How-to / manual for rsync anywhere ?

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Bruno Déry

Feb 7, 2018, 10:58:36 PM2/7/18
Got two DNS-325 with ALT-F installed, I'd like to rsync both to use as an automated remote backup. Is there any doc or examples on how to set this up (via script / command-line) ? Searched a lot for last two days but so far didn't find much info...

For example, how do you launch an rsync task between two hosts (local or remote)?  On a linux/mac shell, typically you do rsync -av <source> <dest>, but how using Alt-F ?  How to launch this automatically ?  Is there any way to run a terminal shell session on it ?  

João Cardoso

Feb 8, 2018, 1:34:55 PM2/8/18
to Alt-F

On Thursday, 8 February 2018 03:58:36 UTC, Bruno Déry wrote:
Got two DNS-325 with ALT-F installed, I'd like to rsync both to use as an automated remote backup. Is there any doc or examples on how to set this up (via script / command-line) ? Searched a lot for last two days but so far didn't find much info...

For example, how do you launch an rsync task between two hosts (local or remote)?  On a linux/mac shell, typically you do rsync -av <source> <dest>, but how using Alt-F ?  How to launch this automatically ?  Is there any way to run a terminal shell session on it ?  

Just telnet or ssh the box, either as a normal user or as the root user, created using the webUI. You are now at the command line of a (small, underpowered) linux box, do as usual.
There is a rsync based backup service, it might or not fit your needs, Services->System->Backup, Configure. Read the online help, the blue (?) icon next to the webUI title..
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