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The brain broth boilith over

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Apr 24, 2022, 4:09:05 AM4/24/22
Rant Rampage
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alright so i figured since the person who always lies likes to lie about me on him, he also thinks me writing the truth about him instead is the right thing to do. hi, gaslighter guy! little mister projector, aww! I'm not going to be reading your half ass cherry-picked reply to this so don't even bother, just deactivate and realise you're not welcome when you treat other people the way you do.

if you cherry-pick this you know you're wrong and a cunt. but you're going to do it anyway because you're a shithead with no friends and you're going to end up alone.

OH WAIT YOU ALREADY ARE YOU PREDICTABLE LITTLE SHITHEAD. get some therapy! get some help and stop lying about everything you delusional fuck!

though he loves to make shit up about me for some really weird reason, I'm actually going to do the complete opposite here because me holding him accountable REALLY pisses him off. good. get as pissed off as i do having to read your bullshit and your lie and deactivate forever this time. just keep my fucking name out of your mouth and i'll keep yours out of mine. when you lied about your apology and started harassing me again in feburary - AGAIN, WHEN I DIDNT EVEN HAVE INTERNET, PRICK - that was the last straw. fuck you. stay the fuck away form me you creepy little shit. i don't care how old or young you are - you could be 11 or 100. i don't care. fuck off. you lie about everything relating to me and you've changed your religion about a million times so i very much doubt you're whatever age you say you are anyway.

but just because you lie - im going to tell the truth here. uncensored.

the difference here is that im telling the truth from my side so you know, here goes. the uncensored version.

vanishing kid/kronssoulmate/lordinhotep/whateveryoucallyourself. im gonna just say gaslighter guy until you've made your next account because you've got double digits already, if that wants a hint enough - I've only needed one.

you're an absolute shithead. you need help. i knew your apology was bullshit and, no, i didn't deny it straight away. I WAS WARY, AND RIGHTLY SO, BECAUSE I KNEW YOU'D DO SOME SHIT LIKE THIS. my gut feeling was right. my dumb ass was just optimistic to think you'd finally stop and leave me alone.

you lasted one fucking month. that's not an apology, that's a fucking trailer for the shitshow you were about to start again the second you got bored - and you did! go get banned again and come back on your next aged account. we'll know its you when you inevitably start traumadumping and blaming everyone for shit you do and cause.

i didn't even have internet when you started slandering me again so NO, you can't pretend i did anything this time. YOU KNOW, DEEP DOWN, YOU DID THIS. you said in your apology, which I DID SCREENSHOT AND PUT ALLLLLL over that place you hate. every fucking word of your bullshit. and im going to keep doing that every time you continue and continue to pick your bullshit apart every time you do it. because what you are is an INSTIGATING, backstabbing bastard and yeah, i don't care. im losing my temper. leave me the fuck alone!

notice there's no death threats here. i don't do that shit no matter what you do. you can threaten to kill me and tell me to go kill myself but guess what? i DID try to do that in 2016 and it failed. if i kill myself its on my own terms, not yours. (and 2016 was /before/ you started bullying me, before you play the victim card here. fuck off you cherry picking prick. go get papercuts from fucking the bible/quran/whatever holy book you hate/love/whatever in the moment.)

you just fucking started the lies again with no self awareness and then got mad when i, yet again, proved you completely wrong. fucking prick, it's not even that hard! it takes two minutes and i screenshotted AND ARCHIVE LINKED the bullshit you say because i know you'd delete it, you liar. if you'd bother to read, use your brain and actually LOOK in that place you apparently hate so much, you'd see the proof.

im pretty sure you've seen it already - you just refuse to look at it BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN THE WRONG. you've known this the full four years. FUCK YOU for thinking you could gaslight me into this shit. i hope your parents take away your internet you basement dwelling trogg. better yet, i hope they brick you in so you stop lying about people. but i hope you live, cherry-picking gaslight guy, just because i want you to live and KNOW your lies won't do shit.


I didn't want to! You would have just started with the bullshit no matter if I did or didn't anyway, evidenced by your unprovoked attack here. YOU broke the silence, not me. I can't break it WITHOUT AN INTERNET CONNECTION. THIS IS SIMPLE FUCKING LOGIC.

and i was content /not/ to talk about you because, quite frankly, i was done with your self-pity bullshit - because even when you apologised, you blamed me for the horrible, horrible crime for existing. you never took accountability for the mental distress you caused, just shifted the blame on everyone *but* yourself for the ACTIONS YOU CHOSE TO DO. all you do is lie! i fucking hate the entire concept of people like you!

so here's the timeline, again, because you're too much of a cherry-picking cunt who never takes accountability. and yes, im insulting you now, even when i didn't before, because you're a fucking liar. and unlike you, im not going to resort to death threats. unlike you, im not going to resort to lies or deliberate misgendering (i don't even know what pronouns you fucking use because you deactivate before you set them most of the time - no matter how much you lie, i am not going to misgender you. have the same respect for me you prick).

so about four years ago, i... you know what, i don't even remember what i was doing four years ago. browsing the internet and minding my own business, maybe occasionally commenting on a forum thread. nothing of note. this guy decides to grab my username and put it on a 'hate list', a very immature thing to do. i call him out on it. i block him. i also report him since he was harassing and generally being a dick, against the rules of the site he's on. he summarily gets banned because he's not special... and it comes out that he's actually been banned before for the same thing.

oops! he loves to leave that one out, doesn't he? it doesnt matter what he gets banned for after that. he's been shown the door. MULTIPLE TIMES. the site doesn't fucking want you there mate, jog on. and its probably /because/ nobody wants you that you only ever average about 2 watchers every time you make a two month old account and deactivate again.

you know where this is going. entitled cunt starts coming back again and again and again. he's already in double digits and he keeps on gaslighting. i block on site, report his accounts - AND SURPRISE SURPRISE, HE IS PERMENANTALLY BANNED ON EVERY ONE HE DOESN'T DEACTIVATE FIRST. continuing to attack me unprovoked, btw. claims im supporting a user i'd never met, and when i /do/ find out about the antivaxx bullshit i even call that out - but no, im magically supporting him somehow because im dubious over HIM (gaslight guy) in general!

JUST BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE YOU FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE DOES NOT MEAN IM AN ANTIVAXXER. WHAT FUCKING BIBLE VERSES ARE YOU SMOKING? get fucking vaxxed! I'm pretty sure you drank an entire litre of horse dewormer at this point because oh my fucking godddd (im still an atheist, figure of speech you cunt) no one can be this much of a liar and this stupid on a fundamental level.

but since he has nothing on me - I've never broken any rules - he starts making up shit.

he thinks im a Christian male in my 40s from Germany or some shit who is an antivaxxer and satanist and supports a lot of weird shit... none of those three things are even remotely true. he says i do all of the things he does (lol no i don't? there would be actual evidence of me doing it if i did) and projects everything he can hoping some shit will stick. it won't, man, give it up! you say i never have evidence, but i literally post archive links and screenshots - you just never look at them because you KNOW you're in the wrong.

a cycle begins. he makes an account, lets it age for a month or two, posts this bullshit and starts lying again, deactivates OR GETS BANNED, as he admits himself. he makes a new account, does the same again. reinvents his entire identity online. always sticks to the same shit, gets called out because he's a fucking cherry-picking sock puppet and a liar, deactivates or gets banned again, makes a new account...

always gives himself away by admitting it's him (or vigorously denying its him) whilst lying about the same handful of people and posting the same shit nobody cares about again and again, then deletes it when it doesn't go his way because people are RIGTHFULLY skeptical. he LOVES to instigate this shit because it's fun for him, and that i'll never understand.

he does this nonstop for four years. maybe vanishes for a month now and then while aging a new account. (which must be tiring. ive only ever needed one account and never gotten banned form the site he likes to harass me on the most. he is absolutely doing everything wrong here, but just hates to admit it.)

skip a few years. so now he's bounced up into the double digits in accounts since he keeps getting banned for this shit. keeps harassing us and causing psychological distress. instigates it but blames us when we call him out on his bullshit. fuck off, you cunt. people wouldn't be proving you wrong IMMEDIATELY when you lied. people picked more holes in your stories than your mom picked in the condom to conceive you, clearly.

how much of a sad sack of shit do you have to be to do it this long, for one, and to do it for so long without any character development or self awareness? he never takes any accountability for what he did, does, and continues to do, just goes in this neverending loop.

watch him find this and cherry-pick again. watch me /not reply/ to that bullshit past just posting 'learn to read' because he's just... not going to read this. he's gonna twist anything he can to suit his own narrative, self project and blame everyone else because he's a fucking narcassist. but he'll accume me of being that in his next post whilst crying about his eviiiil leetle plans being disrupted again. self important bastard.

so let me end it with this.

no matter how many times you change your name, username, religion or , you'll always be a lying scumbag and a two-faced bitch. you don't mean anything you say. ever. you can say all of the shit you want, doesn't make it true.

no matter how many times you tell me to kill myself, its not going to do anything. no matter how many times you lie, people will know. people will be skeptical. and you'll harrass them to. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO. (DOES THIS GUY ONLY READ THINGS IN CAPITALS MAYBE? IS THAT WHERE I'M GOING WRONG?)

and if i /do/ kill myself, sure, my blood'll be on your hands bla bla bla, but you wanna know the fun part? you're not important enough to be that final straw. you never will be that important to /anyone/ because all you do is lie, you toxic piece of shit. if i kill myself, which ive already tried to before, then it's on *my* terms and for reasons you'll never understand because you've got your head stuck so far up your ass you've long cleaned all of the shit you're full of. with your tongue.

i want you to keep that mental image in your mind whenever you think about lying about anyone in this toxic way. i don't care who its about. go shake hands with a mannequin. i hope it shakes your hand in return. i hate mannequins too btw, but if you're going to tell me to kill myself and pretend to curse me (lol your religious shit doesnt work, my mega shield just deflected them back to you infinitely oh no you have melted now)

i may as well tell you to go and do something entirely HARMLESS (and also impossible) in return to show you how much of a cunt you are. i hope that mannequin also opens it's mouth and tells you you're speaking bullshit, and then leaves you alone too. maybe it can stand in a menacing tpose at the top of the basement door so you don't leave it, you fucking no-lifer.

in the words of a random anon - go touch grass. im done being patient with you and im done being nice to you. is this what you fucking wanted? to lie and slander and generally be a cunt until i snapped?

the fact is, you know what these four years have proven? ive only ever needed to tell the truth. AND I DID, FOR THOSE FOUR WHOLE YEARS. it's also proven that even though i used to think i was the worst person alive, you've ironically helped my self esteem - because i can't be the worst person alive when you exist.

and putin, but that's a whole other kettle of fish i guess.

eat shit and go fist a mannequin (and get splinters),
god, according to you????? (this is so fucking weird man lol)

ps. you know who i am, but i don't want this attached to my name on google like the rest of your slanderous rants. because im fucking done with you. i am not your friend. we will never be friends. i am not your hater, i am not your enemy. i am someone you BULLIED and have ADMITTED TO BULLYING for four years and i am at the end of my tether with you. cunt.

pps. also note i never used the ableist slur here you accused me of using. not my style, mannequin fucker.
you're toxic and dying alone :) Other April 23, 2022 at 9:01 pm 0 1
diegothesabertooth kronssoulmate

pre-emptive "shut the fuck up and read before you reply" comment goes here. because you never fucking read, man. why the fuck should i respond to you if you're not going to read?
anonymous 3 hours ago
My god who pissed in your teacup!?!
anonymous 14 minutes ago
The meatus is a slitlike orifice with its long axis in a midline sagittal plane. The urethral meatus is slightly ventral to the tip of the penis. The bulbous urethra is invested in the bulb of the penis, the portion of corpus spongiosum that lies between the split corpora cavernosa in the superficial perineal space.
anonymous 5 minutes ago
"you know where this is going. entitled cunt starts coming"

You need to go out camping. See the trees, see the wide oopen spaces, see the clear nighttime sky and you will then realize how petty and stupid all of the drama is.

Damn, the brain broth that produced what you wrote was so thick my own brain started to feel oxygen deprived.
anonymous 0 seconds from now
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The meatus is a slitlike orifice with its long axis in a midline sagittal plane. The urethral …
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Mister Kristjan

May 16, 2022, 7:06:13 AM5/16/22
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