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Re: In the very end of harvest

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David Dalton

Oct 29, 2022, 4:14:32 AM10/29/22
In article <>,
David Dalton <> wrote on alt.religion.druid:

> In article <>,
> David Dalton <> wrote on alt.religion.druid:
> > In article <>,
> > David Dalton <> wrote:
> >
> > > October 29, 2022. To get UTC add 2.5 hrs.
> > >
> > > [PCMM] (with consequences) 1:03 a.m. -->
> >
> > The first (most recent, living bowhead whale avatar type and
> > devi type) popthrough hcp sub and sb sub applied 3:51 a.m.
> > and it caused my mood to become more serious.
> The second (Maori devi type and settler/honourary Moori
> avatar type) popthrough applied 4:17 a.m.

The third (bottlenose dolphin avatar type and devi type,
perhaps more equatorial) applied 5:25 a.m. Like
the bowhead one, it reached 30 km inland and
alongside major rivers (plus covered those descended
from the original region).

I will post again to alt.religion.druid when all 40
(32 human and 8 cetacean) of the last 601 years that
still had original workings on on some in regions
that are subsets of my global region have been applied
(and hence the original workings will have been supplanted).

Of those, other than the first three, I just know of the human
one of North America of 601 years ago (when the original hcp
was complete) and also Tsangyang Gyatso or whoever her was
referring to in his "dragon demon's thorns" poem if not
himself (if himself I very much doubt he died at age 23).

Then I will post again when all 7058 of the last
12,000 years have been applied. Then there will be
further updates to my main stack healing circle
prescriptions and main stack global species balance.
I expect this to be complete by Samhain.

David Dalton (home page) Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"I'm on my way/And I must flag the last train down" (Bill Bourne - Baggins)
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