Cannot open share with underscore in name (i.e. Volume_1)

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Jul 16, 2013, 11:22:46 AM7/16/13
Just installed Alt-F on DNS-323 box. Old Dlink firmware was "overwritten" by Alt-F, not installed "on top of". On Dlink firmware, the default sharename was "Volume_1", which I kept and used for several years, with the name containing an underscore character. In an effort to minimize downtime during my conversion, I tried to mimic the old firmware on a "fresh" install. To clarify, I backed up all data from the old Dlink, installed Alt-F and chose to reformat the partitions which wiped all data (as expected). The install went without error and/or problem. Then I created a share (on new Alt-F firmware) called "Volume_1" that pointed to a folder by the same name without any errors/problems.

When I attempt opening the share from my Windows 7 Pro machine, I get the error: "\\NAS-02\Volume_1 refers to a location that is unavailable...". BTW: Windows Explorer showed both the machine and sharename correctly on the left side of screen but double-clicking on the sharename produces the error message. Also, trying to access the share using a browser (IE and Chrome tested) produces the error.

As part of my troubleshooting, I built an additional share called simply "Abc" with the same settings/parameters as I had with "Volume_1". "Abc" was found with no problem and acted as it should.

To further troubleshoot, I changed only the sharename from "Volume_1" to "Volume-1" (sharename "Volume-1" now points to folder "Volume_1"). This also worked, confirming my theory that the Alt-F firmware has problems with a sharename containing an underscore.

I then installed all of the Alt-F Samba packages but that didn't help. I'm pretty sure it's a Samba issue but don't have a clue what would be the difference between the old Dlink's firmware and Alt-F's.

In the meantime, I will proceed with my conversion, avoiding any shares with an underscore.
DNS-323 Share with Underscore in name error.JPG

Jul 16, 2013, 8:38:15 PM7/16/13
New Info: Problem lies somewhere with Windows 7 Pro, or at least with my installation of it. I tried connecting to the "Volume_1" share via another Windows 7 Home Premium version machine and all worked as it should. I connected, added, renamed, and deleted files. Now I'm thinking this problem has something to do with the "LMCOMPATIBILITYLEVEL" registry entry seen elsewhere on the net, so I tried changing the registry values by using the Policy Editor as outlined here "". HOORAY! The following Policy Editor changes worked:

Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Local Security Policy 

Local Policies - Security Options 

Network security: LAN Manager authentication level 
Send LM & NTLM responses 

Minimum session security for NTLM SSP 
Disable Require 128-bit encryption 

I think the deciding change was the "Disable Require 128-bit encryption" as I had tried changing the LMCOMPATIBILITYLEVEL prior.
I will do more testing but feel confident that I'm on the right track at least.


Jul 16, 2013, 9:00:42 PM7/16/13
I doubt the problem lies with a fault from within Windows - it is more likely that your attempt to recycle your old shares and their shortcuts on your Win 7 Pro machine caused issue. Remove all network shares, and then reconnect them for every machine. From cmd command line:

net use * /delete

Then go to My Computer and map a network folder to map as a drive, or make folder shortcuts, etc. Apps that rely on network shares should not need configuration so long as share name and file hierarchy remain exactly the same. Explorer within Windows is just picky. I use CCleaner when old saved passwords get stuck sometimes.

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