Loadingg kernel modules automatically at boot | And auto dialing 3G cards

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Jan 16, 2013, 10:56:39 AM1/16/13
to al...@googlegroups.com
Hello all,

Alt-F is awesome now I've set up Samba/NFS/AFP in it and am compiling a ton of programs ( not using the package method though, just into /usr/local)

1) I've compiled kernel modules for the and would like to load them automatically at boot. I tried with /etc/modprobe.conf but that doesnt' seem to work or I've got the syntax wrong..

blacklist ipv6


So I've created a script in /etc/init.d/S80mods and +x ed it,

modprobe slhc
# like so...

2) I've successfully able to connect my EVDO card and 3G card and download stuff with transmission and mldonkey ( Both compiled). Problem is - I am able to dial on SSH, but not with custom init.d script. Yes, I am dialing affter the modem driver (Option module) has been loaded and so. But Dialing before logging in gives error (0x7f) Any idea how to get auto dial working?

Joao Cardoso

Jan 16, 2013, 2:55:18 PM1/16/13
to al...@googlegroups.com
On Wednesday, January 16, 2013 3:56:39 PM UTC, ope...@gmail.com wrote:
Hello all,

Alt-F is awesome now I've set up Samba/NFS/AFP in it and am compiling a ton of programs ( not using the package method though, just into /usr/local)

But are using the Alt-F cross compiling infrastructure, or are compiling in the box? Or are you using a virtual machine? Could you please elaborate a little more?

1) I've compiled kernel modules for the and would like to load them automatically at boot. I tried with /etc/modprobe.conf but that doesnt' seem to work or I've got the syntax wrong.. 

blacklist ipv6


Yes, the current S13modload, installed when the kernel-modules package is installed, only autoload some modules (those who are needed by some other configured services pages, marked in /etc/misc.conf as MODLOAD_*)

I wanted to provide a uniform way of doing that, using the webUI, but have not yet found a way.

So I've created a script in /etc/init.d/S80mods and +x ed it, 

modprobe slhc
# like so...

2) I've successfully able to connect my EVDO card and 3G card and download stuff with transmission and mldonkey ( Both compiled).

How did you manage to (cross?) compile mldonkey? I think it needs ocaml, was it easy to (cross) compile it?
If you are using Buildroot, can you share the Config/*.mk?
Problem is - I am able to dial on SSH, but not with custom init.d script. Yes, I am dialing affter the modem driver (Option module) has been loaded and so. But Dialing before logging in gives error (0x7f) Any idea how to get auto dial working?

Sorry, can't help :-(


Jan 17, 2013, 1:04:55 AM1/17/13
1) No, I am just compiling natively in the box - Still trying to get your build root package compiled. :) I've also installed kernel modules package - But i don't quite see S13mods script... :-S I will try re installing it. 

I also tried compiling with the D-Link toolchain, but get segmentation fault with those programs output.

2) About mlDonkey - I just used the flags "./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-donkey --enable-bittorrent --enable-filetp", OCaml compilation went without a hitch. I also wrote a startup script to get it started at boot. 

3) Thanks for the help - Very much appreciated. :)

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