"Not ONE SPECK of any bullets, bullet fragments, or bullet
Dealey Plaza, the limousine, the Texas School Book Depository,
Parkland Hospital, or in the victims.
"This fact, to me, is simply impossible for conspiracy advocates
to overcome, IF there had been (as some claim) up to three gunmen and
4 to 10 shots fired in Dealey Plaza on November 22nd, 1963.
"HOW could every single scrap of ballistics evidence be
completely eradicated from the two (or more) non-Oswald weapons almost
immediately after the event? Couldn't have been accomplished by even
Kreskin!" -- David Von Pein; July 2003
"Refusing to accept the plain truth, and dedicating their
existence for over forty years to convincing the American public of
the truth of their own charges, the critics have journeyed to the
outer margins of their imaginations. Along the way, they have split
hairs and then proceeded to split the split hairs, drawn far-fetched
and wholly unreasonable inferences from known facts, and literally
invented bogus facts from the grist of rumor and speculation.
"With over 18,000 pages of small print in the 27 Warren
Commission volumes alone, and many millions of pages of FBI and CIA
documents, any researcher worth his salt can find a sentence here or
there to support any ludicrous conspiracy theory he might have. And
that, of course, is precisely what the conspiracy community has done."
-- Vincent T. Bugliosi; Page xxvi; "Reclaiming History: The
Assassination Of President John F. Kennedy" (c.2007)
"But conspiracy theorists, as suspicious as a cat in a new home,
find occurrences and events everywhere that feed their suspicions and
their already strong predilection to believe that the official version
is wrong." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page xlii; "Reclaiming History" (c.
"Other peripheral topics, like lawyers, didn't require any bald-
faced falsehoods from Oswald's mouth. Why would they? But when it came
down to the Brass Tacks of the events of 11/22/63, Oswald was a
literal 'Lying Machine'.....
The rifle.
The two murders.
Alek Hidell.
Having lunch with "Junior".
The backyard photos.
"I didn't shoot anybody, no sir."
"I was just going to the picture show." (Paraphrased.)
"Bill Shelley said to go home." (Paraphrased.)
And gobs more." -- David Von Pein; September 16, 2006
"Perhaps you can give a better explanation for them, maybe tell
what the bullet that struck Connally hit that caused it to enter his
back sideways if it didn't hit Kennedy first.
"Even when it is painstakingly shown how this thing happened,
you kooks reject it, opting instead to cling to this fantasy you've
nourished." -- Bud; October 21, 2005
"The Single-Bullet Theory FITS. The Single-Bullet Theory WORKS.
The Single-Bullet Theory is RIGHT." -- David Von Pein; March 2007
"This brings to mind the recurrent theme in most conspiracy
books. {I.E.:} All the officials alternate between the role of
"Keystone Kops", with the inability to recognize the implications of
the most elementary evidence, and "Evil Geniuses", with superhuman
abilities to fake physical evidence that is in complete agreement with
all the other faked evidence." -- Larry M. Sturdivan; Page 246 of "The
JFK Myths" (c.2005)
"On the other hand, if it is fired into the thick bone of the
back of a human skull, the jacket and core of the bullet will separate
{see top link below for verifiable proof of this}, releasing a myriad
of additional fragments of many different sizes." -- Dr. John K.
Lattimer; Page 277 of "Kennedy And Lincoln: Medical And Ballistic
Comparisons Of Their Assassinations" (c.1980)
"But how could Katzenbach and Warren have known way back then
that they had to spell out that ONLY false rumors, rumors without a
stitch of evidence to support them, had to be squelched for the
benefit of the American public?
"How could they have known back then that there would actually
be people like Mark Lane who would accuse men like Warren, Gerald
Ford, John Cooper, and so on...of getting in a room and all deciding
to deliberately suppress, or not even look for, evidence of a
conspiracy to murder the president...or that there would be
intelligent, rational, and sensible people of the considerable stature
of Michael Beschloss and Evan Thomas who would decide to give their
good minds a rest and actually buy into this nonsense?" -- Vincent
Bugliosi; Pages 367-368 of "Reclaiming History" (c.2007)
"The Patsy Crew finally had to go with Plan 9 From Kooksville,
and kill the bum in the police station on LIVE TELEVISION. THAT did
the cover-up a lot of good, huh?" -- David Von Pein; February 19, 2007
JOHNNY CARSON -- "What makes it a fact? Because you say so?"
-- Via Johnny Carson's interview with Jim Garrison on "The Tonight
Show" (NBC-TV)(January 31, 1968)
CAPTAIN J. WILL FRITZ (DPD) -- "Yes, sir; the first time. He asked
about an attorney, and I told him he certainly could have an attorney
any time he wanted it. I told him he could have an attorney any time
he liked, any attorney he wanted. I told him, I said, we will do it.
He said he wanted an attorney in New York. And he gave me his name,
Mr. Abt, and he said that is who he wanted, and I told him he could
have anyone he liked." ....
MR. BALL -- "Was there anything said about calling him on the
CAPT. FRITZ -- "A little bit later."
MR. BALL -- "Not that time?"
CAPT. FRITZ -- "Not that minute. A little bit later, he asked
something else about an attorney and I said, "Did you call an
attorney?" And he said, "You know I can't use the telephone." And I
said, "Yes, you can; anybody can use a telephone." So, I told them to
be sure to let him use a telephone and the next time I talked to him
he thanked me for that, so I presume he called."
"Now these points strengthen the Warren Report's basic finding.
They make it MORE likely that Oswald shot the President. They
significantly weaken a central contention of the critics....their
contention that Oswald could NOT have done it because he did not have
enough time to fire.
"It is now reasonable to assume that the first shot, fired
through a tree, missed its mark....and that it was this shot that
Governor Connally heard. The Governor has insisted all along that he
was not struck by the first shot. It now appears he was correct. Now
we can answer all our secondary questions ---
"Did Oswald own a rifle? .... He did.
"Did Oswald take a rifle to the Book Depository Building? ....
He did.
"Where was Oswald when the shots were fired? .... In the
building, on the sixth floor.
"Was Oswald's rifle fired from the building? .... It was.
"How many shots were fired? .... Three.
"How fast could Oswald's rifle be fired? .... Fast enough.
"What was the time span of the shots? .... Seven or eight
"Did Lee Harvey Oswald shoot President Kennedy? .... CBS News
concludes that he did." -- Walter Cronkite; CBS News; Via the 1967 TV
Special, "A CBS News Inquiry: The Warren Report"
"And these powerful drugs they must have been on I guess must
have had a crazy type of "Miracles Are Possible" effect on all of the
shooters and behind-the-scenes schemers -- because only a "miracle"
could have rescued such an inane multi-shooter "Patsy" plan from
certain failure on that 22nd day of November back in '63." -- David
"So a murder case (the Kennedy assassination) where there is an
almost unprecedented amount of evidence of guilt against the killer
(Oswald) is presented to millions of moviegoers as one where there
wasn't one piece of evidence at all.
"There oughta be a law against things like this." -- Vincent
Bugliosi; Page 1386 of "Reclaiming History" (c.2007)
"There's certainly not a shred of a doubt that Oswald owned
Rifle C2766. Do the kooks think that the virtually-impoverished Oswald
dished up $21.45 for a rifle to give to somebody else? The WC
determined that Oswald DID pay for the rifle.
"Only a goofball who is bent (at all costs) to let Oswald slip
through the smallest of cracks would suggest that C2766 was NOT owned
and possessed by Lee Oswald from March 1963 thru 11/22/63." -- David
Von Pein; August 21, 2006
SEYMOUR WEITZMAN -- "To my sorrow, I looked at it and it looked like a
Mauser, which I said it was. But I said the wrong one; because just at
a glance, I saw the Mauser action....and, I don't know, it just came
out as words it was a German Mauser. Which it wasn't. It's an Italian
type gun. But from a glance, it's hard to describe; and that's all I
saw, was at a glance. I was mistaken. And it was proven that my
statement was a mistake; but it was an honest mistake."
-- Via the CBS-TV Special, "A CBS News Inquiry: The Warren
Report" (June 1967)
"It is my firm belief that anyone who feels the Warren
Commission did not do a good job investigating the murder of Kennedy
has never been a part of a murder investigation." -- Vincent Bugliosi;
"Reclaiming History" (c.2007)
"The odds of the above occurring if three riflemen had performed
this amazing CONNECT-THE-WOUNDS feat is so low as to be totally
dismissed after one second of thought time. ....
"And CTers actually think this THREE GUNMEN & THREE BULLETS
CAUSING A PERFECT "SBT RUSE" makes MORE logical sense than just one
bullet traversing JFK/JBC. Absolutely incredible CT idiocy!" -- David
Von Pein; April 6, 2005
"Governor Connally was simply wrong in his testimony, just as
President Johnson was wrong in some of his observations, and just as
almost every witness to a sudden and startling event is incapable of
being completely accurate." -- David Belin; Page 347 of "November 22,
1963: You Are The Jury" (c.1973)
"Because the evidence against Oswald is strong, any detailed
reconstruction that argues a frame-up will inevitably sound less
plausible than one that argues his guilt." -- Jean Davison; Page 276
of "Oswald's Game" (c.1983)
"The virtual proof that Ruby came down the Main Street ramp is
that within a half hour of his arrest, and right after he was taken
from the basement to the jail on the fifth floor (which was long
BEFORE {DPD officers} Pierce, Putnam, Vaughn, and Maxey had been
interviewed and given their statements), Ruby told Dallas police
detective Barnard Clardy and other detectives that he had entered
through the Main Street ramp and had seen Pierce driving out of the
"How could Ruby possibly have known this if he hadn't, in fact,
been at the entrance to the Main Street ramp? I mean, Pierce himself
didn't even receive instructions to drive out of the Main Street ramp
until around 11:15 a.m., just six minutes before Ruby shot Oswald." --
Vincent Bugliosi; Pages 108-109 of "Reclaiming History" (Endnotes)(c.
"He wanted to be somebody. And this opportunity came about
coincidental. Nothing planned. Nothin' organized. It HAPPENED that
way. It's one of those happenstances of history." -- Robert Oswald
(Brother of Lee Harvey Oswald); 2003
"On the other hand, if it is fired into the thick bone of the
back of a human skull, the jacket and core of the bullet will separate
{see the link below for verifiable proof of this}, releasing a myriad
of additional fragments of many different sizes." -- Dr. John K.
Lattimer; Page 277 of "Kennedy And Lincoln: Medical And Ballistic
Comparisons Of Their Assassinations" (c.1980)
"If the floor-laying crew goes back to the 6th floor (as Jarman
thought they were going to), any planning of planted evidence on that
floor is out the window (the bag, shells, etc). Who knows who was
going to do what, when, where, most of the people themselves didn't
know. But Oz had the huge advantage of being able to monitor movements
and intentions. Could an outsider?" -- Bud; July 29, 2005
"In other words, Kennedy and Connally were hit by two and only
two bullets, both fired from Oswald's rifle. If there were other
shooters, they missed and left no trace of themselves. The question
about what a given metallurgist thinks about these documented data is
a side issue at best." -- Prof. Kenneth A. Rahn; September 23, 2007
"Only the wound to the throat is visible, not the wound to his
upper right back. However, it couldn't be clearer from this photo
{linked below} that the wound to the back was definitely ABOVE the
exit wound in the throat." -- Vincent Bugliosi; Page 424 of
"Reclaiming History" (c.2007)
"Since Connally's leg bone was NOT shattered {during the actual
shooting event on 11/22/63}, the bullet that hit him must have hit
something else first, such as Kennedy's neck, to slow it down." -- Dr.
John K. Lattimer; Page 273 of "Kennedy And Lincoln" (c.1980)
"The evidence that will be presented at this trial will show
that there is no substance to the persistent charge by these critics
that Lee Harvey Oswald was just a patsy, set up to take the fall by
some elaborate conspiracy.
"We expect the evidence -- ALL of the evidence -- to show that
Lee Harvey Oswald, acting alone, was responsible for the assassination
of John F. Kennedy." -- Vincent Bugliosi; July 23, 1986; "On Trial:
Lee Harvey Oswald" (Television Docu-Trial)
DR. JAMES J. HUMES -- "There was only one entrance wound in the head;
yes, sir."
DAN RATHER -- "And that was where?"
DR. HUMES -- "That was posterior, about two-and-a-half centimeters to
the right of the mid-line posteriorly."
DAN RATHER -- "And the exit wound?"
DR. HUMES -- "And the exit wound was a large, irregular wound to the
front and right side of the President's head."
DAN RATHER -- "Now can you be absolutely certain that the wound you
describe as the entry wound was in FACT that?"
DR. HUMES -- "Yes, indeed, we can. Very precisely and
incontrovertibly. The missile traversed the skin and then traversed
the bony skull....and as it passed through the skull it produced a
characteristic coning or bevelling effect on the inner aspect of the
skull. Which is scientific evidence that the wound was made from
behind and passed forward through the President's skull."
DAN RATHER -- "This is very important....you say there's scientific
evidence....is it conclusive scientific evidence?"
DR. HUMES -- "Yes, sir; it is."
DAN RATHER -- "Is there any doubt that the wound at the back of the
President's head was the entry wound?"
DR. HUMES -- "There is absolutely no doubt, sir."
-- Via the CBS-TV Special, "A CBS News Inquiry: The Warren
Report" (June 1967)
"As Vince Bugliosi would say -- You can tell when someone has a
very weak physical-evidence case....because they'll start arguing
impossible-to-prove theories re. evidence manipulation or
contamination or cover-up, etc. This invariably occurs when there
simply is nothing else for the defense TO argue.
"Attempts to deflect attention away from the basic core of
ballistics (and other) evidence in the JFK case (which all leads
inexorably to Lee Oswald) by crying "It's All Fake" is a sign of a
patently-weak case with which these kooks try to combat the physical
"And, I'm sorry, but the "Nothing Is What It Seems To Be"
argument with respect to virtually everything surrounding the JFK
assassination is about as likely to be true (and provable) as a
blizzard in Phoenix." -- David Von Pein; January 11, 2007