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[TIP] Getting remote access to the GUI of Syncthing

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Mark van Leeuwen

Mar 7, 2019, 4:55:21 AM3/7/19
to Alt-F
By default, syncthing's GUI is listening on localhost ( only, meaning you coudl not access it from a browser that is not runnign on your Alt-F box, which is is probably the case.
One solution could be to create a SSH tunnel to port 8384. Another option, simpler and more flexible but less secure than a SSH tunnel. is described below.

Install the syncthing package via the package manager in Alt-F, then start syncthing using the command line
$ syncthing -verbose

Upon starting it (as standard user, root is not recommended), a default configuration file is created in /home/$USER/.config/syncthing/config.xml
You should stop syncthing via CTRL-C and edit that configuration file to allow remote access to the web-based gui, by default it only listens to localhost. The change required is 
Under the <gui/> node.
Important: please pay attention that by doing so, the GUI is basically open for any device that can access your NAS on this port..A login password should be created via the syncthing GUI. This is why it is less secure than the SSH tunnel variant

Start syncthing again via
$ syncthing -verbose

Open a browser on your local computer that is able to access the NAS , for example if is your NAS' IP afdress

Ths syncthing GUI is now accessible.  At the top you are offered to upgrade to the latest version. see another post to do that step without incidents / errors.

Best, Mark

Nicolas Desveaux

Mar 7, 2019, 5:31:26 AM3/7/19
Thanks for the contribution Mark!!

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João Cardoso

Mar 7, 2019, 11:20:33 PM3/7/19
to Alt-F

On Thursday, March 7, 2019 at 9:55:21 AM UTC, Mark van Leeuwen wrote:
By default, syncthing's GUI is listening on localhost ( only, meaning you coudl not access it from a browser that is not runnign on your Alt-F box, which is is probably the case.

As said in a related post, rhe 'rcsyncthing' init script does it all, including running it under the syncthing user and allowing connections from other hosts (that you adress in other post).
Whenever possible use the rc<service> shortcuts to the /etc/init.d/ initscripts, as they often customize needed requirements.
This applies to all services. The default pot for Alt-F is 8088 (before doing the upgrade to more recent versions, them embeding stops working and you have to open it in another browser tab. 

Mark van Leeuwen

Mar 8, 2019, 3:18:14 AM3/8/19
to Alt-F
You are totally right. Short after posting I realized the package included this rc script as well, and din't have time to follow-up. 
Still, it can be interesting for people who want to run multiple instances under multiple users...if you have the RAM for it :-)

Any particular reason why you changed the default port from 8384 to 8088?

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