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Chris Bird

Feb 23, 2015, 5:07:08 AM2/23/15
Hi crew

I couldn't find an existing thread which covered this topic, please point me in the right direction if I'm missing something.

I recently recovered my NAS from a RAID1 with a failed disk. Replaced the disk and followed the instructions here:

Got a few funnies, and decided to rebuild the NAS. I set up the drives as EXT4 RAID1 using the wizard, and set up SMB. I have mapped my (Win7) laptop to the SMB share and can do normal shell (drag-and-drop) file operations no problem. However, I am no longer able to use Robocopy to back up my HDD. It fails with 

2015/02/23 21:04:52 ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Changing File Attributes W:\[filepath]\
Access is denied.

[filepath] is mine

Anyone seen this before?

João Cardoso

Feb 23, 2015, 10:25:23 AM2/23/15
Isn't Robocopy using its own user/password (or using the guest account), not your's?
Or are you trying to backup a system file which permissions can't be mapped? (no MS-Win user here)

Chris Bird

Feb 24, 2015, 5:22:11 AM2/24/15
I'm doing the shell transfer with the guest account, and had robocopy working fine prior to redoing the HDDs.

I'll try running robocopy with a different account and report back.

I have the smb share set up to accept anybody, and folder permissions set to no owner.

The files I'm backing up are all photos, raw and jpg. No funny attributes.

Chris Bird

Feb 27, 2015, 4:46:48 AM2/27/15
Got it sorted - I re mapped the share drive with credentials and it went through. Still don't know what was wrong though, I could do it all fine with the guest account prior to blowing away the HDDs and putting the new firmware on. All good. Thanks for the tips, Joao!


Andrew Pywell

Mar 4, 2015, 7:51:20 PM3/4/15
Sorry if this post if not formatted or sequenced correctly (browser issue).

I'm currently changing from vendor firmware to Alt-F and hit this same robocopy issue myself on restore of data. This occurred for both ext2 and ext4 that I tested. Unmap and map of shares did not resolve. Check/set file and folder permissions did not resolve. Resolution was to change robocopy argument /copy:dat to /copy:dt in my backup script. The /copy:dat worked fine with vendor firmware but not with Alt-F.
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