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Missouri African American searching for stolen bi-racial children

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Idris Alooma

Dec 14, 2003, 9:20:22 PM12/14/03
Daba Zeta,

I am an African American male who is childless, and very unhappy over
being unable to find my children. I have no other living close
relatives on my fathers' side of the family .My closest relative on my
dads side is Mannie Jackson, the owner of the Harlem Globetrotters.
His grandfather and my father were first cousins.

My child was born to Cindy Edwards, white female, from Jackson, MO,
who was 24, or 25, and Clyde L. Benson, during one of our frequent
boody calls sometimes during late 1984, or early 1985 in Cape
Girardeau. She told her friends that I was the father, and told me
"Hell no!" "You aren't the daddy and don't ask me again . The child
was immediately given up for adoption by her mother who told
family services that she didn't know whom the father was.

I could have a 18 year old somewhere in America that I would dearly
like to meet and become a positive part of there life. I know where
Cindy is and I have her phone and other pertinent information. None of
the agencies seem willing to provide me with any information. I have
lived an interesting, and exciting life enjoying the friendship,
cultures, and wisdom of people of all ethnic groups. Now I understand

didn't want me around trying to claim what was rightfully mine. So I
have had this huge hole in my heart for the last 18 years not knowing
where my daughter/son is. I sent a lot of information to Jefferson
City, MO about myself, and they told me that if she/he comes looking
when they reaches 21, they would let her have the file.

Geez! That is still 3 years away yet. I wanted to be a part of her
life as she is growing up, so I can direct her in a way that will be
positive and fulfilling for her. Everything is geared to protect the
woman who gives up the child and the family who adopts it. No
consideration is given to the father who may have been intentionally
left out of the loop, and who really wanted to
raise his child.

I have Cindy's address, phone number, and SSN. If anyone out there
has clues as to where this child is, or knows how I may find her
email me at "", or post a message to the
"adoption Searching newsgroup"

.I was engaged to be married to 18 year old Mary Hilyard of 505 East
Elm Street in Tucson, Arizona back in the fall of 1970. Mary was half
Japanese, and half African American. We dated for six months and then
made plans to marry. Shortly after that I received orders from the Air
Force to relocate to Udorn, Thailand.

I didn't feel comfortable getting married and then leaving her for an
entire year, so I called off the wedding. Shortly after that I
relocated back to Missouri for 30 day leave before proceeding to
Thailand. When I returned from Thailand, I contacted Mary, and asked
her how our
child was doing. She said that she did have a son by a man she met on
rebound, but that she had lost our son while pushing a baby carriage
through the park with a friend. :-) I always felt that was a very
strange story since baby carriages have huge slender wheels and are
designed to be easy to push; not cause miscarriages.

I have always wondered if Mary does have my child and just didn't
want me to know it because she was angry that I had cancelled the
wedding. The son would be about 33 years old now. Mary may still be in
the Tucson area. She had a brother named George and an older brother
named Butch. Her sister-in-laws name was Laverne. Her best friends
were two Puerto Rican women named Sonjya and Soretta.
She worked at the University of Arizona as an administrative type for
some time. Assante Sana

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Dec 15, 2003, 2:16:23 AM12/15/03
Seems to me I heard this same exact story 1-2 years ago and this 'child' was
18 then.
Yes I reread it again, same exact story, same exact details.
If the state of MO says if someone comes looking for the info when they are
21 then you have to wait til they turn 21. End of story. Law is law.
Now if I read this same exact story 1-2 years ago you were definitely
searching for a MINOR and that is completely ILLEGAL.
Go join one of Berns groups on smartgroups, she will let you search, she
lets anyone search for minors.
Until that child turns 21 you need to take a hike. It is ILLEGAL for you to
search and ILLEGAL for anyone to help you.
If you have a SS# go get a PI but I think you have already tried that and
was turned down or you wouldnt be here.
See you in 3 years IF this story is even true......which I doubt since I
read the exact same story before, down to every last detail.

Dr. Carleton Bradley

Dec 15, 2003, 1:00:21 PM12/15/03
In article <3fdd5fc9$0$60283$>,
heardthis@shitbefore says...
If people didn't stand up to unjust laws,

Some of us would still be slaves. That use to be a law too remember?

Of course by the hateful WS way you sound, I suspect that would make you
very happy wouldn't it?

People in black robes have done far more destruction to people of color
than people in white sheets.
Being an honest, very savvy intelligent fella, I choose to follow laws
that I think are moral and fair, and ignore the rest of them.

I do the same thing with people too. So this will be my last post to



Dec 16, 2003, 5:00:03 PM12/16/03

> If people didn't stand up to unjust laws,
> Some of us would still be slaves. That use to be a law too remember?

I do believe it was a WHITE man that saw the injustice of slavery and freed
blacks.......I think he was even the President.

> Of course by the hateful WS way you sound, I suspect that would make you
> very happy wouldn't it?

No would not be happy to 'own' a person. It is much easier to HIRE someone.

> People in black robes have done far more destruction to people of color
> than people in white sheets.

Lets face it, people of color do far more damage to their own community than
any black robed individual could.
You have black MEN fathering children all over town and taking no
responsibility for these children. You have black women happily bearing
these children. The drugs and violence in the black community is tearing it
Does this sound WS to you? You might be surprised to know that I live in the
black community as a member of my community.
Instead of complaining about past injustices against people of color you
should be spending your time helping to lift up your brothers and sisters
instead of whining about it and doing nothing.

Will Smith

Dec 16, 2003, 9:52:42 PM12/16/03
In article <3fdf8065$0$60254$>,
nothingbetter@todo says...

> > If people didn't stand up to unjust laws,
> >
> > Some of us would still be slaves. That use to be a law too remember?
> I do believe it was a WHITE man that saw the injustice of slavery and freed
> blacks.......I think he was even the President.

Well, you believe wrong! Abraham Lincoln was known to be a black man in
the community where he lives. All of his neighbors knew it. In any case
he didn't feel the slaves because he felt it was wrong. In his own
words, he said he was more interested in preserving the UNION.

> >
> > Of course by the hateful WS way you sound, I suspect that would make you
> > very happy wouldn't it?
> No would not be happy to 'own' a person. It is much easier to HIRE someone.
> >
> > People in black robes have done far more destruction to people of color
> > than people in white sheets.
> Lets face it, people of color do far more damage to their own community than
> any black robed individual could.

Not true boy! Simply not true!

> You have black MEN fathering children all over town and taking no
> responsibility for these children. You have black women happily bearing
> these children. The drugs and violence in the black community is tearing it
> apart.

Yes, you are correct there. However the white community is facing the
same issues and they are growing in your community faster than they are
in ours.

> Does this sound WS to you? You might be surprised to know that I live in the
> black community as a member of my community.
> Instead of complaining about past injustices against people of color you
> should be spending your time helping to lift up your brothers and sisters
> instead of whining about it and doing nothing.

I'm not really seeking reparations for past injustices, but rather for
all of the ignorance, hatred, slick and sneaky under the table things
that whites have done to me during my lifetime. Only an idiot would
believe that whites were prejudiced during slavery, but are all somehow
wonderful today.

Have you heard of the KKK, Nazi's, skin heads, Aryan nation and any of
the thousands of other white hate groups and individuals like yourself
who are still working to bring about the downfall of the African

Do you have a TV in your home? Do you watch anything on it besides

If you do, did you hear what H.R. Haldeman and President Nixon said
about black people on one of Nixon's tape that CBS news played last

Here is the link to it where you can hear the most powerful men in the
world speaking about blacks in the same manner as the KKK.

SEARCH RESULTS 1 - 10 of 11 total results for Haldeman Nixon
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Advanced Search | Search Tips

1. Tapes: Nixon Disliked Reagan | December 10, 2003 19:58:09 •••
Tapes: Nixon Disliked Reagan COLLEGE PARK, Md. , Dec. 10, 2003 Nixon
Tapes Slam Reagan Richard Nixon gives his trademark "V' for victory as
he boards...
...President Richard Nixon Ronald Reagan, seen at desk in Oval Office,
was "an uncomfortable man to be around," said President Nixon on newly
...(AP) President Nixon didn't think much of fellow Californian and Republican icon Ronald Reagan,
calling him "strange" and not "pleasant to be around,"...

Go to this link read the story then click on the video link to the left
to hear the racist things they were saying.

Im Hotep


Dec 17, 2003, 2:07:17 AM12/17/03

Abraham Lincoln was known to be a black man in
> the community where he lives. All of his neighbors knew it.

I find that hard to believe. Had Abraham Lincoln been thought of as 'black'
the only position he would have held in the White House would have been

Only an idiot would
> believe that whites were prejudiced during slavery, but are all somehow
> wonderful today.

In no way are whites innocent on any level and they are certainly flawed as
all human beings are.
So are you saying that only white people OWN prejudice?
I hardly think so.
Truthfully though, racism exists in every culture.
Racism is born of ignorance.
The younger generations are clearly learning that racism is wrong. One of
two more generations and perhaps the ignorance will have been bred out of
the American civilization.(one can only hope)

I have certainly done my part in raising children that dont discriminate.
If you would like 'proof' and want to attach labels to people, one of my
children is dating a 'Chinese/American', another child is dating an 'African
American' and she lives with an 'african american' family.
I have neices and nephews that are 'caucasion', neices and nephews that are
'african american'. I just call them my FAMILY.
Do you know WHY I raised my children not to discriminate??
My 'father' tried his damnedest to instill superiority of race in his
children.......but it did not work.We knew instictively that it was WRONG.
I am sorry that you have been hurt by 'white' people just remember that not
ALL 'white' people are like that.
Many of us detest racism.

Bern's Sorry Hubby

Dec 17, 2003, 10:33:10 AM12/17/03
Aren't you the fool who appears on here every now and again, the last
time, referring to the child's birthmother as your "booty call?"
From some of the things I have seen you post here, in reference to the
child and the mother, I would hope you NEVER find this daughter. You
have no documentation to even prove that this child is yours, nor the
DOB. In other words, you have no legal rights. Oh, and the child
could NOT have been given up by its maternal grandmother. Only the
birthmother can sign the papers - NOT the grandmother. Funny thing
too, she has been age 18, according to you, for the past couple of
years you have been posting this.

I suggest you join Bernice's group ALIA on where the
rest of the fools meet. You'd probably find yourself more than

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 02:20:22 GMT, Idris Alooma <>

Bern's Sorry Hubby

Dec 17, 2003, 10:29:38 AM12/17/03
Aren't you the fool who appears on here every now and again, the last
time, referring to the child's birthmother as your "booty call?"
From some of the things I have seen you post here, in reference to the
child and the mother, I would hope you NEVER find this daughter. You
have no documentation to even prove that this child is yours, nor the
DOB. In other words, you have no legal rights. Oh, and the child
could NOT have been given up by its maternal grandmother. Only the
birthmother can sign the papers - NOT the grandmother. Funny thing
too, she has been age 18, according to you, for the past couple of
years you have been posting this.

I suggest you join Bernice's group ALIA on where the
rest of the fools meet. You'd probably find yourself more than

On Mon, 15 Dec 2003 02:20:22 GMT, Idris Alooma <>

>Daba Zeta,

Will Smith

Dec 18, 2003, 1:48:26 AM12/18/03
Daba Zeta,

In article <>, says...

> Abraham Lincoln was known to be a black man in
> > the community where he lives. All of his neighbors knew it.
> I find that hard to believe. Had Abraham Lincoln been thought of as 'black'
> the only position he would have held in the White House would have been
> servant.

Hi Amy,

Here is one place where I have seen information that back in his day
many people thought Abe was a black man:

The Five Black Presidents of
The United States Of America
Dr. Leroy Vaughn

> Only an idiot would
> > believe that whites were prejudiced during slavery, but are all somehow
> > wonderful today.
> >
> In no way are whites innocent on any level and they are certainly flawed as
> all human beings are.
> So are you saying that only white people OWN prejudice?

You are making the all to common mistake Amy that MOST whites make. When
debating other whites who don't know any more about the mechanics of
white supremacy than you do, you can get away with that statement, but
not with me. I try not to use the term RACISM any more because slick
white people have taken to calling us RACISTS. People who study
this phenomena of WHITE SUPREMACY in depth use that term, Black people
aren't white, and we aren't supreme anywhere in America.

Prejudice and Racism are two different things that you are using like
they are identical.

Here are the dictionary definitions Amy


BIGOT: A person who is utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or
racial opinion that differs from his/her own.

EQUITY: The quality of being fair and just in dealing with all human


PLURALISM: A situation in which different groups live in mutual respect
while maintaining their own identities.

RACISM: AS DEFINED BY Websters Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the
English Language. "(1)a belief that human races have distinctive
characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually
involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to
rule all other races different from their own.

Number one is identical to what you said.

(2) The group that thinks itself to be superior must have the power to
make and enforce policies that hold down the group judged to be

Amy most black people don't have the power to hold white people down.
That's the main reason why they shouldn't be called racist

.(3) a system of government or society based upon these premises.
Who controls the American Government Amy? White people right? Remember
George Bush II?

RACIAL PREJUDICE: Someone who prejudges, or holds an incorrect, or at
the very least an inaccurate portrayal of an individual who holds
membership in the group under question.

RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: actions taken based on incorrect, or inaccurate
attitudes toward a member of a racial, ethnic, or minority group that
results from the individuals membership in that group.
Remember! Prejudice is an incorrect attitude, discrimination is action
towards those people based on those incorrect thoughts.

Many learned African Americans stopped using the term "Racist" a long
while ago because clever, but misinformed white people grabbed onto the
word and started branding every outspoken African American a racist.

That's why most of us are moving towards using "White supremacist" There
can be no black supremacists because even Stevie Wonder can see that
black people in America have very little power, and aren't supreme at
all in the business, or educational worlds when compared to white folk.

> I hardly think so.
> Truthfully though, racism exists in every culture.

Yes, but that doesn't mean that people should just sit back and put up
with it. did white women just sit back and put up with SEXISM from their
white men? Or did they take to the streets screaming "Male Chauvinist
Pigs" burning their bras and raising Holy Hell for years until they got
their conditions vastly improved.

So why should black do any less when what we endure is far worse?

> Racism is born of ignorance.

Babies are not born racist. I have held and kissed many little white
babies that are only a few months old. They just look at me wide eyed
just like they would you.

They are small super high power computers that are waiting to be
programmed. If their minds are programmed correctly, in a decent and
humane fashion, they grow up to be wonderful people.

If they are brain damaged by their parents and friends feeding them all
sorts of nonsense about RACE, they they will grow up full of hatred and
confusion. When a computer is programmed wrong it kicks out stupid
reports and pay checks, but all you have to do is reprogram it and then
it works fine. The human mind is the same way Amy.

> The younger generations are clearly learning that racism is wrong. One of
> two more generations and perhaps the ignorance will have been bred out of
> the American civilization.(one can only hope)

Well, from where you sit perhaps it looks that way. From where I am I
totally disagree. Whites have been telling us that now for over a 100
years. With the growth of the Internet, I see white supremacy on the
rise. Savages from all over the world can now easily contact each other
and spread their mad dog philosophy worldwide in minutes.

The people who measure racial incidents say it is definitely on the
increase. I mean white people like "Morris Dees"

Southern Poverty LAw Center- Morris Dees You can see what the WHITE hate
groups are doing. He doesn't track BLACK hate groups because there
aren't any such animal.

> I have certainly done my part in raising children that dont discriminate.

Well, that's mighty white of ya amy. :-)

> If you would like 'proof' and want to attach labels to people, one of my
> children is dating a 'Chinese/American', another child is dating an 'African
> American' and she lives with an 'african american' family.
> I have neices and nephews that are 'caucasion', neices and nephews that are
> 'african american'. I just call them my FAMILY.

Now you are making another FATAL mistake that lets me and white
supremacists know you are not telling the truth.
Never try to prove you are not a White Supremacist by telling someone
that your children date interracially. It sounds like you are trying to
live through them.

I'm sure you didn't tell any of them to go find black men and Chinese
men. That was a decision they made on their own There are lots of
parents who teach their children those things, but the children because
of peer pressure refuse to date interacially and end up becoming garden
variety common Caucasians.

Around here I see lots of white girls with
black men. When they are at home, their parents call them every filthy
name in the book and even disown them. When they are in front of black
folks, the parents grin and tell us about how many black boyfriends and
biracial grandchildren they have. Deep down iside though MOST OF THEM
are ready to explode with anger.

So what I want to know is how you feel Amy? Do you have you dated/boody
called black men and Chinese men?

I have dated and had boody calls with women from probably 12 different
ethnic groups. My only regret is that I didn't cover more of them. They
were all human beings. they smelled good, looked good, kissed good, and
did the nasty good. So to me the only thing that matters is whether we
can get along or not.

So Amy are you willing to admit on-line that you have dated and done the
nasty with hulking black men? :-)

> Do you know WHY I raised my children not to discriminate??
> My 'father' tried his damnedest to instill superiority of race in his
> children.......but it did not work.We knew instictively that it was WRONG.

That sounds wonderful, but I really don't know if all that happened or
not. I just have to take your word for it. I'm communicating with you;
so again I am asking Amy what ethnic groups have covered you?

> I am sorry that you have been hurt by 'white' people just remember that not
> ALL 'white' people are like that.
> Many of us detest racism.
> Amy

That's all very true Amy. However, the richest and most powerful white
people like the ones who run this country and make the decision that
America work are 95% of the time very racially hostile.

those are the people who have the power to order the destruction of
people of color here in Amerikkka, or anywhere else in the world if that
country has something America wants.

The rest of the people may not be as racially hostile, but they are not
in positions of power where they can do things to make Amerikkka a
fairer place for all people of color.

Remember, the people who wear black robes do a lot more damage to black
folk and to this country as a whole than do people in white sheets.

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Im Heteph


Dec 18, 2003, 5:41:55 PM12/18/03

I never accepted 'booty calls' from anyone.
My brother has the same attitude as you do "Those that discriminate
masturbate" He 'covers' as many women as possible.

> So Amy are you willing to admit on-line that you have dated and done the
> nasty with hulking black men? :-)

Not only dated MARRIED.

I'm sure you didn't tell any of them to go find black men and Chinese
men. That was a decision they made on their own

Exactly, they chose who they want to date and are supported in whatever they
decide to do with their lives.
Love knows no 'color'. They knew that by example.

We can sit here and discuss rascism and white supremacy all day. You are
more keenly aware of racism than I am because you have to deal with it on a
daily basis. I have this 'white' skin to shield me from it.
Do you not think that I have not had to deal with prejudice marrying a
'black man' in the South and having neices and nephews of each race??
Why dont you go shopping with me when I take all the kids.
We are now divorced and the family disowned HIM and kept ME. I am Aunt
Amy......and I will be until the day I die.
What about the MAN I raised to be a GOOD man. He is now married with 2 kids,
has a good education and a wonderful job. Should I also tell you that he is
Does that make any difference what 'color' he is or what label can be
attached to him? Isnt it enough that he is a GOOD man works hard and raises
his children? What more could a mother want?

What about the countless foster children I have taken care of? Do you think
I said "I only want white children?"
Hell no, I said give me ALL the children that need me.

What I meant about prejudice being born of ignorance it did not mean 'given
birth' to in the literal sense. Children are children period. They dont know
hatred and prejudice, that is taught.
What I meant about being born of ignorance I meant that that seed is planted
by someones ignorance. It festers it grows and it is born.
I do mean that prejudice exists in ALL societies, black, white, hispanic,
ect ect. It exists in ALL religions too.

Will Smith

Dec 22, 2003, 1:08:07 PM12/22/03
In article <3fe22d35$0$60268$>, says...

> I never accepted 'booty calls' from anyone.
> My brother has the same attitude as you do "Those that discriminate
> masturbate" He 'covers' as many women as possible.

Wow! A real honest white woman for a change! What a delight!:-)
Well prepare yourself for nasty phone calls and emails from the savages
on this list who are brain damaged when it comes to knowing about
sociology and psychology.

Your brother is a wise man after my own heart! If people would spend
more time having sex with opposite sex people that they care about, they
wouldn't spend so much time massacring, blowing up, and committing
genocide on innocent populations like Iraq! :-)

The hippy had it right! Make love; not war!

Will Smith

Dec 22, 2003, 1:11:09 PM12/22/03
In article <3fe22d35$0$60268$>, says...
Goodness! Now here is a white woman who is not afraid to tell it like it
is. There is nothing that disturbs me more than white women who date
black men and then pretend that there is no racism.

The truth is you see it and feel it when you are with your black man or
children, but when you want to get away from it all you have to do is
live them at home and go out by yourself.

Then you get all the red carpet treatment that comes with being a decent
white woman right?

I'm sure it really staggered you when you noticed the difference Amy?

I have to go shower. I'm expecting guests. I'll be back in two minutes
when I finish my toilet.

Will Smith

Dec 22, 2003, 2:05:27 PM12/22/03
In article <3fe22d35$0$60268$>, says...

This is all great stuff, but you destroy what you are saying by not
saying in CAPS that it is the white MANS fault. You try and throw
everyone in the same boat, but that is real faulty judgement.

Yes, everyone has prejudices. I like Chocolate cake, but I don't like
Angel food cake.

I like Brownies and Chocolate chip cookies and ice cream, but I don't
care for Strawberry.

I like Tennis and Ping pong, but I hate football, and basketball.

Those likes and disliked do not have any impact at all on my neighbors,
or my colleagues.

However, when you HATE the majority population of the world because they
have DARK skin... that is RACIAL PREJUDICE. It is a far more dangerous
thing. White women have been shot, beaten,brutalized just for dating and
marrying black men.

So if you want to be listened to and respected when learned people are
discussing WHITE SUPREMACY, you should understand the difference.

Trying to equate simple prejudices that we all have with RACIAL
PREJUDICE is like comparing a migraine with someone who has terminal

Yes black people have prejudice, but I'll bet you can't find any on-line
who hate white people JUST BECAUSE they have pale unhealthy looking

I discuss white supremacy and live under it every day. I have never met
a black person in my entire life who shunned white people just because
they had pale, blotchy skin. I'll bet no one here can find a black
person like that either.

Also Amy you need to direct your comments about people being allowed to
be whatever color they want to be to WHIT PEOPLE.Not to me. I don't have
skin color psychosis. That is a problem that whites in Amerikkka and
around the world have.

You also speak about foster care. Why is it that you can go out and
adopt take in black children, but I never see white babies being given
to happy, strong black families to raise. White people are always
talking about how they would love to have children of all colors, but
they don't seem willing to allow white children to be raised in a home
with a strong, intelligent black man like myself. I would teach them a
true history and they would grow up loving and respecting black people
as well as whites.

I think that is what the agencies fear! Don't you?

Black people are ANGRY at white people for how they treat us. We have a
right to be angry! you would be too if you were a black woman.

Look at the white womens feminist movement from back in the 70's Those
women got out in the streets vandalized, screamed, burned their
bras,called their white men MALE CHAUVINIST PIGS, and generally turned
everything upset down until their demands were met. They didn't whites keep asking us to do.

Now do you think those white women were prejudiced? Do you think they
hated white people who tried to force them to have sex to get a
promotion, or who turned managers into women who made coffee and waited
on the men, or who had to listen to filthy jokes that dehumanized

Of course they didn't! At the end of the day they went home to either
white men, or white women for the most part.

So as I'm sure you wouldn't call them prejudice... you need to stop
trying to place black people in the same boat as white people. We didn't
start the slave trade, black people didn't just walk up to the
plantation owner and volunteer to be slaves for over 200 years. We
didn't volunteer to be placed in a noose and hung; many times for things
we didn't do.

We didn't volunteer for the whippings, rapes, and other savagery that
white people who had slaves did to us.

Also those white people who didn't have slaves, still benefited back
then and today because of what this country erroneously believes about
being white versus being black.

The lowliest, trashiest, stinkiest, drug infested white person can walk
up to a black person with money, education, and sophistication, and
still call them a NI..ER!

What that piece of white trash knows is that no matter how far he slides
down the ladder of respectability, he can NEVER BECOME A NI..ER!

That knowledge is so important to white people that no matter how fair
they think they are; how unprejudiced they believe themselves to be, no
white person has ever volunteered to give up their white skin and become
black. Even though they live lives of denial about race they know how
dangerous life would immediately become for them should that happen.

Amy, send me you email address privately, I have an offer for you that
you might find interesting. :-)



Dec 22, 2003, 3:27:44 PM12/22/03

> Goodness! Now here is a white woman who is not afraid to tell it like it
> is. There is nothing that disturbs me more than white women who date
> black men and then pretend that there is no racism.

Racism exists everyday for me. I see it and I am keenly aware of it. Perhaps
not on the level you are aware I am sure, for that I am the wrong 'color'

> The truth is you see it and feel it when you are with your black man or
> children, but when you want to get away from it all you have to do is
> live them at home and go out by yourself.

WHY would I go away from it? This is my family.
If people dont like my family they can get bent. I have told people to drop
dead more than once for their comments. I dont care if its said in the
middle of Walmart the grocery store or in a crowd of people. I tell it like
it is.

> Then you get all the red carpet treatment that comes with being a decent
> white woman right?

By "decent" white woman you mean the Betty Crocker homemaker church going
what will the neighbors think kind of person.
I dont want to be a 'decent' white woman if I have to go through all that!
I do not live my life by society standards of how a decent white woman
should be or act. My home flows with people all the time. There is no sign
on my door saying whites only, never has been and never will.

> I'm sure it really staggered you when you noticed the difference Amy?

I was aware of racism long before I dated and married a man of color. Not to
the extent I was educated once I started dating him though! One southern
state I lived in has more mixed races than any other state in the US.
I felt extremely welcomed there. (Louisiana)

My household has always flowed with black, white, hispanic, arab, Jewish,
Muslim, Christian way before I dated a 'black' man....I have never kept

Trust me. I am related to more racists than anyone should be allowed to be
related to! I have my family tree here that dates to the 1600's. I am very
aware of their generations of hatred.
My southern family owned more black people than anyone could imagine. They
still think it should be that way, at least the majority of them.
My siblings and I are totally against all the hatred the family tried to
teach us. I guess that is because I had a good yankee mother that taught us
better than that and a we have a whole lot more common sense to make our own
Do you know that the majority of male children that witness spousal abuse
and endure child abuse go on to commit those acts themselves?
It is only be conciously deciding not to fall into that pattern that the
abuse lineage is broken at least for the next generation. That applies to
our family.
You can apply that same principle to the racism. By conciously deciding at a
very young age that racism is wrong we have all chosen to break that racism
lineage from our immediate family.
With my children and the other children in our family they do not practice
racism, it was not taught to them. Our house looks like the United Nations
and always has.
My children had white dolls and black dolls when they grew up and that was
in the early 80s. They carried them everywhere as young girls do. No doll
was superior they loved them all. How many white kids do you know that have
any black dolls to play with? I bet you cant name one, at least not in the
early 80's.
Kids are kids and they learn what they are taught.
I rebelled against racism education thusly my children have clearly
benefited by my decision.
The world could stand to have a few more 'decent' women like me in it.
If all women raised their children like I raised mine, racism would be
extinct in one generation.


Dec 22, 2003, 4:16:49 PM12/22/03
I have asked myself that very same question about the department of social
Not once did I see a white child in a black foster home.
Believe me more white children are in foster homes than black children in
this country. There are very few african american foster parents, thus these
white children will be housed in a group home before being sent to a black
foster home.
Then again it is not completely DHSs fault, they are clearly lacking any
foster home black or white. There is a severe shortage in the US.
As far as a black child in a white household I have seen that many times.
When my husband and I were in foster parenting classes DHS fell all over us,
we had kids by the 3rd week of the 10 week course! They broke their necks
filling my house with black children. It was fine with me absolutely but DHS
literally went against the rules by giving us children before we were
licensed by the state.

It is completely disgusting that DHS has never sent a white child to a black
home. How will racism ever end if they are perpetuating it?
Personally I find the black culture much richer than white. What child would
not benefit by being raised by a strong woman of color? They do not play
games with their love. (I am generalizing) They are not timid about showing
and giving of their love. She draws the line in the sand and dares you to
cross it (by penalty of a severe butt kicking)

Not like the typical white woman.
She is often distant in showing love (again generalizing)
Draws the line in the sand but doesnt dare you to cross it. She lets you
walk on that line and jump over it all you want. She runs you to soccer,
takes you to ballet to show her love. Cross the line mister and you are
going to time out or getting grounded. Imagine that generation coming of

If you ask my sister in laws they will tell you, I have much too much sista
in me. I dont play games with love nor discipline.

> You also speak about foster care. Why is it that you can go out and
> adopt take in black children, but I never see white babies being given
> to happy, strong black families to raise. White people are always
> talking about how they would love to have children of all colors, but
> they don't seem willing to allow white children to be raised in a home
> with a strong, intelligent black man like myself. I would teach them a
> true history and they would grow up loving and respecting black people
> as well as whites.
> I think that is what the agencies fear! Don't you?

The feminist movement of the 70's I was just a child.
I know practically nothing on the subject I just know that my life is much
better than my grandmothers.

> The lowliest, trashiest, stinkiest, drug infested white person can walk
> up to a black person with money, education, and sophistication, and
> still call them a NI..ER!
> What that piece of white trash knows is that no matter how far he slides
> down the ladder of respectability, he can NEVER BECOME A NI..ER!

That is the truth right there. It is so disgustingly true.
Black has always been synonymous with the word NI**ER. However, I find that
many blacks refer to themselves as NI**ER too. Whites will only say it
behind a black persons back though, never to their face.

> white person has ever volunteered to give up their white skin and become
> black.

I would gladly volunteer. Please do not put me in the catagory of your
typical white person, I do not fit that mold.
I find the black woman exceptionally beautiful period.
My brother does too as he prefers to date only black women however, like he
says those that discriminate masturbate so he does date white women on rare
Finding a strong man is very hard to find. Finding a strong black man is
even harder. Just ask all the fine young black women out there looking for
that man and never finding him.
I do believe that they can ask for way too much in one person though (again
generalizing)......I chide my sister in laws all the time.
You find a man, a GOOD man and you support him faithfully and he will be the
strong man they are seeking.
A man is only as strong as the woman that stands beside him, when he isnt
standing next to his mother.

Will Smith

Dec 23, 2003, 2:14:57 PM12/23/03
In article <3fe75f42$0$25379$>, says...
I'm starting to love you Amy! Your honesty is wonderful!

What do I have to do to send you email privately...? This is personal
stuff I want to ask you, but nothing relating to sex, money, drugs, or

I have some food for you that will provide you with nourishment beyond
your wildest imaginations. :-)

Will Smith

Dec 27, 2003, 4:14:10 PM12/27/03
In article <3fe75f42$0$25379$>, says...
> Then again it is not completely DHSs fault, they are clearly lacking any
> foster home black or white. There is a severe shortage in the US.
> As far as a black child in a white household I have seen that many times.
> When my husband and I were in foster parenting classes DHS fell all over us,
> we had kids by the 3rd week of the 10 week course! They broke their necks
> filling my house with black children. It was fine with me absolutely but DHS
> literally went against the rules by giving us children before we were
> licensed by the state.

I know many black people including my next door neighbors who have two
foster biracial children as of this moment. they would love to raise
small white children, but DHS refuses or makes all sorts of excuses for
not allowing them to do that. There are many black caseworkers who work
for DHS, but the people at the top who make and enforce these racist
policies are WHITE!

> It is completely disgusting that DHS has never sent a white child to a black
> home. How will racism ever end if they are perpetuating it?

I know dats right!

> Personally I find the black culture much richer than white. What child would
> not benefit by being raised by a strong woman of color?

A strong woman is fine, but there needs to be a strong black man as well
present in the home.

They do not play
> games with their love. (I am generalizing) They are not timid about showing
> and giving of their love. She draws the line in the sand and dares you to
> cross it (by penalty of a severe butt kicking)

No woman of any color kicks my butt! I don't behave in a manner that a
woman needs to resort to that. If she tries anyway, she gets booted out
of the house. I am the head of my household as the Bible says a man
should be.

> Not like the typical white woman.
> She is often distant in showing love (again generalizing)

Yes you are generalizing a lot eight Lady di?

> Draws the line in the sand but doesnt dare you to cross it. She lets you
> walk on that line and jump over it all you want. She runs you to soccer,
> takes you to ballet to show her love. Cross the line mister and you are
> going to time out or getting grounded. Imagine that generation coming of
> age!

You are stereotyping black woman. White women are just as fine,
motherly, strong, and sweet as black women. My problem with them is that
they lack a true knowledge of the great history of the black man an
woman on this planet. so deep deep down inside they still believe that
black people must be inferior to whites if they allowed themselves to be

slaves for over 200 years.

I look at it like this: What manner of beasts are white people that they
would be so cold blooded and savage to hold God favorite children as

slaves for over 200 years.

> If you ask my sister in laws they will tell you, I have much too much sista
> in me. I dont play games with love nor discipline.

Much snipped!

> >
> >
> That is the truth right there. It is so disgustingly true.
> Black has always been synonymous with the word NI**ER. However, I find that
> many blacks refer to themselves as NI**ER too. Whites will only say it
> behind a black persons back though, never to their face.

Yes and many white women call themselves BITCHES in private, or when
talking to each other. that doesn't mean that I have the right to call
them a BITCH when I approach them. To them when they use it it has a
different meaning than when I call them one.

The same thing is true when we blacks call ourselves Ni,,a versus when
the average white person tries to call us that. Whites are usually in
hate and destroy mode when they use it and black are usually in joking,
or angry mode. We are not however using it because we feel that we are
inferior to whites, or that we hate ourselves right Lady Di? Di lives in
one of the most racist states in Amerikkka and she travels to many ultra
racist towns and cities. So she knows what I mean.

She is a white woman however who chooses to look the other way and
pretend that it is all the fault of black people and that George Bush
and whites in general are wonderful.

Contemptible mindset!

> no
> > white person has ever volunteered to give up their white skin and become
> > black.
> I would gladly volunteer. Please do not put me in the catagory of your
> typical white person, I do not fit that mold.

Yes, you are that one in ten thousand who would do that.

> I find the black woman exceptionally beautiful period.

I find white women, Asian women, Hispanic women, Native American Women
all to be especially beautiful and good at taking communion.

> My brother does too as he prefers to date only black women however, like he
> says those that discriminate masturbate so he does date white women on rare
> occasions.

Yes, he likes black posse... but how does he feel about trillions of
dollars in reparations being paid to black people by the federal
government in payment for the over 200 years of slavery, brutality, and
for the hatred that most whites have for blacks even today.

Is he in favor of affirmative action?

Does he support minister Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, Howard Dean? Men of
peace with a real vision for America?

I'll bet he/you come up short there. :-)

> Finding a strong man is very hard to find. Finding a strong black man is
> even harder. Just ask all the fine young black women out there looking for
> that man and never finding him.

Those black women are using the wrong criteria. You can't expect black
men to have the jobs and money that white men have. Unlike in sports
where everyone plays by the same rules and blacks excel in virtually
every sport, in the business world the good old white boy network is in
control. If you are someone they don't like then you don't get into the
game where you can make big money.

If black women understood the Chess game of white supremacy they would
know that they only reason so many of them are getting good jobs and
college degrees are because white men want them to do that. they know
they will go home and rag on their black men thus disrupting and
breaking up the family. That makes the black nation even weaker.

Black women are having babies out of wedlock at greater than a 66% rate!
That is simply disgusting! It is impossible for a strong, intelligent,
cosmopolitan black man to find an attractive black woman who doesn't
come with one or more babies by different men.

White women are also having babies out of wedlock at an even higher rate
than black women. I avoid those women also. See your Census information
to verify this

> I do believe that they can ask for way too much in one person though (again
> generalizing)......I chide my sister in laws all the time.
> You find a man, a GOOD man and you support him faithfully and he will be the
> strong man they are seeking.
> A man is only as strong as the woman that stands beside him, when he isnt
> standing next to his mother.


A real man puts his mother and father aside when he marries, and cleaves
to his wife Amy. A grown man who still listens to his mother is a
mommies boy! That is not a strong man.
Amy... I'm sorry, but I have concluded that you are a phoney after all!

No real white woman has ever spoken with the profound wisdom and
knowledge that you showed in this post. since you constantly praise
black women and since you have refused to talk to me on the side I must
conclude that you are a BLACK person perpetrating to be a White woman!

What you are saying is true, but it isn't coming from a real WHITE

Only exalted white women like those I have on my list have that much

Ida Hakim and Jane Elliott.

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And so it glows!

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