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Bowhead Whale and Honourary Maori popthroughs applied

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David Dalton

Sep 23, 2023, 3:15:44 AM9/23/23
The most recent popthrough was that of a living bowhead
whale, whose original region extended further south in
the Atlantic than in the Pacific. It included primary
positive charisma modulation of medium to extreme
good individuals, but not of static pictures, only in person,
audio, and video. Those covered are covered by
belief, original region, descent, or still around. The
original region includes 30 km inland from ocean/sea
and from major rivers and lakes accessible from them.

The second most recent popthrough was that of an
honourary Maori, and that popthrough was applied
at 0739 UTC/GMT Septemer 22, 2023. It included
primary positive charisma modulation of medium
to extreme good individuals, including in person,
static pictures, audio, and video. Like me
that honourary Maori would have undergone a
sun stare, thorn hill climb, and blue rose vision.

The popthrough with largest original region was that
of a humpback whale of about 4000 years ago which
covers 92% of humans globally, and which includes
primary negative charisma modulation of medium
to extreme criminals in that 92%, but only in person
(not even memory of in person).

My post-popthroughs [HCP] update will include
positive and negative charisma modulation and
in person, memory of in person, static pictures,
audio, video, and memory of any of those three
and should be on within the next 12 hours.

For a little more background see the
Tsangyang Gyatos [sic] popthrough applied
thread on alt.buddha.short.fat.guy, plus
alt.religion.druid and my Salmon on the Thorns webpage,
particularly the Recent Changes/Working Notes subpage.

-- Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"For she is the perfect creature, natural in every feature
And I am the geek with the alchemists' stone" (Jimmy MacCarthy)

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