On Mon, 9 Jan 2023 04:08:08 -0600, VictoriaB <
vbfr...@privacy.com> wrote:
> I was reading a poem* about taking down a Christmas tree which had the
> following:
> "The ornaments go down into the box:
> the silver spaniel, My Darling
> on its collar, from Mother’s childhood
> in Illinois; the balsa jumping jack
> my brother and I fought over,
> pulling limb from limb. Mother
> drew it together again with thread
> while I watched, feeling depraved
> at the age of ten."
> The jumping jack sounds like a toy, yet Bing said it was a compactor.
Bing is a Microsoft product and like all Microsoft
products, they are correct but useless.
There are three meanings of the term that I know of, but
I'm not Microsoft.
In the poem the Jumping Jack refers to the toy:
+ The jumping jack is a jointed, flat wooden figure, a cross
+ between a puppet and a paper doll that is considered a mechanical
+ toy. The figure's joints are connected to a pull string that
+ causes the arms and legs move up and down when the string is
+ pulled and released. Jumping jacks were popular in many
+ contemporary countries including England, France, and Germany,
+ but similar mechanical toys date back to the Ancient Egyptians.
Also known as a Quockerwodger.
Quockerwodger has a secondary meaning, a politician who
responds to the control of others:
A jumping jack also refers to a form of physical
Lastly it is a slang term for a compactor usually used to
compact soil after excavation, for example after installing