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Wanting to adopt

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Sep 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/7/99
My husband and I can not have children together due to medical reasons.He
has two children from his first marriage which he has full costudy of.We are
wanting to adopt a child and give it a big loving family that will alsway do
everything we can to make this child know that it is a special child,
because it's mommy loved it enough to give it to us to love and
cherished.Does anyone out here know where we can go in the state of Indiana
that will not cost us our life savings?If so e-mail me at

Scouterus Senilus

Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
Hi Patti

I can't help you or your husband since I'm not in your state, hell, I'm not even
in your country but one thing in your post caught my eye. I don't; mean this as
a criticism but I wanted to bring the subject up for discussion since I thought
it worthy.

You said that if/when you were able to adopt you would "do everything we can to
make this child know that it is a special child". I have a friend that would
just scream if he heard that term used towards an adopted child. He was adopted
himself and was always told by his parents, with the best intentions of course,
that he was a special child. For him this created a problem because he always
felt that he had to be better and better at everything he did to prove he was
"special". He became obsessed with always being successful and always excelling
at everything just to feel like he deserved this "special" label.

I've used the term myself with my own adopted daughter but I've made a real
effort not to since I really thought about what he had to say and what he went
through. Does anyone else who follows this NG have any thoughts on the subject?



Sep 8, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/8/99
>You said that if/when you were able to adopt you would "do everything we can
>to make this child know that it is a special child". I have a friend that
>just scream if he heard that term used towards an adopted child

My parents always told me I was special with only the best intentions they
wanted me to know I was loved. To me special=different. Understand as
adoptees we really only want to be the same. Please let child know that you
love them and dont give them any reason to think that they are somehow expected
to live upto that special expectation. Good Luck

Am I different? Possibly so. But only by searching do I ever know. The pain and
suffering of that pursuit, emanate from the basic root of all mankind and his
consuming goal to keep immortal his fragile soul. Donald Bragg, Gold Medalist


Sep 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/10/99
The best place in Indiana to adopt a child ? Go to
another state ! Turns out once I got my adoption
records opened from Indiana, my mom was woken
up by the Welfare lady after my birth, told to sign the
hospital admission paperwork she didn't have time
for when she came in as I was ON the way....the lady
had her sign adoption papers ! She lied and my mom
never saw me again still I got those records opened
34 years later. I don't have one good thing to say
about the adoption agencies/Welfare agencies in
the State of Indiana.


Admin XWorld NetWork

Mark Hevey

Sep 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM9/13/99
I wish I could give you an easy answer. If you are willing to take on a
special needs child the track can be fairly inexpensive, but the long
term costs in time, money and stress. If you are young and/or
well-to-do then domestic adoption can be facilitated by a private third
party. My personal experience is with foreign adoption in Russia which
totaled about 20,000. It's like a luxury car, if you can't afford the
maintenance then the ticket price is too high. There are many people
who will help and check your state's tax laws for additional deductions
as well as the federal deduction. Best of luck.

Feb 19, 2014, 4:19:18 PM2/19/14
On Tuesday, September 7, 1999 2:00:00 AM UTC-5, padillman7 wrote:
> My husband and I can not have children together due to medical reasons.He
> has two children from his first marriage which he has full costudy of.We are
> wanting to adopt a child and give it a big loving family that will alsway do
> everything we can to make this child know that it is a special child,
> because it's mommy loved it enough to give it to us to love and
> cherished.Does anyone out here know where we can go in the state of Indiana
> that will not cost us our life savings?If so e-mail me at
> Patti

We just want to adopt another child to love and to complete our family. We already adopted a little boy almost 6 years ago and he is our whole world. He is the greatest gift that God has given us since the birth of our bio children and there is no difference between them. Our oldest children are 30, 30 , 27, 23 and now we have a 6 year old little boy and wanting to complete our family with more children to love and cherish.... If you know someone that is giving their child or children up, please contact me immediately at Doesn't matter what sex, race or twins. the more to love.... I live in Mississippi and would be willing to travel. Look forward to speaking to anyone about adoption.. Legally adopt.....
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