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Spoliation -- Destruction of Evidence -- Costs Lawyer $522,000 and His Career

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May 26, 2013, 7:39:26 PM5/26/13

Martha the Cooger

May 27, 2013, 9:27:55 AM5/27/13
On May 26, 7:39 pm, Buncy <> wrote:
> Sayonara!
> KIAB, ain't it?

Google is lite on censorship, Topix heavy. Here is this topic in the
Asheville Topix. Take a look at the zero. That means it is shadow-
banned, and for what reason? ------>>

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Using Pack Square Park 53 min Really 1
Fair trade rug event in Asheville helps Pakista... (Sep '10) 1 hr
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It's the Darwin crowd that lacks the facts in e... (Mar '09) 1 hr
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NC Who do you support for U.S. Senate in North Car... (Oct '10) 10 hr
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Review: Grand Discovery Consultants (Oct '08) 12 hr Radioz 249
Spoliation Costs Lawyer $522,000 and His Career 14 hr B U N C Y 0
Judge Indicted and Arrested for Hiding Evidence... 14 hr DA Moe Ron
Moore 6
JFK Approved of German Fascism In 1937 14 hr Think About It 8
Asheville man arrested for statutory rape (Oct '10) 15 hr down the
road 916


May 27, 2013, 9:39:51 AM5/27/13
One reason why I posted this message is because the shyster judge,
Blinky Kepple, removed all the documentary evidence from the Grist vs.
Smith official file. I watched her do it. That was SPOLIATION, and
it is a felony. And the reason why she did it is because the
exhibits were not at all helpful to the case under NC's "stalking" law
she and her client Martha Grist were trying to make. All those
exhibits were favorable to me; they showed I did not stalk her. And
every document had a legitimate purpose. They were emails from me to
Martha Grist in 2011, up to and including the last email she ever
received from me, and some screenshots of Topix posts, and not one of
those emails or Topix posts was helpful to their case. So the shyster
committed the felony of spoliation. Julie Kepple is a shyster and a

Guv Bob

May 27, 2013, 10:58:21 PM5/27/13
"Buncy" <> wrote in message

Since the local authorities evidently are not interested in helping you, have you thought about getting in touch with 60 MInutes or even a local enterprising reporter to follow this?

Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts

May 31, 2013, 12:56:43 AM5/31/13
On May 27, 10:58 pm, "Guv Bob" <>
> "Buncy" <> wrote in
I'm working on it. I am waiting to see if the NC Supreme Court
corrects the obliquity of the lower courts before my next effort.

Have you been watching _Da Vinci's Demons_ on the STARZ movie
channel? It has given me ideas.

In one of the latest episodes Leonardo da Vinci is set up and indicted
by "secret denunciation" for sodomy with a young man, a capital
crime. The whole thing is a show trial, set up by da Vinci's jealous
enemies, all of whom admit that his undoing is being accomplished with
a show trial before a political judge. So da Vinci being the genius
he is captures the judge's image on a photographic plate doing
something even worse than sodomy -- having coitus with a pig in his

By all means watch the latest 3 or 4 episodes of _Da Vinci's Demons._

I really am a bit, what can I say?, thick. If I had just anticipated
the evil that this woman and her allies were capable of, I could have
nipped this thing in the bud long ago and not endured two years of
anguish. I just didn't see it coming. A tape recorder and a camera
would have caught her in just enough of her many lies to sink her.

One thing I warn everybody about: Don't you EVER go into a courtroom
without a whole throng of friends and witnesses. And a lawyer and a
court reporter if you can afford it.

Judges are more political than judicial, and they see that and respond
to it. I had a man from Kentucky begging for legal advice because he
had been shocked with a temporary restraining order like the POS
Martha Grist had served on me.

I couldn't give him legal advice, of course, but I gave him some damn
good advice. And it worked!

And it would have worked for me if I had thought about it, if I hadn't
been so naive as to believe that "Justice will prevail!"

By the time he had his case coming up on the calendar, I was up on
what to do. I told him to shanghai all his friends and have them in
the courtroom, and he did. Almost 2 dozen supporters showed up for
him, and that made a big difference.

Nobody showed up for the spurned woman who had sued him to take
revenge because he had brushed off her amorous advances.

He was acquitted, of course. He had been marthagristed® and he didn't
come out completely unscathed. The idiot judge made him pay the costs
of the action, around $300. It took us weeks to let those corrupt
officials know that he was not going to pay one red cent. And he
didn't. And we have the court order of the chief judge to prove it.

I tell you something else that would have settled this matter with
this jezebel across the street, once and for all ----- a lie detector
test. A polygraph needle would dance all over the paper with that
evil bitch hooked up answering a few probing questions. Unless, of
course, she is a complete sociopath with utterly no conscience, which
I have often suspected.

Guv Bob

May 31, 2013, 2:09:31 AM5/31/13
"Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts" <> wrote in message

I know I probably poke at you more than I should, but if I know that you are standing by honest principles. If I thought you were in the wrong, I wouldn't say anything. I'll look for the Da Vinci show online - only have broadcast Tee Vee here at the old Hainey place.

Here's a simple story for you about a small claim case. I too a job one time that was supposed to be managerial work at a plant. After I was there a week, I found out they had been shipping products with serious design flaws. As soon as they found out I could fix problems in the field, they started shipping me all over the country fixing them. I didn't mind so much except that they weren't reimbursing me on time. So I left soon after that and they refused to reimburse me then and to give me a sizable sign-on bonus that was in the offer letter.

Simple case -- just show the receipts and letter to the judge.

Well, when the clerk was calling the role and got to my case, the dunderhead I was suing said, "Here. Oh, by the way, judge, how long is this going to take? I've got a meeting at 3 o'clock." The judge smiled and said don't worry it won't take long.

Welp, when my case came up, I stated my case and turned over the documents. The judge didn't even look at them. Then when the baboon was making his statement, the judge cut him off, saying he didn't want to hold up him from him meeting, and added $500 more as an "expediting charge."

Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts

May 31, 2013, 4:29:38 PM5/31/13
On May 31, 2:09 am, "Guv Bob" <>
> "Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts" <> wrote in
Bwaaaaaaahahahahaaa! I love it. Typical though of so many people
in business, so many people in law, so many judges. My guts still
burn over things I saw crooked judges do over 30 years ago. So many
crooks and thieves, so little honesty. A daughter I knew who had
just graduated medical secretary school got a good job with a doctor
by paying a hefty fee to one of those personnel companies. Sometime
later she began getting a bill for the services of the personnel
company's successor in interest. Apparently the company she dealt
with originally sold its accounts to another company. It had been
years and she could not find her canceled check but assured this new
account holder that she had paid that bill. They sued her and by the
time we got to the courthouse she had found her canceled check. The
judge not only found against the plaintiff and in favor of my client,
but also made the plaintiff pay my attorney's fee. I waited for a
few weeks for this money to be paid, then issued an execution against
this unsavory company's assets. When the sheriff went out to
collect, the lowlife CEO had the nerve to say he had already paid
me. But he hadn't, could not produce a canceled check, and I
collected. And a year or so later I was not surprised to read in the
news that that this company and its principals were indicted for mail

Guv Bob

May 31, 2013, 6:32:00 PM5/31/13

"Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts" <> wrote in message

Similar thing happened to the low life company I took to small claims court. They had taken on more work than they knew how to handle and several major power plants, like Duke Energy, came after them. Within a couple of years the company was sold to GE who moved it out of state and eventually dismantled it.

The good thing is that once they started crashing, there were all these systems out there with no one to service and upgrade them and it created a small industry here -employing many of the same people from that company.

Later I learned that the sneaky manager had filed for several patents as an individual while employed at the company using other people's work.

Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts

Jun 1, 2013, 3:37:51 PM6/1/13
On May 31, 6:32 pm, "Guv Bob" <>
> "Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts" <> wrote in
So I guess you know the stories on the patents for the quick-release
button on Craftsman ratchet tools, and the story of the inventive kid
who rigged up a single shock absorber where there had been two for the
rear suspension of his motorcycle, and Suzuki stole it from him.

Guv Bob

Jun 3, 2013, 2:13:28 PM6/3/13
"Buncombe County Tax Collector Gary Roberts" <> wrote in message

Interesting. I have heard of others but not these. Another one is Armstrong's fight against David Sarong (RCA, NBC). It is common knowledge that Armstrong was in the right but he obsessed with it until it affected his personal life.

"RCA also claimed invention of FM radio and won its own patent on the technology. A patent fight between RCA and Armstrong ensued. RCA's momentous victory in the courts left Armstrong unable to claim royalties on any FM receivers, including televisions, which were sold in the United States. The undermining of the Yankee Network and his costly legal battles brought ruin to Armstrong, by then almost penniless and emotionally distraught. Eventually, after Armstrong's death, many of the lawsuits were decided or settled in his favor, greatly enriching his estate and heirs. But the decisions came too late for Armstrong himself to enjoy his legal vindication."

Guv Bob

Jun 3, 2013, 4:53:11 PM6/3/13
"Guv Bob" <> wrote in message

PS -- That was supposed to "David Sarnoff". Aliens did this to me.

More at wikipedia about how Sarnoff kept FM off the air for 30 years....

"Sarnoff was instrumental in building and established the AM broadcasting radio business which became the preeminent public radio standard for the majority of the 20th century. This was until FM broadcasting radio re-emerged in the 1960s despite Sarnoff's efforts to suppress it (following FM's initial appearance and disappearance during the 1930s and 1940s - see Yankee Network for more details on early FM broadcasting and a tragic legacy to the Sarnoff story)."

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