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Parse: hack/phreak

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Lou Charles

Oct 6, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/6/99
P A R S E : H A C K / P H R E A K

Every week Parse: Hack/Phreak chronicles the
weekly developments in the world of Hackers
and Phreaks. If you want the video news on
hackers and can't find any reliable true sources,
connect to Parse TV every week through Biztech TV
at a new time, Wednesday's at 4:00 p.m. EST on
Biztech TV.

Join us on IRC, EFNET #parse.

This week on Parse: Hack/Phreak:

We look at hacker news: ASX claims hack by US Military, Xcalibur news, Bank
Tech. A special demo of BO2K (Back Orifice 2000) and a Special Feature of
Echelon. Stay up to the minute with this installment of Parse: hack/phreak.

Last Time on Parse: Hack/Phreak:

DJ Torey on the 1 and 2. Exclusive interview with convicted hacker "Star".
We discuss the "house arrest" system that he's been locked down with, also
interview with the "Mad Phreak", who shows us his beige box skills. News,
viewer mail and much more.


Go to at 4 PM for the live show.

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