Hot to update CA certificates?

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Mark van Leeuwen

Mar 7, 2019, 6:29:29 PM3/7/19
to Alt-F

I saw that in this commit there is an attempt to get new CA certificates at (what I understand) build time.

+if test $(expr $(stat -c %Y $ca_bundle 2> /dev/null) + 2592000) -lt $(date +%s); then
+	curl -o $ca_bundle --time-cond $ca_bundle
+	cp $ca_bundle $ROOTFS/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.crt

On my setup the header of the /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.crt file reads

## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Wed Jun  7 03:12:05 2017 GMT

whereas the one from currently reads:

## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Wed Jan 23 04:12:09 2019 GMT

Any existing functinnality to do the same automatic/regular update in a running Alt-F environment, or is the solution to create a cronjob running parts of the commands above (basically the "curl -o ...") ?

Best, Mark

João Cardoso

Mar 7, 2019, 10:47:24 PM3/7/19
The fastest track is to setup a  cronjob, say, once a week or month to not overload their site.

We don't mind you downloading the PEM file from us in an automated fashion, but please don't do it more often than once per day. It is only updated once every few months anyway.

A suitable curl command line to only download it when it has changed:

Remember that when saved to /etc/ssl/ it will be really stored on disk, under the /Alt-F directory (that you should not directly manipulate, read its README.txt). 

Can you file a request at siurceforge? or else the idea will vanish

Best, Mark

Mark van Leeuwen

Mar 8, 2019, 3:28:34 AM3/8/19
to Alt-F
Sourceforge feature request ticket:

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