On 18/08/2023 21:19, Ben Newsam wrote:
> I've mostly given up hope with sossidges recently. The only ones I can
> stand are labelled "Lincolnshire", which seem to have an acceptable
> blend of herbs and spices. I think I might look into making my own....
Not difficult: I used to do so using a funnel and a wooden spoon.
First get your sossidge-skins from a friendly butcher. (The one you get
the meat from seems best bet)
Mince meat to desired consistency, add rusk. I dry stale bread and
comminute it with a pestle and mortar.. Measure out herbs and spices,
salt &c, On!on, garlic &c.
Slip sossidgeskin onto funnel and with the handle of the wooden spoon,
push the mix into the skin, allowing the skin to be dragged out of your
grip as it fills.
Nip and twist the skin to form 'links'.
You can get a lot of useful ingredients from Healthy Supplies
healthysupplies.co.uk, including IIRC mushroom powder, herbs and
spices.possibly texturedvegetable protein, &c.