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Dec 1, 2012, 12:38:44 PM12/1/12
Note I have one prediction for the end of the world just one day
December 21,2012 . It is very interesting as so much information is
about the coming end December 21 ,2012 as you can see on the internet
while I have the next day in prediction.
So people will pass that ominous day December 21 thinking we passed
that critical moment in our history but it is the next day that seems
to be more important.
If nothing happens on December 21 ,2012 AD many people will quit
their interest in prediction of the end of the world I assume based on
what one of my friends told me about himself .
Look how much information is on the internet concerning the Decmeber
21,2021 .

But as you can see have just the next day December 22 in predicton
and I can go on till the year 2034 AD .That year 2034 AD seems to be
now the best final year to predict as it is perfectly in line with
biblical timeline of history .

Heard about Harold Camping who was teaching about May 21,2011 AD for
Jesus' coming ?
He was so good in his explanations of his predictions that using his
information I can easily come up with the year 2018 AD .
Had Camping considered some important info he did not know he would
still conducting Open Forum today may be and predict the year 2018
But he is gone .

If nothing happens this year these years should be taken into account
just in case : 2014 AD,2017 AD,2018 AD,2029 AD,2033 AD,2034 AD .

Note also I am predicting the other end of the world not like many
people think what is going happen on December 21,2012 AD.

It is a very serious matter to predict the end of the world and what
if the end comes ?
I had a feeling of that just a few days ago . One lady at work got
into panic because of sthe lost her key to hotel rooms . Even afer
key was found she got into such a despair like she lost her mind ! He
was out of control overwhelmed by what she went through earlier . So
what may happen when the end of the world comes ? Most people might
get insane and will do some strangest things .

You may lose your key but to lose the chance to live forever it is
incomparably much worse !

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Special Care

Dec 3, 2012, 7:07:25 AM12/3/12
But jayzizz was a failed doomsday cult prophet, predicting that the end of the world was coming in his lifetime. The mayan prophecy is on the same level as Jimmy Jones, Jayzizz and Nancy Leider.
The Universal Fear of Being Known

Special Care

Dec 8, 2012, 5:00:53 AM12/8/12
I don't know why it is so difficult for people to accept that Jesus,
according to the gospels, was prominent member of a Jewish doomsday
cult, predicting that the end of the world would come in his lifetime,
and wanting to become king of his tribe and spend the rest of his life
fucking the captured girls in the harem, which is what kings did at
that time.

It's not my idea, it's the words of Jesus himself that say he was a
failed Jewish doomsday prophet. That is all he ever was.

Christianity was founded not by Jesus but by Constantine, as a ploy to
hold the decaying Roman Empire together at least for the duration of
Constantine's life. It was not intended to be anything else.

Why is it so difficult for people to face this, WHEN JESUS SAID IT
HIMSELF - that the end of the world would occur in his lifetime, which
means he was just another failed doomsday prophet like Nancy Lieder in
our day. That is all Jesus ever was. There are psychological
explanations for the success of the Christain religion.

The Mayan prophecy was always of little relevance. Again there is a
psychological explanation for the way some people obsess about it.
Sex Scandal

Special Care

Dec 24, 2012, 7:09:08 AM12/24/12
The 2012 fever was actually a repeat of the false apocalypse fever
promoted mistakenly by Jesus 2,000 years ago.

The geological and historical record shows that the recurring
destructions (end of the world) occur AT IRREGULAR INTERVALS and are

Jesus made the mistake of assuming the poleshifts were coming in 700-
year cycles, because there had been a global upheaval 3,400 years BP
(before present) and again 2,700 years BP. So the airhead Jesus
assumed there would be another poleshift 2,000 years BP, and that he
could get to be king of the Jews and spend the rest of his life
fucking the girls in the harem, which is what kings did back then.

REPEAT: the poleshifts come at IRREGULAR INTERVALS and are not
Jesus was too stupid to understand that.
Sex Scandal
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