PPTP server

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Andrey Suprun

Apr 25, 2018, 2:42:45 PM4/25/18
to Alt-F
Is there a PPTP server in Alt-F 1.0? If yes, how to use it?

João Cardoso

Apr 26, 2018, 12:55:41 PM4/26/18
to Alt-F

On Wednesday, 25 April 2018 19:42:45 UTC+1, Andrey Suprun wrote:
Is there a PPTP server in Alt-F 1.0? If yes, how to use it?

Packages->Alt-F, search for pptp:

pptp  1.7.2 An implementation of the Point-to-point protocol client.
pptpd 1.3.4-2 An implementation of a PPTP server providing full interoperability with the Microsoft PPTP VPN client.

How to use? Don't know, shipped untested and never used it. Its site might have tutorials, give us feedback.

Andrey Suprun

Apr 26, 2018, 1:53:15 PM4/26/18
to Alt-F
Thank you for reply João.

I don't have "pptpd" package in "Installed/Pre-installed Packages" and the "Available Packages" is empty.

João Cardoso

Apr 26, 2018, 3:26:47 PM4/26/18
to Alt-F

On Thursday, 26 April 2018 18:53:15 UTC+1, Andrey Suprun wrote:
Thank you for reply João.

I don't have "pptpd" package in "Installed/Pre-installed Packages" and the "Available Packages" is empty.

It should not be empty... be sure the package feeds are correct and not disabled (not check marked) and update the package list.
Be also sure that the Status is active, as in (your values will be different)

Andrey Suprun

Apr 26, 2018, 3:41:40 PM4/26/18
to Alt-F
I have updated the package list and now I see pptpd and other packages in "Available Packages" section. Thank you João.

Before Alt-F v1.0 the package list was updating automatically, without press of the "UpdatePackageList" button.

Andrey Suprun

Apr 29, 2018, 4:17:45 AM4/29/18
to Alt-F
I've successfully connected to PPTP-server, but the speed of the file transfer is low. I think that it is due to weak CPU in DNS-323.
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