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Underground Bases

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Umut Omer

Jul 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/27/98
Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?



Jul 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/27/98
I think the government is capable of almost anything, and certainly
underground bases are not a problem for them. Like the base in sedona
arizona which we let the UN operate with us.....some very fucked up shit is
going on in this country. If you take the time to investiagte and look past
the normal bullshit thats on cnn or abc uyou will find many thins that just
dont seem right......out.
Umut Omer wrote in message <6pi7pq$r9l$>...

Lou Minatti

Jul 27, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/27/98
Umut Omer wrote:
> Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
> has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
> underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
> here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
> books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
> located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
> the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
> but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?

If you read it in a book, it must be true! Authors don't just make up
outlandish stories in order to increase book sales.

spOOk Central!

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
In article <>,

That's right! I, for one, believe everything I read! And I own
12 major U.S. bridges!

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Mark Shippey

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
Lou Minatti ( wrote:
: Umut Omer wrote:
: >
: > Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
: > has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
: > underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
: > here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
: > books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
: > located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
: > the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
: > but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?
: If you read it in a book, it must be true! Authors don't just make up
: outlandish stories in order to increase book sales.

Nor would they create outrageous plots to convince publishers to
give them a big advance. UFOlogist writers just don't do things like
that. They just don't create crowd pleasing whoppers for the bucks.

: --
: spOOk Central!


Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me. Why
dont you do some serious research before you make stupid
Mark Shippey wrote in message <6pjate$hk1$>...


Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98

Mr.Savoy!!!! wrote:

> You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me.

One man's stupidity is another man's wisdom. Remember what Hawkings said "Just
keep on talking". bear

Blue Resonant Human

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
to (Mark Shippey) wrote:

> Nor would they create outrageous plots to convince publishers to
>give them a big advance. UFOlogist writers just don't do things like
>that. They just don't create crowd pleasing whoppers for the bucks.

Yet the odd irony here is that Pammy does in fact fuck Reptoids.

Hell, there's probably even a "Debbie Does Draco" flick slated for

Rob Hafernik

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
In article <6pi7pq$r9l$>, "Umut Omer" <> wrote:

> Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
> has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
> underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
> here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
> books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
> located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
> the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
> but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?

Well, now, let's analyze this. You're an alien, visiting our planet for
nefarious purposes of your own (sneaking around is never a sign of
activity that is for the good), and you need a base of some sort to work
from. Why in the world would you choose an underground base ON the
planet. This has so many downsides:

* You can be seen coming and going (and you must care if you're seen or
not, else WHY have the underground base in the first place).

* You're subject to the weather of the planet as you come and go.

* You're subject to geological events (earthquakes)

* The location of your base is, by definition, fixed. If it's discovered,
you have to abandon it. You can't move it or hide it better.

* You have to go to a lot of effort to excavate and, worse, find a place
to put all the material you excavate.

No, it doesn't seem like a very good idea to me. After all, if you've got
the ability to travel between stars and perfect stealth from radar and
such, then it's MUCH easier to just have an orbital base or, even easier,
build one in an hidden spot on the moon.

Nope, doesn't seem logical or sensible in any way.

Of course, this is just a mental exercise, there aren't really any bases
crawling with aliens. It's all just junk thought up to sell books.

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
"Mr.Savoy!!!!" <> wrote:

>You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me. Why

>dont you do some serious research before you make stupid

I'm glad to see that you spotted the fact that Mark was
incorrect and that the popular authors do tell whoppers just
to make money off of fools.

Good going, Savoy!

>Mark Shippey wrote in message <6pjate$hk1$>...
>>Lou Minatti ( wrote:

>>: Umut Omer wrote:
>>: >
>>: > Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning
>>: > has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
>>: > underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
>>: > here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this?
>>: > books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are
>>: > located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I
>>: > the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of
>>: > but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?

>>: If you read it in a book, it must be true! Authors don't just make up
>>: outlandish stories in order to increase book sales.

>> Nor would they create outrageous plots to convince publishers to
>>give them a big advance. UFOlogist writers just don't do things like
>>that. They just don't create crowd pleasing whoppers for the bucks.

>>: --
>>: spOOk Central!

If once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think
little of robbing, and from robbing he comes next to drinking and
Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination.

Thomas De Quincey - Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts

Keith Woodard

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:25:18 -0600, (Rob Hafernik)

Hi Rob,

I emailed your post to an ET acquaintance of mine. Here's what he
sent back.

***************** Begin copy text ******************

Hi Keith,

Sure. I'd be happy to answer this guy's points.

>Well, now, let's analyze this. You're an alien, visiting our planet for
>nefarious purposes of your own (sneaking around is never a sign of
>activity that is for the good), and you need a base of some sort to work
>from. Why in the world would you choose an underground base ON the

The better to abduct you guys and mutilate your cattle. (Hasn't this
"Rob" guy been paying attention?)

>This has so many downsides:
>* You can be seen coming and going (and you must care if you're seen or
>not, else WHY have the underground base in the first place).

We were actually worried about this at first. Turned out to be a
non-issue. I know it sounds wacko, but it doesn't matter how many
times we're spotted. We're always dismissed as "lights in the sky."

Go figure.

>* You're subject to the weather of the planet as you come and go.

Actually, we enjoy your weather. Especially in the Southwest.

>* You're subject to geological events (earthquakes)

[Snort.] Zeta's known across the galaxy as the "San Andreas of

>* The location of your base is, by definition, fixed. If it's discovered,
>you have to abandon it. You can't move it or hide it better.

Folks discover us all the time. So what? Who's going to BELIEVE


And, if someone does get a little too persistent ... well, let's just
say we have an "arrangement" with AFOSI.

>* You have to go to a lot of effort to excavate

We have a lot of labor-saving technology. It's no trouble at all.

>and, worse, find a place
>to put all the material you excavate.

Actually, we just convert it to energy.

>No, it doesn't seem like a very good idea to me. After all, if you've got
>the ability to travel between stars and perfect stealth from radar and
>such, then it's MUCH easier to just have an orbital base or, even easier,
>build one in an hidden spot on the moon.

You try it on the moon, Rob. See how long *you* have to wait for some
cow to jump over it.

Nope, this is where the action is.

>Nope, doesn't seem logical or sensible in any way.
>Of course, this is just a mental exercise, there aren't really any bases
>crawling with aliens. It's all just junk thought up to sell books.

You just keep thinking that way, partner, and we'll get along just

Anyway, Keith, let me know if he has any more "tough" questions. And
say hi to the Brother.


Grey Resident Alien

***************** End copy text ******************

Mind you, I don't vouch for any of this, Rob. Just passing it along.

Kind regards,


Jerry Bryson

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
Mr.Savoy!!!! <> wrote:

> You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me. Why
> dont you do some serious research before you make stupid
> usual...out.

SERIOUS research? Hey, we're talking about the Rectal Verticulans, here.

Failure doesn't mean you can't;
It just means you haven't

Mark Shippey

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98

Mr.Savoy!!!! wrote:
: You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me. Why
: dont you do some serious research before you make stupid
: usual...out.

Oh? Are you saying that publishers do not give big advances to
writers who create "non-fiction" plots that stimulate the fantasies
of UFOlogists? Heh. Go back through UFOlogy sections at used books
stores. Most of it is not even good writing, just a bunch of pulp
for sales, designed to thrill believers. For PROFIT. There is big
money in selling junk books to UFOLogists.

Mark Shippey

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
bear ( wrote:
: Mr.Savoy!!!! wrote:
: > You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me.
: One man's stupidity is another man's wisdom. Remember what Hawkings said "Just

: keep on talking". bear

Go to a used book store and look at the UFOlogy section. Most
of these books are poorly written nonsense that a publisher thought
would appeal to the fantasies of UFOlogists. For PROFIT. Most of
this "non-fiction" is published knowingly for the gullible and the
believers. In these cases we could say.....
One man's UFO "truth" published for profit is a another man's
total bullshit.
The other day I was in a used bookstore and in the UFOLogy section
I say a book about how Bigfoot is really an alien creature of some
sort. Another claimed the "devil" was behind UFOs. Another published
in the 60s claimed the "invasion" would happen any day. All sold
as "non-fiction".

Mark Shippey

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
Keith Woodard ( wrote:
: On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:25:18 -0600, (Rob Hafernik)

: wrote:
: Hi Rob,
: I emailed your post to an ET acquaintance of mine. Here's what he
: sent back.
(El snippo)

Hi Keith,
Since you "emailed" to an ET, does this mean that ETs are also
posting on the Usenet? And does this mean that some of the posters
in these newsgroups are Greys?
This would be worthy of a new UFOlogy book......
The Secret Conspiracy Revealed
I'll bet someone could get a decent advance for that one.


Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98

Mark Shippey wrote:

I think I was commenting on the duality of man, but in actuality , if we don't
examine the inane, how do we find wisdom? Even "stupid" comments have a value. I'm
just jealous because I'm not cashing in on all of that green by writing some
"serious" non-fiction! Most of the books you refer to are like the NFL: Decent
entertainment, with not much of value to feed the starving kids in ...wherever.
Confucius say "Woman who fly upside down, have nasty crack up". And that's the
truth! :) bear

Charlie Green

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
Like, all us ETs are greys? We're not ALL like them! And
I'm working on the book!

OB (cross posting with the best)

Quantum Mechanics: The dreams stuff is made of

* One horsepower is the amount of energy it takes to drag a
horse 500
feet in one second.
-From a student's science test
ICQ 9201299

Doctor Doom

Jul 28, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/28/98
Frankly, I don't know why we bother. We come hundreds of light years, spend
billions of credits reworking underground caverns, bring in megatons of
state-of-the-art equipment, and train thousands of operatives to work
amongst your people, all in the hopes of saving your sorry asses from the
Omegans, and you don't even have the common decency to believe in us. Hey,
it's not like we're after worship (even Adamski didn't think we were gods,
despite our incredibly-constructed, unfathomably-good-looking,
golden-tressed alien physiques), but an occasional, "Thanks, guys!" would be

After all, we could just buzz the Omegans and say, "They're all yours!" Then
you'd really be in deep doodoo!

Scott A. Munro

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
On Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:32:45 +1000, "Umut Omer" <>

>Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
>has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
>underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
>here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
>books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
>located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
>the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
>but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?

No, it is not possible to hide a large underground facility. There are
too many uinclassified satellites which would pick up the actvity and
heat signature.

It might be possible, of course, to hide the true purpose of a known

Scott A. Munro
UFOs, Jack the Ripper, politics, fiction, art, etc.
Read more of my fiction at
Proud member, Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy™

Scott A. Munro

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 09:21:46 -0400, "Mr.Savoy!!!!"
<> wrote:

>You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me. Why
>dont you do some serious research before you make stupid comments.....

Is that what you do before you make stupid comments?

Suzanne Popkin

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98

this is really interesting

Keith Woodard

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
On 28 Jul 1998 19:20:41 GMT, (Mark
Shippey) wrote:

>Keith Woodard ( wrote:
>: On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 10:25:18 -0600, (Rob Hafernik)
>: wrote:
>: Hi Rob,
>: I emailed your post to an ET acquaintance of mine. Here's what he
>: sent back.
> (El snippo)
> Hi Keith,
> Since you "emailed" to an ET, does this mean that ETs are also
>posting on the Usenet? And does this mean that some of the posters
>in these newsgroups are Greys?
> This would be worthy of a new UFOlogy book......
> The Secret Conspiracy Revealed
> I'll bet someone could get a decent advance for that one.

Hi Mark,

Well, before I could tell you, I'd need to know a lot about where you
live, where you work, what your habits are, what kind of security
measures you've taken, etc.

You know how the Secret Government can be about red tape.

Kind regards,


Keith Woodard

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
On Wed, 29 Jul 1998 00:24:37 GMT, (Scott A. Munro)

>On Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:32:45 +1000, "Umut Omer" <>
>>Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
>>has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
>>underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
>>here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
>>books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
>>located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
>>the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
>>but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?
>No, it is not possible to hide a large underground facility. There are
>too many uinclassified satellites which would pick up the actvity and
>heat signature.

That may be why all the underground base theories say the government
knows about it.

>It might be possible, of course, to hide the true purpose of a known

Or, with the right technology, create any optical and IR signature you

Kind regards,


Umut Omer

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
to wrote in message

>> If you read it in a book, it must be true! Authors don't just make up
>> outlandish stories in order to increase book sales.

>That's right! I, for one, believe everything I read! And I own
>12 major U.S. bridges!

It's not the case of believing everything you read, how else do you guyz get
you're information.. First hand, or through some bullshit story TOLD to you
by someone else. The importance of my post was not about believing what you
read, it was about getting a discussion going on whether people believe the
existence of underground caves...

Mark Shippey

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
Umut Omer ( wrote:
: wrote in message

I believe in the existence of underground caves. I was in one once.

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
to (Mark Shippey) wrote:

>Mr.Savoy!!!! wrote:
>: You know Mark you and your stupid comments never cease to amaze me. Why

>: dont you do some serious research before you make stupid
>: usual...out.
> Oh? Are you saying that publishers do not give big advances to
>writers who create "non-fiction" plots that stimulate the fantasies
>of UFOlogists? Heh. Go back through UFOlogy sections at used books
>stores. Most of it is not even good writing, just a bunch of pulp
>for sales, designed to thrill believers. For PROFIT. There is big
>money in selling junk books to UFOLogists.


Say it isn't true!

Do you mean that George Adamski can't be trusted?

What about Billy Meier?

And are those Venusians we used to hear about just fantasy?

But at least we know that the SLO following Hale-Bopp is

Michael J. Edelman

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98

Mark Shippey wrote:

> I believe in the existence of underground caves. I was in one once.

Ah, but the government is hiding aliens in *aboveground* caves! Much harder to

Lou Minatti

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
Umut Omer wrote:
> wrote in message
> <6pjes9$cot$>...
> >In article <>,
> > wrote:
> >> If you read it in a book, it must be true! Authors don't just make up
> >> outlandish stories in order to increase book sales.
> >>
> >
> >That's right! I, for one, believe everything I read! And I own
> >12 major U.S. bridges!
> It's not the case of believing everything you read, how else do you guyz get
> you're information.. First hand, or through some bullshit story TOLD to you
> by someone else. The importance of my post was not about believing what you
> read, it was about getting a discussion going on whether people believe the
> existence of underground caves...

I can't imagine that anyone would deny underground caves exist.

Jerry Bryson

Jul 29, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/29/98
Ron Hoffman <> wrote:

> Sounds like some pretty big tunnels or caves, eh?

LOL! Big enough for the void to make detectable gravitational
annomalies the satelites can detect.

Ron Hoffman

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
On Wed, 29 Jul 1998 23:34:58 +1000, "Umut Omer" <> wrote:

> wrote in message
>>In article <>,
>> wrote:
>>> If you read it in a book, it must be true! Authors don't just make up
>>> outlandish stories in order to increase book sales.
>>That's right! I, for one, believe everything I read! And I own
>>12 major U.S. bridges!
>It's not the case of believing everything you read, how else do you guyz get
>you're information.. First hand, or through some bullshit story TOLD to you
>by someone else. The importance of my post was not about believing what you
>read, it was about getting a discussion going on whether people believe the
>existence of underground caves...

Quoting verbatim from page A7 of the Los Angeles Times, July 29, 1998
(World in Brief):

Underground Missile Programs Unveiled (headline)
North Korea, Iran, China, Russia and other countries are concealing
ballistic missile programs from U.S. spy satellites by using enormous
underground facilities to build and test the weapons, according to members
of a bipartisan congressional commission. The elaborate underground
construction is one factor contributing to what the panel described as the
"erosion" of U.S. intelligence agencies' ability to monitor weapons

end of Times Wire Reports

Sounds like some pretty big tunnels or caves, eh?



Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
Hi Keith c/- Alian Wanderers.

If you lived in Walcha this last couple of weeks you would definitly
live underground. You would also invite "Spud" to hibenate with you. Now
"Spud" is one of the districts well known blue ailens with flashing eyes
and a lovely smile - a very freindly type. If you want a picture contact
Johnny Heff C/- The Walcha Telecottage.


Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
I think,
If you lived in Walcha you would have discovered that not all
aliens live underground.Although at this time of year it might seem the
intelligent thing to do. However as I said they have surfaced here, I
wonder if they are the same ones you have over there assuming you are
over there.

PC 1

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
Hi Keith, Hi Rob, Hi everybody.
Yes, we know the absolute truth about aliens living in underground
bases. In fact, we have seven living in our septic tank right at this
very moment. They are shits of tenants.We don't have to email them, we
just have stick our heads out the window and yell at them to turn their
radios down. Boy, do they love a shindig! What is a shindig? Why, it's a
poo party.
Kind regards, Beulah, Berris and Batboy.


Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
Underground Basis wrote:
You are all talking about alians as if someone is trying to make money
from them. Frankly I think you have to see to believe and I have never
seen which leads me to thinking that you are all going on with a load of
utter crap.
Have any of you actually seen an alian? I bet you haven't. It's all in
your mind. There are many stories going around out there today to say
that aliens are going to invade, yeah right, when? If you are all such
no it alls then please tell all the news not just what you think is good
for a stupid arguement.

Blue Resonant Human

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
Lou Minatti <> wrote:

>I can't imagine that anyone would deny underground caves exist.

Oh, come on now, Lou. Don't tell me you actually BELIEVE in
underground caves!?


What a nut!

I suppose next you'll tell me they're merely portalss to the
underground Reptilian Dero Labs where the escaped WWII aryan nazis
peform hideous genetic experiments and build vast underground cities
in the Hollow Earth?

I think you've been reading too many of Frager's posts!

Mark Shippey

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
Blue Resonant Human ( wrote:

: Lou Minatti <> wrote:
: >I can't imagine that anyone would deny underground caves exist.
: Oh, come on now, Lou. Don't tell me you actually BELIEVE in
: underground caves!?
: Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
: What a nut!
: I suppose next you'll tell me they're merely portalss to the
: underground Reptilian Dero Labs where the escaped WWII aryan nazis
: peform hideous genetic experiments and build vast underground cities
: in the Hollow Earth?

Of course.
This is also where the mean evil aliens live who post to the Usenet.

Blue Resonant Human

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
On Wed, 29 Jul 1998 21:27:39 -0500, (Jerry
Bryson) wrote:

>Ron Hoffman <> wrote:
>> Sounds like some pretty big tunnels or caves, eh?

>LOL! Big enough for the void to make detectable gravitational

>annomalies the satelites can detect.

Nonsense, not even our finest ground-penetrating tomography satellites
can detect underground caverns constructed by the Reptoids. Part of
the reason for this is they build them in fourth density and line the
walls with human body parts.

Everyone knows this.

I am growing very tired of your CONSTANT LIES, Bryson!

Josh Norton

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
On Thu, 30 Jul 1998 16:21:54 GMT, (Blue
Resonant Human) wrote:

>I suppose next you'll tell me they're merely portalss to the
>underground Reptilian Dero Labs where the escaped WWII aryan nazis
>peform hideous genetic experiments and build vast underground cities
>in the Hollow Earth?

Actually they are entrances to the Hidden Temples of the Mithraites,
the folks who have been REALLY running the world since 2000 B.C. An
offshoot sect -- composed almost entirely of gays -- has taken over
the U.S. military, and uses military security to keep its temples safe
from the eyes of the profane.

Mithraites traditionally sacrifice cattle as part of their initiation
and worship ceremonies, and this sect has been using the Army's
stealth helicopters to capture and transport the cattle, and return
the used bodies (now drained of their Sacred Life-Force) afterwards.

The Gay Mithraites have gone to great lengths to keep the details of
their ceremonies hidden; but a few bits have leaked out. The most
significant of these is that in the first level initiation (into the
grade of The Raven) the anus of the cow is cut out whole, tanned, and
given to the initiate to wear as a memorial bracelet. It is by these
bracelets that members of the sect recognize each other when they meet
in the mundane world. (This also distinguishes them from the Straight
Mithraites, who wear wrist-shields made from the penises or vaginas of
their sacrifices, decorated with nifty patterns of metal studs.)


Lou Minatti

Jul 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/30/98
Blue Resonant Human wrote:
> Lou Minatti <> wrote:
> >I can't imagine that anyone would deny underground caves exist.
> Oh, come on now, Lou. Don't tell me you actually BELIEVE in
> underground caves!?
> Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
> What a nut!
> I suppose next you'll tell me they're merely portalss to the
> underground Reptilian Dero Labs where the escaped WWII aryan nazis
> peform hideous genetic experiments and build vast underground cities
> in the Hollow Earth?

That WOULD explain much of what's been going on in Washington, DC the
past 50 years.

> I think you've been reading too many of Frager's posts!

Frager has been "taken out", if you know what I mean and I think you do.
This so-called "Art Wholeflaffer" is merely a bio-robot, reproduced from
pieces of scrap metal left around the Shipping & Receiving area at
Langley, plus a few cloned cells from Frager's earlobes.

SPHINX Technologies

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
In article <>,
Rob Hafernik <> wrote:

>Well, now, let's analyze this. You're an alien, visiting our planet...
>Why in the world would you choose an underground base ON the
>planet. This has so many downsides:
>* You can be seen coming and going (and you must care if you're seen or
>not, else WHY have the underground base in the first place).

True, NORAD might see you if you forgot to turn the cloaking device on :^)
OTOH if your approach to the base was mostly underwater, you could
approach the planet at a point not very well covered by radar and
certainly not observed visually by very many people, then travel
underwater to the underwater entrance to your subterranian base.
NOTE: If you read the UFOlogical literature, you'll see plenty of
reports of an apparent capability of UFOs to become UUOs or USOs
(underwater or submerged objects) and still to be able to maneuver
alarmingly fast. If one suspends disbelief and hypothesizes that
an advanced civilization has technology for maneuvering through all
kinds of strange planetary atmospheres, e.g. by nullifying the inertia
of the medium locally or whatever, then maybe such an underwater approach
wouldn't be too burdensome.

>* You're subject to the weather of the planet as you come and go.

Same comment, why would an alien craft suitable for maneuvering on the
surface of, say, Jupiter, be inconvenienced by a puny Earth-type storm?
Apart from rare occurrences like being hit by unusually intense lightning
(as some say may have happened to the craft at Roswell)?

>* You're subject to geological events (earthquakes)

Yeah, this could be an inconvenience, although again you're assuming
no fancy safety technology. I mean, would a mere earthquake bother
the Starship Enterprise if it was lodged in an underground cavern?
Yeah, I know that's fiction, but it may not be far off from what an
advanced civilization might have, "deflector shields", "tractor beams"
etc. It isn't necessarily true that such a civilization would be
very worried about earthquakes.

>* The location of your base is, by definition, fixed. If it's discovered,
>you have to abandon it. You can't move it or hide it better.

Seems a reasonable argument, but who's to say how bothersome it would
be to move and make another one?

>* You have to go to a lot of effort to excavate and, worse, find a place
>to put all the material you excavate.

Once again, you're making all kinds of assumptions about what kind of
technology would be available and how burdensome it would be. You just
can't KNOW those answers. Maybe all they have to do is turn on the
disintegrator and scoop out the required volume. Might take all of
ten seconds, with all the removed matter being disposed of outside of
our normal space. Or better yet, converted into energy and stored
in the Energy Bank for use on the return trip. You just can't make
any predictions about what kind of technology might be involved, since
you don't even know how many MILLION years more advanced they are.

>No, it doesn't seem like a very good idea to me. After all, if you've got
>the ability to travel between stars and perfect stealth from radar and
>such, then it's MUCH easier to just have an orbital base or, even easier,
>build one in an hidden spot on the moon.
>Nope, doesn't seem logical or sensible in any way.

Well, maybe it WOULDN'T be a very good idea FOR YOU! You lack the right

OTOH let's analyze this some more. With NORAD snooping around and all,
with the U.S. and other fine governments spending lots of tax dollars
on "deep space surveillance" networks (... one wonders WHY... who's out there
to do surveillance ON?...) you'd be more likely to be detected by radar
on the way to or from the planet than while flitting about, perhaps at
treetop level. Or underwater, as noted earlier. Hmm... maybe an underground
base on Earth WOULD be a good idea, after all!

>Of course, this is just a mental exercise, there aren't really any bases
>crawling with aliens. It's all just junk thought up to sell books.

Of course. /:^)\ <--- Mars Face Smiley(tm)

-John S.

SPHINX Technologies

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
In article <>,
Marty Fouts <> wrote:
>If you are _really_ careful, you can build limestone caves above
>existing gravitational annomalies. Unless the area was mapped
>_before_ and _after_ there's no way the caves are detectable by
>gravity mapping. There are a few places in the US where this could be
>done, so I suppose there must be some in other countries.

If you are _even more careful_, and you have gravity-field generators
among the equipment you bring along when setting up such bases, your
technicians could probably have them all adjusted to re-create the
original g-field above the base, within a few hours of finishing the

Once again, if we don't know what technology is available, we are in
a pretty poor position to prognosticate on what observables we'd find
after the installation was complete.

Just think of hunters or scientists setting up a duck blind, for a period
of observation of the wildlife.

Only in this case, _we_ are the unususpecting wildlife. /:^)\

-John S.

Blue Resonant Human

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
Lou Minatti <> wrote:

>Frager has been "taken out", if you know what I mean and I think you do.
>This so-called "Art Wholeflaffer" is merely a bio-robot, reproduced from
>pieces of scrap metal left around the Shipping & Receiving area at
>Langley, plus a few cloned cells from Frager's earlobes.

(How Memories, Psyches and Personalities are Extracted)

QUESTIONER: Okay. "I don't understand why it is easier for the
aliens to kill someone and then force back their soul into the
Robotoid body, makes it easier to reprogram them to do things
that would have been morally repugnant to them in their previous


This Awareness indicates that this is not what this Awareness
has indicated at any time, that aliens were killing them in
order to use their soul in some other body, to get them to do
something they would not have done otherwise. This is
conjecture. This Awareness indicates that It has indicated that
the alien's technology -- and this can be used by others besides
the aliens themselves -- the alien technology as having been
used to record the psyche or information or soul qualities of an

It is possible for these entities to extract a recording, an
electronic recording of one's memories, psyche and vibrations,
including the personality, and to put these into a synthetic
replica of the entity. This Awareness indicates that the
actions have been done for numerous years as have been described
in the Dr. Beter tapes; that lt does not even require the first
entity be killed in order to extract this recording or this
information and to transplant the recording to the personality,
etc., into a double.

The double can exist along with the original. It is seldom
exactly the same, but is usually very much the same. There is
always something lost in the transfer. This Awareness indicates
that the double can also be altered in terms of its information,
so that it can be reprogrammed more easily than the original.
This Awareness indicates it is in this way that an entity may
be caused to take a position that is different from the position
the original held, because the new programming or the collection
of vibrations that hold the information of the individual when
transplanted to a new body can be altered with new programming
because it is not based on direct experience.

::: Aliens Can Sever an Entity's Soul :::

The information the original obtained was obtained by direct
experience linked with emotions. The information, when it is
transferred, does not have that same depth of attachment and
therefore, can be altered more easily. This Awareness indicates
that this is not necessarily a transfer of the soul; the aliens
do have the ability to sever the soul or cause a split in the
soul or move the soul of an entity into someone else.

This, of course, as being subject to a definition of what is
meant by the soul. There's a certain aspect of an entity that
goes on, and that may be termed the true soul. There is still
another aspect of the entity that is the emotional passion
associated with the magnetic center of an entity and it may be
moved it may be severed from the etheric body and from the
physical body and this results in a kind of splitting of the

::: Soul-Damaged Wanderers are Being Recalled :::

It is not necessarily the ultimate spirit of the entity, but it
can be a great injury to the soul of the entity so that the soul
development, if left to progress naturally, would be different
from the soul development that is tampered with by alien
technology and injured in the process of transfer. It is for
this reason that many of those in other areas who have sent some
of their best to the earth to assist on the earth are very
concerned and are considering pulling them out because they are
receiving them back with warped, twisted, broken souls that
cannot easily be repaired.

This Awareness indicates the problem here is language. The term
"soul" in one use is different from what another may mean by "
soul". In speaking of the immortal soul; that part which is
indestructible, referring to this as the life of the entity the
more permanent part of the entity, this may be but likened unto
a denser part of the larger soul in which there are lesser parts
that are not so dense that can be severed and can be split off
and put into another body. You will retain the same essence of
the entity, but without the depth of soul.

::: To Understand the Soul, Consider It as an Energy :::

This Awareness indicates that this is extremely complicated when
attempting to communicate it in words rather than energies. If
entities can see behind the words to the energies that make up
the soul, and realize that the soul is not just a thing, It is
an energy that is accumulating experience and that there are
parts of that energy that are denser than others, that are more
permanent than others, and that every little incident is added
to the overall complex known as the soul, but that many of these
incidents can be lost, can be forgotten without the soul itself
being destroyed or lost and forgotten, or these incidents can
continue to compact and grow and develop into a larger and more
compressed soul, so that all of these incidents are part of the

If you can understand what makes up the soul, that it is an
accumulation of experience, then it becomes more easy to
understand what is meant when one speaks of the severing of the
soul. A part can be cut off, whereby one loses experiences,
loses memories, loses a part of one's essence, and is returned,
remaining immortal but damaged from the experience of alien
severing of one's soul.

If you can understand that, rather than simply seeing words,
then perhaps you can understand what is meant by this concept of
transferring a soul or transferring energies or personalities
from an original being to its counterpart replica. This
Awareness indicates it is a fact that many entitles who have
known the original and who then meet the replica will comment."
It looks like him, it claims to be him, but it isn't the same
person I used to know."

(How the Greys Use Mechanical Energy to Create Love Vibes)


A second part of his question, I believe Awareness just answered
it, but I'll ask this anyway. He says: "Also we have been told
that reincarnation is a "voluntary' process, and yet these
aliens know so much about souls that they can force someone's
soul back from the inner planes into a Robotoid body and make it
do what they want. There is no free will in this," he adds.


This Awareness indicates that this entity is conjecturing that
the aliens can grab souls and force them into bodies. This
Awareness has never indicated this; It does not see this is fact.
It can only be done if the soul voluntarily allows this. This
Awareness indicates they can, through manipulation and through
coercion and through conditioning, gather portions or recordings
of one's soul, and transplant it into a replica, but the
original soul will be its own captain and do what it chooses, if
it has a desire to be its own captain.

There are many souls who will give themselves willingly to be
used by the aliens because the aliens give them the feeling that
they are Divine and that it is wonderful to be of service to the
aliens. This Awareness indicates that most implants worship
those who have abducted them, and most are willing to let the
aliens do whatever they want with them, because there is a
certain electronic frequency used during the abduction that is
akin to the frequency of love which these entities perceive as
being love emanating from those aliens and they will say: "I
must love those little guys!" and they do not know why.

It is because this energy is being stimulated at a certain
frequency and the human picks up the energy and believes it is
coming from the Greys themselves, when in fact it is mechanical
or electronic.

(There is Always Some Difference if You Look Carefully)


The terminology is confusing. Can we accurately say then that
the Robotoids and the synthetics are artificially created
creatures and sometimes imbued with soul-stuff by the aliens,
and the walk-ins are living humans that have abandoned their
body; their soul has either abandoned it, or been pushed out and
taken over by an alien soul?


This is in the affirmative. The personality that has been
imbedded on the brain (this in reference to the walk-ins) in
terms of its recording of events and memories, remains with the
body. The brain serves in the same way as a cassette tape
recording stays on the tape and has its impression on the tape,
whereas the etheric astral or soul energies may also carry these
same memories.

An entity entering into a body that is abandoned by a soul will
still have access to the entity's memory of events. The entity
will still be able to recognize friends and associates, certain
jobs and skills, and will in general appear to be the same
person, but the entity generally knows that he is someone else
in this body, and generally those who know the entity closely
will recognize a major change; that the entity is like the one
before, but is different, appears to be a different person.
Sometimes the walk-in is much more enjoyable to be around than
the original.


-Brother Blue, B:.B:.
Brotherhood of Galactic Science

Blue Resonant Human

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
to (Josh Norton) wrote:

>Actually they are entrances to the Hidden Temples of the Mithraites,
>the folks who have been REALLY running the world since 2000 B.C. An
>offshoot sect -- composed almost entirely of gays -- has taken over
>the U.S. military, and uses military security to keep its temples safe
>from the eyes of the profane.

>Mithraites traditionally sacrifice cattle as part of their initiation
>and worship ceremonies, and this sect has been using the Army's
>stealth helicopters to capture and transport the cattle, and return
>the used bodies (now drained of their Sacred Life-Force) afterwards.

Greetings and Salutations, Brother Joshua!

Many a magician has lost his life as the result of opening a way
whereby submundane creatures could become active participants in
his affairs. When Eliphas Levi invoked the spirit of Apollonius
of Tyana, what did he hope to accomplish? Is the gratification
of curiosity a motive sufficient to warrant the devotion of an
entire lifetime to a dangerous and unprofitable pursuit? If the
living Apollonius refused to divulge his secrets to the profane,
is there any probability that after death he would disclose them
to the curious-minded? Levi himself did not dare to assert that
the specter which appeared to him was actually the great
philosopher, for Levi realized only too well the proclivity of
elementals to impersonate those who have passed on. The
majority of modern mediumistic apparitions are but elemental
creatures masquerading through bodies composed of thought
substance supplied by the very persons desiring to behold these
wraiths of decarnate beings.

The practice of magick -- either white or black -- depends upon
the ability of the adept to control the universal life force -- that
which Eliphas Levi calls the great magical agent or astral light.
By the manipulation of this fluidic essence, the phenomena of
transcendentalism are produced. The famous hermaphroditic
Goat of Mendes was a composite creature formulated to
symbolize this astral light. It is identical with Baphomet, the
mystic pantheos of those disciples of ceremonial magic, the
Templars, who probably obtained it from the Arabians.

True black magic is performed with the aid of a demoniacal
spirit, who serves the sorcerer for the length of his earthly life,
with the understanding that after death the magician shall become
the servant of his own demon. For this reason a black magician
will go to inconceivable ends to prolong his physical life, since
there is nothing for him beyond the grave.

The most dangerous form of black magic is the scientific perversion
of occult power for the gratification of personal desire. Its less
complex and more universal form is human selfishness, for
selfishness is the fundamental cause of all worldly evil. A man
will barter his eternal soul for temporal power, and down through
the ages a mysterious process has been evolved which actually
enables him to make this exchange. In its various branches the
black art includes nearly all forms of ceremonial magic, necromancy,
witchcraft, sorcery, and vampirism. Under the same general heading
are also included mesmerism and hypnotism, except when used
solely for medical purposes, and even then there is an element of
risk for all concerned.

A well-known magician of the Middle Ages was Dr. Johannes
Faustus, more commonly known as Dr. Faust. By a study of
magical writings he was enabled to bind to his service an
elemental who served him for many years in various capacities.
Strange legends are told concerning the magical powers
possessed by Dr. Faust. Upon one occasion the philosopher,
being apparently in a playful mood, threw his mantle over a
number of eggs in a market-woman's basket, causing them to
hatch instantly. At another time, having fallen overboard from
a small boat, he was picked up and returned to the craft with his
clothes still dry. But, like nearly all other magicians, Dr. Faust
came at length to disaster; he was found one moming with a
knife in his back, and it was commonly believed that his familiar
spirit had murdered him.

While the black magician at the time of signing his pact with
the elemental demon may be fully convinced that he is strong
enough to control indefinitely the powers placed at his disposal,
he is speedily undeceived. Before many years elapse he must
turn all his energies to the problem of self-preservation. A world
of horrors to which he has attuned himself by his own covetousness
looms nearer every day, until he exists upon the edge of a seething
maelstrom, expecting momentarily to to be sucked down into its
turbid depths. Afraid to die -- because he will become the servant
of his own demon -- the magician commits crime after crime to
prolong his wretched earthly existence.

Realizing that life is maintained by the aid of a mysterious
universal life force which is the common property of all
creaeures, the black magician often becomes an occult
vampire, stealing this energy from others. According to
mediaeval superstition, black magicians turned themselves
into werewolves and roamed the earth at night, attacking
defenseless victims for the life force contained in their blood.

And thus we have learned the Hidden Mysteries of the Grey
Arcana, and perceive their veiled intent in the harvesting of both
bovine rectums and our precious bodily fluids, for verily, it is that
elusive Elixir of Life they so selfishly and desperately seek, dark
adepts all.

Let us, therefore, meditate upon these things.

-Brother Blue, B:.B:.
Brotherhood of Galactic Science

Andrea Chen

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
Mark Shippey wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> Since you "emailed" to an ET, does this mean that ETs are also
> posting on the Usenet? And does this mean that some of the posters
> in these newsgroups are Greys?

I don't know about Greys, but HUFOS has come up with some evidence of
an alien flying horse on Usenet which is a hell of a lot cooler than
Greys and a great step forward for UFOLGY which seems to be caught in a

> This would be worthy of a new UFOlogy book......
> The Secret Conspiracy Revealed
> I'll bet someone could get a decent advance for that one.

Lets try and find out. If we work together we can completely redo the
cosmology of UFOLOGY while making some money. I had a couple of people
convinced that I was an alien (or at least an evil demon bitch from hell
who would take control of your mind in your dreams) so it isn't that

Mark Shippey

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98
Andrea Chen ( wrote:

Okay. Actually, we really could do it because I own a real
printing/publishing business so I have my own presses. So we can
make a real book as well as the e-text version.
Perhaps we should even do the ALIENS ON THE INTERNET newsletter
and sell subscriptions.
There is money in this Andrea. Not to mentio fun.
We create a new mytholgy and market it.
Move over Tolkien.

Jul 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM7/31/98

> Lou Minatti <> wrote:
> >I can't imagine that anyone would deny underground caves exist.

In article <>, (Blue Resonant Human) wrote:

> Oh, come on now, Lou. Don't tell me you actually BELIEVE in
> underground caves!?

What other kind of caves are there? If there were no ground OVER them, they
wouldn't be caves. :-)

> Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
> What a nut!
> I suppose next you'll tell me they're merely portalss to the
> underground Reptilian Dero Labs where the escaped WWII aryan nazis
> peform hideous genetic experiments and build vast underground cities
> in the Hollow Earth?

> I think you've been reading too many of Frager's posts!

A plot not any more absurd than the rest of UFOlogy's stories, if you ask me.

Besides, technology exists to hollow out quite large areas underground... the
hollow earth theory isn't really necessary. IMO.


-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Father Brian O'blivion

Aug 1, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/1/98
Andrea Chen <> wrote:

> I don't know about Greys, but HUFOS has come up with some evidence of
>an alien flying horse on Usenet which is a hell of a lot cooler than
>Greys and a great step forward for UFOLGY which seems to be caught in a

[repost from last year yet still quite relevant]

The Vallee Effect

::: A Relatively Holy Vatican Briefing :::

Some years back the insightful UFO scholar Dr. Jacques Vallee
noted that there is a certain cyclic pattern in relation to UFO
waves or flaps -- first, interest is cultivated, leading inevitably
to an orgasmic crescendo of sorts, then, in the aftermath, while
the wide-eyed UFO believers lay back and enjoy a smoke, occupational
counterintell forces move in for damage control with their phasors
set just a hair past stun, their Top Seekrit PSY-OP Guvmint Debunker
flamethrowers fully fueled and their asbestos underwear in tact.

Then the predictable internecine fiasco ensues -- bloodier than the
Holiest of Holy Wars, both sides of the absurdly Machiavellian
dispute more sanctimonious than even the most self-righteous of
religious zealots staffing Fundamentalist Jihads.

It's truly a psight to behold, me lads.

We can see this cycle in play now as we observe the childishly
petty squabbling here on aav and the veritable drought of any
truly substantive developments or reports herein. Hence the
entropic decay into petty and irrelevant sibling rivalry as we
turn like cannibals upon one another in a bizarrely sublimated
feeding frenzy.

It is all so very cyclic and predictable.

On a larger scale, there are other stethoscopes we may employ
to keep our fingers on the pulse of American UFOology proper.
Greer has managed to piss off damn near every UFOologist under
the sun -- all chant "libel!" in telepathic unison while
greedy parasitic lawyers wait eagerly in the wings, their
litiginous phalli firmly erect at the smell of blood, Komarek
is pointing his finger everywhere with reckless abandon, shouting
"Sp00k!" at the top of his lungs, Oberg's runnin' scared and
even our Dear Brother Malthus (Bob Girard of Arcturus Books)
has taken to whining about the patently obvious famine in the
camp of Club UFOology:

"We notice a strong and unpleasant trend over the last couple
of months toward declining interest in UFO & related subjects,
and a corresponding decline in the orders which keep Arcturus
afloat. In the past, I always have made twice as many special
catalogues as I needed to fill special requests for them...
FOOLISH ME! I wasted hundreds of catalogues on people who
did not buy a single scrap of paper from them. Don't worry --
this time you will not be bothered again by an unsolicited
Arcturus catalogue. Those days are gone forever."

[are we to cower in fear or laugh uproariously here...?]

"All right, so 39 Heaven's Gate fools cheated themselves out of
their own lives, and brought heaps of ridicule and scorn on
all the ufologists in America. Maybe you [sic] ashamed that
you study such things. But *hey*, now it's time to get over
it -- there *IS* life *AFTER* flying saucers, folks, and
Arcturus Books exists (in fact, *prefers* to exist) for those
who are ready for new, better, and more exciting metaphysical,
historical and scientific challenges. Let's get out of this
little mental funk we've been in, shall we, and get back to
trying to understand ourselves, our world (including it's
humans) and the meaning of our own existence. Let's get some
decent orders in here this month, all right?"

Uh ... OK, Bob.
(561) 398-0796

-Father Brian O'blivion
Vatican Spy


Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98

Lou Minatti wrote:

> I can't imagine that anyone would deny underground caves exist.

Yeah I personally have been inside an underground cave and taken pictures of it.
I know they exist.

"Ninety eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hardworking,
honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But
then, we elected them." - Lily Tomlin
Remove the from my address to respond.

Jon M. Morrow

Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98
Umut Omer wrote:
Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
underground bases.  I'm sure this is not new information to most people
here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this?  Most
books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico.  I know
the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?


Very easily.  It isn't can they pull it off, but why they are doing so!?


Aug 2, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/2/98

NOT! This sounds like the Celestine Prophecy claptrap.


Blue Resonant Human

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
Umut Omer wrote:
> Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
> has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
> underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
> here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
> books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
> located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
> the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
> but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?


Brazil's Sociedade de Estudos Extraterrestres
(SOCEX) is currently investigating a flurry of reports
of strange tunnels in the mountains of Santa
Catarina and Parana states.
The "tunnel sightings" are concentrated around
the city of Joinvile in Santa Catarina state, about
304 kilometers (190 miles) southwest of Sao Paulo.
According to Eustaquio Andrea Patounas of
SOCEX, "Recently two explorers entered a tunnel near
Ponta Grossa (a city in Parana state 400 kilometers or
250 miles southwest of Sao Paulo--J.T.), and they
spent five days in a subterranean city of more or less
50 inhabitants."
During their "tour," the unnamed Brazilians were
provided with fruits grown hydroponically underground
"by the city's chief, who said they took two years to
The two men also claimed to have "entered a tunnel
in Rincano," in the Serra da Paranapiacaba mountains
"in the state of Parana and discovered a staircase
underground" leading to four different levels.
In another case, a man identified as "J.D., a guide
for Montanha Misterioso in Joinvile, S.C.said that many
times luminous flying saucers have been seen around
the opening of the tunnel, and that he had heard a
chorus of men and women singing underground" near
the site.
"He said that the discs are so bright that they
converted darkest night to the luminosity of day.
On this occasion, he encountered a group of strange
subterraneans who were near the tunnel. They were
white, of red beard and long hair, very muscular.
When he approached them, they fled. Other times
he has seen strange lights in this area which are
probably related to the flying saucers."
An elderly man in Joinvile also claims to have
seen subterraneans dressed like the barbarians on
Xena, Warrior Princess. "He stated that he visited
a strange tunnel near Conceiacao in the state of
Sao Paulo and saw at a distance a marvelous
underground city."
"An explorer named N.C. said he had visited a
tunnel in Rio Castor and encountered a beautiful
young woman who did not appear more than 20 years
old. She spoke to him in Portuguese and said she
was 2,500 years old. He also said he had met with
those barbarous subterranean men."
"Another explorer named D.O. encountered a
similar tunnel in Gaspar, S.C.," in the Serra do Mar
mountains, "and sampled a mysterious fruit from an
orchid." He also claimed to have seen subterraneans
"talking to each other in high-pitched voices in an
unknown language." (Muito obrigado a Eustaquio
Andrea Patounas por eses casos.)
(Editor's Note: Stories of weird subterranean cities
date back centuries in Brazil. See the Colonel
Fawcett story in this week's column of "from the
UFO Files...")


- - - - -
UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 1998 by Masinaigan
Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post
news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or
in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter
and its editor by name and list the date of issue in
which the item first appeared.

Jerry Bryson

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
Steven <> wrote:

> Lou Minatti wrote: <snip>
> > I can't imagine that anyone would deny underground caves exist.
> >
> > -- spOOk Central!
> Yeah I personally have been inside an underground cave and taken pictures
> of it. I know they exist.

Now you gotta do better than that, Steve. We here aav know all about
doctored photos of shopping malls purporting to be underground caves.

> -- "Ninety eight percent of the adults in this country are decent,
> hardworking, honest Americans. It's the other lousy two percent that get
> all the publicity. But then, we elected them." - Lily Tomlin

It's the dishonest 98% of politicians that make the honest 2% look bad.

John D

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
In article <>,

> (Editor's Note: Stories of weird subterranean cities
> date back centuries in Brazil. See the Colonel
> Fawcett story in this week's column of "from the
> UFO Files...")

Stories of underground cities are a world-wide literary tradition, not
just Brazilian. I suspect a universal human attraction to the
idea of the chthonic civilization (as above, so below?). There is even
an Edgar Rice Burroughs story: "Tarzan at the Earth's Core," with a
description of a land called Pellucidar that seems to have been taken as
literal fact by certain elements of the post-WW2 neo-Nazis. As I recall
Hitler literally believed that we lived on the inside of a hollow globe,
and at one point during WW2 assigned a group of radar scientists the job
of bouncing radar waves off the other side of the sphere in order to
ascertain what the English were up to. I've forgotten the source,

John D

--remove caps--

John D

Aug 3, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/3/98
In article <>, says...

> In article <>,
> Rob Hafernik <> wrote:

> Once again, you're making all kinds of assumptions about what kind of
> technology would be available and how burdensome it would be. You just
> can't KNOW those answers. Maybe all they have to do is turn on the
> disintegrator and scoop out the required volume. Might take all of
> ten seconds, with all the removed matter being disposed of outside of
> our normal space. Or better yet, converted into energy and stored
> in the Energy Bank for use on the return trip. You just can't make
> any predictions about what kind of technology might be involved, since
> you don't even know how many MILLION years more advanced they are.
But aren't you simply looking at the question from the point of 1950's
human technology? Aren't you _assuming_ a necessity for human-scale
vehicles that need to hide- without evidence or reason? In fact, aren't
we just assuming a need for a base at all? WHY, oh why, would an
advanced technology necessarily need a base? And why would such a base
need to be hollow? If we humans can be thinking of such things as
utility fog and intelligent nanomachines, don't you think it is
reasonable that advanced aliens would have more? And don't these sorts
of structures- ones that we can at least conceptualize now, if not
actually build- negate the need for a hollow base, or even for any sort
of base at all? What would you do in such a base? Repair broken UFO's?
What about self-repairing nanotecnology- wouldn't that be even better?
Would you house giant computers in your cave? What purpose, when you can
build a nanobrain hundreds of times nore powerful than a human brain in
the space of a coffee cup? Why not simply, say, lace a terahuman-
capacity self-repairing nanobrain through a stable mud or rock
formation- who needs a hollow room?

When we say we can't know the needs / limitations of an advanced alien
technology, we are of course speaking the truth. But at the same time,
when we postulate the use by those same aliens of procedures that are
outdated even at our own level of development (1930's style "medical
operations" on abductees, to use another obvious example), we are simply
failing to use our (human) intelligence.

Blue Resonant Human

Aug 4, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/4/98
to (John D) wrote:

>Stories of underground cities are a world-wide literary tradition, not
>just Brazilian. I suspect a universal human attraction to the
>idea of the chthonic civilization (as above, so below?). There is even
>an Edgar Rice Burroughs story: "Tarzan at the Earth's Core," with a
>description of a land called Pellucidar that seems to have been taken as
>literal fact by certain elements of the post-WW2 neo-Nazis. As I recall
>Hitler literally believed that we lived on the inside of a hollow globe,
>and at one point during WW2 assigned a group of radar scientists the job
>of bouncing radar waves off the other side of the sphere in order to
>ascertain what the English were up to. I've forgotten the source,

There's an entire chapter devoted to this in Pauwels & Bergiers
seminal _Morning of the Magicians_. The "stars," you see, were only
pinpricks in the membrane which allowed the light to peek through.
Further, they were obsessively concerned not with AlGore's Beloved
Global Warming, but with the coming of another ice age. True story.

But are you telling us that even Tarzan was a Hollow Earth nutter?
How come nobody ever told us this before? Talk about your revisionist

In any event, aside from Adolf's alleged contacts with the Ubermen --
"I have seen them! They are terrible!" he remarked in sheer visceral
terror -- one of his mentors claimed to be in telepathic communication
with a strangely shaped meteorite. Another true story -- I'll dig up
the refs if anyone's interested.

Reality can often be far stranger than fiction.

-Brother Blue

i seen them

Aug 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/8/98
On Mon, 03 Aug 1998 00:06:17 GMT, (Blue Resonant Human)



and so it was written and so shall it be for ever and ever. . . <yawn>

i seen them and they was blue and stuff and they taken me to their undertground
sities and i saw that they had built a great sitie of blue beneath the ocean
with tunnels leading to sekrit sub continental shelf tubes which connect all
over the world and they can travel from rio to the alein base in the north pole
in less than three minutes fourteen seconds using the old atlantean routes
you know i saw their underground bases and they are made of blue crystal
dolphin blown glass and you have to be very careful in their sitty or you will
get lost like in a circus house full of mirrors and stuff and that is bad
because you can get hurte
i am walking through their underground streets in my minde and i heard
underground music being played and i can hear pure tones in the tunnels as we
travel from base to base while the alein music travels naturally through the
water-filled tubes and needs no amplification so the dolphins guided us great
distances in a matter of minutes from the alein underground bases in seattle all
the way to the yucatan peninsula and it was cool and stuff
in my minde of course since i was only dreaming duh

the beginning

by i seen them

Blue Resonant Human

Aug 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/8/98
to (jolaf seen them) wrote:


>and so it was written and so shall it be for ever and ever. . . <yawn>

Yes, "world without end," etc.

>i seen them and they was blue and stuff and they taken me to their undertground
>sities and i saw that they had built a great sitie of blue beneath the ocean
>with tunnels leading to sekrit sub continental shelf tubes which connect all
>over the world and they can travel from rio to the alein base in the north pole
>in less than three minutes fourteen seconds using the old atlantean routes
>you know i saw their underground bases and they are made of blue crystal
>dolphin blown glass and you have to be very careful in their sitty or you will
>get lost like in a circus house full of mirrors and stuff and that is bad
>because you can get hurte

Let us examine the Scientific Evidence here, my brethren:

o "they was BLUE and stuff"
o "a great sitie of BLUE beneath the ocean"
o "underground bases made of BLUE crystal"

At long last, it is Science Itself which is our trusted ally, bearing
witness to the wonderful manifest reality of THAT WHICH IS BLUE.

Let us, therefore, meditate upon these things.

-Brother Blue, B:.B:.

Brotherhood of Galactic Science

Jul 27, 2019, 4:35:32 PM7/27/19
On Monday, July 27, 1998 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-7, Umut Omer wrote:
> Many of the books and articles I have read in the past concerning Aliens,
> has stated the belief that many of them are actually living on earth in
> underground bases. I'm sure this is not new information to most people
> here, what I wanted to know was how many people actually believe this? Most
> books describe these bases as being enormous caverns, and they are usually
> located in some mountainous wasteland in either the U.S. or Mexico. I know
> the government of the U.S. is capable of getting away with alot of things,
> but do you think hiding such bases could be pulled off?
> Snoop...

Enter the NEXUS...
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