Can't find Owncloud listed in any services after installed

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Goolias Andreas

Oct 6, 2014, 11:36:52 PM10/6/14


The installation went fine, no error.
However I don't see the OwnCloud listed in any services for configuration. I browse through, user, system and network none of them listed OwnCloud service, in Alt-F packages it shows installed. I manually go into lighthttp and browse the owncloud folder, upon open Owncloud main pages said GD Library not installed, so couldn't use.
Anyone had this problem?
I install OwnCloud 7.0.2 Alf-F packages on Alt-F RC4 in DNS323.

João Cardoso

Oct 7, 2014, 10:20:52 AM10/7/14

On Tuesday, October 7, 2014 4:36:52 AM UTC+1, Goolias Andreas wrote:


The installation went fine, no error.
However I don't see the OwnCloud listed in any services for configuration.

If is not an independent service, it is a set of PHP web pages running under lighttpd control. Services->Network, lighttpd, start, then configure, then WebPage.
I browse through, user, system and network none of them listed OwnCloud service, in Alt-F packages it shows installed. I manually go into lighthttp and browse the owncloud folder, upon open Owncloud main pages said GD Library not installed,

In the lighttpd config webUI, the "gd" PHP extension must be checked.
That is done once at owncloud install time, and will not be verified again.

Goolias Andreas

Oct 7, 2014, 10:17:59 PM10/7/14


Thanks for info. I remove owncloud and php as well as lighthttp and reinstall again.
This time I went into lighthttpd service and click web page, a "404: Page not found" salutes me.
I am out of my wits.

João Cardoso

Oct 8, 2014, 9:46:38 AM10/8/14

On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 3:17:59 AM UTC+1, Goolias Andreas wrote:


Thanks for info. I remove owncloud and php as well as lighthttp and reinstall again.

Don't understand why you did that, you only had to check the 'gd' checkbox in the PHP extensions section on the lighttpd webUI, and hit Submit.
This time I went into lighthttpd service and click web page, a "404: Page not found" salutes me.

That's too vague. Every step, and its results, should be reported, as I do bellow:

-uninstall owncloud
-verify that php and lighttpd are installed
-configure lighttpd supplying a folder on disk as the "server root", and check "Enable PHP". You don't need to change anything else, hit Submit
-start lighttpd, then go again to its configuration webUI and hit WebPage, try hitting the hello.html and hello.php. Working?
-install owncloud. At the end, go again to the lighttpd configuration webUI, verify that several PHP extension checkboxes are now checked (including "gd"), use WebPage and hit the owncloud link. Working?

Goolias Andreas

Oct 8, 2014, 10:24:52 AM10/8/14

On Wednesday, October 8, 2014 9:46:38 PM UTC+8, João Cardoso wrote:

-uninstall owncloud
-verify that php and lighttpd are installed

Verified, there are still installed.
-configure lighttpd supplying a folder on disk as the "server root", and check "Enable PHP". You don't need to change anything else, hit Submit
-start lighttpd, then go again to its configuration webUI and hit WebPage, try hitting the hello.html and hello.php. Working?

Yup, working fine.
-install owncloud. At the end, go again to the lighttpd configuration webUI, verify that several PHP extension checkboxes are now checked (including "gd"), use WebPage and hit the owncloud link. Working?

Ok, i can see the owncloud page but it still said:

PHP module GD not installed.

Please ask your server administrator to install the module.

PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?

Please ask your server administrator to restart the web server.

I have these modules enabled:

calendar  ctype  curl  dom  

exif  fileinfo  ftp  gd  

hash  iconv  json  mbstring  

mcrypt  mysql  openssl  pdo  

pdo_mysql  pdo_sqlite  posix  readline  

session  simplexml  snmp  soap  

sockets  sqlite3  sysvmsg  sysvsem  

sysvshm  tokenizer  xml  xmlreader  

xmlwriter  zip  zlib  

I just enabled them I really not sure what is needed for owncloud hoping that it will work.

Ronaldo Antoni

Oct 8, 2014, 10:35:32 AM10/8/14
to Grupo Alt-F
After installing the packages and enable php modules, restart lighttpd. 
Or if you prefer, save the settings and reboot the machine.

Ronaldo Antoni

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João Cardoso

Oct 8, 2014, 12:37:13 PM10/8/14
What version of php do you have installed?  5.4.4-2 ?
Have you restarted lighttpd, as Ronaldo suggests (although hitting Submit will restart lighttpd)?
Have you cleared the browser cache after restarting lighttpd?

Go to lighttpd webpage, hit hello.php, and in the next page search for 'gd'. In my system I find:


GD Supportenabled
GD Versionbundled (2.0.34 compatible)
GIF Read Supportenabled
GIF Create Supportenabled
JPEG Supportenabled
libJPEG Version8
PNG Supportenabled
libPNG Version1.2.38
WBMP Supportenabled
XBM Supportenabled

And, by the way, do you really need all those php extensions active? The more you activate the more memory php will consume, and the box only has 64MB of memory.
The ones needed for owncloud are:

Goolias Andreas

Oct 9, 2014, 9:49:44 AM10/9/14

What version of php do you have installed?  5.4.4-2 ?

Have you restarted lighttpd, as Ronaldo suggests (although hitting Submit will restart lighttpd)?

Have you cleared the browser cache after restarting lighttpd?

I have tried method restart the lighthttpd still same problem.
So I uninstall owncloud and php, then I install php alone and click gd support only.
When I check hello.php, it still doesn't listed it as install.
I am not sure if I am doing it right, but it looks like this library had problem enabled in php
Is there anyway I can manually install via cmd line?

João Cardoso

Oct 9, 2014, 1:28:21 PM10/9/14

On Thursday, October 9, 2014 2:49:44 PM UTC+1, Goolias Andreas wrote:

What version of php do you have installed?  5.4.4-2 ?

Have you restarted lighttpd, as Ronaldo suggests (although hitting Submit will restart lighttpd)?

Have you cleared the browser cache after restarting lighttpd?
I have tried method restart the lighthttpd still same problem.
So I uninstall owncloud and php, then I install php alone and click gd support only.
When I check hello.php, it still doesn't listed it as install.
I am not sure if I am doing it right, but it looks like this library had problem enabled in php
Is there anyway I can manually install via cmd line?

From the command line you should see:

grep /etc/php.ini

ls -la /usr/lib/php5/extensions/

-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        279380 Jun 24 14:26 /usr/lib/php5/extensions/

php -m | grep gd


Is that what you observe? It should be.

To uninstall and reinstall:

ipkg update
-force-depends remove php
ipkg install php

But after an install the gd extension will be disabled by default (the owncloud install script enables it)

php -m | grep gd # displays nothing
grep extension /etc/php.ini # displays the extension as commented

and must be enabled by editing '/etc/php.ini' and removing the ';' from the ';' line.

Goolias Andreas

Oct 10, 2014, 8:00:34 AM10/10/14
At first I got this:

[root@DNS-323]# grep /etc/php.ini
[root@DNS-323]# ls -la /usr/lib/php5/extension/
ls: /usr/lib/php5/extension/ No such file or directory

After I remove and reinstall php and owncloud using ipkg cmd, now got this:

[root@DNS-323]# ls -la /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        279380 Jun 24 21:26 /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
[root@DNS-323]# grep /etc/php.ini

but, upon checking hello.php, I couldn't find GD module, and when click owncloud I still getting this error:

PHP module GD not installed.

Please ask your server administrator to install the module.

João Cardoso

Oct 10, 2014, 11:40:18 AM10/10/14

On Friday, October 10, 2014 1:00:34 PM UTC+1, Goolias Andreas wrote:
At first I got this:

[root@DNS-323]# grep /etc/php.ini
[root@DNS-323]# ls -la /usr/lib/php5/extension/
ls: /usr/lib/php5/extension/ No such file or directory

After I remove and reinstall php and owncloud using ipkg cmd, now got this:

[root@DNS-323]# ls -la /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        279380 Jun 24 21:26 /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
[root@DNS-323]# grep /etc/php.ini

So it looks OK.
What does 'which php' and 'php -m' displays? Mine says:

[root@DNS-325]# which php

[root@DNS-325]# php -m
[PHP Modules]
gd <-----------------------

[Zend Modules]

using 'php -i' shows everything that the hello.php page shows, gs appears also there:

GD Support => enabled
GD Version => bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
GIF Read Support => enabled
GIF Create Support => enabled
JPEG Support => enabled
libJPEG Version => 8
PNG Support => enabled
libPNG Version => 1.2.38
WBMP Support => enabled
XBM Support => enabled

Directive => Local Value => Master Value
gd.jpeg_ignore_warning => 0 => 0


Do you have ffp installed?

but, upon checking hello.php, I couldn't find GD module, and when click owncloud I still getting this error:

What browser are you using? Cache effects?

Sorry, can't help more, everything looks OK.
Until I'm able to reproduce the issue I can't fix it.

Goolias Andreas

Oct 10, 2014, 10:01:33 PM10/10/14

which php

php -m:
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0

[PHP Modules]




I counter check again :

[root@DNS-323]# ls -l /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
ls: No such file or directory
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        279380 Jun 24 21:26 /usr/lib/php5/extensions/

Why there is a "No such file or directory" and the next line found it?
I went into /usr/lib/php5/extensions, I can see is there.

ffp was previous installed before I use alt-f.  would that be the problem?
PHP module GD not installed.

João Cardoso

Oct 11, 2014, 3:37:51 PM10/11/14

On Saturday, October 11, 2014 3:01:33 AM UTC+1, Goolias Andreas wrote:

which php

php -m:
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0

Please check its consistency executing the following command

echo -n "a122b866cfeb2c9f28925b57f1447bdb  /usr/lib/php5/extensions/" >

You should receive and output as
/usr/lib/php5/extensions/ OK
but you probably will not. 
Are you using a proxy server? or your ISP probably is? because you made several downloads, and the result was always the same.
I have just downloaded (again) the sourceforge php package and manually verified that it is not corrupted.

Assuming that the issue is caused by  (persistently) corrupted downloads:

I enclose a, you have to transfer it to the file and execute the commands:

gunzip # uncompress
/usr/lib/php5/extensions/ /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # save a backup of the old
mv gd
.so /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # use new
/usr/lib/php5/extensions/ /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # compare with original, no output means identical
md5sum -c # now should display OK
php -m # gs should now appear


Goolias Andreas

Oct 12, 2014, 12:58:59 AM10/12/14

On Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:37:51 AM UTC+8, João Cardoso wrote:
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0

Please check its consistency executing the following command

echo -n "a122b866cfeb2c9f28925b57f1447bdb  /usr/lib/php5/extensions/" >

You should receive and output as
/usr/lib/php5/extensions/ OK
but you probably will not. 

Surprisingly, mine show ok:
/usr/lib/php5/extensions/ : OK

Are you using a proxy server? or your ISP probably is? because you made several downloads, and the result was always the same.
I have just downloaded (again) the sourceforge php package and manually verified that it is not corrupted.

Assuming that the issue is caused by  (persistently) corrupted downloads:

I enclose a, you have to transfer it to the file and execute the commands:

gunzip # uncompress
/usr/lib/php5/extensions/ /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # save a backup of the old
mv gd
.so /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # use new
/usr/lib/php5/extensions/ /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # compare with original, no output means identical
md5sum -c # now should display OK
php -m # gs should now appear


Downloaded your file and copy into the respective folder, same error.
I gave up for now. Thanks for all your help and patience in this.
Looks like I have no luck.

Joao Cardoso

Oct 12, 2014, 1:34:32 AM10/12/14
to Alt-F Group


On Oct 12, 2014 5:58 AM, "Goolias Andreas" <> wrote:
> On Sunday, October 12, 2014 3:37:51 AM UTC+8, João Cardoso wrote:
>> PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0
>> Ah!
>> Please check its consistency executing the following command
>> echo -n "a122b866cfeb2c9f28925b57f1447bdb  /usr/lib/php5/extensions/" >
>> md5sum -c
>> You should receive and output as
>>> /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ OK
>> but you probably will not. 
> Surprisingly, mine show ok:

> /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ : Ok

So the issue is not the gd  library.
As all other libraries were loaded, I assumed wrongly that GSM was in error. 

>> Are you using a proxy server? or your ISP probably is? because you made several downloads, and the result was always the same.
>> I have just downloaded (again) the sourceforge php package and manually verified that it is not corrupted.
>> Assuming that the issue is caused by  (persistently) corrupted downloads:
>> I enclose a, you have to transfer it to the file and execute the commands:
>> gunzip # uncompress
>> mv /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # save a backup of the old
>> mv /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # use new
>> cmp /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ /usr/lib/php5/extensions/ # compare with original, no output means identical
>> md5sum -c # now should display OK
>> php -m # gs should now appear
> Downloaded your file and copy into the respective folder, same error.
> I gave up for now. Thanks for all your help and patience in this.
> Looks like I have no luck.

This is not a matter of luck!
But that's ok :-)

>>>> ...
>>>> Do you have ffp installed?
>>>>> but, upon checking hello.php, I couldn't find GD module, and when click owncloud I still getting this error:
>>>> What browser are you using? Cache effects?
>>>> Sorry, can't help more, everything looks OK.
>>>> Until I'm able to reproduce the issue I can't fix it.
>>>>> PHP module GD not installed.
>>>>> Please ask your server administrator to install the module.

Goolias Andreas

Oct 12, 2014, 10:24:57 AM10/12/14

I resorted to change the /mnt/sda2 to a new hard drive, reinstall Alt-F packages,
This time, I install lighttp, php and finally owncloud.
Yes!, no more GD library can't load problem!

And, yes, I finally able to see the first page of owncloud after so many days.
Again, thanks to Joao, for the wonderful firmware and it's packages!

Ronaldo Antoni

Nov 11, 2014, 4:59:21 PM11/11/14
to Grupo Alt-F
I'm trying to use mysql owncloud7 and the 320L, but can not. I think it is the lack of the php5-mysql package. The error I get is: "could not find driver"
Am I right or delivering this package the problem would be solved?

Ronaldo Antoni

2014-10-12 11:24 GMT-03:00 Goolias Andreas <>:

I resorted to change the /mnt/sda2 to a new hard drive, reinstall Alt-F packages,
This time, I install lighttp, php and finally owncloud.
Yes!, no more GD library can't load problem!

But, i still can't use it, upon starting I face with new error:
Can't write into config directory

João Cardoso

Nov 12, 2014, 10:51:42 AM11/12/14

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 9:59:21 PM UTC, Ronaldo Antoni wrote:
I'm trying to use mysql owncloud7 and the 320L, but can not. I think it is the lack of the php5-mysql package. The error I get is: "could not find driver"
Am I right or delivering this package the problem would be solved?


Please execute the following command (this is a fast hack, not sure where the real error is!)

ln -sf /usr/lib/mysql/ /usr/lib/
-sf /usr/lib/mysql/ /usr/lib/
-sf /usr/lib/mysql/ /usr/lib/

You have to select the mysql and/or pdo_mysql checkbox in the lighttpd PHP config section. I'm not sure which one is needed, please try each at a time and report back.

You also have to start mysql before starting lighttpd.

When setting up owncloud for the first time, in "Configure the database" an option to select either sqlite or mysql will be offered. You might have to follow the owncloud site instructions on how to set up mysql. I have done that once and it worked.

Ronaldo Antoni

Nov 12, 2014, 12:22:57 PM11/12/14
to Grupo Alt-F
Had already enabled mysql and pdo_mysql (both as a precaution);

Mysql and lighttpd start with the boot. No way to set a delay for you launch lighttpd, to ensure that the mysql is already running when the process is started?

I'm migrating an installation of owncloud that runs on another platform, then directly edited the config.php and made changes. I will do the tests when at home, but I let one more question: the links that will be created will be lost on reboot, then I enter the commands in personal script, right?

Ronaldo Antoni

2014-11-12 13:51 GMT-02:00 João Cardoso <>:

On Tuesday, November 11, 2014 9:59:21 PM UTC, Ronaldo Antoni wrote:
I'm trying to use mysql owncloud7 and the 320L, but can not. I think it is the lack of the php5-mysql package. The error I get is: "could not find driver"
Am I right or delivering this package the problem would be solved?


Please execute the following command:

ln -sf /usr/lib/mysql/ /usr/lib/
-sf /usr/lib/mysql/ /usr/lib/
-sf /usr/lib/mysql/ /usr/lib/

You have to select the mysql and/or pdo_mysql checkbox in the lighttpd PHP config section. I'm not sure which one is needed, please try each at a time and report back.

You also have to start mysql before starting lighttpd.

When setting up owncloud for the first time, in "Configure the database" an option to select either sqlite or mysql will be offered. You might have to follow the owncloud site instructions on how to set up mysql. I have done that once and it worked.

João Cardoso

Nov 12, 2014, 1:26:56 PM11/12/14

On Wednesday, November 12, 2014 5:22:57 PM UTC, Ronaldo Antoni wrote:
Had already enabled mysql and pdo_mysql (both as a precaution);

I think that only mysql is needed. And if you don't need sqlite/pdo_sqlite you should disable them.
Having unneeded modules loaded is a waste of memory, and the 256MB that your box has (64MB for the DNS-323) is not like the 4GB that your PC has ;-)

Mysql and lighttpd start with the boot. No way to set a delay for you launch lighttpd, to ensure that the mysql is already running when the process is started?

The script start number (the NN in the /etc/init.d/SNN<service> file name) guarantees that mysql will start before lighttpd at boot and that lighttpd will be stopped before mysql at power down: S44mysqld    S52lighttpd

I'm migrating an installation of owncloud that runs on another platform, then directly edited the config.php and made changes.

Please start with a clean, fresh install first, just to be sure that it works OK. After knowing that it works fine you can start making changes, and you know that if issues arises that's because of your changes.
I will do the tests when at home, but I let one more question: the links that will be created will be lost on reboot, then I enter the commands in personal script, right?

As you have packages installed, the links will re-appear as soon as the /Alt-F folder is (automatically) aufs mounted. Then the packages initscripts found in /Alt-F/etc/init.d will also be (automatically) executed in order.

Ronaldo Antoni

Nov 15, 2014, 6:18:51 PM11/15/14
to Grupo Alt-F
I made the suggested adjustments and everything worked normally. Regarding mysql, sufficed to create the links. The performance dropped significantly (perhaps depending on the verge database 200mb).

Ronaldo Antoni

João Cardoso

Nov 16, 2014, 10:21:39 AM11/16/14

On Saturday, November 15, 2014 11:18:51 PM UTC, Ronaldo Antoni wrote:
I made the suggested adjustments and everything worked normally. Regarding mysql, sufficed to create the links. The performance dropped significantly

What are you evaluating? mysql only? Owncloud with mysql? overall box performance?

dropped in relation to what? owncloud with sqlite usage? owncloud on "real" PC? 

(perhaps depending on the verge database 200mb).

Ronaldo Antoni

2014-11-12 16:26 GMT-02:00 João Cardoso

On Wednesday, November 12, 2014 5:22:57 PM UTC, Ronaldo Antoni wrote:
Had already enabled mysql and pdo_mysql (both as a precaution);

I think that only mysql is needed. And if you don't need sqlite/pdo_sqlite you should disable them.
Having unneeded modules loaded is a waste of memory, and the 256MB that your box has (64MB for the DNS-323) is not like the 4GB that your PC has ;-)

Mysql and lighttpd start with the boot. No way to set a delay for you launch lighttpd, to ensure that the mysql is already running when the process is started?

The script start number (the NN in the /etc/init.d/SNN<service> file name) guarantees that mysql will start before lighttpd at boot and that lighttpd will be stopped before mysql at power down: S44mysqld    S52lighttpd

I'm migrating an installation of owncloud that runs on another platform, then directly edited the config.php and made changes.

Please start with a clean, fresh install first, just to be sure that it works OK. After knowing that it works fine you can start making changes, and you know that if issues arises that's because of your changes.
I will do the tests when at home, but I let one more question: the links that will be created will be lost on reboot, then I enter the commands in personal script, right?

As you have packages installed, the links will re-appear as soon as the /Alt-F folder is (automatically) aufs mounted. Then the packages initscripts found in /Alt-F/etc/init.d will also be (automatically) executed in order.

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Ronaldo Antoni

Nov 16, 2014, 3:13:56 PM11/16/14
to Grupo Alt-F
Evaluate the overall performance of owncloud + dns320l!
I did the first installation using sqlite in NAS itself, getting a terrible performance, especially since the database went from 50mb performance begins to drop sharply.
So, I decided to use an old laptop that is touching. Put apache + mysql and owncloud running on it, and armazendando data on the NAS via NFS. Worked perfectly well.
After, transfer the installation of ownclou back to the NAS, with the database running on mysql. The performance was far superior compared to sqlite, but lower than it was in the notebook, which is evident by the superiority of dispníveis resources (1.8ghz + 2gb ram).
For comparison: use owncloud sharing data between two smartphones and three computers (including sending the active camera). The database holds almost 200mb and have 140 gb of data!

Ronaldo Antoni

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João Cardoso

Nov 17, 2014, 11:51:47 AM11/17/14

On Sunday, November 16, 2014 8:13:56 PM UTC, Ronaldo Antoni wrote:
Evaluate the overall performance of owncloud + dns320l!
I did the first installation using sqlite in NAS itself, getting a terrible performance, especially since the database went from 50mb performance begins to drop sharply.
So, I decided to use an old laptop that is touching. Put apache + mysql and owncloud running on it, and armazendando data on the NAS via NFS. Worked perfectly well.
After, transfer the installation of ownclou back to the NAS, with the database running on mysql. The performance was far superior compared to sqlite,

ah, that was what I wanted to know. You found owncloud+mysql to be significantly faster than owncloud+sqlite. At least for "large" installations.
I apologise for being so pick.

And is it usable? After my experiences with owncloud-3 on a DNS-323 I found it so slow that I disregard doing an upgrade for latter owncloud releases.

As a rule I found that the usage of interpreted languages such as python, perl or php on the DNS-3x is very slow and memory intensive.

Ronaldo Antoni

Nov 17, 2014, 12:00:13 PM11/17/14
to Grupo Alt-F
Access the web interface is bad. I noticed that many times the processing NAS goes to 100% and it seems to hang. Sometimes gives error on page load, even on a local network (eliminating the possibility of the link being the problem).

But working with the client installed is pretty good. And it is my intention to keep backup data synchronized all the time.

Ronaldo Antoni

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to


Jan 13, 2015, 9:39:15 PM1/13/15
I'm seeing similar issues with php dynamic libraries not loading.

Basic summary is I've upgraded to RC4 on a DNS323. Installed lighttpd 1.4.35, php 5.4.34, mysql 5.1.73 and owncloud 7.02.

Owncloud complains:
No database drivers (sqlite, mysql, or postgresql) installed.

PHP module GD not installed.
PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?

 I've selected the needed php components in the lighttpd configure checkboxes.

# php -m

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0

The files exist in the specified directories, but file dates are newer than posted above and presumable therefore the checksums don't match above either.
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        279576 Oct 20 18:30
33a4713a3a2c13ee384c3cb94ccf59b8  /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         46140 Oct 20 18:30
209bfeb4f1c146bf4f0971a5c2c22e5a  /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         28312 Oct 20 18:30
dcd6de9ab9ec8e5524b8a7ce72344c89  /usr/lib/php5/extensions/

I've reinstalled all packages several times. Not sure how to proceed at this point. Looking for some help if possible.

João Cardoso

Jan 14, 2015, 1:29:12 PM1/14/15

After that, both SQLite  and MySQL/MariaDB appear under the owncloud "Configure the database" setup page.
For setting up mysql you might have to follow the owncloud site instructions (and install and start the mysql server? probably, not sure about that).
[disregard this, pdo/pdo_sqlite at least are needed] It also looks like owncloud don't use/need the 'pdo/pdo_*' extensions; both sqlite/mysql still appear at the owncloud setup page even when they are not enabled. 



Jan 14, 2015, 2:25:33 PM1/14/15
Thanks, progress! Linking the mysql libraries fixed all the mysql problems. However, the php gd problem remains.

# php -m
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0

and as expected Owncloud still complains:

PHP module GD not installed.
PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?

I noticed that extensions_dir is not set in php.ini.  Will see if that helps. Other than that, I'm not sure what else to try to get GD working.


Jan 14, 2015, 3:20:06 PM1/14/15
Setting extension_dir in php.ini did not help.

João Cardoso

Jan 15, 2015, 10:39:50 AM1/15/15

On Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at 7:25:33 PM UTC, 3p141592654 wrote:
Thanks, progress! Linking the mysql libraries fixed all the mysql problems.

For your info, this issue has already been reported previously, and I opened a ticket for it
However, the php gd problem remains. 

# php -m
PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/extensions/' - File not found in Unknown on line 0

I couldn't reproduce that (I always try to reproduce users reported errors)

As a matter of fact, before creating the links, I also had the same exact 'php -m' error messages as you, but after creating the links they all disappeared and owncloud stared working (be patient, its web interface is *slow*, as are all programs that use interpreters, such as php or python).

What does 'ldd /usr/lib/php5/extensions/' outputs?

Also noticed that php has its own built-in gd library, although Alt-F also has a libgd library (I wasn't able to convince php to use Alt-F libgd). You can try to install  the libgd package, just to see if that changes anything.

and as expected Owncloud still complains:
PHP module GD not installed.
PHP modules have been installed, but they are still listed as missing?

I noticed that extensions_dir is not set in php.ini.

As the default value is used there is no need to set that.


Jan 15, 2015, 1:08:28 PM1/15/15
I must thank you and say I appreciate you spending your precious time helping me on this.

So I installed libgd yesterday but it did not help the problem.

I found one additional clue that I thought might be related. If I try to activate webdav in the lighttpd configure menu, lighttpd will not start:

Starting lighttpd: 2015-01-15 10:01:13: (plugin.c.169) dlopen() failed for: /usr/lib/lighttpd/ File not found
2015-01-15 10:01:13: (server.c.679) loading plugins finally failed

This problem has been reported earlier here, with no resolution at the time!topic/alt-f/T7SFKBoJIUw

I checked and /usr/lib/lighttpd/ exists,
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         31540 Oct  1 09:31

If that option is not set, then lighttpd works fine and gives reasonable results when I go to hello.php

The only other comment I have is that this install is an upgrade from RC2 to RC4.  The only reported solution to the GD problem was a fresh install on a new disk as reported in this thread by Goolias Andreas on Oct 11 2014.

Here is the output of ldd.  Two 'not found" errors, whoohoo!  I force-reinstall jpeg and jpeg-libs and problem is solved!  GD now loads properly.

# ldd /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for 'not found'                      <-------------------------
checking sub-depends for '/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6f47000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6f5f000) => /lib/ (0xb6fc0000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => not found (0x00000000)                               <--------------------------- => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x00000000)

I also looked at and it shows a very strange 'not found' in the middle of the stream

ldd /usr/lib/lighttpd/
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for 'not found'                          <--------------------------------
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6ef4000) => /lib/ (0xb6f55000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6edb000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6eba000) => /lib/ (0xb6f1b000)
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6f13000) => /lib/ (0xb6f74000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => not found (0x00000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000)
        not a dynamic executable


Following up on webdav, problem was with sqlite and sqlite-libs  I did a -force-reinstall on those two packages and webdav is now working.

Now owncloud is working, but has a warning:
Security Warning

Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work.
For information how to properly configure your server, please see the documentation.

Not sure what this means yet, but probably my error on setup.

João Cardoso

Jan 15, 2015, 2:08:08 PM1/15/15

On Thursday, January 15, 2015 at 6:08:28 PM UTC, 3p141592654 wrote:
I must thank you and say I appreciate you spending your precious time helping me on this.

So I installed libgd yesterday but it did not help the problem.

I expected that, but nonetheless...

I have one additional clue that may be related. If I try to activate webdav in the lighttpd configure menu, lighttpd will not start:

Starting lighttpd: 2015-01-15 10:01:13: (plugin.c.169) dlopen() failed for: /usr/lib/lighttpd/ File not found
2015-01-15 10:01:13: (server.c.679) loading plugins finally failed

This problem has been reported earlier here, with no resolution!topic/alt-f/T7SFKBoJIUw

I checked and /usr/lib/lighttpd/ exists,
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         31540 Oct  1 09:31

If that option is not set, then lighttpd works fine and gives reasonable results when I go to hello.php

The only other comment I have is that this install is an upgrade from RC2 to RC4.  The only reported solution t othe GD problem was a fresh install on a new disk as reported in this thread by Goolias Andreas on Oct 11 2014.

Here is the output of ldd.  I am not smart enough to know what to do with the information.

# ldd /usr/lib/php5/extensions/
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for 'not found'
checking sub-depends for '/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6f47000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6f5f000) => /lib/ (0xb6fc0000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => not found (0x00000000)

Try reinstalling jpeg-libs, you should have

[root@dns-320l]# ls -l /usr/lib/libjpeg*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            16 Jan 11 15:44 /usr/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            16 Jan 11 15:44 /usr/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        223776 Jan 11 15:44 /usr/lib/

  => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000)
        /lib/ => /lib/ (0x00000000)

I also looked at and it shows a very strange 'not found' in the middle of the stream

ldd /usr/lib/lighttpd/
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for 'not found'                          <--------------------------------

Not important
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6ef4000) => /lib/ (0xb6f55000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6edb000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6eba000) => /lib/ (0xb6f1b000)
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/usr/lib/'
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /lib/ (0xb6f13000) => /lib/ (0xb6f74000)
checking sub-depends for '/lib/' => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => not found (0x00000000)

Try reinstalling sqlite/sqlite-libs, you should have:

[root@dns-320l]# ls -la /usr/lib/*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            19 Jan 14 18:13 /usr/lib/ ->
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            19 Jan 14 18:13 /usr/lib/ ->
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        683360 Oct 21 02:30 /usr/lib/
 => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000) => /lib/ (0x00000000)
        not a dynamic executable


Following up on webdav, problem was with sqlite and sqlite-libs

Yes, as the above ldd shows
  I did a -force-reinstall on those two packages and webdav is now working. PHP GD problem remains though! :-(

There are some issues when upgrading packages with libraries: if some running process is using a library that is being updated the update might fail without error. And the library install script can't stop running processes as it doesn't know which one should be stopped and it makes no sense to stop them all.

Some of the issues you have might most probably be related to that (or, less probably, with the RC2 to RC4 upgrade)


Jan 15, 2015, 5:14:51 PM1/15/15
So reinstalling the indicated packages fixed all remaining issues with webdav and gd. The ldd command seems like a very good way to debug these types of problems as it very quickly led to the solution.

I now have owncloud running. I do see some issues, and it remains to be seen if the performance is there to make this viable on the dns323, but I will say that compared to my first attempt at this about a year ago it is vastly better. I am using mysql as its performance is supposed to be better than sqlite.

Nathan Behe

Jan 23, 2015, 8:39:25 PM1/23/15
So I followed along here, but it didn't help my GD problem... Any progress on this?

Nathan Behe

Jan 23, 2015, 8:43:31 PM1/23/15

Rebooted and now things are working.



Jan 23, 2015, 9:03:21 PM1/23/15
Update on owncloud 7 on a DNS-323.  It works but as expected is slow.  I was hoping to migrate ownCloud from a Ubuntu PC to the DNS-323 so that I could reduce the energy footprint of running a server 24x7, but it really just doesn't have the muscle. The DNS-320L is about 4x fast than the 323 judging by the benchmarks, which I think is still not going to cut it.  Probably need at least a 10x improvement to make it feasible.
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