ipkg won't update

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Kram SSengor

Feb 13, 2016, 5:08:59 PM2/13/16
to Alt-F
I have been using Alt-F for a few years now.    I am now using

DNS-323 Alt-F-0.1RC4.1-DNS-323-rev-A1B1C1.bin 

I believe it happened when I was compiling a unison ipk.  The unison ipk has worked well for quite some time.

However I lost the ability to upgrade my system.  
 ipkg update
ipkg-cl: can't load library ''   in /usr/lib I have

I get the same error when using the gui

ipkg-cl: can't load library ''

No ipkg instalation found, install ipkg in:  and I say sda2  where / is located and the result is 

Alt-F already exists, you shouldn't supply a mountpoint.
ipkg-cl: can't load library ''
ipkg-cl: can't load library ''
ipkg: can't umount aufs branch, stopping services and retrying...
ipkg: can't umount aufs branch, exiting.

Another error  - on the status page

awk: cmd. line:1: Unexpected end of string sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number

Under the system page

The box is currently running Alt-F 0.1RC3 and its firmware is Alt-F-0.1RC4.1, kernel 3.10.32.

Thanks in advance.

Joao Cardoso

Feb 14, 2016, 8:52:55 PM2/14/16

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 10:08:59 PM UTC, Kram SSengor wrote:
I have been using Alt-F for a few years now.    I am now using

DNS-323 Alt-F-0.1RC4.1-DNS-323-rev-A1B1C1.bin 

I believe it happened when I was compiling a unison ipk.

In the box?
 The unison ipk has worked well for quite some time.

And you didn't share it with us :-( ? 
That means that you also have ocaml. Did you compiled it also yourself? Do you mind sharing?

However I lost the ability to upgrade my system.  
 ipkg update
ipkg-cl: can't load library ''   in /usr/lib I have

Both and are links to the real library,
You must have

[root@dns-323a]# ls -l /usr/lib/*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            16 Feb 10 17:26 /usr/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            16 Feb 10 17:26 /usr/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        147544 Jun 24  2014 /usr/lib/ 


ldconfig /usr/lib/

to reestablish the links

I get the same error when using the gui

ipkg-cl: can't load library ''

No ipkg instalation found, install ipkg in:  and I say sda2  where / is located and the result is 

Alt-F already exists, you shouldn't supply a mountpoint.
ipkg-cl: can't load library ''
ipkg-cl: can't load library ''
ipkg: can't umount aufs branch, stopping services and retrying...
ipkg: can't umount aufs branch, exiting.

Another error  - on the status page

awk: cmd. line:1: Unexpected end of string sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number

That is unrelated and already fixed in one of the last releases.

Under the system page

The box is currently running Alt-F 0.1RC3 and its firmware is Alt-F-0.1RC4.1, kernel 3.10.32.

Running RC3 with RC4.1 flashed? For any special reason?

Thanks in advance.

Kram SSengor

Feb 16, 2016, 8:06:32 PM2/16/16
to Alt-F

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 4:08:59 PM UTC-6, Kram SSengor wrote:
I have been using Alt-F for a few years now.    I am now using

I get the same error when using the gui

ipkg-cl: can't load library ''
No ipkg instalation found, install ipkg in:  and I say sda2  where / is located and the result is    :EDIT FIXED

Another error  - on the status page

awk: cmd. line:1: Unexpected end of string sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number  : EDIT Returns after reboot


Before I got the reply I changed the name o to - ipkg worked. I did use your advice, renamed back to previous, and did the "ldconfig /usr/lib/" It worked and locate also works now, I had complaints of a bad ncurses library also that does not appear.  
For a seperate post I will try to get you ocaml and unison.  Actually I do not have a .ipk, just the binary.  I did compile it via compiling ocaml 3.12.1 and then to unison 2.40.102  I will have to try to find the original webpages I used.  I  believe that one I used was
Another thing I did long ago was to make a static /root to hold /root/.unison  .  I do not know if that caused problems, I was using info from the funplug forum
Progress thanks.  

Stilll a problem is using command line "poweroff" or the gui poweroff only reboots.  

Still, I can flash and receive "Everything looks OK. The firmware file is for a DNS-323 and you have a rev-DNS-323-B1 board." and then proceed via TryIt and the FlashIt and the awk complaints disappear - but when I reboot, it goes back to the RC3 RC4.1 hybrid.  I can live with that, it is weird.   
But for me, it is all about backup, and my unison works as does my root permanently on /mnt/sda2

Joao Cardoso

Feb 16, 2016, 8:32:54 PM2/16/16
to Alt-F

On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 1:06:32 AM UTC, Kram SSengor wrote:

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 4:08:59 PM UTC-6, Kram SSengor wrote:
I have been using Alt-F for a few years now.    I am now using

I get the same error when using the gui

ipkg-cl: can't load library ''
No ipkg instalation found, install ipkg in:  and I say sda2  where / is located and the result is    :EDIT FIXED

Another error  - on the status page

awk: cmd. line:1: Unexpected end of string sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: °C/°F: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number sh: bad number  : EDIT Returns after reboot


Before I got the reply I changed the name o to - ipkg worked. I did use your advice, renamed back to previous, and did the "ldconfig /usr/lib/" It worked and locate also works now, I had complaints of a bad ncurses library also that does not appear.  
For a seperate post I will try to get you ocaml and unison.  Actually I do not have a .ipk, just the binary.  I did compile it via compiling ocaml 3.12.1 and then to unison 2.40.102  I will have to try to find the original webpages I used.  I  believe that one I used was
Another thing I did long ago was to make a static /root to hold /root/.unison  .  I do not know if that caused problems, I was using info from the funplug forum

That can cause issues with flashing/TryIt.
Use instead a userboot script to run at boot and do your own initialization, such as copying ssh key, or other: Services->System->User, e.g.:

[root@DNS-323a]# cat /mnt/sda2/ 

exec >> /var/log/user.log 2>&1

case "$1" in

waitfor="md0 sda2" # customize for your needs    

for i in $waitfor; do
    echo -n "waiting for $i:"
    while ! mountpoint -q /mnt/$i; do
        echo -n '.'
        sleep 5
    echo OK

echo -n "Waiting for to finish:" 
while ! -s >& /dev/null; do
        echo -n '.'
        sleep 1
echo OK

cp -a /mnt/sda2/.ssh /root


        stop) ;;
        *) ;;

You might have difficulties getting rid of /Alt-F/root

Progress thanks.  

Stilll a problem is using command line "poweroff" or the gui poweroff only reboots.  

Still, I can flash and receive "Everything looks OK. The firmware file is for a DNS-323 and you have a rev-DNS-323-B1 board." and then proceed via TryIt and the FlashIt and the awk complaints disappear - but when I reboot, it goes back to the RC3 RC4.1 hybrid.  I can live with that, it is weird.   

Probably the /Alt-F/root existence can explain all the above.
In any case you have some leftovers from RC3/4 under /Alt-F. The easiest way to get rid of them is using 'fixup clean', or System->Utilities->Fixes, Remove All.
Use the 'fixup' first. Still with the 'awk' errors? RC4.1 shown in the Status page? No? Flashing error, get rid of /Alt-F/root (you must do that anyway, reboot needed, ' needed)

Kram SSengor

Feb 17, 2016, 9:22:59 PM2/17/16
to Alt-F

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 4:08:59 PM UTC-6, Kram SSengor wrote:
I have been using Alt-F for a few years now.    I am now using

DNS-323 Alt-F-0.1RC4.1-DNS-323-rev-A1B1C1.bin 
 On the command line "fixup clean" took a few seconds and finished. Is "fixup clean" something like dpkg --configure -a?  And I got much more beautiful page stating that I had RC4.1 in firmware and as os.  I had no flashing errors,  "reboot" worked.  "poweroff" works now also.  And a after the scheduled checkup of sda2 - unison works as well as locate and mc. I did not have to delete /Alt-F/root in the firmware.  I am not sure what to do with the script.  

I will retry compiling ocaml, etc. and getting real .ipks out if possible - seperate post.  I will mark as solved after a day.  

João Cardoso

Feb 18, 2016, 11:44:13 AM2/18/16

On Thursday, 18 February 2016 02:22:59 UTC, Kram SSengor wrote:

On Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 4:08:59 PM UTC-6, Kram SSengor wrote:
I have been using Alt-F for a few years now.    I am now using

DNS-323 Alt-F-0.1RC4.1-DNS-323-rev-A1B1C1.bin 
 On the command line "fixup clean" took a few seconds and finished. Is "fixup clean" something like dpkg --configure -a?

No, it just removes any files under /Alt-F that are modifications from the base firmware and are not configuration settings, nor disk-installable files.
 And I got much more beautiful page stating that I had RC4.1 in firmware and as os.  I had no flashing errors,  "reboot" worked.  "poweroff" works now also.  And a after the scheduled checkup of sda2 - unison works as well as locate and mc.

I did not have to delete /Alt-F/root in the firmware.

Since RC4.1 the existence of /Alt-F/root is of no concern, so you can keep it and have no issues.

 I am not sure what to do with the script.  

If you don't know what to do with it, do nothing :-)

I will retry compiling ocaml, etc. and getting real .ipks out if possible - seperate post.  I will mark as solved after a day.  

I don't need/want binaries, but the  "receipt" to cross-compile them. Specially ocaml. I remember that I once was able to cross-compile it but could not automate the build procedure. 

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