Connecting to my DNS-323 from Windows 10

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Gerben Dijkstra

Jul 16, 2020, 3:15:34 PM7/16/20
First of all I want to thank Alt-F for breathing new life into my DNS-323.
The DNS-323 I owned I have turned over to my nephew, who is turning out to be quite the tech genius.
I am writing this message on his behalf, since he is turning out to be not quite the English language genius (but there is hope ;-) )

I have problems connecting to my DNS-323 from Windows 10.
My setup (addresses obscured for privacy reasons):
  • DNS-323 running Alt-F firmware 1.0
  • I have enabled SMB2 in Samba
  • I have one user named user1 with password 1234ABC
  • The IP address of my DNS-323 is
  • There is a /mnt/md0/Users folder
So my idea is as following
  1. I create a share to drive U:\ (user) from Windows 10 to \\\mnt\md0\Users\user1
  2. I log on with username \\\user1 and password 1234ABC
  3. I create a share to drive Z:\ (share) from Windows 10 to \\\mnt\md0\Public\RW
  4. I log on with username \\\user1 and password 1234ABC
This doesn't work, what am I doing wrong?

On behalf of my nephew, thank you for your help :)

Gerben Dijkstra

Aug 5, 2020, 5:11:04 AM8/5/20
to Alt-F
Did anybody else manage to connect their DNS323 to Windows 10 with SMB2? And help us out? We can not seem to connect to the share. Any tips or suggestions would help us.


Aug 6, 2020, 8:05:59 PM8/6/20
to Alt-F
I have only managed to establish connection using SMBv1. You can use SMBv1 if you enable support for it in Win10:

  1. Search in the start menu for ‘Turn Windows features on or off’ and open it
  2. Search for ‘SMB1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support’ (possibly only SMB 1.0/CIFS Client is needed) in the list of optional features that appears, and select the checkbox next to it.
  3. Click OK and Windows will add the selected feature. You’ll be asked to restart your computer as part of this process

Dne středa 5. srpna 2020 v 11:11:04 UTC+2 uživatel napsal:

Jeremy Laidman

Aug 6, 2020, 9:30:52 PM8/6/20
It's working for me with SMBv2. I have disabled SMBv1 in the Alt-F GUI, and my Win10 PC does NOT have SMBv1 enabled.

Perhaps check the logs in /var/log/samba/ for any error messages.

Did you create a user to login with? Does the username appear in /etc/samba/smbpasswd and smbusers?

Can you post your smb.conf file?

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Aug 7, 2020, 4:01:16 PM8/7/20
Also, for windows discovery via file explorer you need to install "wsdd2"   WSD/LLMNR Discovery/Name Service Daemon.

Don't for get do do a save after any changes, or it will revert to previous config after a reboot.


Gerben Dijkstra

Aug 26, 2020, 3:04:58 PM8/26/20
to Alt-F
After enablind wsdd2 we can now connect to the NAS from windows 10 with SMB2. Thanx :)

But there is one problem.
We have two users

Both are part of 2 groups

Two questions:
- Where can I find the backup group? How can I add users to it, or is it a system group I can't manage?
- Both users (user1 and user2) are members of both groups (users and backups). Both groups can write to the folder, yet Windows tells me I can not write to the folder. What is going on?
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