Trouble connecting to new Alt-F box from Win11.

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Mark Brandon

Apr 15, 2024, 10:49:08 PMApr 15
to Alt-F
Hello to All.
I was able to get two new (to me) DNS 321 boxes with the DLink software on them.
Installed the needed Alt-F package and it performed immediately.
Only from my Win 7 computer tho. 
The Win 11 computer would show the box in 'Browse for Network Folder', yet refuse to connect correctly. Error 0x80070043 .
Tried many cures, no joy tho.
Until a web page suggested sfc /scannow  . Found corrupt files and repaired them. Reboot computer and was startled to see a successful mapping of this box as a network drive.

As a bread crumb trail that may (likely not) have helped with this eventual success was
1. Enable SMB1 client and server. (definitely needed ; ) optionalfeatures.exe
2. Always wait for network to start before  . . ֫. gpedit.msc
3. Enable Netbios on TCP/IP.  ncpa.cpl Right click properties and double click to enter TCP/IP and activate NetBIOS always on.

Hope you don't need any of this info . . . However if you do - Hope it helps.
Now onto getting box#2 up and running . . .  : )

What was very confusing to me is I'm also running a DNS-323 on Alt-F 0.15.  The Win 11 computer has had no problems with connecting to that box ever . . . Oh well . . .



Mark Brandon

Apr 18, 2024, 5:20:27 PMApr 18
to Alt-F
The continuing saga . . .

Flashed the second box . . . There was no connection from the Win 11 computer and the Win 7 computer accesses everything OK . . . And being a day later the first recently flashed box had the same issues.

Clean Win 11 computer registry and complete installation of all Optional System updates.  Partial access (but the computer is now humming with all of the attention being paid there ; )

Reboot both routers comprising the backbone of the network here . . . Success!!  (Two new boxes and Win 11 computer, wifi connection, on router #2 and original 323 box with Win 7 computer,ethernet cable,  on router #1, gate and dhcp there)

So now hoping this (routers needing reboot) has been the main underlying problem in accessing SMB v1 boxes from the Win 11 computer all along.


David Hiebert

May 13, 2024, 1:24:07 PMMay 13
to Alt-F
SMB1 is disabled on Windows 10, and presumably on Windows 11. You should enable SMB2 on your NAS and you should be able to see your NAS on your Windows 11 computer. Alternatively, you could enable SMB1 on Windows 11, but that's not recommended as SMB1 has some security issues. If you need to enable SMB1 on Windows 11, it's probably somewhere in the Windows Features in the control panel.

Good luck!

- David

Bill R

May 13, 2024, 6:31:01 PMMay 13
to Alt-F
With only SMB2 enabled on the NAS, you need to install the Alt-F wsdd2 package and also enable the avahi daemon. Wsdd2 lets Windows see the NAS in the network browser, and avahi enables Windows to do a mDNS lookup of the NAS. Both are needed in my experience.

Mark Brandon

May 13, 2024, 9:19:54 PMMay 13
to Alt-F

Thank you for your response . .  .

I was able to see my 323 box and nary a problem there.

But, The two new boxes, 321's, weren't cooperating.

I did all the SMB1 and SMB2 setup in the Win11 computer.  All those internet suggested tweaks.

Turns out my problem had an easy fix (embarrassment now  ; )

I needed to map these two new boxes (local IP addresses) in my firewall, Zone Alarm.  The communication was immediate with everything working as wanted.  The 323 box had been mapped years ago and I had forgotten.

Hoping that this is the final access fix that's needed.


Thank you for outlining this installation of SMB2.  I didn't know how it was accomplished (yet had read about SMB2 access in this forum)

I will put this SMB2 on the boxes and remove the Win11 SMB1 permissions (I do agree with you, a Trojan horse problem). This will be an improvement. 

Thank you to all that have helped.  Much appreciated.


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