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Turkey hangover

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Nov 24, 2023, 7:59:42 AM11/24/23
I'm glad it's over... the family dinner table almost turned into WW3m
what with the tRump Trials. I sat at one of the kiddle tables, which had
much more interesting and fruitful topics of conversation... like what
would happen if you could put a cat's head on a dog, and our favorite
time of day. Nobody noticed that we fed the dogs hunks of Aunt Oleta's
squash casserole under the table.

My turkey was eaten up, praised as the ugliest, but the juiciest. I
roast it up-side-down you see - not me, the turkey - breast down in a
V-shaped rack, stuffed with a stick of butter and onion... so all the
juices filter down into the breast. The only thing is - it isn't
magazine pretty like the golden breast-up ones... but I barely got
enough to take home for sammies today.

Nov 27, 2023, 6:08:35 PM11/27/23
On Friday, November 24, 2023 at 4:59:42 AM UTC-8, vickiebee wrote:

> I sat at one of the kiddle tables, which had
> much more interesting and fruitful topics of conversation... like what
> would happen if you could put a cat's head on a dog, and our favorite
> time of day. Nobody noticed that we fed the dogs hunks of Aunt Oleta's
> squash casserole under the table.

LOL! Was it covered in mini marshmallows or is that the Sweet Potato version?
I attempted one of those for the 1st time this year for Canuckle was ok but very sweet.

> My turkey was eaten up, praised as the ugliest, but the juiciest. I
> roast it up-side-down you see - not me, the turkey -

Head standing cooking could be a new reality TV segment on (insert weird TV channel here)

Straight on to Chrimble!! (Pah)

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