NFS setup?

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Lloyd Leung

Mar 1, 2013, 9:54:59 PM3/1/13

I just recently installed alt-f over my dns-323, rev-a, over firmware1.10.  Changed the packages to point to sourceforge. 

Looking to figure out how to get NFS working.

I've installed the package, configured, and started it.

$> cat /etc/exports

meaning, I'm trying to only share the /mnt/md0/Public/RW directory, read/write, defaults...

The ownership/permissions seem to be correct for the folder in question.
$> ls -hal /mnt/md0/Public/RW
total 8
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   nobody      4.0K Feb 26 06:57 .
drwxr-xr-x    4 root     root        4.0K Feb 26 06:57 ..

NFS web admin -> services -> network, states that NFS is running.

I'm double verifying that NFS is running:
$> /etc/init.d/S61nfs restart
chown: /var/lib/nfs/.rmtab.lock: Input/output error
Restarting nfsd: 
chown: /var/lib/nfs/.rmtab.lock: Input/output error
Stopping nfsd: OK.
Stopping rpc.statd: OK.
Stopping rpc.mountd: OK.
chown: /var/lib/nfs/.rmtab.lock: Input/output error
Starting portmap: ...............................OK.
Starting rpc.mountd: OK.
Starting rpc.statd: OK.
Starting rpc.nfsd: OK.
Starting sm-notify: OK.

NOTE the three errors; not sure if they are important.

When I'm in OSX, finder... and try and connect/mount the drive, I cannot connect to DNS-323 alt-f:

where <user> is created under:
NFS web admin -> setup -> users

No password prompt goes up...
Just states:
There was a problem connecting to the server ""
You do not have permission to access this server.

The IP of my mac is:

The IP of the DNS-323 is:

I'm sure I'm missing a step or something... what could I be doing wrong?

Joao Cardoso

Mar 6, 2013, 9:45:41 AM3/6/13
Sorry for the delay

On Saturday, March 2, 2013 2:54:59 AM UTC, Lloyd Leung wrote:

I just recently installed alt-f over my dns-323, rev-a, over firmware1.10.  Changed the packages to point to sourceforge. 

Looking to figure out how to get NFS working.

I've installed the package,

??? NFS needs no package to be installed, it is available in the base firmware.
What package are you referring to?
I think they are (but not for your specific problem). Please reboot and see if it still happens.

When I'm in OSX, finder... and try and connect/mount the drive, I cannot connect to DNS-323 alt-f:

where <user> is created under:
NFS web admin -> setup -> users

No password prompt goes up...

I know nothing about macs, but that does not seems to be the right way to setup a NFS client. Please search the web on how to set it up. (search for "mac nfs mount")

NFS does not asks for passwords, and is not used on behalf of a particular user.

Alt-F uses NFS v3, that requires user equivalence on both the server and client (if you want files to be owned by the "right" user).
For this to happen, the same user, with the same user and group id,  must exists in both the server and the client. This is setup when creating users (the gray User id and Group IP entries in the New User Setup page)
NFS v4 makes user equivalence using other mechanism. NFS v4 is backward compatible with NFS v3, so your client will work with the Alt-F NFS v3 server.


Apr 6, 2013, 5:33:39 AM4/6/13
If this is still open, look up the NFS manager. Works a treat here. Can't connect via CMD+K.
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