Share access from Windows possible without entering credentials?

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Olivier K.

Feb 9, 2016, 2:48:05 PM2/9/16
to Alt-F
Hi there.
I flashed Alt-F to replace the DNS-323 stock firmware.
I'm really happy with it, but I have one question.
Is it possible to access the shares without entering credentials? 
I have made a couple shares - they are all under /mnt/md0/public.
I configured my folders (Setup > Folders) so that everybody can read/write as follows:
owner : root (all 3 checkbox checked)
Users in group : users (all 3 checkbox checked)
Other users (all 3 checkbox checked)
I then configured Samba shares for each folder and selected "Anybody" for the Allow drop-down list, and only the Browseable is checked.

Whenever I try to connect to my share, I get prompted for credentials.
Is there a way to go around this?


João Cardoso

Feb 10, 2016, 3:00:22 PM2/10/16
to Alt-F
Is your current (logged-in) Windows username/password the same as any Alt-F created user?

MS-Windows (what version are you using?) should supply to Alt-F the username/pass the windows user is currently logged in.
Alt-F itself accepts both the 'nick' name or the 'Full user name' (using the same password) of any local Alt-F user created under Setup->Users.

So, if I'm logged in ms-windows under "jcard" with password "pass", and "jcard" with password "pass" is a created Alt-F user, all should be OK.
Or likewise, if I'm logged in ms-windows under "Joao Cardoso" with password "pass", and "jcard" Alt-F user has  "Joao Cardoso" as his full name.

If your ms-windows version does not works as above, then it's a ms-windows issue.


Olivier K.

Feb 10, 2016, 3:05:30 PM2/10/16
to Alt-F
Thanks Joäo.

This is fine - at least I know how it works now.

Really appreciated!

Paulo Elifaz Andrielli

Feb 10, 2016, 4:50:45 PM2/10/16

Since only devices on my network will access NAS filesystems, I put the option to enable annonymous access.

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Olivier K.

Feb 10, 2016, 4:54:41 PM2/10/16
to Alt-F
Hi Paulo. Can you tell me how to enable anonymous? It's on my local private network as well so that would be the best.


Paulo Elifaz Andrielli

Feb 10, 2016, 6:07:43 PM2/10/16

On Samba config, I just added "anybody" to have access.

This way, on any device in my home, I can let no user and pass (or select anon) and then I can access anything.

sent from Android

Em 10/02/2016 19:54, "Olivier K." <> escreveu:
Hi Paulo.  Can you tell me how to enable anonymous?  It's on my local private network as well so that would be the best.


Olivier K.

Feb 10, 2016, 10:14:49 PM2/10/16
to Alt-F
Weird.  That's what I did from the begining but it still asks me from credentials when I connect from a Windows computer...

Thanks anyway!

Joao Cardoso

Feb 10, 2016, 11:15:14 PM2/10/16

On Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 3:14:49 AM UTC, Olivier K. wrote:
Weird.  That's what I did from the begining but it still asks me from credentials when I connect from a Windows computer...

But does the same ms-win user/pass also exists in Alt-F? are the entered credentials accepted (forever, after being accepted the first time)?
Can you access the default Public Read-Only/Read-write shares without supplying user/pass credentials?
You didn't tell us what your version of windows is

The above is just for reference, as the defaults shares works for me on windows vista when there is user equivalence (and I don't have win-7/8/10); I'm only asked for credentials when I try to access another user share.

In another topic (the relevant excerpt is below) I explain how you can increase the samba log level verbosity and watch the samba log to see what is happening. It would be nice if someone could investigate those issues.

login failures are not logged under the default log level.
To see them in the smbd log you have to edit /etc/samba/smbd.conf and add 'log level = 2'  in the [Global] section, then issue 'rcsmb reload' at the command line to make Samba re-read its configuration. You can them see in the logs the success/failure logs:

[2016/02/04 18:04:59.021540,  2] auth/auth.c:314(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [jcard] -> [jcard] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
[2016/02/04 18:05:23.212410,  2] lib/access.c:409(check_access)
  Allowed connection from (
[2016/02/04 18:05:23.236429,  2] auth/auth.c:314(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [Joao Cardoso] -> [jcard] FAILED with error NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
[2016/02/04 18:09:30.783190,  2] lib/access.c:409(check_access)
  Allowed connection from (
[2016/02/04 18:09:30.806338,  2] auth/auth.c:304(check_ntlm_password)
  check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [Joao Cardoso] -> [jcard] -> [jcard] succeeded
[2016/02/04 18:09:30.833731,  2] lib/access.c:409(check_access)
  Allowed connection from (
[2016/02/04 18:09:30.850322,  2] lib/access.c:409(check_access)
  Allowed connection from (
[2016/02/04 18:09:30.860443,  1] smbd/service.c:1084(make_connection_snum)
  silver ( connect to service Users initially as user jcard (uid=1000, gid=100) (pid 2936)
[2016/02/04 18:09:32.657833,  1] smbd/service.c:1265(close_cnum)
  silver ( closed connection to service Users

Olivier K.

Feb 12, 2016, 7:28:14 AM2/12/16
to Alt-F
Hi there. Sorry for late response.

I don't have same user and pwd on my windows machine. Actually there isn't jyst one computer connecting to my NAS. It's the familly storage.

That is why i wanted anonymous access. I haven't tried the default shares yet - i disabled them but kept them as is. But i will try that tonight when back at home. I also saw there are advanced settings in Samba - can't recall the name exactly...swat or something similar? I might check on that side in case i find some interesting things.

Thank you all for the help!

Olivier K.

Feb 12, 2016, 7:32:42 AM2/12/16
to Alt-F
Oh! I didn't see the logging part of your last message...browsing on my phone on my way to work and missed that part at first.
Thanks for the tips and explanation on the logs. I'll try it and see how it behaves for the builtin shares and compare to mine.

João Cardoso

Feb 12, 2016, 11:35:25 AM2/12/16
to Alt-F

On Friday, 12 February 2016 12:28:14 UTC, Olivier K. wrote:
Hi there.  Sorry for late response.  

I don't have same user and pwd on my windows machine.

So the first step is to create them in Alt-F, Setup->users, New.

 Actually there isn't jyst one computer connecting to my NAS. It's the familly storage.

So every family member should have an account in the NAS, being the same as on theirs computers (most people reuse username/pass on several computers). 

That is why i wanted anonymous access.  I haven't tried the default shares yet - i disabled them but kept them as is.

The idea behind the Public shares is exactly that, a Public Read Only with family data area that everyone can access, and a Public Read Write where everyone can share data; and the private User data associated with each user.

So you bought a new car and before trying the engine you decided to change it ;-) 


 But i will try that tonight when back at home.  I also saw there are advanced settings in Samba - can't recall the name exactly...swat or something similar?

Yes, swat. That's for advanced usage. You can install the samba-doc package to have swat online documentation over each one of its 300 or so options.
Try first the simple shipped defaults, that works (for me).

Olivier K.

Feb 12, 2016, 11:40:36 AM2/12/16
to Alt-F
Yes, you can definitely say I "bought a new car and before tyring the engine I decided to change it" :-D
The thing is that my familly is French, and I wanted to have properly French named for the shares.  Also, I have different ones for sake of separating things.  Photos, movies, music, applications, backups, etc.

But I will definitely try the built-in shares and eventually just change the display name.
I'll also check for the users/password - that might be the easiest, and it's not likely to change anyway.

Thanks for your help...again :)
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