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Re: Fascist America Shutting Down ?????

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Apr 9, 2011, 11:25:58 AM4/9/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
On Apr 9, 3:57 am, herbert glazier <> wrote:
> On Apr 8, 5:25 pm, Brad Guth <> wrote:

You two dumb assholes just cannot comprehend that the
smart get rich and acquire wealth, whereas you former
hippies and drug addicts are left in the dust, filling the jobs
reserved for the dregs of society, which is your chosen
and rightful place in the world.

There are those who create shit, and those who must
clean it up. The choice was yours in your formative years
... you chose the latter, by not choosing at all.


Apr 10, 2011, 12:12:06 PM4/10/11

"herbert glazier" <> wrote in message

On Apr 9, 6:57 am, herbert glazier <> wrote:
> On Apr 8, 5:25 pm, Brad Guth <> wrote:
> > On Apr 8, 2:10 pm, herbert glazier <> wrote:
> > > Well it only hurts the poor GOPer bankers can now buy homes in Boca
> > > Grande,and live happly ever after. Bush planed it out well. Mafia USA
> > > 10 We the People 0
> > Exactly, the truly rich and powerful are only getting richer and more
> > powerful, just like any Zionist/Jew or their partner conspirators
> > could possibly hope for.
> > You can call them fascist mafia and GOPer if that makes you feel any
> > better, but that's only the iceberg tip of what's really going down.
> > Trust me, there's more than a sufficient number of greedy others
> > making each and every situation a whole lot worse than it needs to be.
> >
> > Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”
> Godfather was hoping tea party would come out ahead with this shutting
> down He invested over 1 billion on Palin. Still I go with Palin in the
> White House. Godfather owns the press,has all the money. How can
> Palin lose. Best keep in mind Rick Scott spent $100,000,000 out of
> that 1.7 billion he stole plus took the 5th 75 times and became
> governor of Florida. That has to tell you something. Where is
> Rigby? TreBert

I lived in the best of times(grew up in the 30s) It was a time Mafia
crooks went to jail. Now the Mafia builds and staffs the prisons. Rick
Scott will be in the White House before he is ever taken to jail. To
late to protest. To late to go to the Justice Department. Trouble
makers are killed by local police(Mafia hit men). Sheriff Bob Hansell
0f Osceola county Fl.was put in office with Severn Trent Mafia
money.He has a license to kill and uses his deputies as Hitler used
his SS. Where is Rigby? TreBert

A sad old and bitter man, whining about all the chances he missed
out on, because he was and still is a coward. To chicken to join the
fight, but a real make-believe man bitching about the outcome to
which he contributed absolutely NOTHING but lip feeble service ...
the sad equivalent of reading from a teleprompter, like the Head
Monkey in Charge ... a coward who has the audacity to call himself
"Commander in Chief", thus insulting the very Military he feigns
to command.
That is the legacy of Liberals.
Just like seagulls, all mouth, all ass ... squawk and shit ... on the fly

The Patriot

Apr 10, 2011, 2:18:55 PM4/10/11

"Hagar" <> wrote in message
Damn it! It's eat, shit and squawk.
Or is it eat shit and squawk?
Oh well! What you posted is apt anyhow.


Apr 10, 2011, 2:45:28 PM4/10/11

"The Patriot" <> wrote in message

Dammit ... screwed it up.
eat, shit and squawk
eat shit and squawk
eat shit and squawk
Harry, Nancy and Oh'Bummer.
Harry, Nancy and Oh'Bummer.

Got it now !!

Brad Guth

Apr 10, 2011, 3:20:38 PM4/10/11
On Apr 9, 8:25 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

So, what exactly has lord Hagar personally created outside of multiple
unwed families and spewing your redneck shit in our public Usenet/

Give us an example of something that's truly all Hagar and wonderful.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

Brad Guth

Apr 10, 2011, 3:31:56 PM4/10/11
On Apr 10, 9:12 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "herbert glazier" <> wrote in message

You never quite know when that bus is going to run-over the next
available ZNR/GOP redneck. At least you can be absolutely certain
that Bert and myself will never bother to warn that redneck until
afterwards when we each can say "I told you so".

BTW, the doctors that'll be trying to repair most every broken bone in
your pathetic redneck body will likely be Americanized blacks and/or
from India. Good luck with insulting them.


Apr 10, 2011, 4:38:37 PM4/10/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

I do have respect for the smart ones, those who take personal responsibility
for themselves, who believe in their country and don't grow up to be
obnoxious leeches like you and BeeeertBrain. ... I also work with gentlemen
for India, Viet Nam and Germany, Mexico and a host of other countries and I
don't seem to have any problems or social issues with them, nor do they have
any with me.

You see, GuthBall, there are Niggers and then there are Black People.
Just like there are Crackers and then there are White people.
Just there are Liberal Leeches and then there are Conservatives, who can see
beyond the tip of their nose.

But much to my surprise, I never hear the "then there are" people piss and
moan and whine like you gutless parasitic vermin, as referenced in the
derogatory columns of life's abbreviations for DNA misfits.

The world would be a better place if the sperm which spawned all you Losers
had starred in a successful prophylactic application demo.

herbert glazier

Apr 11, 2011, 8:03:05 AM4/11/11
On Apr 10, 4:38 pm, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

Now that its know that GOPers want to save money by taking it from
medicare Palin's tea party is a pisser. In 2012 the Godfather will
have to do what he did in Florida using Jeb Bush. GOPers stealing
money and votes makes them the big winners in facist USA So sad So
true TreBert

Brad Guth

Apr 11, 2011, 8:18:54 AM4/11/11

Until you put the blame directly upon those responsible, nothing is
ever going to change (at least not for the better).

Keep asking yourself; Where are all the K12s?
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

Brad Guth

Apr 11, 2011, 8:29:59 AM4/11/11
On Apr 10, 1:38 pm, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

So, you're saying that you have really never accomplished anything
personally that was ever of any benefit to anyone else.

Obviously you just don't want anyone else in the whole wide world to
think independently, or to accomplish anything unless it benefits you.

No wonder there are so many others willing to exterminate your kind.

So, tell us why there are still no K12s here in Google Groups or
Usenet/newsgroups to receive the benefit of all your wisdom.

While you're at it, tell us why rednecks like yourself get unlimited
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Apr 11, 2011, 9:41:16 AM4/11/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

We are working on it, Guthball and the Negroid will be called to
justice for ruining this great Land, in order to cater to the non-productive
welfare teat sucklers like yourself and BeertBrain.
He is going to spend 1 BILLION on his re-election campaign ...
and you don't think that is obscene and flies in the face of all of his
phony-ass rhetoric, claiming that his primary concern is the poor ??? A
Billion bucks would go a long way to feed them, wouldn't it, you brain-dead


Apr 11, 2011, 9:51:24 AM4/11/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

On Apr 10, 1:38 pm, "Hagar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 10, 9:12 am, "Hagar" <> wrote:

< snip ignorant GuthBall verbal dribbles >

While you're at it, tell us why rednecks like yourself get unlimited

Because we are much, much smarter than you Liberal cocksuckers. We just got
a little complacent and it bit us in the ass. But the best argument for a
Conservative Government is made you you hapless idiots, simply by supporting
the Community Organizer in Chief.
Even the dumbest of Liberals should have figured out by now that the Piper
will demand to be paid, in Chinese ... and future generations will pay for
the Nigger's reckless and/or clueless actions, if we don't drown on our debt

My personal survival Plan "B" will allow me to stand on the sidelines and
grin with a great deal of "Schadenfreude" when the chickens come home to
roost and you hapless "Morons of the Obamacalypse" get broad-sided for
repeating the same mistakes that brought down the housing market. There is
no free Lunch, except in the greedy eyes of you free-loading Liberals.

herbert glazier

Apr 11, 2011, 5:30:57 PM4/11/11

Reality is 75% hate the GOPers,but Godfather's hand is right in the
treasury,and can take out 3 billion to make Palin the winner. Same as
Rick Scott stole 1.7 billion from medicare and could spend it all to
be come Fl. governor. He spent $100,000,000 and the rest he has in his
deep pocket. No GOPer children are in our wars. You can bet your life
on that. TreBert

Brad Guth

Apr 11, 2011, 7:11:50 PM4/11/11

So you still say that your ZNR/GOP redneck approved likes of GW Bush,
Dick Cheney and their good buddies OBL and Kissinger represented
absolutely no conflict of interest, and as a whole they each did
everything right?

Other than a redneck preemptive WW3, what the hell was your plan?
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

Brad Guth

Apr 11, 2011, 7:23:24 PM4/11/11

Our Hägar is a redneck fart without an exit orifice, so that the
inflated blockage only has that empty redneck brainless skull of his
to expand into.

Otherwise you are absolutely right, to follow the money, as it ends up
in GOP offshore accounts or investments that are untaxable and pretty
much untraceable.

The offshore banks of whatever Church or Synagog is actually about as
private and untouchable as you can get. I bet half of Ponzi Madoff's
loot got hidden in those kinds of privileged banks, and it's
especially safe because Jews simply don't bother to police their own
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

Brad Guth

Apr 11, 2011, 7:39:21 PM4/11/11

President BHO could always threaten to make the sorts of sweeping
changes that JFK was planning on, though getting himself and others
dead probably isn't in the top ten of his bucket list.

Obviously getting us out of that Afghanistan and Iraq mess that you
and other ZNR/GOP approved rednecks got us into, hasn't worked out
according to plan.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Apr 12, 2011, 1:51:49 PM4/12/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

Closing GITMO didn't make it either ... or haven't you noticed. Neither did
the Transparency shtick and the We'll reach Across the Aisle litany and a
host of others. It's time the Nigger man up and admit he's inept and
totally unqualified. I bet he thinks it was George Bush's fault that he was
born in Kenya.
Get a life, you little piss-ant.


Apr 12, 2011, 1:53:30 PM4/12/11

"herbert glazier" <> wrote in message

Say, NumbNutz ... don't you have another sad record to play ??
This repetitious crapola is realllly getting old ... like you.

The Patriot

Apr 12, 2011, 5:54:00 PM4/12/11

"Hagar" <> wrote in message
Hagar you have it just fine. Do you see how easy it is
to make these idot Liberals dance to our tune?

The Patriot

Apr 12, 2011, 6:04:26 PM4/12/11

"Hägar" <> wrote in message
How is it these idiots have figured out how to inhale
and exhale? They must have taken training from the
trash they have elected to government. Stupidity reins
superior in their life's ambition.

Brad Guth

Apr 12, 2011, 6:12:22 PM4/12/11
On Apr 12, 10:51 am, "H gar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
> President BHO could always threaten to make the sorts of sweeping
> changes that JFK was planning on, though getting himself and others
> dead probably isn't in the top ten of his bucket list.
> Obviously getting us out of that Afghanistan and Iraq mess that you
> and other ZNR/GOP approved rednecks got us into, hasn't worked out according
> to plan.
>         *****************************************
> Closing GITMO didn't make it either ... or haven't you noticed.  Neither did
> the Transparency shtick and the We'll reach Across the Aisle litany and a
> host of others.  It's time the Nigger man up and admit he's inept and
> totally unqualified.  I bet he thinks it was George Bush's fault that he was
> born in Kenya.
> Get a life, you little piss-ant.

I have to admit that President BHO kinda let some of us down, though
at least he and his buddies didn't invent any more of those bogus WMD
or having hired the likes of OBL to kill as many Russians as possible,
thus keeping us from having to survive WW3 (like you'd just as soon
get on with another war).
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”


Apr 12, 2011, 8:15:44 PM4/12/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

You dumb fuckers really thrive on digging up the mistakes of people
who have nothing to do with the discussion at hand, just to cover
up your mental shortcomings.
Liberalism is a Mental Disorder and you are the poster child.
This ends this discussion. I don't enjoy engaging an a battle of
wits with an unarmed Putz like you.

herbert glazier

Apr 13, 2011, 8:25:29 AM4/13/11

GOPers keep asking to see Obama's papers. If the president of USA has
to show his ID papers "No One is Safe" GOP Mafia people never have to
show their papers. "I wonder why" Mafia never in press "I wonder why"
Rick Scott can't be brought to justice "I wonder why" And the band
plays on. TreBert

Brad Guth

Apr 13, 2011, 2:11:51 PM4/13/11

The Rothschild "Skull and Bones" and their private Federal Reserve
gets away with murder and extortion, and since they control most of
our loot and pretty much all public archives of personal data, they
also get to morph anyone into whatever ID suits their need or agenda
at hand. For all we know, Rothschilds had President BHO created as a
cloned test-tube child (exactly as Hitler supposedly planned). Who
the hell these days can we trust?
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

Brad Guth

Apr 13, 2011, 2:13:25 PM4/13/11

Your surrender is noted, and accepted.


Apr 13, 2011, 3:54:48 PM4/13/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

It's more like a capitulation due to being confronted by unbridled
stupidity. You really are talking through your ass, GuthBall.


Apr 13, 2011, 7:44:25 PM4/13/11

"herbert glazier" <> wrote in message

They ask you when you try to cash one of your worthless checks,
don't they ??? or when you buy something with a credit card ...
but you probably have neither ... my bad.

herbert glazier

Apr 14, 2011, 2:46:02 AM4/14/11

My checks do not bounce. I have credit cards ,but Severn Trent Water
is trying to hurt my credit. After all I still after sell in my house
refuse to pay $2076 for water. They being GOP Mafia leave out I paid
them by check,and they billed me each month for water I never got for
the last 4 years. I have dated pictures of the meter lock. Still
Mafia 10 Bert 0 Severn Trent Water out of the UK has been taken to
justice by the Sever Fraud Department for over billing. USA being
fascist you will soon pay your utility bills throgh your home taxes.
Waste Management was first Mafia company being paid by taxes. The
GOdfather rules USA. lock stock and barrel Proof of this is
housing,banking,medicare,NASA, All pills and drugs Get the picture

Sir Gilligan Horry

Apr 14, 2011, 5:07:27 AM4/14/11

You have Love from Sir Gilligan Horry.
Come and Live with me.
I am 90% Homeless.


Alt Alien Research Intelligence Agency Official Admiral Wizzard.

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Beautiful Documentary ...

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"Jims Space Agency"



Apr 14, 2011, 8:36:16 AM4/14/11

"herbert glazier" <> wrote in message

*** Yea, we get it ... you're a dummy.

herbert glazier

Apr 14, 2011, 8:39:50 AM4/14/11

GOP Mafia own 37% of USA properties,and 30% of all homes. Its safe to
say no matter what names water companies use its Severn Trent Water
all the way down. Check it out TreBert


Apr 14, 2011, 9:25:36 AM4/14/11

"Brad Guth" <> wrote in message

On Apr 11, 6:51 am, "H gar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
< snip incoherent GuthBall rants >

So you still say that your ZNR/GOP redneck approved likes of GW Bush,
Dick Cheney and their good buddies OBL and Kissinger represented
absolutely no conflict of interest, and as a whole they each did
everything right?

Other than a redneck preemptive WW3, what the hell was your plan?

You know that they have meds now for your mental condition ... don't you ???
they might even be covered under "Negroidcare", you should really check into
this, GuthBall ... you're not getting better ...
BTW, you condition is also known as Liberalism, a well known and identified
Mental Disorder ... not treatable in the advances stages.

Brad Guth

Apr 14, 2011, 11:16:12 AM4/14/11

You could have put in a shallow well, filtered and treated your own
water for less than $20/month.

Just having city or county water passing by your property with an
available meter is worth a monthly basic charge because of sewage/
blackwater treatment is spendy as hell, even if no actual water is
taken. Obviously the zero-water or whatever minimum base rate was
excessive to begin with.

If you live in such a Mafia state that's run by whatever faith-based
cloaked pretenders, you're screwed no matters what.

Nowadays, a typical boat toilet will cost you at least $5/flush, and I
know of some having paid as much as $100/flush, and that's only
because most everything has gotten way too complicated and spendy as
hell in order to comply with every regulation. This was only
necessary because Americans are mostly uneducated morons and redneck
hicks that simply don't even know how anything actually works or much
less how to properly use a toilet, in that a neighboring boat moorage
or local property owner takes notice and complains, and then everyone
from here on out gets to pay big time. It used to cost the boat
owners an average of less than 10 cents per flush (that's all
inclusive, including the toilet and all of its technical systems,
plumbing investments and whatever servicing cost), and if your
property had a proper drain field it would still be a similar low all-
inclusive cost per flush.

Because people of our pathetic K12 education system and even those
much higher educated have become bonehead lazy, flat out ignorant and
otherwise arrogant and/or dumbfounded as their own shit, so that their
shit plus everything else that's stuffed through their toilets has to
be fully contained, hauled away and treated as complex hazardous waste
that only spendy systems and highly paid individuals get to fuss with,
and that takes a great deal of community infrastructure, technology,
expertise and everything about it consuming a considerable amount of
energy in addition to whatever water.

The single largest energy and water consumption in the greater Seattle
water district is for their blackwater waste management, and nowadays
property owners don't have any choice but to pay big-time even if they
use zilch worth of water.

In other words, every city and county has gotten everything dumbed
down to the point where everyone else gets to pay big-time for
accommodating the most stupid individuals on Earth, and it's only
getting worse because K12s simply have no idea how anything works.
Brad Guth, Brad_Guth, Brad.Guth, BradGuth, BG / “Guth Usenet”

Brad Guth

Apr 14, 2011, 11:21:38 AM4/14/11
On Apr 14, 6:25 am, "H gar" <> wrote:
> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 11, 6:51 am, "H gar" <> wrote:> "Brad Guth" <> wrote in message
> < snip incoherent GuthBall rants >
> So you still say that your ZNR/GOP redneck approved likes of GW Bush,
> Dick Cheney and their good buddies OBL and Kissinger represented
> absolutely no conflict of interest, and as a whole they each did
> everything right?
> Other than a redneck preemptive WW3, what the hell was your plan?
>         **********************************
> You know that they have meds now for your mental condition ... don't you ???
> they might even be covered under "Negroidcare", you should really check into
> this, GuthBall ... you're not getting better ...
> BTW, you condition is also known as Liberalism, a well known and identified
> Mental Disorder ... not treatable in the advances stages.

Your ZNR/GOP redneck flatulence of deep-fried roadkill is noted. Is
that why the forth go-around in 4th grade always had you sitting by an
open window?

The other kids probably thought you were a young dysfunctional janitor
or foreign exchange student from some land of heathens.


Apr 14, 2011, 11:31:10 AM4/14/11
On 4/14/2011 11:16 AM, Brad Guth wrote:
> This was only
> necessary because Americans are mostly uneducated morons and redneck
> hicks that simply don't even know how anything actually works or much
> less how to properly use a toilet

I'd say that most Americans know how to use a toilet.

"OK you cunts, let's see what you can do now" -Hit Girl


Apr 14, 2011, 11:32:54 AM4/14/11
On 4/14/2011 11:21 AM, Brad Guth wrote:

> Your ZNR/GOP redneck flatulence of deep-fried roadkill is noted. Is
> that why the forth go-around in 4th grade always had you sitting by an
> open window?
> The other kids probably thought you were a young dysfunctional janitor
> or foreign exchange student from some land of heathens.

Guth: When was the last time you really laughed?

"OK you cunts, let's see what you can do now" -Hit Girl

Please don't go for the cheap joke here. I really want to know.

Brad Guth

Apr 14, 2011, 11:47:35 AM4/14/11

No they don't, including yourself having no idea as to what it takes
in order to deal with your shit plus everything else you retards
dispose of.

Brad Guth

Apr 14, 2011, 11:51:58 AM4/14/11

I'm laughing right now, because this nation has been so systematically
screwed over by those of your fascist mafia kind, that all anyone sane
can do is laugh.

Lucky you get to adjust your IV drip to suit, so as long as that
medicated fluid holds out, you're good to go.


Apr 14, 2011, 11:59:58 AM4/14/11
On 4/14/2011 11:51 AM, Brad Guth wrote:

>> Guth: When was the last time you really laughed?
>> --

> I'm laughing right now

So you have a new mirror?

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