want to convert ext3 to ext4, but cannot because some services still active

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Markus Quandt

Jun 20, 2020, 8:20:26 AM6/20/20
to Alt-F

Hi all,

after upgrading to ALT-F, I managed to convert all my volumes to EXT4 except one, which is still on EXT3. That is the one that is holding the USERS folder. It is not in a RAID.

When trying to convert, ALT-F complains that not all services were stopped and cannot un-mount the volume. I have tried stopping all services manually through the 'services' menus, but that did not do the trick. So I suspect it is the USER access or another system process which is keeping this volume mounted.

Is there a convenient way to either stop the remaining (to me: unknown) services, or to do the conversion immediately after a reboot before the volume is being accessed/locked?

I'm a Linux noob, as you may have guessed, but at least know how to access the box via SSH, if that helps.

Thanks for any advice (and happy to provide more details if needed)


Markus Quandt

Jun 20, 2020, 9:33:02 AM6/20/20
to Alt-F
To complement the previous post, here is the list of services still running when I try to convert (of course not 'top'):

Mem: 103312K used, 21652K free, 0K shrd, 2904K buff, 721556K cached
CPU:   0% usr  16% sys   0% nic  83% idle   0% io   0% irq   0% sirq
Load average: 0.39 0.28 0.11 1/68 1639
 1638  1619 root     R     1200   1%  17% top -bn1
 1602     1 root     S     3532   3%   0% {dns320-temp.sh} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/dns320-temp.sh
 1617   859 root     S     2644   2%   0% stunnel /etc/stunnel/stunnel-https.conf
 1619  1618 root     S     1272   1%   0% {sys_utils_proc.} /bin/sh sys_utils_proc.cgi
 1618  1617 root     S     1216   1%   0% httpd -ifh /usr/www
    1     0 root     S     1208   1%   0% init
  859     1 root     S     1204   1%   0% inetd
 1601     1 root     S     1204   1%   0% /bin/sh --
 1606     1 root     S     1200   1%   0% {watch-inetd.sh} /bin/sh /usr/sbin/watch-inetd.sh
 1616  1602 root     S     1188   1%   0% sleep 15
 3807  1606 root     S     1188   1%   0% sleep 180

João Cardoso

Jun 20, 2020, 11:03:36 AM6/20/20
to Alt-F
I suspect that you have Alt-F packages installed in that filesystem. Verify: Packages->Alt-F, Packages Installed On, FS.
Or on the command line 'aufs.sh -l', should display "/mnt/XXX/Alt-F=rw", where XXX is the device where Alt-F packages are installed.

If that is the reason, in Packages->Alt-F you can try to "DeactivateNow", but it will probably fail. You have to uncheck "Boot Enable", Submit, reboot, perform the conversion, check "Boot Enable", Submit, and "ActivateNow" without the need for further reboots.

Of course, while aufs is not enabled you will not have the additional on-disk installed packages nor updates to fw pre-installed packages.

Markus Quandt

Jun 20, 2020, 11:34:51 AM6/20/20
to Alt-F
Brilliant, that worked! Thanks a lot!

(Now I'll continue to look for settings that allow the thing to run a bit cooler, i.e. with the fan turning off completely... Should be possible, since the box is sitting idle 98% of the time, but doesn't happen yet...)

Joao Cardoso

Jun 20, 2020, 9:31:05 PM6/20/20
to Alt-F

On Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 4:34:51 PM UTC+1, Markus Quandt wrote:
Brilliant, that worked! Thanks a lot!

(Now I'll continue to look for settings that allow the thing to run a bit cooler, i.e. with the fan turning off completely... Should be possible, since the box is sitting idle 98% of the time, but doesn't happen yet...)

Services->System, sysctrl, Configure. You can even turn the fan off and watch the disks melt down :-). Read the page online help (blue (?) icon)
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