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Re: Democrat sex offender REP. JOHN HINSON (D-Miss.).

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Progressive Rapist Party

Feb 6, 2023, 9:55:02 AM2/6/23
During his first reelection bid, Hinson stunned everyone by
announcing that in 1976 he had been accused of committing an obscene
act at a gay haunt in Virginia. Hinson, married and a strong
conservative, added that in 1977 he had survived a fire in a gay
D.C. movie theater. He was making the disclosure, he said, because
he needed to clear his conscience. But he denied he was a homosexual
and refused GOP demands that he resign. Hinson won reelection in a
three-way race, with 39 percent of the vote. But three months later,
he was arrested on charges of attempted oral sodomy in the restroom
of a House office building. He resigned his seat on April 13, 1981.
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