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Re: What is Usenet? [REPOST]

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Nov 11, 2023, 5:52:54 AM11/11/23
[from: news.groups,]

Scott Dorsey <> wrote:

> Larry Doering posted the following to talk.bizarre in the mid-nineties:
> ] THINK of the computer highway AS a highway.
> ]
> ] There it is again. Some clueless FOOL talking about the "Information
> ] Superhighway." They don't know JACK about the Net. It's NOTHING
> ] like a Superhighway. That's a BAD metaphor.
> ]
> ] Yeah, but suppose the metaphor ran in the OTHER direction. Suppose
> ] the HIGHWAYS were like the NET. All right! Severe craziness. A
> ] highway HUNDREDS of lanes wide. Most with potholes. Privately
> ] operated bridges and overpasses. No highway patrol. A couple of
> ] rent-a-cops on bicycles with broken whistles. 500 member VIGILANTE
> ] POSSES with nuclear weapons. 237 ON RAMPS at every intersection. NO
> ] SIGNS. Wanna get to Ensenada? Holler out the window at a passing
> ] truck to ask directions. AD HOC traffic laws. Some lanes would VOTE
> ] to make use by a single-occupant-vehicle a CAPITAL OFFENSE on Monday
> ] through Friday between 7:00 and 9:00. Other lanes would just SHOOT
> ] you without a trial for talking on a car phone.
> ]
> ] AOL would be a giant diesel-smoking BUS with hundreds of EBOLA
> ] victims and a TOILET spewing out on the road behind it. Throwing
> ] DEAD WOMBATS and rotten cabbage at the other cars most of which
> ] have been ASSEMBLED AT HOME from kits. Some are 2.5 horsepower
> ] LAWNMOWER ENGINES with a top speed of nine miles an hour. Others
> ] burn NITROGLYCERINE and IDLE at 120.
> ]
> ] No license tags. World War II BOMBER NOSE ART instead. Terrifying
> ] paintings of huge teeth or VAMPIRE EAGLES. Bumper mounted MACHINE
> ] GUNS. Flip somebody the finger on this highway and get a WHITE
> ] PHOSPHORUS GRENADE up your tailpipe. Flatbed trucks with ANTI-
> ] AIRCRAFT MISSILE BATTERIES to shoot down the KRUD Traffic Watch
> ] helicopter. A little kid on a tricycle with a squirtgun filled with
> ]
> ]
> ] Now THAT'S the way to run an Interstate Highway system.
> I hope this is helpful. Much of this applies to Usenet.
> --scott

^Ï^. Sn!pe, PA, FIBS - Professional Crastinator.
My pet rock Gordon just is.

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Nov 22, 2023, 10:06:23 AM11/22/23
Merlyne <> wrote:

> (Sn!pe) wrote in
> LOL!

It's fun isn't it. It may be ancient but it's still true.

How are you, Merlyne? Well, I hope. We're still going here,
getting older, bloodied but still unbowed. ≈:o)


Dec 6, 2023, 5:50:34 PM12/6/23
Merlyne <> wrote:

> > How are you, Merlyne? Well, I hope. We're still going here,
> > getting older, bloodied but still unbowed. ?:o)
> >
> I'm good. How're you?

Still going, thanks, getting older but I still have enough steam to get
to the gym once a week and I try to find time for exercise at home too.
After a life of sedentary indolence and louche living it comes hard.
But are we downhearted? Nah...

^Ï^. Sn!pe, PA, FIBS - Professional Crastinator.
My pet rock Gordon just said "Don't Be Evil!"

Google Groups articles are not seen here unless poster is whitelisted.


Dec 24, 2023, 1:53:36 PM12/24/23
Merlyne <> wrote:

> >> I'm good. How're you?
> >>
> >
> > Still going, thanks, getting older but I still have enough steam to
> > get to the gym once a week and I try to find time for exercise at home
> > too. After a life of sedentary indolence and louche living it comes
> > hard. But are we downhearted? Nah...
> >
> That's good :)
> I go on the treadmill every day.
> Sometimes it's hard to motivate myself.

It's that time of year again: Happy Mithras, Merlyne,
I hope you have a good one. ≈:o)

^Ï^. Sn!pe, PA, FIBS - Professional Crastinator

My pet rock Gordon wishes Happy Mithras to all Usenetters.
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