:25 No.12082654▶>>12082782
File: Warranty Deed.jpg (378 KB, 1642x1212)
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Queen robbed Texas.
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)06:53:18 No.12082692▶>>12082782
>She's a 1961 dadgum Ark-crushing Back-stabbing Deal-changing Two-Shilling-Street-Whore!
Same as her ancestors who lost the Colonies in 1776 with their treachery and betrayal.

Rock of G-D that Washington owned tilted 27 Degrees.
Heel Stone Angle from Vertical Measurements;
Rate of Crushing the Tabernacle of G-D:

AD 1640 - yrs 381 ago - Heel Stone 22 deg (Sir Washington, L)*
AD 1652 - yrs 369 ago - Heel Stone 23 deg (Washington, L)
AD 1656 - yrs 365 ago - Heel Stone 23 deg (Doc Denke, G)**
AD 1757 - yrs 264 ago - Heel Stone 24 deg (Franklin, Ben)
AD 1886 - yrs 135 ago - Heel Stone 25 deg (Denke, FW)***
AD 1942 - yrs 079 ago - Heel Stone 25 deg (US Signal Corps)
AD 1974 - yrs 047 ago - Heel Stone 26 deg (Ferdinand, R)
AD 1984 - yrs 037 ago - Heel Stone 26 deg (Denke, G)
AD 2021 - yrs 000 ago - Heel Stone 27 deg (Pitts, M)

*Sir Laurence Washington, knight (Owner)
**historian, antiquarian, dentist
***Friedrich Wilhelm
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)07:25:20 No.12082782▶
File: Mason_Square_Compasses.png (118 KB, 800x940)
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In 1985 the Supreme Being, the Owner of Stonehenge, sent His expert Miners to excavate
Texas' mishkan and the Supreme Governor, C of E, ordered His expert Travellers beaten.
>>12082692 [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)08:39:57 No.12083078▶>>12083416
Based schizo thread
Anonymous 10/10/21(Sun)10:16:51 No.12083416▶
Based schizo post.
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Israel 1st Temple. Palestine 2nd Temple. Stonehenge 3rd Temple. The Alamo USA 4th Temple.

King of Salem

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File: 1942 OSS.jpg (207 KB, 1000x1400)
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Wild Billy Donovan, OSS 10/09/21(Sat)12:32:23 No.12078168▶
S4S to cousin Daniel the Prophet, cousin Son of man Ezekiel, cousin John the Baptist, cousin Son of man Jesus.
Thanks for Authoring the Tabernacle of God locations (Stonehenge 3rd Temple) and The Alamo USA 4th Temple.

Wild Billy Donovan, OSS
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)12:34:00 No.12078180▶>>12078184
>signing your 4chan post
actual skitzo
Wild Billy Donovan, OSS 10/09/21(Sat)12:35:40 No.12078184▶>>12078199

Wild Billy Donovan, OSS
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)12:38:36 No.12078199▶>>12079104 >>12079132 >>12079360
it's 17 to 35 retard
Wild Billy Burns, OSS 10/09/21(Sat)14:10:59 No.12078731▶
File: Heelstone Core 7.jpg (285 KB, 1029x1018)
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>S4S to cousin Daniel the Prophet, cousin Son of man Ezekiel, cousin John the Baptist, cousin Son of man Jesus.
>Thanks for Authoring the Tabernacle of God locations (Stonehenge 3rd Temple) and The Alamo USA 4th Temple.
Israel 1st Temple
Palestine 2nd Temple
Stonehenge 3rd Temple
The Alamo USA 4th Temple

Wild Billy Burns, OSS
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)14:15:52 No.12078754▶>>12079104
this should be posted on >>>/x/ not /his/, wrong board, delete this post and post it in its rightful and proper place, thankyou
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)15:26:31 No.12079104▶
File: Sir Isaac Newton.jpg (46 KB, 900x900)
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John the Baptist! (cuss). Jesus Christ! (cuss). We fucking lost.
Same's on >>>/sci/. Every damn board. Everywhere.
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)15:31:40 No.12079132▶
Wild Billy Burns, OSS 10/09/21(Sat)16:28:39 No.12079360▶
File: The Day & Hour (1).jpg (232 KB, 936x1206)
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>Israel 1st Temple
>Palestine 2nd Temple
>Stonehenge 3rd Temple
>The Alamo USA 4th Temple
Good thing Israel did not waste its time building a 'third temple'
since it was already built; Ark's been in the 3rd for 2,622 years.

Wild Billy Burns, OSS
Anonymous 10/09/21(Sat)21:44:16 No.12080840▶
>>12078925 →
al-Allah-moe (pbuh), al-Ali-moe (pbuh)
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Israel 1st Temple. Palestine 2nd Temple. Stonehenge 3rd Temple. The Alamo USA 4th Temple.

King of Salem
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