Visit my web page at with links
to my WWF, N64, and Sports pages.
Quite impressive. Texas Net offers 50 meg.
For free? Heck, that's a lot.
This is the same account that I have had for almost 2 years.
Thanks Texas Net!
Ahhh, but that is not AOLs 'standard' issue. :)
Antmatic is kissing some serious gluteus maximus to *obtain* 12 meg of
Why bother going thru the hoops and hurdles when other ISPs offer more
webspace with no Ads? :)
> Speaking of that, just what does Texas Net do? 50 megs sounds
>like a lot. Can anyone join it? Do they have pop ups?
Texas Net is a regional ISP serving Cental Texas.
Plain-Jane ISP. Short and simple.
No pop-ups whatsoever. How can you have pop-ups with a PPP connection? :)
Direct dial-in with *excellent* tech-support.
Pure and simple as that.
BTW.....PI only offers 2 Meg?
Tisk....tisk ;>)
Ahhh.....I can understand the lack of caffeine. I forgive you :)
AOL...where people don't laugh with you, but at you!
Still, AOL offering 12 megabytes is much more than the standard for other free
web servers, like Angelfire, Geocities, and Tripod. And Bogus- I can now remove
my site from Hometown AOL and keep my 12 megs.
12 is more than 10 and 11, Nightheart. Learn your math.
TexasNet is only a regional ISP- thier services are not available to everyone,
so therefore, TexasNet does not really count. If Texas Net was like Geocities,
then that would be OK. But from the ATL, AOL offers me 12 megs, and that is
more than anyone else for free.
I brought up web based in my original post, if you do not remember.
I was talking about the freebie sites. And I can remove my web site from
Hometown AOL now, and still keep the extra 10 megs. Read a post before you
respond to it.
I have been comparing AOL to ISPs for the past 6 months.
You guys reply, so you obviously must care. And as far as the crack at the end,
atleast AOL has the most content of any ISP.
5 megs or 11.999999999, it is still less regardless.
> Visit my web page at with links
> to my WWF, N64, and Sports pages.
I never go into those Town Square lobbys... I used the topic-specific chats and
the conferencerooms.
I think it really "does" count.
Why jump thru all the hurdles and waste time finding "Free" sites, when you
can have a very *large* one in the first place.
I don't have to do ANYTHING. I have 50 megs available right now.
Do you?
Lets face kissed AOLs behind by joining AOL Hometown. THEN you
came in here and plugged that site.
That is not debate. That is sucking-up. That is publicity for both AOL and
your *page* and you *know it*.
Once you have 50 meg?
Yes or no? (don't wait for the translator)
> I wonder what it is in him that makes him DESIRE to suck up to
>AOL? Does he work for them, and gets brownie points for posting here?
>Does he actually think he's accomplishing anything by sucking up? He
>says he's here to debate, but as you pointed out, he spends most of
>his time jerking AOL off and doing a Monica on them.
>:>Once you have 50 meg?
>:>Yes or no? (don't wait for the translator)
> Q'aplah<sp> :)
I can't understand why someone would make a total ass of themselves and keep
coming back for more :)
Either way, he has always compared AOL to an ISP. Then he said he joined
Hometown and his total webspace was modified soonafter. Then he says my ISP
does not count because he was talking about "free" sites.
Go figure.
BTW if anyone is wondering about the "GigaNews" in my is a
branch of Texas Net devoted entirely for newsgroups (not an ad).
>:>Either way, he has always compared AOL to an ISP. Then he said he joined
>:>Hometown and his total webspace was modified soonafter. Then he says my ISP
>:>does not count because he was talking about "free" sites.
> It was the only way he could make a "point," as he so quaintly
>puts it.
Next thing you know......Antmatic will say "Yeh, I can customize my
Hmmmm.......this thread has been renamed :)
> Once you have 50 meg?
> Yes or no? (don't wait for the translator)
I can't wait to see his answer on that! :)
And aol kept the stained disk to prove it... Sorry, couldn't resist. :)
> :>Once you have 50 meg?
> :>
> :>Yes or no? (don't wait for the translator)
> Q'aplah<sp> :)
> NightHeart
> Remove SPAMDIE from address to reply.
> I don't make mistakes....everyone just interprets my actions the wrong way. ;)
> AOLamers - We're not laughing with you, but at you.
> There are no stupid questions...except from AOLamers.
> Come see my Anti-AOL site:
> for anti-AOL articles, pics, and more, as well as Star Trek pics.
> >
> I can't understand why someone would make a total ass of themselves and keep
> coming back for more :)
It seems there are quite a few aolusers that will do this. I don't know
if it makes them feel closer to (UGH) aol, or if they think they are
going to get some kind of brownie points from aol or what.
> Either way, he has always compared AOL to an ISP. Then he said he joined
> Hometown and his total webspace was modified soonafter. Then he says my ISP
> does not count because he was talking about "free" sites.
Most of them THINK aol is an ISP, or they buy into the aol is the
Internet crap. It's no wonder he can't remember what the hell he was
talking about, let alone switching thoughts in mid stream as it were.
> Go figure.
> BTW if anyone is wondering about the "GigaNews" in my is a
> branch of Texas Net devoted entirely for newsgroups (not an ad).
I could have if I wanted to. AOL has 5 screen names- this offer could be
applied individually for each of them. Technically, I could have created 5 web
pages and put them into Hometown AOL, 1 for each different sites and got 60
megs. Through this offer, AOL could allow one to get 60 megs per account. 60 is
more than 50.
>That is not debate. That is sucking-up. That is publicity for both AOL and
>your *page* and you *know it*.
Why the heck would I publicize a WWF, Videogame, and Sports site in this
Oh yeah, BogusA...@device.nul- don't test me. I can come up with an answer
for anything with everything and still come out on top.
I am here mostly to annoy AOL haters like you who have nothing better to do
than to bash a company that is the biggest juggernaut in the Internet,
Nightheart. You will never change my opinion, I will never change yours. I know
AOL is the best, you guys are just too stubborn to listen to me and to see why.
And I do not suck up, I am just posting stuff you guy's don't want to hear.
But the question is *why*.
Are you still expending your own time in doing so? I just find that
Regardless of are still jumping thru all the hoops, hurdles and
agreements. In reality none are normally required. Why?
"To each his own".......I guess.
>>That is not debate. That is sucking-up. That is publicity for both AOL and
>>your *page* and you *know it*.
>Why the heck would I publicize a WWF, Videogame, and Sports site in this
Why not? You are only providing *positive* things about AOL.
>Oh yeah, BogusA...@device.nul- don't test me. I can come up with an answer
>for anything with everything and still come out on top.
If you call contradictions and Spin Doctoring *on top*......then you belong in
the White House.
Here are two facts:
1. "I" don't have a short attention-span.
2. Our friend Mr. DejaNews has no problems with memory either.
It seems like you are doing an excellent job on making a TOTAL fool of
Please continue :)
I don't need 60 megs for a site like mine- heck, I probably don't even need 12
>It seems like you are doing an excellent job on making a TOTAL fool of
However- hmmm... the fact is that I think I won this argment becasue with AOL,
you have the opportunity to gain 60 megs of web space if you want to- with
TexasNet, you get 50.
Here ye! Here ye!
Let this be for the record:
Antmatic admits that he is *biased*.
The databases of DejaNews are recording this monumental day in history!
And I always thought it was about *debate*. :)
>However- hmmm... the fact is that I think I won this argment becasue with AOL,
>you have the opportunity to gain 60 megs of web space if you want to- with
>TexasNet, you get 50.
Reality check.
You didn't win anything but humiliation.
If you were *on top* so to speak.......then why the desparate attempt to
explain your *webspace* article? And even in tried bring the
*numbers* issue to fore.
Oh, the humanity!
Does this make Antmatic an AOL-hater-hater? :)
> This has got to be the single most pathetic thing you've
>posted, Ant. Once more, in one line you state it's "opinion," then
>state that "AOL is the best." What a hypocrite. For future
>reference, you should say "IMO AOL is the best," instead of trying to
>make it into a factual statement, which it is not.
I didn't catch that one. Another contradiction added to my long list of
Antmatic's mistakes!
> The only thing you can come up with is chat and content,
>that's it. Where speed, Usenet, the web, software, and everything
>else is concerned, AOL loses. THAT is what you don't want to see, and
>what you never listen to. So I can say that you are just as stubborn,
>because you don't listen to us.
> Spanked again, and with his own post...
I don't hate AOL haters, why the heck would I? You guys have done nothing to
Ok- then why don't you guys say "IMO AOL sucks"? If you do that, then frankly I
can't argue with you.
So why do you call people who dislike AOL "Haters"?
The term "AOL Hater" as I understand it- a person who does not like AOL to the
point that they bash AOL in newsgroups (like or, or they
maintain an Anti-AOL web site.
I was just curious.
As we all know, Microsoft's trial just started today. And as we all
know....Microsoft gained its share of opponents thru the years.
AFAIK.......I have never heard the term "Microsoft *Hater*" applied to those
who dislike, "Bash" or even "Hate" Microsoft.
Just a little tidbit of totally useless info :)
By the way, I am against any anti-trust action against Microsoft, simply
because there is no feasable solution to Microsoft's Windows dominance.
Packaging Netscape makes no sense.
Now I know you're trolling :)