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Space People A Long Time Ago.

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नहीं पढ़े गए पहले मैसेज पर जाएं

John Winston

नहीं पढ़ी गई,
7 मार्च 2011, 7:01:08 pm7/3/11
ईमेल पाने वाला
Subject: Space People A Long Time Ago. Mar. 7, 2011.

Some people think that the coming of the space people started
about 1947. This about them coming many times a long time ago.


What did the Three Wise Men really see over Bethlehem?
By Ted H-rrison
December 2010
"Star of Wonder"
40 years ago, a Swiss hotel manager produced a book that was to
launch him as a bestselling author and turn an obscure and eccentric
theory into a widely discussed, if unorthodox, take on human
Erich von D-niken's book Chariots of the G-ds argued that the go-s
of human re-igion were not supernatural beings from a world of s-irit,
but visiting aliens from advanced extraterrestrial cultures.
The evidence cited was wide-ranging.
Von Da-iken (below) identified several ancient artefacts and drawings as
models and images of astronauts. He claimed mysterious lines in the
deserts of South America were extraterrestrial airports and he also
quoted from rel-gious scriptures.
At first glance, the opening chapter of the Old T-stament Book of Ezekiel
certainly seems to give credence to the theory. It contains a curious and
enigmatic description of a close encounter between the prophet Ezekiel and
what was described as the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the
I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north, an immense cloud
flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light. The center of the fire
like glowing metal, and in the fire was what looked like four living
In appearance their form was that of a man. As I looked at the living
I saw a wheel on the ground beside each creature with its four faces.
This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like
chrysolite, and all four looked alike. Each appeared to be made like a wheel
intersecting a wheel. As they moved, they would go in any one of the four
directions the creatures faced; the wheels did not turn about as the
creatures went. Their rims were high and awesome, and all four rims were
full of eyes all around.
When the living creatures moved, the wheels beside them moved; and
when the living creatures rose from the ground, the wheels also rose.
Wherever the spirit would go, they would go, and the wheels would rise
along with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the
wheels. When the creatures moved, they also moved; when the creatures
stood still, they also stood still; and when the creatures rose from
the ground, the wheels rose along with them, because the spirit of the
living creatures was in the wheels.
The mainstream explanation, to be found in J-wish and C-ristian
teaching, is that Ezekiel's vision is perhaps the closest anyone comes in
Hebrew Bi-le to offering a description of -od.
[3] But if, in fact, Ezekiel had seen a flying saucer and its
crew, then the G-d was an alien hypotheses starts stacking up.
And the Ezekiel vision is by no means unique.
Other passages in the Bi-le can be interpreted in a similar manner. What
about the Prophet Elijah's sudden ascent to the heav-ns, leaving behind just
his clothes: As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a
chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them,
and Elijah went up to heav-n in a whirlwind.[4] Could this have been an
early alien abduction?
In a similar vein, we might ask what was the Star of Bethlehem that led
the Wise Men to the baby Je--s? (See panel, p36) Or the pillar of fire that
guided the Israelites? Or the strange object witnessed by the prophet
Zechariah, just after he had been shown what the Bibl- account describes
as a gold lamp stand with a bowl at the top with seven lights on it and
seven channels to the lights [5]
I looked again and there before me was a flying scroll thirty feet long and
fifteen feet wide.
Contemporary descriptions of alien craft often describe them as
The prophet, being unfamiliar with cigars, chose a simile closer to his own
experience to describe whatever it was he saw.


Turning from the Judo-Ch-istian tradition to that of the Hindu scriptures:
Bhagavata-Purana, Mahabharata and Ramayana, the h-ly books of epics and
legends, contain multiple references to flying objects of various shapes:
Dhruva saw a very beautiful chariot descending from the sky that illumined
and the ten directions as if the full moon itself was appearing. There he
then saw
two beautiful demigo-s in it with four arms, a blackish skin, being quite
and with eyes reddish like a lotus flower, holding clubs, attractively
with helmets, bracelets, necklaces and earrings.
Not only did Dhruva witness the chariot, he was invited aboard to take a
through space, much in the manner of later UFO c-ntactees.

As the associates of the creator of this entire universe, of the G-dhead
have we approached you to take you with us to where the L-rd resides. The
position of Vishnu, so difficult to reach that not even the greatest of
enlightenment can achieve it, has been -----ed by you. Come and simply
see the supreme abode which the moon, the sun, the other planets
and the stars circumambulate to the right. Never ever was this achieved
by your forefathers or even others, O dear one; come and live there in that
supreme position of Lord Vishnu who is so worshippable for the inhabitants
of the universe. O immortal soul, you are worthy to board this unique
heavenly chariot that was sent to you by the Praised One, the head of all
living beings. [7]
There is even a collective term for these airborne vehicles of the Hindu
tradition be they described as thrones, chariots or even carpets.
They are the Vimana.
And those that travelled across time and space, perhaps originating from
other star systems, are known as the Devas equivalent, some would
argue, to the a-gels of the three monotheistic faiths, Islam, Jud-ism and
Stories which can be interpreted as relating to visitations by creatures of
superior intelligence to Earth's more primitive inhabitants are widespread
and found in many cultures.
Ancient Chinese writings tell of rulers of greater wisdom and knowledge
who could travel by flying.
Tibetan accounts make mention of kings coming from the stars. Records
have survived, it is claimed, from the Sumerians and the Egyptian
Pharaohs that fit equally well with the notion of alien visitations. Whether
the vehicles are described as like flying pearls, as in Tibetan sources, or
flying fire-breathing dragons, to use Chinese terminology, perhaps there
is a common thread linking all the descriptions.
Despite their belief in the Jinn, a whole race of s-irits of fire who
inhabit the
Earth, Muslims find no direct references to possible UFO visitations in the
However, they share and revere the Bibl-cal stories known to Chris-ians and
Jews; and the possibility of the existence of other creatures in other parts
the Universe is seemingly endorsed in scripture. -od holds the option to
gather all the creatures of the Universe together, says the Quran: One of
His signs is the creation of the H-avens and the Earth and what He has
spread forth in both of them of living beings; and when He pleases He is
all-powerful to gather them together.
Thus, an alien encounter on Earth is not theologically impossible and
is space travel ruled out: ----ye assembly of Jinn and men!
If it be you can pass beyond the regions of the hea-ens and the Earth, pass
ye! Not without authority will ye be able to pass! Then which of the
favors of your L-rd will ye deny?
But as a warning to any future Muslim astronauts, the Quran warns:
Neither on Earth nor in He-ven shall you be beyond reach: nor have
you any guardian or helper besides A-lah.

Von Daniken was not the only modern-day populariser of the theory
that the G-ds of old were space travellers. There have been several
others who have gone on to put a whole additional spin on the theory.


One widely read writer on such topics was the late Zecharia Sitchin
(see next issue's Necrolog for his obituary), whose followers believe Earth
has been visited by a r-ce of extraterrestrials from a planet called Nibiru
Planet X), whose orbit, he claimed, lies beyond that of Neptune, and comes
closest to Earth every 3,000 years, bringing with it natural disasters, such
as the Great Flood related in Ge-esis.

Sitchin based his ideas, he says, on his study of Mesopotamian iconography
In his book The 12th Planet, he claimed that this unacknowledged planet was
known in ancient times and was the home of the Anunnaki, an advanced
human-like people who bred modern Homo sapiens through genetic
engineering in order to produce a ra-e of slaves.

Part 1.

John Winston. joh...@mlode.com

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