On Thu, 3 Aug 2023 02:24:09 +0100, RustyHinge <
Aaaah, okay. At this point I'd suggest eating the pastry, and while doing that,
getting the skin crunchy.
There's a bavarian pork roast where crunchy crackling skin is a feature: Take
soft and friable skin, cross-hatch with knife because it will not cut easily one
crunchy. Set the oven to max, convection if you have it, possibly radiant heat
from the top. The skin dries and blisters, becoming a slab of crackling. This
takes maybe 15 minutes, so the rest remains tender and flavoursome; no time to
dry out.
The above failed on a roast of mine, and I then helped it along using an
industrial 3 kW hot air gun I happened to have around (I was repairing it).
Worked very well, once I figured out that a stream of 600 °C air will incinerate
and blacken a roast, if held too close.
Thomas Prufer