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Those Five Romney Boys

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chris tolles, hostis humani generis

Oct 21, 2012, 5:55:41 AM10/21/12
If they had been born on Juniper Creek, at 15 years of age each of the Romney whelps --the sons of Mittens and Ann Romney -- would have been unceremoniously grabbed up and dumped on the freeway, like Bill Henrickson in _Big Love._ Puberty is dangerous and boys are competitors for the young girls the older Mormon men -- the bishops -- covet and bring into their harems. So all the virile young men, sexually functional boys, are evicted from the Mormon compound, because the young girls of their age innately gravitate to boys. This is one culture (or cult) where girl babies are desired to the point of obsession, whose sensuous photographs are entered when they are 15 or younger into the Joy Books; and boy babies are, well, considered to be nuisances.

The lecherous savage Brigham Young, who kept as many as 20 wives, practiced this odious cruelty, and so did Mitt Romney's forebears. The Romney forebears fled to Mexico when the USA outlawed polygamy.

Polygamy is still legal on the mythological Planet Kolob, and Willard "Mittens" Romney already has bought thousands of acres of real estate there for his kingdom.

You want this crazy verruckt sonofabitch to be your president?

published also in Asheville's Topix. You won't see it there because the lowlife scum, Chris Tolles, McClatchy, Tribune Company, and Gannett, Inc., have shadow-banned my posts there. The message is also published at

Guv Bob

Oct 22, 2012, 1:42:46 AM10/22/12
"chris tolles, hostis humani generis" <> wrote in message
> If they h


Yabba dabba dew!!! That shore is innerstink, Larry! Pleez tell us more!!


Oct 25, 2012, 9:40:22 AM10/25/12
Two of them boys is gay. You know which they are?

chris tolles, hostis humani generis

Oct 25, 2012, 5:11:25 PM10/25/12
On Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:40:22 AM UTC-4, BarbaraOldGrandBagBush wrote:
> Two of them boys is gay. You know which they are?

Two of the boys wanted to lay violent hands on the Prez after the second debate. One of them told his dad he wanted to "punch him in the mouth." Another one told his mother "I'd like to scratch his eyes out!" I figure the latter one is probably a little light in the loafers.

Guv Bob

Oct 25, 2012, 6:53:11 PM10/25/12
"scotus skeeter scrotum" <> wrote in message
On Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:40:22 AM UTC-4, BarbaraOldGrandBagBush wrote:
> > Two of them boys is gay. You know which they are?
> Two of the boys wanted to lay violent hands on the Prez after the second debate. One of them told his dad he wanted to "punch him in the mouth." nother one told his mother "I'd like to scratch his eyes out!" I figure the latter one is probably a little light in the loafers.

Want my advice? I recommend that any politician going into a debate should bring a bottle of Night Train with him and drink it down during the debate.

Re Ramsey vs. Harman

Oct 26, 2012, 12:08:18 PM10/26/12
On Thursday, October 25, 2012 6:57:19 PM UTC-4, Guv Bob wrote:
> "scotus skeeter scrotum" <> wrote in message
> On Thursday, October 25, 2012 9:40:22 AM UTC-4, BarbaraOldGrandBagBush wrote:
> > > Two of them boys is gay. You know which they are?
> >
> > Two of the boys wanted to lay violent hands on the Prez after the second debate. One of them told his dad he wanted to "punch him in the mouth." nother one told his mother "I'd like to scratch his eyes out!" I figure the latter one is probably a little light in the loafers.
> Want my advice?



Oct 28, 2012, 12:15:07 PM10/28/12
The manliest of the bunch was the one that wanted to hit the President
with his purse and storm out in a huff.

I think it was # Romney.


D Hale

Oct 28, 2012, 1:03:18 PM10/28/12
"Country" wrote in message news:dScjs.61517$GG4....@fed06.iad...
Now come on County, you have a President that is known in Chicago circles as
Bathhouse Barry. Barky is the one that is light in his loafers.

Read the article on Hillbuzz about Barry's gayness. Also do a web search
for his former body man Reggie Love photos demonstrating teabagging.

Re Ramsey vs. Harman

Oct 28, 2012, 2:54:20 PM10/28/12
It is a tribute to the First Amendment that such detestable lies can be circulated by scum of the earth like John David Childers, aka David Hale.

You are like a malicious 14-year-old boy with spray cans spreading graffiti and vandalism all over the sides of churches and synagogues in the cover of night. Except your graffiti are huge fecal smears dug from your own diseased dungholes.

In any other society, for this slander you would have been taken out and made to regret your bile-filled slander.


Oct 29, 2012, 3:26:07 PM10/29/12
What do I care whether the President is Gay or not? Maybe if he hit you
with his purse, he would knock that bug out of your ass. And I say that
in the most loving and respectful way possible.

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