Thanks and Transmission question

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Alexander Kuchin

Apr 30, 2015, 3:53:11 AM4/30/15
First of all I`d like to thank all developers, testers and all involved people of this firmware!
After several years of  using stock firmware, this one is like fresh and light air for me - Thanks!

Transmission. I really cannot find out how to setup transmission in the way it will work after reboot. I even cant add manually one more network to rpc-whitelist part of the setting file. May someone clarify for me the way I have to use for setting this stuff? I already try to:
- simple editing setting file - /etc/transmission, adding needed strings - after reboot I have to do everything from the scratch
- all the same with symlink /var/lib/transmission/settings.json
- for adding new network I modify file /etc/initd/S81transmission adding there needed network - after reboot all from scratch

So the questions are:

- Where does transmission hold current setting?
- How and where create setting for start up?
And one additional question: What is the possible reason to setup Debian @nas? :) 

João Cardoso

May 1, 2015, 9:29:29 AM5/1/15

On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 8:53:11 AM UTC+1, Alexander Kuchin wrote:
First of all I`d like to thank all developers, testers and all involved people of this firmware!
After several years of  using stock firmware, this one is like fresh and light air for me - Thanks!

Transmission. I really cannot find out how to setup transmission in the way it will work after reboot. I even cant add manually one more network to rpc-whitelist part of the setting file. May someone clarify for me the way I have to use for setting this stuff? I already try to:
- simple editing setting file - /etc/transmission, adding needed strings - after reboot I have to do everything from the scratch
- all the same with symlink /var/lib/transmission/settings.json
- for adding new network I modify file /etc/initd/S81transmission adding there needed network - after reboot all from scratch

So the questions are:

I think that those questions have already been answered here... have you searched for it?

- Where does transmission hold current setting?
Transmission itself uses settings.json; Alt-F makes it a link to transmission.conf

- How and where create setting for start up?

When transmission.conf is empty a set of default, working, configuration file is created by the transmission initscript. The Alt-F Transmission webUI should be used for the first time to specify the Transmission folder (where Downloads, Finish and Inprogress folders are properly setup)

-when you have to edit Transmission settings you should edit /etc/transmission/transmission.conf, not /var/lib/transmission/settings.json, which must be a a symbolic link link to the real conf file
-you should not edit the conf file while Transmission is running
-you should use the Alt-F webUI for the initial Transmission setup, to create a default conf file
-you should do most customizations using the Transmission webUI, where that is possible, just search for on how to do that on its own webUI.
-when Transmission is started through its init script, some checks are done and enforced, by modifying the conf file:
 -- the local network must exists in the rpc-whitelist key; if you have to add some, add it to the list end, coma separated, following the pattern.
 --if the settings.json link to transmission.conf link does not exists, it will be created
 --some additional checks/enforcements are done at the conf file.

Alt-F strength is its simple webUI, that covers most users needs. Use it first, verify that it's working, then use the command line if needed to costumize. But when using the command line you must know wheat you are doing!
To keep Alt-F sane always use its services initscripts, e.g., 'rctransmission start|stop|status|enable|disable|..."; as a rule of thumb all services have a rc<servicename> initscript.

And one additional question: What is the possible reason to setup Debian @nas? :) 

To use packages that are not available under Alt-F or ffp, running in the 'chroot' mode, or to execute Debian natively using the 'kexec' mode (on the DNS-321/323 only)

Alexander Kuchin

May 6, 2015, 10:25:58 AM5/6/15

пятница, 1 мая 2015 г., 16:29:29 UTC+3 пользователь João Cardoso написал:

On Thursday, April 30, 2015 at 8:53:11 AM UTC+1, Alexander Kuchin wrote:
First of all I`d like to thank all developers, testers and all involved people of this firmware!
After several years of  using stock firmware, this one is like fresh and light air for me - Thanks!

Transmission. I really cannot find out how to setup transmission in the way it will work after reboot. I even cant add manually one more network to rpc-whitelist part of the setting file. May someone clarify for me the way I have to use for setting this stuff? I already try to:
- simple editing setting file - /etc/transmission, adding needed strings - after reboot I have to do everything from the scratch
- all the same with symlink /var/lib/transmission/settings.json
- for adding new network I modify file /etc/initd/S81transmission adding there needed network - after reboot all from scratch

So the questions are:

I think that those questions have already been answered here... have you searched for it?

Yes, I searched before posting, but did not find clear answer. After your note I reserch it one more time and menthion in one your reply that You asked someone: Did You try access transmission gui directly or from alt-f page? After this I try to open gui and change there one setting (just to trigger resaving config file) and only after this conf file /etc/tramsmission/transmission.conf was rewrote with all settingpreviously completed in direct transmission gui. So conclusion is: please config transmission via gui inside alt-f page, not directly! :) Thanks for information about the way alt-f working with transmission!

Have to power off/on NAS to simulate power outage for cheching behaviour in this situation... 
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