recurrent error using transmission with alt+f related to disk space in /var/lib

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adrian thompson

Jun 23, 2012, 11:06:29 PM6/23/12

  Looks like transmission tries to save a temp file in /var/lib/transmission/, but sometimes, it is unable to do it since there is no space on those paths, I am able to resume the downloads but they get paused after 5 minutes or less again. Here is the result of df on the box:

# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs               1441117464 771960916 669156548  54% /
tmpfs                    30976     30976         0 100% /rootmnt
aufs                 1441117464 771960916 669156548  54% /
/dev/loop0                5632      5632         0 100% /rootmnt/rootsq
tmpfs                   108544      2884    105660   3% /tmp
/dev/sda2            1441117464 771960916 669156548  54% /mnt/sda2
/dev/sdb2            1441117464 521478584 919638880  36% /mnt/sdb2
/dev/sdb4               497861      2321    495540   0% /mnt/sdb4
/dev/sda4               497861      2322    495539   0% /mnt/sda4

Is there any way that increse those partitions?, I guess that is the flash memory of the box

If not, do you have any recommendations on what files can I remove to liberate some space? I haven't try to restart the DNS 323 yet, but maybe that will be my next step


Joao Cardoso (Alt-F)

Jun 24, 2012, 7:26:46 PM6/24/12
On Saturday 23 June 2012 20:06:29 adrian thompson wrote:
> Hi,
> Looks like transmission tries to save a temp file in
> /var/lib/transmission/, but sometimes, it is unable to do it since there is
> no space on those paths,

/var/lib/transmission is on the same filesystem where you told Alt-F to
install packages.
If you don't remember which one it was, use:

ls -l /

and look to where /Alt-F points to

In my system, this gives /mnt/sda4:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Jun 20 15:19 Alt-F -> /mnt/sda4/Alt-F

If you have enough space available in that filesystem, than the problem is

When I used Transmission, I noticed that when it starts and a "download" was
in progress, Transmission took a long time checking that the partial download
is fine before restarting downloading; also, when a download finishes, it
verifies the file again, and that also takes a very long time, given the low
CPU power the box has.

Could this be your situation?

> I am able to resume the downloads but they get
> paused after 5 minutes or less again. Here is the result of df on the box:
> # df
> Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
> rootfs 1441117464 771960916 669156548 54% /
> tmpfs 30976 30976 0 100% /rootmnt
> aufs 1441117464 771960916 669156548 54% /
> /dev/loop0 5632 5632 0 100% /rootmnt/rootsq
> tmpfs 108544 2884 105660 3% /tmp
> /dev/sda2 1441117464 771960916 669156548 54% /mnt/sda2
> /dev/sdb2 1441117464 521478584 919638880 36% /mnt/sdb2
> /dev/sdb4 497861 2321 495540 0% /mnt/sdb4
> /dev/sda4 497861 2322 495539 0% /mnt/sda4
> Is there any way that increse those partitions?, I guess that is the flash
> memory of the box

Flash is only 64KB (yes, Kilo Bytes, not even Mega, much less Giga or Tera :-)

> If not, do you have any recommendations on what files can I remove to
> liberate some space? I haven't try to restart the DNS 323 yet, but maybe
> that will be my next step

Diagnose the problem first, or it will hurt you again, sonner or later (and
mostly when you most need it).

In what filesystem is Transmission downloading data?

> Thanks
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