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My cat poops on my shoes

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Krista and Peter Noreika

Sep 12, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/12/97

I seriously need some advice! Here's the low-down: We have 2 cats. We
just got the one, Sunny, about 3 weeks ago. Kitty Garcia is a few months
older and never has strayed from using the litterbox. Puts a smile on my

Sunny had no prior litterbox training (he's 5 months old). So when we got
him he had a few accidents around the biggie. But at night, we
decided to put the box in our doorless closet, which stems from the
bathroom, where we kept the food and water. Then we closed the door to our
bedroom, keeping them both in there with us for the night. At least, we
thought, we could contain his accidents. Unfortunately, Kitty Garcia's
normal activities of patrolling the entire house at night were curtailed
for a few days. But she was good about it. Anyway, we've since opened up
the bedroom door at night, confident that Sunny will not pee or anything
around the house.

But here's what happened: The normal place for the litterbox is in an
uncluttered closet one floor below our bedroom. I think Kitty Garcia loved
it in there, because she was never disturbed. I wanted to move the
litterbox from its current place in the bedroom closet to downstairs. But
I didn't want to upset Sunny, so I thought I'd gradually move it down there
instead of all at once. As I was trying out my plan, my husband convinced
me to move it more quickly than I had liked because it was kind of stinky
in the hallway and seemed to send the smell all through the house.

Sorry this is so long, but I need help. *sniff*

Then, I discovered poop in the corners of my bedroom closet, on my shoes,
on the floor. Sunny is definitely still peeing in the box (I hope!). He
is not pooping in the box. That was a couple of days ago. I told my
husband not to interfere anymore ; ) and moved the box back to the bedroom
closet. This time I would move it VERY gradually. I left the box there
until this afternoon, where I moved it literally one foot from it's former
position to just outside the closet door frame. (No door, remember).

Just now, I discovered poop, fresh poop I may add, on my slippers. It was
not Kitty Garcia, because I saw her poop in the box just then. I didn't
tell my husband, by the way. Oh, he'd love that. : )

What am I going to do? Argh! I thought maybe I could put up a barrier to
the closet, with the litter box just outside and continue on my quest to
move it downstairs. Gee, a DOOR would be nice. Or, is Sunny trying to
tell me he wants his own litterbox? But he still pees in the box, so I
don't know.

I scoop the poop out every day. I can tell that they each do #2 once a
day. So a dirty box isn't the reason I don't think. I think Sunny thinks
the closet is his place to poop.

Please help before I don't have anymore shoes left! Thank you soooooo much
for reading this long post; I just hope you respond.

Oh, Harry, Sunny never covers his poop either, when he actually uses the
box, that is. Kitty Garcia, on the other hand, digs for at least 2-3
minutes. Go figure.


Sep 15, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/15/97

Another litterbox located somewhere near the problem area would be a good
idea. If it's an inconvenient place, you can start with it there, then
gradually move it a little daily until it is somewhere more convenient. It
would also be a good idea to check both the cats for worms/parasites. Has
your older female cat been spayed yet? If not, time to do that now. And
neuter the male cat soon, before he starts spraying too! If neither pet is
altered yet, that could also be part of the problem with the inappropriate
elimination, already.


Sep 16, 1997, 3:00:00 AM9/16/97

>From: "Krista and Peter Noreika" <>
>Subject: My cat poops on my shoes

I think your cat is confused. I know I certainly am! Put a litter box
someplace and just leave it there. And there's nothing wrong with having
a half dozen other litter boxes as well, one for every room in the house
if you like!

Set up your litter boxes, cover your shoes with a plastic tarp until
your kit (s) get things figured out. Don't play "musical litter boxes",
OK? Cats really hate having the furniture moved around on them! :)
Also, be sure not to put a litter box too close to where you feed.
Kitty poo too close to kitty food is another way to send them off
looking for an alternate latrine.

Good luck to you all.

Burd aka: Mary

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