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Perfet Cat But Pee's/Marks in house; Help

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H. Bruce Hartgers

Dec 15, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/15/96

We have one of the finest cats I've evern known in a life of 62 years;
but, he insists, every once in a while, in peeing in the house.

I think he's marking and doing it (you may think it preposterous) to
`make a statement'.

He has been neutered while still young and is now 5 years old.

He doesn't do it all the time, sometimes going months without
`misbehaving'. Then, there he goes and does it again.

I honestly think there's a `cure' but can't figure what.

Can you other Cat-Lovers Help?

Response via EMail would be especially appreciated;
send to "ThePHN"

Thanks & Happy Holidays!!! HBH

Lance Larsen

Dec 20, 1996, 3:00:00 AM12/20/96
Just wondering, when your cat does go in the house, is it always in the same

Is his/her litter clean???

Clean to a finicky cat is cleaned of soiled litter every day.

Is he using the same spot on the carpet?? Have you cleaned the carpet with a
pet owners solution (rather than an ordinary household cleaner) Try a
stain/odor remover from a pet store. You have to get rid of the smell of
ammonia after the water from the urine has evaporated. Distilled white
vinegar decomposes or breaks down the molecules of ammonia and then gets rid
of the odor your cat is smelling.

If all else fails, try covering the recurring 'poddy' spot with aluminum
foil... it really works! Cats do not like the feel of foil underfoot nor do
they like the sound it makes.

This definitely sounds like a behaviour problem, not a medical problem, but it
wouldn't hurt to get the cat checked out for kidney problems and bladder
infection by a vet. Remember that most of the advice you get from the
newsgroups is laymen experience, rather than professional advice from a
reputable vet.


Dec 1, 2019, 2:53:11 AM12/1/19
Sorry for chiming in a bit late to the discussion, but I really feel like I need to add my 2 cents. Cats don't just pee on floors and beds because they're in pain - could be a multitude of other reasons! Most common is that male cats feel the need to mark their territory.

As for myself, I finally found something that works for the cat pee smell in my home!

What a relief to finally have gotten rid of the horrible cat pee smell, and without any expensive sprays at that.

Registered an account only to say this:

One of my 2 cats (both neutered males) had taken to painting all of my walls, furniture, and anything else he could reach. I was horrified when I got a UV light. He never did that in all of the 9 years I've had him and didn't when I got him a buddy (they love each other and did so right away) but when a strange black cat started showing up outside both of my cats went nuts and the older one (9) started his wall painting, as well as the curtains out in the kitty room. I couldn't keep up with it.

My cats are indoor cats so it's not like the stray is actually going to get in here but they both hate him (and he is neighbor's cats hate him too). I've tried cleaning with a pet urine enzyme and then spraying some "No More Spraying" but that hasn't worked.

He's a sneaky little bugger too; he waits until he thinks I'm not looking and then does it. He's learned that the minute I see him backing his butt up to something he gets yelled at. It wasn't until I found "Cat Spraying No More" that I was able to finally get rid of this tiresome behavior. Now my house doesn't smell like a litter box anymore :smile:

To be honest, I don't know too much about it so I did a quick Google search and here's a review I found:

I'm based in Germany, by the way, so you should be able to get it too. Good luck!
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